COMM 6019-62_Research Report_Formal_INstructions

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COMM 6019-62 | Research Report - Formal

Due: Sunday, March 31 at 11:59 p.m. to the appropriate FOL submission folder.
Worth: 25%
Length: Approx. 12-15 pages.

Individually or in groups (max 3), complete a research report on a current topic relevant to the workplace and to
your program. Note that the topic must be approved by me before the you begin your research. The final research
report will be approximately 12-15 pages in length from Title Page through to Reference List for individuals (note:
the length of the report from beginning to end may increase depending on group size).

KEY Course Learning Outcome: Prepare advanced-level proposals and research reports (informational/analytical)
on program-related topics; summarize and integrate effective research sources


1. Identify a current curiosity, problem, or issue in your field that you are interested in researching.
2. Ensure that there is a solution or recommendation that logically follows from the research, despite what
type of report you use.
3. Independently or collaboratively (max. 3 people per group – see p. 4 for group work policy), write one of
the following report types on your topic:
a. Recommendation Report
b. Yardstick Report
i. NOTE: before writing your report, please wait for topic approval via our Discretionary
Assignment #4: Research Report Topic; also, before doing too much work, please know
that you will receive feedback from our Informal Research Report Proposal
ii. NOTE: as noted above, this is a formal research report, so your page breakdown is as
follows (counted together, items 6-9 may be more than a page each—i.e., the 12-15-
page length):
1. Title Page
2. Letter of Transmittal
3. Table of Contents
4. List of Figures
5. Executive Summary
6. Introduction
7. Body
8. Conclusions
9. Recommendations
10. Appendix (if used)
11. References
iii. NOTE: please ensure that your formal research report uses a single-space block format

4. Address the report to professionals in your field (i.e., while you can imagine you are working in the
industry for a real organization, you are more than welcome to use your creative license depending on the
5. Use at least two self-made graphics (i.e., not copy and pasted) via proper APA formatting (pie graph, line
charts, etc.).
a. NOTE: beyond this minimum, you can use other visuals, but ensure they are sourced
6. Via APA, use at least five research sources that pass the C.R.A.A.P. test (i.e. Currency, Relevance,
Authority, Accuracy, Purpose; more on this later).

a. To be clear, in using APA, you will have both in-text citations and a References page


(Exceeds Standards) (Occasionally Exceeds) (Meets Standards) (Below Standards) (/100)
Report name, receiver’s Missing one element Missing more than one No Title Page
Title Page and authors’ names, date element /2

Proper format. Format missing one Format missing more Not in proper format.
Letter of Transmittal Topic announced or element. than one element. Does not adequately
introduced. Conveys topic and Conveys topic but does convey topic.
Points of special interest includes some points of not mention points of No close. /4
mentioned. special interest. special interest.
Close (appreciation and/or Adequate close. Weak close.
Table of Contents Headings and sub-headings Missing one element. Missing more than one No Table of Contents.
are clear. element.
Page numbers aligned.
General layout is excellent. /2
List of figures included.
Executive Summary Clearly and concisely Report is adequately Report is adequately Does not adequately
summarizes the report. summarized and summarized. summarize the paper.
Summarizes the recommendations are One or more of the Recommendations are
recommendation(s) of the included. Topics are following is missing: not made.
paper and the reasons for generally discussed. recommendations It is unclear as to what
the recommendations. and/or topic the paper will be /10
Describes the topics discussions. discussing (purpose,
discussed and the depth of topics, etc.)
the discussion.
INTRODUCTION Strong Conveys topic and Conveys topic, but Does not
introduction of key question(s). not key adequately convey
topic’s key Clearly delineates question(s). topic. Does not
question(s), terms. subtopics to be Describes describe subtopics /5
Clearly delineates reviewed. General subtopics to be to be reviewed.
subtopics to be thesis statement. reviewed. General Lacks adequate
reviewed. Specific thesis statement. thesis statement.
thesis statement.
BODY – Content, All material clearly All material clearly Most material Little evidence
Focus & Sequencing related to subtopic, related to subtopic, clearly related to material is
main topic. Strong main topic and subtopic, main logically organized
organization and logically organized topic. Material into topic,
integration of within subtopics. may not be subtopics or
material within Clear, varied organized within related to topic. /30
subtopics. Strong transitions linking subtopics. Many transitions
transitions linking subtopics, and main Attempts to are unclear or
subtopics, and topic. provide variety of nonexistent.
main topic. transitions
CONCLUSION/ Strong review of Strong review of key Review of key Does not
RECOMMENDATION key conclusions. conclusions. Strong conclusions. summarize
Strong integration integration with thesis Some integration evidence with
with thesis statement. Discusses with thesis respect to thesis
statement. impact of researched statement. statement.
Insightful material on topic. Discusses impact Does not discuss /10
discussion of Recommendations are of researched the impact of
impact of the present and sound. material on topic. researched
researched Recommendations are material on topic. No
material on topic. present but weak. recommendations.
Solid and clear
Sources & Support Strong evidenced-based Sources well selected to Sources generally Few sources
research support thesis with some acceptable but not supporting thesis.
support for thesis. evidence in support of evidence-based Sources /10
thesis. research. insignificant or
Grammar & The paper is free Grammatical errors Very few Grammatical

Mechanics of grammatical or spelling & grammatical, errors or spelling

errors and spelling punctuation are rare and spelling or & punctuation /15
& punctuation. do not detract from the punctuation errors substantially
paper. interfere with detract from the
reading the paper. paper.
Communication Scholarly style. Scholarly style. Writing Word choice Word choice is
Style Writing is in formal is mostly in formal somewhat informal in tone.
business tone and is business tone and has informal in tone. Writing is not formal
flowing and easy minimal awkward of Writing not always in business tone and/or is
to follow. unclear passages. business tone and/or has choppy, /4
a few with many
awkward or awkward or
unclear passages. unclear passages.
APA Style, Citations No errors in APA style. Rare errors in APA style Errors in APA style is Errors in APA style
& Sources/ All references and that do not detract from noticeable. detracts substantially
References citations are the paper. Two references or from the paper. /4
correctly written One reference or citations missing Reference and
and present. citation missing or or incorrectly citation errors
incorrectly written. written. detract
significantly from
Findings arranged in logical One element of logic, Two or more elements Incorrectly written or
General Body segments headings, bullets, etc. written incorrectly or missing elements
Aesthetics, Used clear, descriptive written incorrectly or missing. detract significantly
Readability, headings missing. Presentation format is from paper.
Document Design, Used bullets and/or Report is presented adequate for business. Report not presented in /4
Visuals, etc. numbering for clarity. somewhat professionally. a professional format.
Report is professionally
presented. 2 self-made
graphics included.

Policies and Expectations

 Academic Integrity: At Fanshawe College, this refers to the “practice of holding oneself and others
accountable for performing all academic work in an honest and ethical manner” (A136). Please do not
commit an academic offence like plagiarism. Take the time to familiarize yourself with Fanshawe’s A136
policy. If you are uncertain of what constitutes plagiarism, moreover, then please contact me—I am more
than happy to look over your work before you submit it. Please know, too, that academic integrity
software like Respondus LockDown Browser + Monitor may be used (the latter requires a webcam).
 Accommodation: Please contact Counselling and Accessibility Services (Main Campus: F2010/LDB: 603-5)
at 519-452-4282,, or If you have an
accommodation, then please expect a message from me detailing how you will be supported (also, please
feel free to reach out to start the conversation). Please know, too, that, depending on the nature of the
accommodation, if a situation arises, then it may be your responsibility to contact me about an issue,
evaluation, etc. Otherwise, depending on the nature of the scenario, course policies may be in effect.
 Documentation: If an evaluation is missed due to illness, an extenuating circumstance, etc., then a form
of documentation will be required to have the opportunity to make-up the work (e.g., a doctor’s note).
While each issue of this nature will be judged on a case-by-case basis, evidence in the form of
documentation is required across the board (please note, however, that, in these times, certain
exceptions will be made—please email me to work out the details).
 Email: I will respond to emails during regular business hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday to Friday) within a
24-hour response period. Please wait 24 hours before contacting me about a mark. Please write in a
professional, grammatically appropriate manner. Importantly, please identify your class when writing. To
be clear, there is no guarantee that emails will be read and responded to on weekends.
 Extenuating Circumstances: If a situation arises that falls outside of the parameters of our policies,
accommodations, etc., then it may be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on its nature. To the
best of your ability, please contact me in advance if you foresee any issues.
 Feedback: There will be an aim for a turnaround time of 1-2 weeks for feedback.
 Group Work:

o Groups will share the same marks

o If you work collaboratively, then please know that the page count may increase—email me if you
choose to go this route.
o In your groups of two or three, if you have a communication and/or labour issue with one of your
members, then please include me in your email exchanges via carbon copy (i.e. CC me) and reply
all. Keep me in the loop, so to speak; if an issue persists, moreover, then a virtual meeting will be
setup to address the issue and discuss an alternative arrangement and/or penalty (one based on
clear evidence of inclusivity attempts via an electronic paper trail).
 Late Marks: 10% per day to a maximum of three days (including weekends and holidays). After three
days, you will get a zero (0%). Concessions will not be made without official documentation and/or
accommodations, or another extenuating circumstance that may be determined on a case-by-case basis
via email. Late work can and should still be uploaded to FOL until the submission folder closes.
 Resources: All PowerPoint slides, virtual class recordings, and other resources will be uploaded to FOL.
 Rewrites/Make-Up Work/Missed Evaluations: Without accommodation and/or documentation, or
another extenuating circumstance that may be determined on a case-by-case basis via email, there are no
rewrites or make-up assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. Please see A131 for more information.
 Submissions: You must use Microsoft Word and submit all work as either a .doc or .docx file. This means
no .pages or .pdf files. Also, do not zip your files—please just upload the .doc or .docx file. Indeed,
Fanshawe offers free access to Microsoft Office software (see this link).

Single-Space Block Formatting Reminder!


This document is subject to change if any issues arise.

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