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Guidelines for the Online Quiz


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Part A: General Instructions

1. As a registered participant of the quiz, you can take the quiz from the comfort of your home, on an online mode.

2. To ensure the best experience, we would suggest that you take the quiz on a computer/laptop with good internet
connectivity. Please ensure that you have a power back-up in case of power failures.

3. The recommended browser is Google Chrome. Please set the zoom level to 100% in your browser settings.

4. The login process is explained in Part B: Screen-by-screen guide to accessing the quiz, of this document.

5. We suggest that you log in a few minutes before the actual quiz start time. The quiz will start sharp at the specified time. You
should click the ‘LAUNCH’ button at the quiz start time. Please note that you will not be able to launch the quiz after 5 minutes
from the quiz start time.
• For e.g., if the quiz start time is 7 pm, you will not be able to launch the quiz after 7.05 pm. You should click the ‘LAUNCH’
button at 7 pm sharp. There will be no second chance provided.

6. The quiz will contain 30 questions and will take a total of 15 minutes. At the end of allotted time, viz. 15 minutes, the quiz will get
auto-submitted, in case you fail/forget to ‘Submit’ the quiz.

7. The questions will be in multiple choice question format. Each question carries 1 mark. There is NO negative marking. NO marks
will be deducted for un-attempted questions. All the questions will be timed.

8. During the quiz if your internet connectivity is disrupted, the quiz will close, and you will not be able to move to the next question.
Post establishing connectivity & re-login, you will be able to continue from the same question when you got disconnected.
• For e.g., if you have completed 10 minutes in the quiz, and are on Q.No.25 at the time of disruption, then upon re-login,
you will be able to start from Q.No.25 and get the remaining 5 minutes (of the total 15 minutes), provided you started the
quiz at the quiz start time.

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9. Since this is an online quiz, there would be NO assistance during the quiz. Kindly ensure you have a good internet bandwidth,
and your UPS/laptop battery is charged enough to last the 15 minutes. It is advisable that you are seated next to the Wi-Fi device
or internet router, throughout the duration of the quiz, to ensure smooth internet connectivity. It is also advisable to disable other
programs / notifications throughout the entire duration of the quiz, so that you do not get locked out. There will be no second
chance provided.

Part B: Screen-by-Screen Guide for accessing the exam

STEP 1: Enter the quiz link shared with you (via email / SMS) in web-browser (recommended browser is Google Chrome). The zoom level
must be set to 100%.

For e.g.
Step1: Open quiz link in a web-browser

STEP 2: Enter the Username and Password [shared in the email] and click on the ‘Login’ button.

Step2: Enter Username and Password

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STEP 3: On successfully logging in, you will see your name on the ‘Participant Details’ tab. Please click on the ‘Online Quiz’ tab to view
the quiz link.

Step3: Click on 'Online Quiz' tab

STEP 4: Under ‘Online Quiz’, the quiz will appear under the tab named ‘Current’. Click on the ‘Launch’ link to start the quiz.

Step4: Click on ‘Launch'

STEP 5: If your web-browser blocks pop-ups, you will see a ‘pop-up blocker’ message on the URL bar after clicking on ‘Launch’. To get
rid of this error, click on this pop-up blocker icon and select ‘Always allow pop-ups’ option and click the ‘Done’ button. Once again, click
on the ‘Launch’ link.

Step5: Select the option ‘Always allow pop-ups’

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STEP 6: Please read the ‘Instructions’ carefully; tick the check box and click on ‘I am ready to begin’.

Step6: Tick the ‘I have read...’ box and click on ‘I am ready to begin’
(Image is for representation purpose only)

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STEP 7: On clicking ‘I am ready to begin’, the Quiz window opens.

c d

Step7: Exam Window (Image is for representation purpose only)

a. Time Left
1. You will get 30 seconds to attempt each question.
2. For the 30 questions, the maximum duration (total duration) of the quiz is thus 15 minutes.
3. The countdown timer in the top right (a) of screen will display the remaining time available to complete the question.
4. When the timer reaches 00:00, the screen will automatically display the next question and timer start will get reset to 00:30.
5. This means if you have not answered the previous question, you will lose your chance to answer the question. After the timer
for the last question reaches zero, the quiz will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your quiz.
6. Unused time will NOT get carried over to the next question/s.

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b. Answering a question
1. Each question will have 4 answer options. Please scroll down to view all four options. To select your answer, click on the
button of the option of your choice.
2. To change your chosen option, click on the button of any other option.
3. Click on ‘Save & Next’ button to move to the next question.
4. You cannot go back to a question after answering the question (i.e after clicking on ‘Save & Next’ button).

c. Save & Next

1. You should click on the ‘Save & Next’ button after answering every question.
2. If you do not click on the ‘Save & Next’ button and the question is timed out (i.e. 30 second time lapses), you will
automatically move to the next question and the answer for the previous question will NOT get saved.
3. You cannot go back to a question after answering the question OR after the time lapses.
4. Hence, it is important to select the answer and click ‘Save & Next’ within the allotted 30 seconds.

d. Submit
1. After answering all the questions, you should click on the ‘Submit’ button.
2. On clicking Submit, a Summary screen will appear, showing the number of questions attempted.
3. Please click on ‘YES’/’OK’ to proceed.
4. If you do not click on ‘Submit’ button at the end of total duration of 15 minutes, the quiz will be auto-submitted.


DO NOT click on the buttons labelled ‘Mark for Review & Next’, ‘Clear Response’ and ‘Previous’. These buttons are not
applicable for this Quiz.

Please turn off all desktop notifications during the period of the quiz.

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Rules of the Quiz
The participant also agrees that they have read the Rules of the Quiz mentioned at the time of registering for the quiz and that they will
abide by all the rules and the decisions of the organisers and quizmaster/s.

All the very best!

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