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Attempt Five questions

1. (a) Thermo-energy changes for some processes are shown in the table below.

Process Energy (kJmol-1)

Atomization energy of calcium +178
First ionisation energy of calcium +590
Second ionisation energy of calcium +1146
Formation of calcium fluoride -1220
Electron affinity of fluorine -328
Bond dissociation energy of fluorine +242.7
(i) Calculate the lattice energy of calcium fluoride crystal
(ii) Determine the enthalpy of solution of calcium fluoride (enthalpy of hydration of
and ions are -1587 and -515kJmol-1 respectively)
(a) (i) State the effect of temperature on the solubility of calcium fluoride
(ii) Give a reason for your answer in b (i)
2. Carbon , silicon , tin and lead are some of the elements of group(IV) of the Period Table.

(a) Write the outer most electronic configuration of the elements.(01marks)

(b) Describe how the elements react with :
(i) dry air (2½marks)
(ii) bromine (03marks)
(iii) sulphuric acid. (06marks)
(b) State the conditions and write equation for the reaction between
(i) carbon monoxide and sodium hydroxide. (2½marks)
(ii) silicon (IV) hydride and water. (2½marks)
(iii) lead(IV) oxide and sulphuric acid. (2½marks)
3. Complete the following equations and in each case suggest a mechanism for the reaction.

(a) (CH3)2C = CH2 Br2/ CCl4 (2½marks)

(b) + CH3COCl AlCl3 (04marks)

(c) CH3CH CH3 Conc. H2SO4 (04marks)

OH 170oC
(d) CH3
Ultraviolet light (4½marks)

(e) CH3CH2CH2Cl NH3 / Ethanol (2½marks)

heat under pressure
(f) CH3 C─ CH3 KOH(aq) (2½marks)
Br heat
4. Be, Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba are elements in group II of the Periodic table.

(a) Describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the elements with cold water down
the group. (08 marks)
(b) Compare the solubility and basicity of the hydroxides of group II elements with
the hydroxides of group I elements. (3 ½ marks)
(c) (i) Explain why beryllium and aluminium show a diagonal relationship.(02 marks)
(ii) Write equations to show how beryllium and aluminium each reacted with
concentrated sodium hydroxide. (03 marks)
(d) A chloride of beryllium Z, contains 11.25% beryllium and 88.75% of chlorine.
(i) Calculate the empirical formula of Z. (1 ½ marks)
(ii) Determine the molecular formula of Z (the vapour density of Z = 80)

(01 mark)
(iii) Write the structural formula of Z

5. (a) State what is meant by the term boiling point constant of a liquid (02 marks)

(b) Describe an experiment that can be used to determine the relative molecular mass
of a compound using the method of elevation of boiling point of a liquid. (12 marks)

(Draw a labeled diagram of the apparatus used).

(c) Explain why the method you have described in (b) is not suitable for the
determination of the relative molecular mass of ethanoic acid in aqueous solution.
(03 marks)
(d) A solution of 2.8g of cadium (II) iodide in 20g of water boiled at 100.2oC at
normal pressure. Calculate the relative molecular mass of cadium (II) iodide and
comment on your result. [The boiling point elevation constant for water is 0.52oC per
mole per 1000g]. (03 marks)
6. Write equations to show how the following compounds can be synthesized
(a) benzoic acid from ethyne (4marks)
(b) hexane from 1 – bromo propane (1 mark)
(c) ethyne from ethanol (4 marks)
(d) propanone from bromoethane (4marks)
(e) chloromethyl benzene from phenol (3marks)
(f) 1-bromopropane from 2-bromo propane (4 marks)


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