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STUDENT NUMBER : 219143609





I MalakiaTangi Kapenda hereby affirms that this paper is a truthful reflection of my own
research and that neither it nor any portion of it has been submitted for credit at any other
higher education institution.
No part of this thesis or dissertation may be copied, archived, or used for any other purpose.
communicated in any way, including by mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or
without the author's permission, or the Namibian University of Science and Technology in
that case.

I, Malakia Tangi Kapenda gave permission for The Namibian University of science and
Technology to publish this mini thesis in complete or in part, in any format that the
Namibian University of science and technology deems appropriate for.

M.T. Kapenda

24 October


To my late grandmother Mrs. Lovisa Gwakapula Kapenda, if not for your financial assistance
and encouragements that never stops ringing in my ears, for being my biggest cheerleader
in achieving this. My father the late Hon. Gerson Kapenda and my mother Ms. Hilde
Keendawala for a firm foundation that made me who I am today.

Namibia’s economic growth has been linked to the fortune of the mining industry. While
continuing to be dedicated to the attainment of national goals such as poverty reduction,
employment creation and skill development, among others the sector also contributes to
the establishment of towns. The importance of the sector to the Namibian economy
necessitates that its various role plyers within respective leaderships enlarges its
competiveness. Despite the aforementioned, the mining sector is never the less vulnerable
to changes in global commodity markets. Strategic plan implementation is important for
many if not all the companies, however many companies face challenges in implementing
strategic plans. Though the Swakop Uranium has excellent strategic plans but the
implementation of this plans remains a challenge due to various factors that are unknown
and thus the investigation is about the factors that affect strategic plan implantation at the
Swakop Uranium. The purpose of the study was to Investigate the factors that affect
strategic plan implementation at Swakop Uranium, Identify the internal and external
mechanisms in place to ensure that the strategic plan is enforced, To determine strategies
which can aid in effective strategic plan implementation and To determine the effect
communication has on improving strategic plan implementation. The study adopted a
grounded theory design, whereby qualitative data are to be collected with interviews and
surveys. These interviews included the Swakop Uranium management and employees.
Before the surveys are employed for the research, the pilot study is used to identify and
address its flaws. SPSS will be used to examine the data.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND............................................................................7
1.1. INTORDUCTION......................................................................................................................7
1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY................................................................................................7
1.3. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..............................................................................................8
1.4. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES..........................................................................................................9
1.5. SUB OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................................9
1.6. MAIN RESEARCH QUESTION..................................................................................................9
4.1.1. SUB RESEARCH QUESTION.............................................................................................9
1.7. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY................................................................................................9
1.8. DELIMITATION.....................................................................................................................10
1.8.1. Geographic Delimitation..............................................................................................10
1.8.2. Data Period Delimitation..............................................................................................10
1.8.3. Theoretical/ Literature Delimitation............................................................................10
1.9. LIMITATION..........................................................................................................................10
1.10. CHAPTER SUMMARY........................................................................................................10
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................11
2.1. INTORDUCTION........................................................................................................................11
2.2. THEORETICAL LITERATURE................................................................................................11
2.2.1. To investigate the factors that affect strategic plan implementation at Swakop Uranium.
2.2.2. Examine the effects of internal and external factors on strategic plan implementation.. 12
2.3. IMPERICAL LITERATURE............................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................14
3.1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................14
3.3. RESEARCH APPROACH..............................................................................................................14
3.4. Population................................................................................................................................15
3.5. Sample......................................................................................................................................16
3.6. RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS.........................................................................................................16
3.7. RESEARCH ETHICS.....................................................................................................................17
3.7. CHAPTER SUMMARY.................................................................................................................18

4.1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................19
4.2. DATA PRESENTATION...............................................................................................................19
4.3. Data collection procedures.......................................................................................................19
4.3.1. Section A: Demographic information:................................................................................20
4.3.2.Age Participants..................................................................................................................20
4.4. CHAPTER SUMMARY.................................................................................................................22
1.10.1. Lucas, M. B. (2013, March). oxford hand books . Retrieved April 19, 2022, from


My outmost appreciation goes out to the Almighty Father, for granting me the favor,
strength and capability to carry out research proposal. Secondly, I would love to appreciate
my supervisor Ms. Salmie Sakaria for being the most patient, correcting and guiding me
throughout this journey. Lastly the support of my siblings Ms Asteria Kapenda and Ms
Martha Abambi for their outmost support throughout this process, for the sleepless nights
that they had waiting for me to type and formulate my questionnaire, proof reading and
correcting accordingly.


According to Nambimga & Mubita (2021), the mining sector plays a vital role in the
economic development of Namibia and it still remains the backbone of the Namibian
economy as seen according to the average statistics of annual economic growth where it
contributes to employment of the country. This is also presented in the income generation
rate making it the key source of government fiscal receipts and foreign exchange among
others. Mirzaei (2020) notes that strategic planning is all about setting priorities, focusing
energy and resources, bolstering operations, ensuring that employees and other
stakeholders are working toward common goals, establishing agreement around intended
outcomes, and evaluating and adjusting the organization's direction in response to a variety
of factors. This shows that Initial assessment, scenario analysis, plan design, strategy
execution, monitoring, and evaluation are the typical processes in the strategy management
process. Boikanyo (2016) seconds that the third goal is to identify the analytical techniques
most frequently applied to situational, internal, and external assessment as a component of
the strategic management process.

While many people think that developing an original and new strategy is essential, it is
sufficient in itself to propel a company to success in today's business environment, making
sure that such a strategy actually works (Reeds, 2019). Therefore, the most frequent
problems that lead to failure should closely monitor the implementation of initiatives.
Mirzaei (2020) adds that there are several methods that can be used to implement a
strategy much more successfully. In fact, employees actively considering strategy while they
make day-to-day decisions in a constantly changing reality is a necessary component of
excellent strategic management (Rajasekar, 2014). According to other scholars, it is claimed
between 50%-80% of strategic efforts fail. The development of strategic options, study of
those alternatives, and a focus on the long-term effects of current decisions are all
necessary components of strategic planning. Strategic planning is known for its increased
emphasis on implementation, adaptability to the always-changing environment, ability to
concentrate on identifying important challenges, and capacity to advance strategic thinking
(Ramirez, 2019). This research therefore aimed to investigate the factors that affected the
strategic plan implementation in the Namibian mining industry specifically looking at
Swakop Uranium.


The primary idea is that through strategic management, a company can verify that its
strategy is being implemented correctly and that it is oriented toward its target market.
Many firms have recently come to understand the value of strategic management. However,
the way that strategic management and strategic planning are done makes a significant

difference in whether a company succeeds or fails (Wells, 2012). By recognising the
advantages of strategic management, organisations may assure their long-term viability and
success in the market. Swakop Uranium is one of the leading mines in the industry it started
its mine in February 2013. However, according to internal data, Swakop Uranium has been
facing challenges of strategic implementation, which leads to misalignment of the visions
and missions of the company. It was noted that 67% of businesses on average fail to meet
their strategic objectives (Swakop Uranium, 2022). Covey (2021) states that “most leaders
would agree that they would be better off having an average strategy with great execution
than a superb strategy with terrible execution.” Therefore, the questions that remain at
large would be on why executing a strategy is so challenging, if there are systems, people or
processes available, and who or what to blame for the failure to achieve strategic goals.
Therefore, the most typical issue with strategy execution as faced by Swakop Uranium is
discussed in this research along with change management suggestions that may be swiftly
implemented for Swakop Uranium to start the process of becoming a highly effective
strategy execution firm.


Mines presently have difficult decisions to make about their profitability, luring and
developing critical talent, generating finance, allocating resources, and stakeholder
engagement. For the establishment or maintenance of any competitive advantage, these
businesses must be able to manage environmental discontinuities and unanticipated
changes, which needs higher strategic flexibility, speed, and innovation (Ogunyemi 2020)
Mining businesses should employ strategic thinking and analytical tools to make difficult
decisions, even in difficult times. Strategic plan implementation have been a challenge to
many organisations, especially in the mining sector (Kandjoze, 2022).

Due to lack of strategy plan implementation, there is lack of information sharing and
inadequate staffing. Some newly formed departments are not fully resourced in the terms
of human capital and in some mining areas, companies in the value chain are excluded and
information affecting their operations is not filtering to them (Ng and Yedan, 2023).
Ediriweera and Wiewiora (2021) state that there is no technical and specialized skills over
the entire mining and energy value chain and this creates implementation challenges on the
mining industry of the country.

Mining businesses need to concentrate on specific elements of their high-level and

operational strategies, which combined serve as the foundation for long-term strategic
planning and short-term prioritization. As they will influence investment choices, they
should be able to clearly explain both the financial and non-financial objectives, which

should be in line with the company's overarching vision. They should locate durable
competitive advantages and build their business models around these. These options often
include those related to mining technique, mine layout, technology, and sustainability. They
should make sure they have the necessary resources, training, and configuration for
successfully implementing these tactics. The primary obstacle that analytical tools must
overcome is the ability to retain sustainability while they operate. Therefore, studies have
been conducted on this similar topic but a few tackled in the Namibian Mining sector at
Swakop Uranium. The study intended to investigate the factors that affect strategic plan
implementation at the chosen organization.


 The main objective of the study was to investigate the factors that affect strategic
plan implementation at Swakop Uranium.


 To identify internal and external current mechanism in place to ensure that strategic
plan is enforced.
 To determine strategies which can aid in effective strategic plan implementation.
 To determine the effect that communication has on improving strategic plan


 What are the factors that affect strategic plan implementation?


 What are the internal and external mechanisms available for strategic plan
 What strategies that can be implemented to aid effective strategic plan
 What effect does communication have on improving strategic plan implementation?


The findings of the study meant to contribute positively to the mining sector, the economic
sector and the public at large.

Swakop Uranium and Ministry of mines and energy: the study uncovered factors, which
are influencing the successful implementation of its strategic plans. By uncovering this the

organization and ministry can use this information to improve service delivery. The Public
Sector and The Economy: The public sector will be able to improve service delivery to
numerous stakeholders with this information, they can use to improve the economy of
Namibia. The improvement in the economy will have a ripple effect on other fundamental
economic issues such as reduction in unemployment, improved inflation rate, improved
investment prospects and a better Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Taxpayers will also enjoy
value for their money. Private sector: The study will expose areas where efficiencies can be
optimised and effectiveness improved through effective strategy implementation in the
Private Sector. Although the study focuses on the Public sector, the results will also have an
impact on the private sector. The university the vacuum in the existing literature regarding
the variables influencing strategy implementation in the public sector will be greatly closed
by the results of this study. The university's knowledge database will be expanded with fresh
and more effective concepts for next studies. The student, the study will aid the
researcher's professional growth by providing a thorough understanding of the variables
influencing the implementation of strategic plans. As a result, the researcher will have
knowledge to inform their present and future employers on the efficient and effective
implementation of strategic strategies.

This study covered factors that affected strategic plan implementation. The study was
mainly carried out at the Swakop Uranium, Erongo Region at their operations office where
their administrations and top management.
1.8.1. Geographic Delimitation
The study was carried out in the Erongo region in Namibia at the Swakop uranium mine.
1.8.2. Data Period Delimitation
The period to the data collection was the second semester in the mini thesis timeframe
which is July-November 2023.
1.8.3. Theoretical/ Literature Delimitation
Only literature pertaining to the execution of strategic plans, concepts associated with it,
and the variables influencing it were studied by the researcher.

Bias was a foreseen limitation to the study, as the candidates were interviewed or involved
in the research might not be honest in answering the given questions. The fear of being
dismissed did not allow them to sit for interviews. Therefore, there were no enough sources
pertaining the proposed topic. The study also had shortcomings especially on data

This chapter pertains a brief synopsis of the study starting with the introductory background
of the research, statement of the problem, the objectives of the research, the research
questions significance of the study and end with delimitation and limitation of the study.
The next chapter will look at the literature review of other scholars on the factors affecting
effective strategic plan implementation. It will show literature that guided the study such as
the discussion of the concepts used, and answering research questions using literature


This chapter is about the study literature that was conducted by other scholars on the same
topic. It acts as a guide for this study and to safe guide the entire research. Therefore it
examines the empirical research that has already been done and the theoretical
underpinnings that give a thorough literature assessment of many aspects influencing the
implementation of strategic plans. It also emphasizes theories that underpin the research,
such open systems. The literature on effective strategies that can be applied in organizations
to help with strategy implementation includes the resource-based value theory, agency
theory, and agency theory.


2.2.1. To investigate the factors that affect strategic plan implementation at Swakop
There is tremendous demand on firms to create strategies to survive and thrive in the
market because of the quickly evolving business climate and the heightened competition.
Implementing a strategy is a crucial competitive technique for achieving the necessary goals
objectives and performs better. Smith (2019) note that choppy business environmental
factors, technological effects, globalization, rising customer expectations, and intense
competition are motivating elements for firms implement strategic practice.

The importance of culture in a strategy's execution is made clear by drawing on Denison's

(1990) model of culture and model of culture and effectiveness (Dragan, Georges, Mustafa,
2021). The four aspects of culture complex combination of (involvement, continuity,
adaptability, and mission) dictates a person's ability, responsibility, and sensitivity to both in
dictates a person's ability, responsibility, and sensitivity to both internal and external
situations, and as a result developing the ideal recipe for strategy execution (Egessa, 2022).
Tugerui (2020) asserts that organizational culture frequently accepts change as it works to
keep relationships and behavior patterns consistent. As a result, caution should o monitor
the consistency of the strategy culture fit when implementing a strategy connection.
Community as a requirement for carrying out a strategy

Reed (2022) note that on resource allocation and strategy implementation, physical, human,
technological and financial resources are the resources organizations need to attain their
objectives. When the plan was put into action, the massive the problem is a lack of

resources of any kind, including money, facilities, equipment, and people resources'
knowledge and expertise (Stacey & Mowles, 2018). Occasionally, it would be it's acceptable
to organize, recruit, hire, select, fire certain employees, and probably encourage some of to
enable them to accomplish the corporate strategic objectives. Additionally stated that
another crucial aspect of carrying out the plan is the ability to establish and sustain effective
teams. Decided that the work relationship may make it more difficult to implement the plan.
(Mailu, 2020). As a result, the plan should allocate enough resources.

Reed (2022) also highlights that staff training and strategy implementation are related
factors which play a crucial role in strategic plan implementation. This is because with the
right organizational structure, it is essential that the organization ensures that it has people
with skills, knowledge and attributes for putting in place the strategy chosen. Thus
employees are carefully selected and sending out employees on training.

Organisational rewards play a crucial role as one of the factors affecting the implementation
of strategy (Uhl-Bien & Marion, 2020; MeKelvey, 2021; Reed, 2020). They add that in order
for strategy implementers to maximize shareholder capital through chosen strategies to be
implemented and achieved, they should be well compensated. Various incentive plans were
put forth. These consist of stock options where employees have the chance. to purchase
shares from the business, making them co-owners and providing them with incentives and
benefits. wherein the attainment of strategic goals results in additional financial
remuneration (Pearce & Robinson, 2018). Others include non-cash rewards like accolades,
trophies, and recognition (Armstrong, 2006). Officers whose units successfully carry out
their missions will have prospects for advancement and promotions. strategies. This
appreciation of employees' efforts and performance enables them to perform to the best of
their abilities and coordinate their actions to meet strategic objectives (Pitts & Lei, 2018).

2.2.2. Examine the effects of internal and external factors on strategic plan

Factors of the external and internal environment of the company have been the subject of
research by many researchers. Dykan, Zubenko, Makovoz, Tokmakova, and Shramenko
(2021) determine two separate subsystems and give detailed description of the factors of
external and internal environment. ShvetsYu (2016) argues that for company development
it is necessary to distinguish between the factors of external environment and internal
environment with consideration to the specifics of company operation. Dovhan, Karakai and
Artemenko (2021) interpret the company environment as factors with direct and indirect
impact on the company operation. Hevko and Shved (2018) put emphasis on the
information component as an important element in the analysis of external and internal
environment in the mining sector. Fisunenko and Lazhe (2019) consider the external and

internal environment in the context of situational plans as a means of reaction on external
and internal threats. Hrechan (2021) points out on the necessity to outline the innovation
component in the external and internal environment. According to Fedulova and Kolosh
(2017) strategic management is based on analysis of both internal and external
environment, with emphasis made on the external factors and management analysis to
improve the company performance. In spite of the significant stock of literary sources
devoted to analysis of the factors of external and internal environment at company level,
some problems are still to be elaborated, including certain aspects of these factors’ impact
in the context of strategic management of innovation processes at the company level, the
sector the company belongs to, which raises the importance of this study.

Strategic management is a superior decision that is taken up by the managers to achieve

competitive advantage by reducing internal resources and increasing external opportunities,
avoiding external threats (Marge, Ulle & Toomas, 2017). Some of the factors that affect
internal strategy implementation is, Infrastructure: organizational structure, vision and
mission, Hierarchy and upper management, Human resource management: the skills
brought into the organization, Technology, Procurement: measurement of assets, sources
and inventory. While, some of the factors that affects strategy implementation externally
are, Markets (customers), Competition: knowing whom the organization is competing
against and Supplier market (Reed, 2020).


Mwanyekange (2022) looks more into strategy plan implementation in a qualitative method
used as a research factor to gather qualitative data. Mahmood N. (2022) builds his paper on
previous theoretical and empirical studies to determine the extent to which contextual
factors impact the strategic decision-making processes. Results showed that researches on
contextual factors effecting the strategic decision-making process are either limited or have
produced contradictory results, especially studies relating decision’s familiarity, magnitude
of impact, organizational size, firm’s performance, dynamism, hostility, heterogeneity,
industry, cognitive diversity, cognitive conflict, and the manager’s need for achievement to
strategic decision-making processes. Pearce & Robinson (2017) determine the
characteristics of strategic issues and their peculiarities in the context of external and
internal factors of enterprises. Zakic, Jovanovic, and Stamatovic (2018) study the influence
of external and internal factors on mining products and business processes innovation for its
products. Marge, Ulle, and Toomas (2017) indicate the factors that influence strategic
management attitudes. Factor analysis is used to detect those factors affecting the internal
and external environment. As a result of the study, the following potential critical success
factors for the competitiveness of organisations in cultural and creative industries were
mapped: the lack of financial resources, a highly competitive environment and orientation
to international co-operation.

The literature on the variables influencing strategy implementation was reviewed in this
chapter. It is evident from the several sources that have been examined that a number of
elements influence how a plan is implemented. To achieve successful strategy
implementation, management or the implementers should be aware of these factors.
According to the literature, an organisation's strategy may be influenced by internal or
external forces.


The aim of this chapter is to identify the research methodology that was used in this study
and that is the research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation.
The methodical, scientific technique to conducting research, examining issues, and
compiling data and information for a certain goal is known as research methodology. It
involves the methods and processes used to locate, gather, examine, and evaluate data in
order to respond to research queries or address research issues. Furthermore, the research
process is guided by theoretical and philosophical frameworks (Muhhamed, 2023).


Research design is the structure of research techniques and methods chosen by a
researcher. This design allows researchers to polish in on research methods that are suitable
for the subject matter and set their studies up for success. According to McCombes (2021)”a
research design is a strategy for answering research questions using empirical data.
• What are the factors that affect strategic implementation at Swakop uranium?
• What are the effects of internal external factors on strategic plan implementation?
• What are the current mechanisms in place to ensure that strategic plan implementation is
The aim for the research is to understand the subjective experience and the seeking of the
independent opinions on the interpretation of various pieces of textual data.
The research design is the overarching plan one selects to integrate the various study
components in a logical and cogent manner, thereby ensuring one will successfully address
the research problem. It serves as the guide for data collection, measurement, and analysis.
Keep in mind that the type of design one can use is determined by one’s own research
issues. Not the other way round. The core function of the research design is to ensure that
the core findings of the research are able to bring solutions to the problem presented
(Blackstone, 2018)


The research method that is being used in this proposal is the Qualitative method there will
be exploration of ideas, thoughts and meanings.

According to Kothari (2028), for those that are used to using the quantitative methods at
first they might not seem to work but moreover it is vital to understand that quantitative

method tends to answer/solve also questions as the qualitative method would do. The
reason why a qualitative method was used in this proposal is the unique depth of
understanding one gets from the qualitative method, it is different from closed questioned
surveys, and respondents are able to share their point of views and experiences without
being afraid. Qualitative method offers numerous approaches to research, the researcher
has a chance to follow up on the answers given and they can have answers why the
respondent choose that particular say. The respondents can freely elaborate their answers.
This method will enable the researcher to answer in depth the problem questions of the
factors that contribute to the power of imbalance in work place. Other researchers say they
use qualitative methods to answer research questions it helps with the depth of invisible
patterns that cannot be analyzed using quantitative method but qualitative method. For
instance, qualitative research can help one better understand the relevance of strategic plan
implementation (Busetto et al., 2020).
The qualitative method will be able to carry out the investigation into the factors that affect
strategic plan implementation by addressing the research questions such as the factors that
contribute strategic plan implementation. The researcher got the answers via primary data
carrying out samples and go out into the field, go in depth of that question. The researcher
can find spurious using this research methodology by:
Observing: the researcher had question down and recorded the answers via observation,
seeing or hearing what they are looking for. Interviews were carried by asking one on one
questions to people.

3.4. Population
Population in terms of research means the entire group that the researcher wants to draw a
conclusion. Bhanddri, 2020 state that a population does not always refer to people, this can
be a group containing elements of anything one wants to study in this case is the factors
that affect strategic planning implementation at work place.
Looking at Swakop Uranium a research will be carried out at the main branch. This
population study is conducted in order for the researcher to have a broader knowledge and
understanding on the inputs of the stakeholders, how they think and feel and their
contribution. The researcher in this study will look at the eligibility criteria being involved in
the Swakop Uranium’s strategic management.

3.5. Sample
Unlike population the sample size is a smaller group of individuals that the researcher
collected data from. Still with a only just defined population it is hardly ever possible to
collect data from every individual, as a substitute the researcher will collect data from a
sample (McCombes, 2021).

The type of sampling method that is used in the study is the non-probability sampling.
Stratified sampling that is used in the study whereby the population are divided into
subpopulations in this case the three categories are divided into subcategories that may
differ in important ways. This sampling method allows the researcher to draw a more
precise conclusion and ensures that every sub category is properly represented in the
sample. Furthermore, the researcher conducted a purposive sampling whereby the
researcher wants to gain detailed knowledge about how the employees from Swakop
Uranium are affected by strategic plan implementation.


According to Discov (2020), ”the term research instrument refers to a tool that one may use
to collect data, measure data and analyse data that is relevant to the subject of ones
research. A structural interview is used by the researcher, that is formally asked to the
interviewee and their Response recorded using a systematic and standard methodology.
The research study employed the data collection method whereby secondary data was
collected from the historical filings of Swakop Uranium, Secondary data is data that is used
to re- analyze data that was previously collected to backup new data that is found.
Secondary data analysis refers to the analysis of existing data collected by others. Secondary
analysis affords researchers the opportunity to investigate research questions using large-
scale data sets that are often inclusive of under-represented groups, while saving time and
resources (Lucas, 2013).


This is the importance of values, moral principles and obligations, and the protection of
participants. The researcher will obtain a letter from the Management sciences department
of the Namibian University of Science and technology for permission to carry out this study.
All protocols will have observed, where the researcher will inform the participants and
Swakop Uranium organization where they will give their consent. Everyone that is called in
for an interview will have a choice to decline as it is voluntary. There will be no harm or
threats given out in order for this study to be carried. Information carried out for the study
will be confidential and no names will be written to protect individuals who do not want to
be exposed


In this chapter the researcher is dealing with the type of research method how this research
is going to be carried out, the research instruments and the sample. This is the chapter

where the researcher goes out in the field to collect data be it primary or secondary,
furthermore it is also in this chapter where the relevant of data collection is stated where
there are other views from other sources.


Data from the field are analysed, interpreted, and discussed in this chapter. Based on the
variables influencing the Swakop Uranium’s strategic plan implementation, conclusions
were drawn. More precisely, this research looked into the internal and external elements
influencing the execution of a plan. Additionally, the methods that can be applied to
enhance the strategic plans' execution and the impact of communication on the putting
strategic strategies into action

4.3. Data collection procedures

This study used a questionnaire as the data collection instrument. According to Creswell
(2012), a questionnaire is a written or printed form used in gathering information on
some subjects, consisting of a set of questions to be submitted to one or more
individuals. The advantages of the questionnaire are that large amounts of information
can be collected from many people in a short period of time and in a relatively cost-
effective way. The researcher through use of software packages can easily and quickly
quantify questionnaires. The disadvantages of questionnaires are that people may read
46 differently into each question and therefore reply based on their own interpretation
of the question. In collecting data, the questionnaires were distributed to the
participants in the study by the researcher herself and collected thereafter for analysis,
the research study employed the data collection method whereby secondary data was
collected from the historical filings of Swakop Uranium. The questionnaire was
constructed to address the research objectives. The researcher constructed the
questionnaire himself. The questionnaire consisted of structured questions.

4.3.1. Section A: Demographic information:

A total of 50participants took part in the study. The majority of the participants were male,
as represented by 28 out of 50, which accounts 56 % of the participants. The female
participants constituted 44% (22out of 50).

Table 1: Gender of participants

Frequency Percent
Male 28 56
female 22
total 100

4.3.2. Age Participants
The majority of the participants were in the age group of above forty years old (40), this
indicates that most of the people who took part in the study were mature and experienced
and were likely to give reliable responses.

Graph 1: Age Participants





Below25 Between26-30 Between31-40 above40

Table 2: Experience Participants

years frequency percentage

8-10 YEARS 20 40
5-7 YEARS 5 10
2-4 YEARS 15 30
50 100

20% of the participants have between eight to ten years’ experience in the organisation.
Only 10% have less than two years’ experience in the company. On educational level, the
staff at Swakop Uranium are well knowledgeable as shown below

Graph2: Educational level Participants

Series 1
Grade 10 Grade12 Classic level Diploma Degree

Series 1

Section B: what are the internal external current mechanisms in place to ensure that
strategic plan is enforced? This was an open-ended question asked in the questionnaire to
the management of the Swakop uranium, the responses on the internal factors that affects
strategic plan were more on the tangible and intangible resources of the organisation, the
available resources and human resources.


This chapter provided an explanation of the data collected throughout the study, which was
based on certain goals and research questions. The results were presented using tables and
figures. Both descriptive and inferential analysis were used to analyze the data. Next up the
study's recommendations and conclusions are presented in this chapter.


A summary of the findings and conclusions, including those derived from the data analysis
and interpretation in chapter four, are covered in this chapter. Furthermore, the limits and
contribution of this study are also discussed, along with suggestions for future research on
the elements influencing the Swakop uranium's strategic plan implementation. This chapter
also presents a number of noteworthy findings from which inferences have been drawn, as
well as judgments regarding how the study's objectives were met.


The goal of the current study was to find out what influences Swakop Uranium’s strategic
plan implementation. Since Namibia Correctional Services is a public institution, future
research may look into conducting the study in other sectors, such as the private sector. The
research could also examine the many models that can be used to support the
implementation of a strategic plan successfully and the best practices that should be applied
during that process.

To sum up, the study's conclusions were derived from both primary research and a review
of the literature. Additionally, this chapter concluded how the study's goals were met and
presented several noteworthy discoveries, on the basis of which 84 conclusions were
reached. The researcher offered suggestions and proposed areas for additional research.

The study's findings have implications for the management of the Swakop Uranium mine.
Specifically, management can ensure the successful implementation of the strategic plan by
identifying the factors that influence it, which is a crucial step in the implementation
process. Because these elements have an effect on the implementation of strategic plans, it
is advised that management take into consideration investigating aspects that affect the
execution of strategic plans, including internal and external factors. It is advised that
management think about implementing a variety of tactics to enhance the implementation
of strategic plans, as the results also showed that effective communication and strategy
introduction can support the successful execution of plans. Different channels of
communication, comments, and mananagement can use a variety of platforms, feedback
mechanisms, and communication techniques to ensure that everyone in the organization is
aware of what needs to be done, why it has to be done, and how they fit into the

implementation process. This will lead to good communication, which is one of the
elements influencing the execution of a strategic strategy.


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