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By Tainá Rodrigues - Fofuami

Copyright © 2023 | cute


Please read


RevenueFOFUAMI exclusive.
It is prohibited to share in groups or other means, resell, publish, play video
lessons or even donate. You can personalize it according to your taste and
that of your customers, but it is forbidden to commercialize any adaptation
(standard)using any part of this recipe as a basis.

You are allowed to share your final work, post your photos, but please don't
forget to tag Fofuami in your posts.
This recipe is only sold legally and securely by Instagram and Facebook from@
cute and through the . If you purchased it from
another profile and website or from someone else, you just committed a crime
and agreed with digital piracyprovided for in law 9610/98. Let's do our part
to not support digital piracy!

Copyright © 2023 | cute

About Fofuami and its creations s
It is

Hello! I'm Tainá Rodrigues, the creator of Fofuami. I fell in love

with crochet in 2016, I have already produced thousands of
pieces that have already been sent all over Brazil. Today I
dedicate myself to helping other artisans who also have the
same desire to live as they love.

All recipes were and are created with lots of love, affection
and dedication, which makes them very special.
Thousands of recipes have already been sold!
If you honestly acquired this recipe, I am so
grateful! Just as you valued my work, it will be a
pleasure to value and indicate yours!

I really want you to love making all the recipes and

have a great experience making them, just like I had
creating them.
To get to know me better and follow the whole
process of creating my pieces, I invite you to follow
me on Instagram, there I'm always posting and
sharing a little bit about my life and my work.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Fofuami's tip to have beautiful pieces

Whenever you are going to make any piece, always put a lot of love, affection and
dedication. These are important aspects to make your pieces beautiful and
unique. Remember that each craftswoman has her own skills and ways of
weaving, so the pieces will never look exactly alike.

But if you want your piece to be the approximate size of the recipe and the
most similar, USE THE EXACT MATERIALS I indicate in the recipe.
Don't make your piece anyway, keep in mind that its result will influence your
sales. Use SEWING, FINISHING and FACE EXPRESSION techniques to make
your pieces charming and irresistible!

NEVER forget: it's PRACTICE that makes PERFECTION!

The more pieces you make, the more you'll perfect yourself and they'll get better
and better!

Copyright © 2023 | cute


In this recipe, the names of the crochet stitches are abbreviated, in case of
doubts about the meaning of each abbreviation, consult the information below,
the names in bold are the abbreviations and the names in front are the meaning
of each abbreviation:

- AM:Magic Ring
- Pb:Low point
- Aum:Increase
- Shovel:Hight point

- Pad:double crochet
- FLO:Work on the front loops
- Carr:careers
- Triple sc inc:3 Low Points in the
same place
- Dim:decrease
- Pbx:Extremely low point
- Corr:chain
- X:Times
- Mpa:double crochet
- BLO:Work on the back loops

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Special point - BLO
In the structure of a crochet stitch, there are two loops at the top when the crochet
stitch is finished. It is normal to insert the crochet hook between these two loops
to make the stitches in the row. But in some jobs, we only work on one of these
handles. For this we use a special point calledBLO.

BLO (Back Loop Only)

“Only in the back row”

We make the stitch by picking up only the alcinh



ARROW:shoulder strap

Note that when making the single crochet in the back spacing only, the front
spacing from the previous row is left free. We usually use this point to give the
piece a relief aspect or to make details.
In this recipe, we will use both purposes, both to give the appearance of relief and
to make details.

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Copyright © 2023 | cute

Polar Bear - Measurements
20 cm

OBS: This is a measurement based on the materials

indicated in the recipe, but the final size may vary
from artisan to artisan, as each one has a different
stitch tension.

This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Black (8990) Black (8990)

White (8001) White (8001)
Quarry (8008) Quarry (8008)
Off White (8176) Off White (8176)
Glacier (8013) sweetness (3046)

Cléa thread to embroider the eyes on the

Black (8990)

2.0 mm crochet hook for making the pets 3.5 mm crochet hook
for making the clothes and accessories Black eyes 13 mm and 11
mm for the mini bear
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 8 sc (8) two-Inc in each sc (16) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 8x (24) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc] 8x (32)
5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 8x (40) 6-sc over sc (40) 7-
[4 sc and 1 inc] 8x (48) 8-sc over sc (48) 9-[5
sc and 1 inc] 8x (56) 10-[6 sc and 1 inc] 8x
(64) 11-18:sc over sc - [8 row] (64) 19-[3 sc
and 1 inc] 16x (80) 20-27:sc over sc - [8 row]
(80) 28-[3 sc and 1 dec] 16x (64) 29-[1 dec
and 2 sc] 16x (48) 30-[1 sc and 1 dec] 16x

31-sc over sc all round (32). Close with sl st and cut a longer thread so you can
sew the head to the body.

Tip from Fofuami:

Place the eyes between rows 16 and 17 separated by 6 sc visible between them.
When placing the locks, press them to the second step of the eyes, so they will be
deeper, beautiful and safe).

Copyright © 2023 | cute

White of the Eyes
Use double Amigurumi yarn in colorB

black embroidery
Use the double Cléa yarn in the colorPRE

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(needle of

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(

and on the link or

the qrcode

face expression
To sink and add eyes, use

Watch the video where I teach you Click on the link or use the
how to join the eyes and how to QRCode
make them more sunken, this part is
very important to let your pet com/playlist?
You are delicate and list=PLB9DzmefZNS1vN
Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1-Aum all around (16) 3-4 sc, 4 inc, 4 sc, 4
inc (24) 4-6 sc, 4 inc, 8 sc, 4 inc, 2 sc (32) 5-
8 sc, 4 inc, 12 sc, 4 inc, 4 sc (40)

6-sc over sc (40). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing.

Tip from Fofuami:

Sew the muzzle between rows 17 to 29 of the head(do not put
stuffing), sew the snout taking only the handles of the
front of pb.

Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1-Ch 4, skip ch 1, 2 sc, in the last ch 3 sc
in the same place, at the bottom of the
straps make 1 sc, 1 inc (8) two-1 inc, 1 sc,
3 inc, 1 sc, 2 inc (14) 3-sc over sc (14).
Close with sl st and cut a larger thread
for sewing. Sew the black nostril right in
the center of the snout between rows 2
to 6. No stuffing required.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1
inc] 6x (24) 5-6:sc over sc (24) -
[2 row] 7-[2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18)

8-[1 sc and 1 dec] 6x (12). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing. Sew the
ears between the rows The d
little eyes.

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 8 sc
two-Aum all around (16) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 8x (24) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc]
8x (32) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 8x (40) 6-[
4 sc and 1 inc] 8x (48) 7-[5 sc and 1
inc] 8x (56) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 8x
(64) 9-20:sc over sc (64) - [12 row]
21-16 sc, 16 dec, 16 sc (48) 22-25:sc
over sc (48) - [4 row] 26-[4 sc and 1
dec] 8x (40) 27-30:sc over sc (40) -
[4 row] 31-[3 sc and 1 dec] 8x (32)

32-33:sc over sc around (32) - [2 row]. Close with sl st and finish off
Copyright © 2023 | cute
Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1-Chain 6, skip the first chain, from the second chain make 4 sc, in the last chain 3 sc
in the same place, at the bottom of the chains make 3 sc, in the last chain 1 inc (12)

two-1 inc, 3 sc, 3 inc, 3 sc, 2 inc (18)

3-1 sc and 1 inc, 3 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 3 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (24) 4-2
sc and 1 inc, 3 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 3 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 2x (30)
5-9 sc, now we are going to make the bear's claws using the popcorn stitch, make 5 pad
in the same place, you will start making 2 pad, then go
make 1 pad, change to White color
base), turn the work and on the
right side and on the next sc, make
sc until you have 5 little crooks, dep
(Observe the images)


6-sc over sc (the popcorn stitch will

also be 30 sc.
7-4 sc, [1 dec and 1 sc] 6x, 8 sc (24) 8-[
2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18) 9-10:sc over sc
(18) - [2 row] 11-6 sc, [1 inc] 6x, 6 sc
(24) 12-6 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 6x, 6 sc
(30) 13-[1 inc] 2x, 24 sc, [1 inc] 4x (36)

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14-16:sc over sc (36) - [3 rows] 17-8
sc, [1 sc and 1 dec] 6x, 10 sc (30)
18-19:sc over sc (30) - [2 rows] 20-8
sc, [1 dec] 6x, 10 sc (24) 21-[1 dec] 2x,
12 sc, [1 dec] 4x (18) Place stuffing.

22-[1 sc and 1 dec] 6x (12)

23-[1 dec] 6x (6). Close the leg with the inverted magic ring.

Tip from Fofuami:

Fasten the legs to the body,
before fastening, position the
legs in the place you want to
fasten, I like to leave them a little
further forward, so there is not a
very large space between
one leg and the other.

Articulated Legs (see supporting

Watch the video where I teach how to video). Click on the link or look at
attach the legs, watch until the end camera in QrCode to see the
and carefully, because in the video I video.
explain and show the
rows where you will attach the

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (24)
5-6 sc, now let's make the bear's claws using the popcorn stitch, make 5 pad in the
same place, you will start by making 2 pad, then change to Quarry color, make 1
pad, change to color B the same
base), you will turn the work to
the right side and in the next sc f
sc until you have 5 little crooks,
(Observe the images)

6-sc over sc (the popcorn stitch what

will have 24 sc.
Perfect Sewing (see video of
7-6 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (18) 8-17:sc
support). Click on the link or aim the
over sc (18) - [10 row] Insert
camera at the QRCode to see the
18-[4 sc and 1 dec] 3x (15)
19-[3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12)
20-Fold the little arm in half and close it with 6 dc (6).
Chain 1 and cut a larger thread to sew the arms to the
Copyright © 2023 | cute
start with the rSWEETNESS(3.5mm needle)
for m version itua the colorSWEETNESSby line in colorGLACIAL ASH
1-AM of 6 sc
two-[1 sc and 1
inc 3-4:sc over p arr]
5-[2 sc and 1 inc
6-7:sc over p arr]
change to color
8-[3 sc and 1 inc
9-10:sc over car]
change to color
11-[4 sc and 1 inc
12-13:sc over car]
change to color
14-[5 sc and 1 inc
15-16:sc over p car]
Change to colorD
17-[6 sc and 1 inc] 3x (24) 18-19:sc
over sc (24) - [2nd row] Change to
colorOFF WHITE 20-[7 sc and 1
inc] 3x (27) 21-22:sc over sc (27) -
[2 row]
Copyright © 2023 | cute
change to color
23-[8 sc and 1
au 24-25:sc over 2 cars]
change to color
26-[9 sc and 1
au 27-28:sc over 2 cars]
change to color
29-[10 sc and 1 a
30-31:sc over car]
change to color
32-[11 sc and 1
au 33-34:sc over 2 cars]
change to color
35-[12 sc and 1 a
36-37:sc over 2 cars]
change to color
38-[13 sc and 1
a 39-40:sc over 2 cars]
change to color
41-[14 sc and 1 au
42-[7 sc and 1 au
43-[8 sc and 1 au
Change to color
44-20 sc, 6 co b, 8 sc, ch 6, skip 6 sc, 20 sc (60)
45-20 sc, 6 sc over chains, 8 sc, 6 sc over chains, 29 sc (60) 46-sc over sc
(60) Change to colorSWEETNESS 47-[8 sc and 1 dec] 6x (54) 48-[7 sc and 1
dec] 6x (48) 49-Now let's finish with sl st and finish off the fi


Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle)
1-Ch 30, close with sl st in first ch (will form a ch ring). Then make 1 sc for each ch
2-6:sc over sc (30). Close tie Then double the loop and about 6
the line in DOUCÃ color to turns, take the thread and tie the
part of thread. If the version of the hat or
are doing as you prefer.

Use al
To the In colorGLACIAL ASH the
1-Do run (100)
two-2 co feathers in the hairspray
behind the straps the scarf in the

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(3.5mm needle)
1-Ch 42, close with sl st in the first ch (it will form a ch anne and
crochet 1 hdc for each ch (42). Close with sl st in the first ch from
top to bottom.
two-Chain 2 up and hdc over hdc all around (42). Close first chain
counting from top to bottom.
3-Ch up 3 and crochet 3 dc in the same place
round (168). Close with sl st on the first. Fasten
off the yarn. Then put the

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Polar Bear is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't
forget to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can
get to know and promote her work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute


Copyright © 2023 | cute

Penguin - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the materials
indicated in the recipe, but the final size may vary
from artisan to artisan, as each one has a different
stitch tension.

ada of various auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the

manufacturing process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe
and watch the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please
contact us by email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Black (8990) Black (8990)

White (8001) White (8001)
Mustard (7030) Mustard (7030)
Blue Candy (2012) Macadamia (3148)
Off White (8176)

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

2.0 mm crochet hook for making the pets 3.5 mm crochet hook
for making the clothes and accessories Eyes black 13 mm

Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1
inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(30) 6-[4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5
sc and 1 inc] 6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1
inc] 6x (48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(54) 10-[8 sc and 1 inc] 6x (60)
11-18:sc over sc (60) - [8 row]

19-15 sc, [1 inc and 2 sc] 5x, [2 sc and 1 inc] 5x, 15 sc (70)
20-24:sc over sc (70) - [5 row] 25-[5 sc and 1 dec] 10x (60) 26-
[1 dec and 4 sc] 10x (50) 27-[3 sc and 1 dec] 10x (40) 28-[1
dec and 2 sc] 10x (30) 29-sc over sc (30)

Close with sl st and cut a longer thread so you can sew the head to the body. Place
the eyes between rows 16 and 17 separated by 9 sc visible between them.

Be careful when placing the eyes, it's important to take into account the 4 low
points in the middle of row 19 so they don't get crooked. Leave the eyes centered
on the increase part of row 19. When placing the locks, press them to the second
step of the eyes, this way they will be deeper, beautiful and safe).

Copyright © 2023 | cute

White of the Eyes
Use double Amigurumi yarn in colorB

black embroidery
Use the double Cléa yarn in the colorPRE

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(needle of

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(

and on the link or

the qrcode

face expression
To sink and add eyes, use

Watch the video where I teach you how Click on the link or use the
to join the eyes and how to make them QRCode
more sunken, this part is very important
to leave your pet with a more delicate com/playlist?
and charming expression(DO NOT SKIP list=PLB9DzmefZNS1vN
THIS STEP) w32vhFxorcwUwnui70n

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Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1- AM of 6 sc (6)
2- Inc all around (12) 3- [1
dc and 1 inc] 6x (18)
4- [2 sc and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-
[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) 6- [4
sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7- [5 sc
and 1 inc] 6x ( 42) 8- [6 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (48) 9- [7 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (54) 10- [8 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (60)
11-16: sc over sc (60) - [6 rows] Let's
detail the m finishing. Do not finish off the thread, so
pull the thread after doing that it does not come undone.


1- Now from the first point d black thread in color

at point 27th,make 8 sc. 2- Chain 1,

turn the work and make 3- Chain 1, (6)
turn the work and make 4- Chain 1, (4)
turn the work and make 5-6: sc over
sc (2) - [2 rows] F

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Let's finish the face we pull at the what
end of row 16. Work 1 hdc, 10 sc. one of pa,
Now make 6 sc in the lat sc on the
side, 10 sc at the base of the face
mpa, 11 sc. Close with sl st and cut
the head.


Use the line in colorMUSTARD(needle 1-

Make 4 chain, from the 2thmake 2 sc,
bottom of chains make 2 sc, in 1st 2- 1
sc, 3 sc in same place, 1 sc, 3 sc in place
3- 2 sc, 3 sc in the same place, 11 sc (17).
sewing. Sew the beak between the rows

Use BLACK thread (2mm needle) 1- AM
8 sc (8)
2- Inc in each sc (16) 3- [1
sc and 1 inc] 8x (24) 4- [2
sc and 1 inc] 8x (32) 5- [3
sc and 1 inc] 8x (40)
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5- [3 sc and 1 inc] 8x (40)
6- [4 sc and 1 inc] 8x (48)
7- [5 sc and 1 inc] 8x (56)
8-15: sc over sc (56) - [8 rows] 16- [5
sc and 1 dec] 8x (48)
17-18: sc over sc (48) - [2 rows] 19- [4
sc and 1 dec] 8x (40)
20-21: sc over sc (40) - [2 rows] 22- [3
sc and 1 dec] 8x (32)
23-24: sc over sc (32) - [2 rows]
25- [14 sc and 1 dec] 2x (30). Close with sl st and finish the thread.

Use the line in colorMUSTARD(2mm needle)
1- Make 9 chains, starting from 2thch make 7 sc, in the last ch make 3 sc in the same
place, at the bottom of the ch make 6 sc, in the last ch 1 inc (18)
2- 1 inc, 6 sc, 3 inc, 6 sc, 2 inc (24) 3-4:
sc over sc (24) - [2 rows] 5- 1 dec, 6 sc,
3 dec, 6 sc, 2 dec (18) 6- sc over sc (18)

7- 1 dec, 3 sc, 3 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec (12)

8- sc over sc (12)
9- 6 dec (6). Cut the thread and close the paw with the inverted magic ring.
Step outside to inside only in the front spacing of the 6 sc, then pull, tie knots
and hide the yarn. Pre you no. With
from the third row d three of them

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1- AM of 6 sc (6)
2- [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-
[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12) 4-
[3 sc and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5-
[4 sc and 1 inc] 3x ( 18) 6-
[5 sc and 1 inc] 3x (21) 7-
sc over sc (21)
8- [5 sc and 1 inc] 3x (18) 9- [4 sc
and 1 dec] 3x (15) 10- [3 sc and 1
dec] 3x (12) 11-14: sc over sc (12) -
[4 row]
15- Do not put stuffing, fold the wing in half and close it with 6 single crochets, taking the
front single crochet and the other one at the back. ch 1 and cut a larger thread for sewing.
Waistband to the O
separated by 6 sc.

belly spot
Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
2- Inc all around (12) 3- [1
dc and 1 inc] 6x (18)
4- [2 sc and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-
[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)
6- [4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36). Close with slst and cut a thread for sewing. Sew the spot
in the center of the body.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

After sewing the belly patch sew the
head to the body.

Use the line in colorCANDY BLUEorMACADAMIA(3.5mm needle) 1-
Make 28 ch, skip 2 ch and for each ch make 1 hdc (28)
2-30: Chain 2, turn the work and crochet 1 hdc all the way around picking up
only the back loops of stitch (28). Don't finish off

To assemble the hat, fold it in half and join the two parts with single crochets, picking
up both the front and back stitches. Then make 1 chain and cut the largest thread,
with this thread pass the needle in a zigzag type to be able to close the hat, pull well
and tie a few knots so that the work does not come undone

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
1- Make 30 chains, close with sl st in the first chain (it will form a chain
ring). Then make 1 sc for each ch (30)
2-6: sc over sc (30). Close with sl st and finish the thread. Then double the loop and tie the
thread in the colorMACADAMIAin the middle of the loop and make about 6 turns, take the
line to the back of the loop, tie a couple of knots and then finish the thread. If the version
you are doing w O
as you wish.

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(3.5mm needle)
1- Do 102 ch, skip 2 ch and then do 1 hdc for each ch (100)
2- ch 2, turn the work, 1 hdc for each hdc picking up only the back loops of the
stitch (100). Make 1 ch and finish off the yarn. Then put the scarf on the

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your penguin is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget
to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote her work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute


Copyright © 2023 | cute

Orca - Measurements

OBS: This is a measurement based on the

materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.

This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Black (8990) Black (8990)

White (8001) White (8001)
sweetness (3046)

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

2.0 mm crochet hook for making the pets 3.5 mm hook
for making the clothes and accessories Eyes black 13
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1- AM of 6 sc (6)
2- Inc all around (12) 3- sc
over sc (12) Tip from Fofuami:
4- [1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) Mark the position of the eyes with
5- 1 sc, 1 inc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 5x, 1 (24) 6- two pieces of thread, the eyes of
[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) the killer whale need to be on the
7- 2 sc, 1 inc, [4 sc and 1 inc] 5x, 2 sc (36) 8- side of the little body, leave them
[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x (42) centered on the body, place them
9- 3 sc, 1 inc, [6 sc and 1 inc] 5x, 3 sc (48) 10- between rows 16 and 17, leave
[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54) around 22 sc visible between
11- 4 sc, 1 inc, [8 sc and 1 they.
12-21: sc over sc (60) -

After putting the eyes of

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click the link or aim the camera
in the QRCode to view the video.

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22- 16 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc (54)
23- sc over sc (54)
24- 15 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 15 sc (48)
25- sc over sc (48)
26- 14 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc (42) 27-
sc over sc (42)
28- 13 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc (36)
29- sc over sc (36)
30- 12 sc, 6 dec, 12 sc (30)
31- sc over sc (30) Start putting the stuffing.
32- 7 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc (24)
33- sc over sc (24)
34- 5 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc (20)
35- 20 sc (20)
36-38: 5 dc, 10 sl st, 5 dc (20) - (3 row)
39- sc over sc (20)
40- 1 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (16)
35- sc over sc (16)
36- 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec (12)
37- sc over sc. Close with sl st and cut a larger thread. From the sl st count 6 sc and pass the
thread in this point healthy 6
when passing the thread give some es

Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
Make two equal parts:
1- AM of 6 sc (6) 2- [1 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3- [2 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (12) 4- [3 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5- [4 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (18)
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6- [5 sc and 1 inc] 3x (21)
7- sc over sc (21)
8- [5 sc and 1 dec] 3x (18) 9-
[4 sc and 1 dec] 3x (15) 10-
[3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12) 11-
[2 sc and 1 dec] 3x ( 9)
12- [1 sc and 1 dec] 3x (6). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread.
Now make the union of the c It is rt
picking up points from u The O

belly spot
Use the line in colorWHITE(2m needle
Let's work in rounds and 1- Make 10
ch, from 2thch do 2- 1 inc, 9 sc, 1 inc
3- 11 sc (11)
4- 1 inc, 11 sc, 1 inc (13) 5-
13 sc (13)
6-15: 13 sc (13) - [10 row]
16- 1 dec, 9 sc, 1 dec (11)
17-21: 11 sc (11) - [5 row]
22- 1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec (9)
23-27: 9 sc (9) - [5 row]
28- 1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec (7)
29-33: 7 sc (7) - [5 row]
34- 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec (5)
35-39: 5 sc (5) - [5 row]
40- 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec (3)
41-45: 3 sc (3) - [5 row]
Now sc around the stain to finish, close with sl st and cut a larger thread for
Copyright © 2023 | cute
Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1- AM of 6 sc (6)
2- [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-
[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12) 4- Perfect Sewing (see supporting
[3 sc and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5- video). Click the link or aim the camera
[4 sc and 1 inc] 3x ( 18) 6- in the QRCode to view the video.
sc over sc (18)
7- [4 sc and 1 dec] 3x (15)
8- [3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12)
9- [1 sc and 1 dec] 4x (8). Do not put padding, fold the fin in half and close it with 4
single crochets, taking the front single crochet and the other one at the back. ch 1
and cut a larger thread for sewing.

Di i:
Sew the fins well 17 and 18 of the belly between the rows
the body, sew one

dorsal fin
Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1- AM of 6 sc (6)
2- [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-
[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12) 4-
[3 sc and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5-
sc over sc (15)
6- [3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12).
Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing.
With upper part of body between rows 22 to 27,
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Minor Body Stains
Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1- AM of 12 sc (12). Close with sl st and cut the larger thread for sewing.
1- AM of 12 sc (12) 2- 3
sc, 6 inc of hdc, Sew the m sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing.
spots to position you want.

Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle)
1- Make 30 chains, close with sl st in the first chain (it will form a chain ring). Then
make 1 sc for each ch (30)
2-6: sc over sc (30). Close with sl st and finish the thread. Then double the loop and tie the thread
in the colorSWEETNESSin the middle of the loop and make about 6 turns, take the line p
O and then finish off the yarn.

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Orca is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget to
tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote her work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

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Polar Fox - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the materials
indicated in the recipe, but the final size may vary
from artisan to artisan, as each one has a different
stitch tension.

This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:
Black (8990) Black (8990)
White (8001) White (8001)
Chestnut (7625) Glacier (8013)
Glacier (8013) Satin (4084)

Cléa thread to embroider the eyes n

Black (8990)

2.0 mm crochet hook for making the pets 3.5 mm crochet hook
for making the clothes and accessories Eyes black 13 mm

Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Start with the color lineGLACIAL(2mm needle) 1-AM
of 8 sc (8) two-Inc in each sc (16) 3-[1 sc and 1 au 4-[2
sc and 1 a

5-[3 sc and 1
au 6-sc over p
7-[4 sc and 1 a
8-sc over p
9-[5 sc and 1 a
10-[6 sc and 1 a
11-17:sc over sc - [7 row] (64)
18-15 sc, 3 inc, 29 sc, 3 inc, 14 sc (70)
Change to colorWHITE
19-work onBLO:15 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 29 sc, [1 inc and 1 sc] 3x, 14 sc (76)
20-21:sc over sc (76) - [2 row]
22-15 sc, [1 sc and 1 dec] 3x, 29 sc, [1 dec and 1 sc] 3x, 14 sc (70)
23-15 sc, 3 dec, 29 sc, 3 dec, 14 sc (64) 24-[6 sc and 1 dec] 8x (56)
25-[1 dec and 5 sc] 8x (48) 26-[4 sc and 1 dec] 8x (40)

27-[1 dec and 3 sc] 8x (32). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing.

Tip from Fofuami:

Place the eyes between rows 16 and 17 separated by 6 sc visible between them.
When placing the locks, press them up to the second step of the eyes, so they
will be deeper, beautiful and safe).

Copyright © 2023 | cute

White of the Eyes
Use double Amigurumi yarn in colorB

Black Embroidery d
Use the double Cléa yarn in the colorPRET

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click the link or aim the camera
in the QRCode to view the video.


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(needle

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Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1-Aum all around (16) 3-4 sc, 4 inc, 4 sc, 4
inc (24) 4-6 sc, 4 inc, 8 sc, 4 inc, 2 sc (32)

5-sc over sc (32). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing.

Tip from Fofuami:

Sew the muzzle between rows 15 to 25 of the head(do not put
stuffing), sew the snout taking only the
pb front straps,

Use the line in colorBLACK(2mm needle)
1-Ch 4, skip ch 1, 2 sc, in the last ch 3 sc
in the same place, at the bottom of the
straps make 1 sc, 1 inc (8) two-sc over sc
(8). Close with sl st and cut a larger
thread for sewing. Sew the black nostril
right in the center of the snout between
rows 3 to 5. No stuffing required.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

start with colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1-AM from 6 p.m.

two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-[2 sc

and 1 inc] 3x (12) Change to
colorGLACIAL 4-[1 sc and 1 inc]
6x inBLO(18) 5-sc over sc (18) 6-[
2 sc and 1 inc] 6x (24) 7-sc over
sc (24) 8-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)
9-[3 sc and 1 dec] 6x (24) 10-[4 sc
and 1 dec] 4x (20) Close with sl st
and cut a seam. Sew the ears
and rows 5 to 14 of the head, 5
sc distance from the eyes

Use the line in colorGLACIAL(2mm needle)
1-AM of 8 sc
two-Aum all around (16) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 8x (24) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc]
8x (32) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 8x (40) 6-[
4 sc and 1 inc] 8x (48) 7-[5 sc and 1
inc] 8x (56) 8-17:sc over sc (56) -
[10 row] 18-20 sc, 8 dec, 20 sc (48)
19-22:sc over sc (48) - [4 row] 23-[4
sc and 1 dec] 8x (40) 24-27:sc over
sc (40) - [4 row] 28-[3 sc and 1 dec]
8x (32)

29-32:sc over sc all around (32) - [4 row] Close

with sl st and fasten the thread.
Copyright © 2023 | cute
Start with the color lineWHITE(2mm needle) 1-AM
of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1
inc] 6x (24) 5-6:sc over sc (24) -
[2 row] 7-6 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (18) 8-
sc over sc (18) Change to color
GLACIAL 9-sc over sc inBLO(18)
10-17:sc over sc (18) - [8 row]
Insert stuffing

18-[4 sc and 1 aim] 3x (15) 19-[3 sc

and 1 dec] 3x (12) 20-Fold the little
arm in half and close it with 6 dc
Chain 1 and cut a larger thread to
sew the arms to the body.

Perfect Sewing (see video of

support). Click on the link or aim the
camera at the QRCode to see the

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle)
1- Make 6 ch, skip the first ch, from the second ch make 4 sc, in the last ch 3 sc in
the same place, at the bottom of the ch make 3 sc, in the last ch 1 inc (12)

2- 1 inc, 3 sc, 3 inc, 3 sc, 2 inc (18)

3- 1 sc and 1 inc, 3 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 3 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (24)
4- 2 sc and 1 inc, 3 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 3 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 2x (3
5-6: sc over sc (30) - [2 row]
7- 4 sc, [1 dec and 1 sc] 6x, 8 sc (24) 8-
[2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18)
9-10: sc over sc (18) - [2 row] 11-
6 sc, 6 inc, 6 sc inBLO(24) 12- 2
inc, 18 sc, 4 inc (30) 13-16: sc over
sc (30)
17- 8 sc, 6 dec, 10 sc (24)
18- sc over sc (24)
19- 2 dec, 12 sc, 4 dec (18)
20- sc over sc (18)
put stuffing
21- [1 sc and 1 dec] 6x (12)
22- 6 dec (6). Close the leg with the inverted magic ring.

Tip from Fofuami:

Fasten the legs to the body, before
fastening, position the legs in the place
you want to fasten, I like to leave them a
little further forward, so there is not a
very large space between one leg and
the other.

Articulated Legs (see supporting

Watch the video where I teach how to attach
video). Click on the link or look at
the legs, watch until the end and carefully,
camera in QrCode to see the
because in the video I explain and show the
rows where you will attach the legs.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Start with the color lineWHITE(2mm needle) 4 sc 1-
AM (4)
2- [1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (6)
3- 6 inc (12)
4- [1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18)
5- [2 sc and 1 inc] 6x (24)
6- [3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)
7- sc over sc (30)
8- [4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 9-11:
sc over sc (36) - [3 row] Change
to colorGLACIAL 12- [2 sc and 1
single crochet picking over two

rounds (see images 2-4) 12x (36) 13-14: sc

over sc and (36) - [2 row]
15- [4 sc and 1 dec] 6x
(30) 16- sc over sc (30)
17- [3 sc and 1 dec] 6x
(24) 18- sc over sc (24)
19- [2 sc and 1 dec] 6x
(18) 20- sc over sc (18)
Place stuffing
21- [1 sc and 1 dec] 6x
(12) 22- sc over sc (12) 23-
Fold the tail to the largest with 6 sc (6).
one. sew the tail body.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

tiara with bow
Use the line in colorSATIN(2mm needle)
1- Make 13 chains, from the second chain make 1 sc for each chain (12).
2-6: Chain up 1, turn ot s air
7- Now make 1 row O s

8- Make 1 sc and 1 picot (1 sc, 3 chains and 1 sc in the sc), skip 1 sc, then make 1 sc and 1 picot,
follow this sequence until It is

the images)

Fold the bow in half, then tie a piece of yarn and give it about 6 turns to form the middle
of the bow, tie a few knots in the back and finish off the yarn.
To make the tiara, use a 3.0mm needle and SATIN colored thread, make 48 chains and close
with sl sts in the first chain (it will form a chain cord). Chain 2 up and crochet 1 hdc for each
ch, close with with The
cut a bigger wire, then t

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorSATIN(3.5mm needle)
For boy version replace the colorSATINby line in colorBRUNETTE 1- Ch 102,
skip ch 2 then crochet 1 hdc for each ch (100) ch 2- 2, turn work.
the mpa taking only the handles kill the
behind the point (100). thread.

Use the line in colorSATIN(3.5mm needle)
1- Make 42 chains, close with sl st in the first chain (it will form a chain ring). Ch
3 up and in the same place 1 dc, continue making 1 dc inc for each ch (84). Close
with sl st in first ch counting from top to bottom.
2- Go up chain 3 and make 1 dc inc all around (168). Close with sl st in first ch
counting from top to bottom.
3-4: Ch up 3 and dc over dc all the way around (168). Close with sl st in the first
counting chain O. - [2 rows]. in the last career
close with pbx and arre

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