s.5 Chem 1 Test 2

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Answer all questions in Section A and B in the spaces provided.

Periodic table with relative atomic masses is provided at the back of the paper,

Mathematical table or non programmable scientific calculators may be used


1. 10 cm3 of a hydrocarbon P, (CxHy) was exploded in 90 cm3 of oxygen. On cooling

to room temperature, the residual gases occupied 70 cm3. When the residual gases
were passed through potassium hydroxide solution, the volume reduced to 40 cm3.
(a) (i) Write equation for the reaction between P and oxygen. (1 mk)
(ii) Write equation for the reaction between carbon dioxide and potassium
hydroxide solution (1½mks)
(i)Determine the molecular formula of P. (3mark)


(ii)Write down the structural formula of P (1mk)

2. What is meant by the term ionization energy of an element? (2mks)
(b) Write an equation to show the:

(i) First ionization energy of Magnesium (1mk)
(ii) First electron affinity of Oxygen (1mk)
(b) Explain the following observations

(i) The second ionization energy of magnesium is far less than its third ionization energy.


(ii) The first ionization energy of sodium is less than the first ionization energy of
magnesium. (2mk)


3. Write the I.U.P.A.C names for each of the following organic compounds

(a) CH3CHCH2CH3 ………………………………………………………(1mk)


(b) (CH3)3C-Br …………………………………………………………..(1mk)

(c) CHCH CHCH3 ……………………………………………………. (1mk)

(d)CH3CHCH3 ……………………………………………………………(1mk)


(e) ………………………………………………………….(1mk)

4. (a) State Graham’s law (2mks)


(b) 50 cm3 of oxygen gas diffused through a slit in 120 seconds.

At the same temperature and pressure the same volume of gas P diffused through
the same slit in 112 seconds. Calculate the relative molecular mass of x.(3mks)
5. (a) Define the term Atomic radius (1mk)


(b) Explain how the following factors affect atomic radius

(i) Nuclear charge (2mks)


(ii) Screening effect (2mks)


(c)The table below shows the atomic radii of elements of group (II) in the

Periodic Table.

Element Be Mg Ca Sr Ba
Atomic 0.112 0.160 0.197 0.215 0.221

(a) (i) State how the atomic radii of the elements vary in the group. (1mk)
(ii) Explain your answer in (a)(i) above. (3 mks)

(c)Explain how atomic radius affects reactivity of group (II) elements with water.
(2 mks)

6. A compound P contains 52.2% carbon, 13.0% hydrogen, the rest being oxygen.

(a) Determine the empirical formula of P. (2mks)

(b) When vaporized, 0.1g of P occupied 78.8cm3 at 157oC and a pressure of
(i) Calculate the formula mass of P. (2 ½ mks)

(ii) Determine the molecular formula of P. (1 ½ mks)
(iii) Write the structural formula of all the possible isomers of P (1mk)

7. Write the structural formula of the following compounds

(a) 2 – bromo – amino propane

(b) 2 – iodo – but -2 – ene

(c) 3,3 – dimethyl pent – 1- yne

8. Write short notes on each of the following

(a) Nucleophile

(b) Functional group isomerism


(c) Aliphatic compounds


9. (a) What is meant by the term standardization (1mark)


(b) Explain why a solution of sodium thiosulphate turn cloudy when left exposed
to the atmosphere for some days.


(c) When 20g of a mixture containing anhydrous sodium carbonate and sodium
hydrogen carbonate was heated and cooled, the mass of the mixture changed to
13.8 g.

(i) Write equation for the reaction that took place during the heating.
(ii) Calculate the percentage of sodium hydrogen carbonate in the mixture.


10. 1.55g of an acid, CnH2n (COOH)2 was dissolved in water and the solution made up
to 250cm3. 25.0cm3 of the solution required 23.5cm3 of a 0.1M aqueous
sodium hydroxide for complete neutralization.

(a) Calculate
(i) the molar concentration of the acid

(ii) the molecular mass of the acid.


(b) Determine the value of n.




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