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 Answer allquestions in section A and six questions in section B
 All questions must be answered in the spaces provided
 The Periodic Table, with relative atomic masses, is supplied.
 Mathematical tables (3 – figure tables) are adequate or non-programmable
scientific electronic calculators may be used
 Illustrate your answers with equations where applicable.
Where necessary, use the following:
 Molar gas constant R = 8.31 JK -1 mol -1
 Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p is 22.4 litres.
 Standard temperature = 273 K
 Standard pressure = 101325 N m -2

1.Particulate nature of matter.
2.Atomic structure.
3.Colligative properties.
4.Bonding and structure.
5.Phase equilibrium.
7.Physical equilibrium.
8.Chemical kinetics.
9.Ionic equilibrium.
11.Electrochemical cells.

Enthalpy of solution
1. (a) (i) Define the term standard enthalpy change of a reaction. (01 mark)

ii) Briefly, describe how the enthalpy of neutralization of nitric acid by sodium
hydroxide can be determined. (05 marks)

(iii)Explain why the enthalpy of neutralization of sodium hydroxide by nitric acid

is 57.1 KJmol-1 whereas the enthalpy of neutralization of sodium hydroxide by
hydrocyanic acid is 12.0 KJmol-1. (02 marks)

(b) The heat change that takes place when one mole of gaseous ion is completely
dissolved in enough solvent is called hydration energy.
State the factors that affect hydration energy and explain their effects. (04 marks)
(c) The standard enthalpies of hydration and lattice energies of lithium chloride are
given in Table 1.
Table 1
Salt Lattice energy (KJmol-1) Hydration energy(kJmol-1)
Potassium chloride -862 -883

Lithium chloride -718 -695

(i) Calculate the enthalpy of solution of lithium chloride and potassium

chloride. (2 ½ marks)

(ii) State which one of the two salts would be more soluble in water at a
given temperature and give a reason for your answer. (01 mark)
2.Using the thermometrically data below, determine the lattice energy of sodium
chloride. (4 ½ marks)
Heat of atomization of sodium = 108 KJmol-1
Dissociation energy of chlorine = 242.2 KJmol-1
Ionization energy of sodium = 500 KJmol-1
Electron affinity of chlorine = -364 KJmol-1
Enthalpy of formation of sodium chloride = -411.3 KJmol -1
3. (a) Define the term molar enthalpy of hydration
(b) The table below shows the enthalpies of Mg2+ and Cl−
Ions Enthalpy of Hydration ( kJ mol-1)
Mg2+ 1891
Cl- 381

(i) State whether the values of enthalpies of hydration given in the table
above is positive or negative. Give a reason for your answer
(ii) Calculate the enthalpy of hydration of MgCl2

4. a) Draw a Born Haber for the formation of solid Rubidium chloride from its

(b) Calculate the electron affinity of chlorine atom. Use the following data;
Lattice energy of Rubidium chloride = −665kJmol-1
Dissociation energy of chlorine gas molecule = 226kJmol-1
Heat of atomization of Rubidium metal = 84kJmol-1
Standard heat of formation of solid Rubidium chloride is – 439kJmol-1
Rubidium atom = 397kJmol-1

5. Draw a Born Haber cycle for the reaction of Lithium (Solid) and F(g) to form

LiF(s) and indicate clearly whether the change is exo/endothermic.

using the data below;
Enthalpy of atomization of Fluorine molecule = + 150kJmol-1
Enthalpy of sublimation of Lithium metal = 155kJmol-1
Ionization energy of Lithium atom = 518kJmol-1
Standard enthalpy of formation of solid LiF =?
Lattice enthalpy = − 1030 kJmol-1
Electron affinity of F = − 351 kJmol-1


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