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Skill Category Technologies/Tools Definitions

Splunk: Splunk is a versatile platform used for

searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-
generated data, including logs, events, and metrics. It
can be utilized for security use cases such as threat
detection, incident response, and compliance
SIEM (Security Information and Event monitoring by ingesting and correlating data from
Management) Splunk, IBM QRadar, ELK various sources.
IBM QRadar: IBM QRadar is an enterprise-grade
SIEM solution that provides real-time visibility into
an organization's security posture. It offers
capabilities for threat detection, incident response,
and compliance management through advanced
analytics and correlation of security events.
ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): ELK is
an open-source stack commonly used for log
management and analytics. Elasticsearch is a
distributed search and analytics engine, Logstash is a
log ingestion and processing pipeline, and Kibana is
a visualization tool. Together, they form a powerful
platform for collecting, storing, and analyzing
security data, including logs, events, and metrics.
Cisco ASA: Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security
Appliance) is a firewall and VPN appliance that
provides stateful packet filtering and application-
aware security services. It offers robust perimeter
Cisco ASA, Palo Alto defense capabilities, including network traffic
Firewalls and IDS/IPS (Intrusion Detection Networks, Check Point, Snort, control, VPN connectivity, and advanced threat
Systems/Intrusion Prevention Systems) Suricata protection.
Palo Alto Networks: Palo Alto Networks offers a
range of next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) that
provide advanced security features such as
application visibility and control, threat prevention,
and URL filtering. These NGFWs are designed to
protect networks from a wide range of cyber threats.
Check Point: Check Point provides a suite of
firewall and security management solutions designed
to secure networks, endpoints, and cloud
environments. Its firewalls offer advanced threat
prevention capabilities, including intrusion
prevention, antivirus, and anti-bot protection.
Snort: Snort is an open-source IDS (Intrusion
Detection System) and IPS (Intrusion Prevention
System) that analyzes network traffic for suspicious
activity and alerts administrators to potential security
threats. It uses signature-based detection as well as
protocol analysis and anomaly detection techniques.
Suricata: Suricata is an open-source IDS/IPS engine
that provides real-time intrusion detection and
prevention capabilities. It offers high-performance
network security monitoring, threat detection, and
response features, including signature-based
detection, protocol analysis, and support for
emerging threat feeds.
Endpoint Security and EDR (Endpoint CrowdStrike, Carbon Black CrowdStrike: CrowdStrike Falcon is a cloud-native
Skill Category Technologies/Tools Definitions
endpoint security platform that combines antivirus,
endpoint detection and response (EDR), and
managed threat hunting capabilities. It provides real-
time visibility into endpoint activity and advanced
(VMware), Symantec Endpoint threat detection to protect against malware,
Detection and Response) Protection ransomware, and other cyber threats.
Carbon Black (VMware): Carbon Black Endpoint
Security, now part of VMware, is an EDR solution
that offers continuous monitoring, threat detection,
and automated response capabilities on endpoints. It
uses behavioral analytics and machine learning to
identify and remediate security threats in real time.
Symantec Endpoint Protection: Symantec
Endpoint Protection is an endpoint security solution
that provides antivirus, firewall, intrusion
prevention, and EDR features to protect endpoints
against a wide range of cyber threats. It offers
centralized management and visibility across
endpoints to streamline security operations and
incident response.
Nessus: Nessus is a widely-used vulnerability
scanning tool that identifies security vulnerabilities
and misconfigurations across networks, systems, and
applications. It offers comprehensive vulnerability
assessment capabilities, including network and web
Nessus, Qualys, OpenVAS, application scanning, configuration auditing, and
Vulnerability Assessment Rapid7 Nexpose, malware detection.
Qualys: Qualys Vulnerability Management is a
cloud-based platform for identifying and prioritizing
security vulnerabilities across IT assets. It provides
automated scanning, asset inventory, and risk
assessment features to help organizations reduce
their exposure to cyber threats.
OpenVAS: OpenVAS (Open Vulnerability
Assessment System) is an open-source vulnerability
scanning and management solution that detects
security vulnerabilities and compliance issues in IT
environments. It offers a suite of tools for
vulnerability scanning, configuration assessment,
and reporting.
Rapid7 Nexpose: Rapid7 Nexpose is a vulnerability
management solution that provides visibility into
security risks across networks, endpoints, and cloud
environments. It offers scanning, prioritization, and
remediation capabilities to help organizations
proactively address security vulnerabilities. is a cloud-based
vulnerability management platform that helps asset
discovery, and risk-based prioritization to strengthen
cybersecurity defenses and reduce the risk of data
breaches.organizations identify, prioritize, and
remediate security vulnerabilities across their entire
attack surface. It offers continuous visibility,
Skill Category Technologies/Tools Definitions
Wireshark: Wireshark is a popular open-source
packet analyzer that allows users to capture, analyze,
and troubleshoot network traffic in real time. It
supports a wide range of protocols and provides
detailed insights into network communications,
Wireshark, NetFlow analyzers, including packet headers, payloads, and timing
Network Traffic Analysis Darktrace information.
NetFlow analyzers: NetFlow analyzers collect and
analyze flow data from network devices such as
routers and switches to provide visibility into
network traffic patterns and usage. They help
identify bandwidth utilization, monitor network
performance, and detect anomalies or security
Darktrace: Darktrace is an AI-powered network
security platform that uses machine learning
algorithms to detect and respond to cyber threats in
real time. It passively monitors network traffic and
user behavior to identify abnormal patterns
indicative of malicious activity, including insider
threats, zero-day attacks, and advanced persistent
threats (APTs).
The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the most critical
security risks to web applications, providing
guidance on common security vulnerabilities that
developers should be aware of and address during
the software development lifecycle. It covers issues
such as injection attacks, broken authentication,
sensitive data exposure, and other security flaws
Secure Development OWASP Top 10 commonly found in web applications.
ThreatConnect: ThreatConnect is a threat
intelligence platform that enables organizations to
aggregate, analyze, and act on cyber threat
ThreatConnect, Recorded intelligence data. It provides capabilities for threat
Future, MISP, STIX/TAXII intelligence sharing, enrichment, and correlation to
Threat Intelligence protocols improve security decision-making and response.
Recorded Future: Recorded Future is a threat
intelligence provider that delivers real-time insights
into emerging cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and
threat actors. It offers intelligence feeds, analysis
tools, and contextual information to help
organizations proactively defend against cyber
MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform):
MISP is an open-source threat intelligence platform
for sharing, storing, and analyzing cyber threat
indicators and observables. It allows organizations to
collaborate and exchange threat intelligence data to
improve their security defenses.
STIX/TAXII protocols (Structured Threat
Information eXpression/Trusted Automated
Exchange of Indicator Information): STIX
and TAXII are standardized protocols for
give me chart of cybersecurity life cycle with use of above tools and skills
Certainly! Below is a simplified chart outlining the cybersecurity lifecycle stages and the
corresponding use of the tools and skills mentioned earlier:

Lifecycle Stage Description Tools and Skills Used
Identify and catalog all assets within - Nessus, Qualys, OpenVAS, Rapid7 Nexpose,
1. Asset Discovery the organization, including devices, (Vulnerability Assessment) - Darktrace (Network Traffic
and Inventory applications, and data repositories. Analysis)
Assess and prioritize security
2. Vulnerability vulnerabilities across the - Nessus, Qualys, OpenVAS, Rapid7 Nexpose,
Management organization's IT infrastructure. (Vulnerability Assessment)
- Splunk, IBM QRadar, ELK (SIEM) - Snort, Suricata
Monitor network and endpoint (IDS/IPS) - CrowdStrike, Carbon Black, Symantec Endpoint
activity to detect signs of potential Protection (Endpoint Security and EDR) - Darktrace
3. Threat Detection security threats and intrusions. (Network Traffic Analysis)
- Splunk, IBM QRadar, ELK (SIEM) - CrowdStrike, Carbon
Investigate and respond to security Black, Symantec Endpoint Protection (Endpoint Security
incidents in a timely manner to and EDR) - Wireshark, Darktrace (Network Traffic
4. Incident Response mitigate potential damage. Analysis)
Gather and analyze information about
emerging cyber threats, - ThreatConnect, Recorded Future, MISP (Threat
5. Threat Intelligence vulnerabilities, and attack techniques. Intelligence)
Manage user identities and control
6. Access Control and access to resources to prevent - AWS, LDAP, Okta (Authentication and Identity
Identity Management unauthorized access. Management)
Implement security best practices and
7. Secure guidelines during the software
Development development lifecycle. - OWASP Top 10 (Secure Development)
Ensure adherence to regulatory - Splunk, IBM QRadar, ELK (SIEM) - Nessus, Qualys,
8. Compliance and requirements and industry standards, OpenVAS, Rapid7 Nexpose, (Vulnerability
Reporting and generate compliance reports. Assessment)

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