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We use “the gerund”

1. after these verbs: like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate, don’t mind
ex. We enjoyed seeing each other after a long time.
2. after some verbs such as
admit: He admitted cheating on the test.
appreciate: I appreciated having a chance to read your report.
Jack appreciates your helping him out with the project.
avoid: He avoided answering my question.
can’t stand: Lily can’t stand working in an office.
confess: Sam confessed stealing the money from her sister.
consider: She considered moving to New York.
delay: Don't delay finishing the business.
deny: He denied committing the crime.
discuss: We discussed working at the company.
fancy: I didn't fancy swimming in that water.
finish: He finished doing his homework.
forgive: Jane never forgave her mother for lying to her.
give up: He gave up jogging after his heart attack.
imagine: He imagines working there one day. Imagine spending all that money on a coat!
involve: The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.
keep: She kept interrupting me.
go on: We really can't go on living like this - we'll have to find a bigger house.
mention: My wife mentioned seeing you the other day.
mind: My sister never minds reading in a noisy place.
miss: She misses living near the beach.
postpone: We have to postpone going to France because the children are ill.
practice: She practices playing drums all the time.
quit: She quit worrying about the problem.
risk: They risk losing their job.
stop*: I stopped calling you.(1) vs I stopped to call you.(2) - We stopped to use the restroom.
suggest: They suggested staying at the hotel.
understand: I just can't understand him taking the money.
We use” the infinitive” after some verbs such as
afford: We can't afford to eat out every night.
agree: They agreed not to tell anyone about what happened.
appear/seem: They appeared not to know what was happening.
arrange: Have you arranged to meet him?
ask: Eric asked me to marry him.- All the students were asked to complete the test.
dare: I can’t believe you dare to talk to me this way!
decide:Mark decided to drop out of collage.
demand: I demand to see the manager.
expect/hope: What time do you expect to arrive home?
fail: The teacher failed to recognise my good work.
get: I’d like to get to know you better – could we have dinner sometime?
happen: She happened to be out when we called.(by chance)
invite: Members are invited to participate in the discussion.
learn: He's learning to play the trumpet.
manage: How did she manage to find the solution?
offer: My father offered to take us to the airport.
plan: Next year I plan to travel around the world.
prove: The new treatment has proved to be a disaster.
prepare: I'm preparing to run away.
pretend: I do not pretend to know the answer.- Don't pretend to sleep when I'm talking to you.
promise: He promised to collect her from the airport.
refuse: She refused to sign the documents.
say: The guidebook says to turn left.
seem: Something seems to be wrong with your design.
teach:Teach them to voice their feelings.
tend: I tend to laugh when I'm nervous.
threaten: He threatened to shoot me if I didn't give him my wallet.
try*: Have you tried turning the computer off and on again?(as a solution)- I'm trying to learn Japanese but it's
very difficult. (making an effort)
wait: There were a lot of people waiting to use the phone.
warn: I warned her not to waste her money on that movie.
wish: Do you wish to participate?
forget*: She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time.- Don't forget to lock the door.
remember*: I remember posting the letter -I remembered to post the letter.
advice + (obj.) to: Candidates are advised to post their applications as soon as possible.

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