Grocery Store Management System

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Project Title: Grocery Store Management System

Project Overview
The Grocery Store Management System aims to streamline the operations of a grocery store by
automating inventory management, sales processing, and customer management. Utilizing Python's OOP
paradigms, the system will offer a robust, scalable, and easy-to-maintain solution that enhances
operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

To automate inventory tracking and management.
To simplify the sales and checkout processes.
To manage customer information and purchasing history.
To provide reports on sales, inventory levels, and customer preferences.

System Components

1. Inventory Management
Product: Represents a product with attributes like ID, name, price, and quantity.
Inventory: Manages the list of products, including adding, updating, and deleting products.
Track product quantities.
Update product details.
Generate low stock alerts.

2. Sales Processing
CartItem: Represents an item in the shopping cart, containing product and quantity.
ShoppingCart: Manages items selected by a customer for purchase.
Order: Represents a completed sale transaction.
Add/remove items to/from the shopping cart.
Calculate total price with taxes.
Process payments and generate receipts.

3. Customer Management
Customer: Stores customer information, including name, contact details, and purchase history.
CustomerManager: Manages customer records, including adding, updating, and searching for customers.
Register new customers.
Edit customer information.
View customer purchase history.

4. Reporting
ReportGenerator: Generates reports based on inventory, sales, and customer data.
Generate sales reports for specified periods.
Inventory level reports.
Customer purchasing trends reports.

Constraints and Assumptions

The system assumes all sales are final and does not handle returns or exchanges.

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