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David Akomolafe

Professor Miller

Introduction to Communication

23 March 2022

The Science of Sprinting


I. As humans, running has been encoded into our genes, from running away from

predators to running towards potential food sources. It’s integral for us to move out places as fast

as possible, leading to the innovation of a myriad of technologies, such as cars etc…

- Although we have technology that allows us to travel faster, the act of being able

to utilize our bodies to traverse as fast as possible will always be mired upon by

others; from the playground to the Olympics sprinting is held in high regard


II. In the intro I want to mention why humans are fascinated with moving fast, from an

evolutionary standpoint. Next I would like to mention why in spite of the presence of new

technologies we continue to host feats of athleticism such as sprinting


Ill. This is where I begin to explain the science behind sprinting, beginning with the

phases (start/drive phase, acceleration phase, maintenance phase, deceleration phase)

A. The start consists of sitting within a stance in preparation to push off with as much

power as possible. Within the start phase the drive phase consists of constant pushing at an angle

in order to generate momentum for the next phase.


B. The acceleration phase should start at approximately 30m in for optimal results. WIth

the penultimate drive step this should immediately transition the sprinter to an upright position in

comparison to the prior position atan angle. This should not be done all at once though the

transition to an upright position should be gradual (mention dorsiflexing).

C. While in the upright position the most sprinter would be able to hold their position for

the next 40m. After that the spriter begins to enter the deceleration phase this is where the

holding of position comes into play as power can no longer be generated due to central and

peripheral fatigue.


A. Re-iterate on everything in the introduction

Works Cited

Design, NSCA's Guide to Program. “Sprinting Mechanics and Technique.” National Strength
and Conditioning Association (NSCA), NSCA, 10 Dec. 2018,

University Doctorate of P, et al. “The 4 Main Phases of Sprinting Mechanics.” Competitive

Edge, 5 Oct. 2021,

“Phases of Sprinting.” Building Better Athletes,

“Phases of Sprinting.” LIVESTRONG.COM, Leaf Group,

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