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Communication and transportation

System plays a major rule in the economic development of countries and regions in the areas where
both communication networ4ks and transportation system are officientry integrated.

The ability swifly communicate, more people and tansport goods provie a strog base for the grouth of
trade and hencer is a crucial factor in developing a stronger economy. By contrast if a country or region
does not have a strong communiocation and transportation networks trade and they are less robust.

Transportation and communication is an indispensable aspect of life, is an important aspect of human

existence. The organization of many of the human activities based on transportation and
communication, activitiesa like Agriculture, mining, commercial and industrial services.

Transportation is the movement of people, animals or goodsfrom one location to another location.
Transortation ia necessary in the movements of products of the primary and secondry industries to
place where they are needed.

Communication is the process of sharing ideas, views opinions, information, massages or news
between two or more persons. Communocation took place when-ever one system influenced another.

Communication is human, it is the part and parcel of our every day by day
bativities of life. When we communicate, we create the possibility of
interpersonal interactuion.

It is an avenue of sharing our feelings, experience and our dreams with our fellow
human beings. In the olden days in Nigeria, Communication through spoken
language is through proverbs, riddles, narratives, simple command and song
communication. In termjs of proverbs Chinua Achebe”s describe proverbs as the
palm oil with which we eat words.

Comparing the modern means of transpiortation and communication, with

the traditional system.

In the tradityiopnal means of transportation is determined by some factors

the weather condition of a place, the amount of rainfall, sunshine, wind
snow and temperature could determine the type of transportation that we
be available in a place.
In the tyraditional means of transportation most people depends on human
fraction portrage. In Nigeria middle belt people carry goods across their

In the traditional means, the nature of an area determines the tuype of

transportation means there.In rocky areas animals like horses and donkeys
are usefull. In riverin areas canoes and dougots are much more usefullin the
traditional means of transportation.

The traditional system is much depends on human fraction porterage,

carrying roads on the head baek and bysicals.

Tracking is another way which people cover unimaginal distance on foot in

the olden days From one location to another in form of land transportation.

In the olden days people travel long distance on foot, such as from onitcha
to enugu for greener pastures or pther reasons.

Pack A niomals or Beast Burdens, these animals are used for carrying loads
and passengers from one location to another, these animals include:
donkey, horse, elephants, male oxen and camels. Saddles, and reins are
applied to them to make them useful

Traditional means of water transportation log is the eeriest means of

transportation to ensure stability and prevent the turning over and
unseating of the rider, two or more logs were tied together which is called
raft. F urther more canoe was cvonstructeed, a vehiclr made of planks and
wood. The raft and canoe are propelled by long poles or paddles. They are
common in riverine areas, such as Delta areas of Nigeria

Most of the traditional means of transportation are suitable to the

environments where they are used.

The traditional transport system are cheap and easly averab.le to every body
who desires them. The traditional system do not need steant petrol or
diesel. Traditional transportation system do not have spare part problems,
because they obtain within the enviromment and they are easily to maintain
since the owner can handle any partys of it

The traditional means of transportation consume physical energy, padding

the canoe, dugout or raft is very tasking. Excess portrage can caouse
problems like chest pain or hunch back. Riding the pack animals under the
heat of the sun is painful. Most riders develop heria. Traditional systern of
transportation has the speed of movement, they consume tuime and they
cover short distance.

The morden means of transportation, ranging from mule track to modern

ghighways in the most universal form of transport. It is the movementsd of
people and goods from one place to another.

In modern transportation, it involves the use of motor, cars buges, bysicle


In modern transportation, we have deferents grads interms of quality,

capacity and functions to suit derferents purpose, we have trunks A B & C .
The trink A is known as highway\express way. They do not pass through the
urbans centres.

They are common in riverine areas, such as Delta areas of Nigeria

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