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*To Christians, places associated with _______________________________

________________ were sacred or holy

*Many European Christians believed these sacred places had healing and
divine powers so they made ______________ (journeys to sacred places)
to the __________ (Jerusalem and other special sites in the Middle East)
Jerusalem is a holy and important city for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. For Muslims,
it has special significance since it is where Muhammad ascended (rose up) into heaven.
*In _______ , the Seljuk Turks (a Muslim dynasty who ruled part of
Central Asia and the Middle East) invaded the ______________________,
captured _______________, destroyed sacred Christian places, and
persecuted _______________________________
*Byzantine Emperor _____________ asked Pope Urban II for help and in
________ , Pope Urban II called for a ______________ to rescue the
Holy Land from the Turks
“Dues lo volt”
(God wills it)
-Pope Urban II
Europe Black Sea Asia
Result of 1st crusade:
*Crusaders gained
BYZANTINE EMPIRE ____________ over
1096-1097 Caspian
Sea the ________________
ANTIOCH and the territory
Sea 1097-1098 was divided into
JERUSALEM small regions called
Africa 1099 ___________________
Path of 1st Crusade

*Between 1096 -1097, Crusaders traveled from

______________________ to Turkish occupied ____________
*In 1098, the Crusaders _____________ the Turks in Antioch
*In 1099, the _______________ traveled to Turkish occupied
*In July 1099, the Crusaders breached the _______________
and massacred the city’s inhabitants as they gained
*Crusaders tried to
defeat Muslims in Asia
Minor, ______________
____________ *In 1187, Muslim ruler
_____________ seized
control of Jerusalem

*Leaders Richard the Lionheart (King of
England), Philip Augustus (King of France),
and Frederick Barbarossa (Holy Roman
Emperor) _________ to regain control over
Jerusalem, but King Richard negotiated a 3
year __________ to allow _______________

NOTE: Crusade organizers did not name their efforts 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. These are designations
created by historians and different historians sometimes use different numbers to refer to
the same Crusade.
*4TH CRUSADE ( ______________) - Organizers wanted to attack
Muslims in ___________ , but Crusaders motivated by __________,
instead captured the __________________________ of Zara and
Constantinople, seriously weakening the ___________________________
*5TH CRUSADE ( ______________ ) - Crusaders attacked Muslims in
_________ with hopes of moving on to recapture ____________________,
but the Crusade _______________
*6TH CRUSADE ( ________________ ) - A _____________________
gave control of Jerusalem to the Crusaders for ______ years,
______________ regained control afterwards
*7th CRUSADE ( __________________) - Louis IX of __________ organized
a Crusade to conqueror __________ , but it _________ when he was
______________ and France had to pay a ransom for his release
*8th CRUSADE ( _______) - Louis IX and Prince Edward of England led the
Crusade, but when Louis IX ________ , the Crusade fell apart and failed

______________________________ grew more

Crusaders needed ___________ to travel to
the Holy Land which resulted in the growth
of a ______________________ (people needed
___________ buy things instead of
As Crusaders brought back goods like _________
and cotton; spices and _________; __________ and
apricots; ___________ and mirrors from the Middle
East, demand for these items increased and a
____________________________ began to develop
Europeans began to realize that there was a whole
__________ outside of Europe as Arab mathematical,
scientific, and ___________ knowledge along with Arab
art and architecture spread into ___________________

*The Reconquista (Spanish for ____________)

took place in __________ during the
Ferdinand II *It was the movement to __________________
Isabella (ruled from
(ruled from 1469-1504) 1469-1516) from Spain and place Spain under the
control of _______________________
*The marriage of ____________________________in 1469 united two
Catholic (Christian) Spanish kingdoms and ended the _________________

*The Spanish Inquisition ( _____________) was a brutal movement against

________________ (particularly Jews and Muslims) launched by Isabella
and Ferdinand II in an attempt to bring ____________________ to Spain
*During its existence, many people were killed (estimates range from
____________________ people killed) and hundreds of _________________
were forced to ___________ Spain

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