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Paper 2
2 ½ hours

Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education


Paper 2
2 hours 30 minutes

Attempt any five questions including three questions from Section A and any
two questions from Section B.

Mathematical tables and graph papers are provided.

Non – programmable scientific calculators may be used

Where necessary, use the following values:

[Atomic No. Zn = 30, Ca = 20]

Begin each question on a fresh page.



2019 Chemistry Turn Over

Answer three questions from this section

1. Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium and Barium belong to group

(II) of the periodic table

(a) Explain the trend in

(i) Melting points (03 marks)

(ii) Metallic character (3½ marks)

(iii) Thermal stability of Carbonates (3½ marks)

(b) Describe the reaction of the elements with

(i) Water (05 marks)

(ii) Sulphuric acid (05 marks)

2. Complete the following equations and outline the possible mechanism in

each case.
Br2 / CCL4
(a) CH3CH CH2 (03 marks)

(b) Br2 / Fe (4½ marks)

(c) OH Conc. H3PO4 (04 marks)

(d) CH3CCH3 + NaHSO3 (3½ marks)
(e) O + NH2NHCONH2 (05 marks)

3. (a) Water boils at 100ºC at 101.3 KPa. Amino benzene boils at 1120 C.
A mixture of water and Amino benzene boils at 96 0C. Explain this
observation. (04 marks)

(b) (i) What is steam distillation? (01 mark)

(ii) Explain the principle of steam distillation. (4½ marks)

(iii) State the requirements for a substance to be isolated by steam

distillation. (01 mark)
(iv) Name one substance that can be isolated by steam distillation
(01 mark)

(v) State two advantages of steam distillation. (01 mark)

(c) With the aid of a diagram, describe how Aminobenzene can be

purified by steam distillation. (04 marks)

(d) When a substance Y was distilled at 930 C and 750mmHg; the

distillate contained 55% of Y by mass. The vapour pressure of water
at this temperature is 654mmHg. Calculate the relative molecular
mass of Y. (03 marks)

4. (a) Define boiling point constant. (01mark)

(b) With the aid of a diagram, describe an experiment that you would
carry out to find the relative molecular mass of a compound using
the boiling point method. (08 marks)

(c) Explain why the boiling point method is not good for determining
the relative molecular mass of ethanoic acid in water. (03marks)

(d) A solution of 2.8g of compound Y in 20g of water boiled at 100.2ºC

at 101.3 KPa (RMM of Y = 366).
(i) Calculate the relative molecular mass of Y in water.
(Kb = 0.520C per 1000g) (02 marks)

(ii) Comment on your answer. (02 marks)

(e) Explain why the boiling point elevation method is not good for
determining the relative molecular mass of polymers. (02 marks)


Answer two questions only.

5. The following table shows the elements of periodic Table and their
corresponding melting points.

Element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Atomic number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Melting point (0C) 98 650 660 1423 44 119 -101

(a) (i) Draw a graph of melting point against atomic number.

(04 marks)

(ii) Explain the shape of the curve. (08 marks)

(b) Describe the reaction of

(i) Aluminium with Sodium hydroxide. (02 marks)

(ii) Sodium hydride with water. (02 marks)

(iii) Silicon (IV) oxide and Sodium hydroxide. (02 marks)

(iv) Silicon (IV) hydride and Sodium hydroxide. (02 marks)

6. Write equations to show how the following compounds can be synthesized.

Indicate the reagents and conditions.

(a) CH3CH2COOH from Chloroethane (03 marks)

(b) COOH from benzene (03 marks)

(c) CH3CHCH3 from propyne (03 marks)


(d) CH NOH from benzene. (03 marks)

(e) CH3CHCH3 from CH3CH2CH2Cl (3½ marks)

(f) (CH3CH2)2O from CH2 CH2 (02 marks)

(g) NH2 from benzene (2½ marks)

7. Explain the following observations. Write equations for the reactions that
take place where necessary.

(a) When Chloroethane is heated with sodium hydroxide solution; the

product acidified with dilute nitric acid followed by Silver nitrate; a
white precipitate is formed. When Chlorobenzene is treated the same
way; there is no observable change. (05 marks)

(b) When a concentrated solution of Sodium Carbonate is added to a solution

of Potassium Chromium (III) Sulphate (K2S04. Cr2(SO4)3. 24H2O); a green
precipitate is formed with bubbles of a colourless gas that turns lime
water milky. (05 marks)

(c) The acid ionization constant of methanoic acid is 4.4 x 10 -4 whereas

that of ethanoic acid is 1.8 x 10-5 at 250C. (03 marks)

(d) Ethoxyethane boils at 350C whereas butan – 1 – ol boils at 1240C yet

the two compounds have the same molecular mass. (03 marks)

(e) A solution of Sodium thiosulphate becomes cloudy when it is

exposed to air for some time. (02 marks)

(f) The pH of water decreases with increase in temperature, but water

remains neutral. (02 marks)

8. (a) Define

(i) Eutectic temperature (01mark)

(ii) Eutectic mixture (01 mark)

(b) The table below shows the melting points of various mixtures of tin
and lead.

% of tin 0 20 40 70 80 100
M.P (0C) 327 280 234 193 206 232

(i) Draw a fully labeled diagram for the tin – lead system.
(04 marks)
(ii) Determine the composition and melting point of theTurn eutectic
mixture. (01 mark)

(iii) Describe what will happen when a liquid mixture containing
40% of tin is cooled from 400ºC to 100ºC. (03 marks)

(iv) State one application of the tin – lead eutectic mixture.

(01 mark)

(v) Name one other pair of metals which can give a similar phase
diagram. (01 mark)

(vi) State two similarities and two differences between a eutectic

mixture and a pure compound. (02 marks)

(c) A solvent Y of molecular mass 62 has a vapour pressure of 1.0 x 10 4 Nm-2

at 298K. 23.3g of a non volatile solute Z of molecular mass 270 was
dissolved in 100g of Y at 298K.

(i) Calculate the vapour pressure of the solution. (03 marks)

(ii) State and explain the effect of the concentration of the

solution on the boiling point of Y. (03 marks)


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