Sample Agenda of a Meeting(1)

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Projects Committee

Friday, May 5, 2021, 1:00pm

Grace Hall

1. Call the meeting to order by Chairperson, Amira Van Loan.

2. Approval of the last meeting minutes.
3. Approval of the agenda.
4. Announcements:
Any news which is outside the business of the committee, such as someone had a
baby or an accident, we hired a new employee so please welcome him, the annual
dinner will be next week at so and so hotel…etc…
5. Old Business:
Any business which was not completed at the last meeting … it will be addressed
first at this meeting.
6. New Business:
A. Discuss Board Decision to Adopt Technology A.
B. Vote on New Procedures for Accounting Standards.
Any business which needs to be addressed today.

7. Adjournment at 1:50pm. When the meeting should end.

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