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By Tainá Rodrigues - Fofuami

Copyright © 2023 | cute


Please read


RevenueFOFUAMI exclusive.
It is prohibited to share in groups or other means, resell, publish, play video
lessons or even donate. You can personalize it according to your taste and
that of your customers, but it is forbidden to commercialize any adaptation
(standard)using any part of this recipe as a basis.

You are allowed to share your final work, post your photos, but please don't
forget to tag Fofuami in your posts.
This recipe is only sold legally and securely by Instagram and Facebook from@
cute and through the . If you purchased it from
another profile and website or from someone else, you just committed a crime
and agreed with digital piracyprovided for in law 9610/98. Let's do our part
to not support digital piracy!

Copyright © 2023 | cute

About Fofuami and its creations s
It is

Hello! I'm Tainá Rodrigues, the creator of Fofuami. I fell in love

with crochet in 2016, I have already produced thousands of
pieces that have already been sent all over Brazil. Today I
dedicate myself to helping other artisans who also have the
same desire to live as they love.

All recipes were and are created with lots of love, affection
and dedication, which makes them very special.
Thousands of recipes have already been sold!
If you honestly acquired this recipe, I am so
grateful! Just as you valued my work, it will be a
pleasure to value and indicate yours!

I really want you to love making all the recipes and

have a great experience making them, just like I had
creating them.
To get to know me better and follow the whole
process of creating my pieces, I invite you to follow
me on Instagram, where I'm always posting and
sharing a little bit about my life and my work.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Fofuami's tip to have beautiful pieces

Whenever you are going to make any piece, always put a lot of love, affection and
dedication. These are important aspects to make your pieces beautiful and
unique. Remember that each craftswoman has her own skills and ways of
weaving, so the pieces will never look exactly alike.

But if you want your piece to be the approximate size of the recipe and the
most similar, USE THE EXACT MATERIALS I indicate in the recipe.
Don't make your piece anyway, keep in mind that its result will influence your
sales. Use SEWING, FINISHING and FACE EXPRESSION techniques to make
your pieces charming and irresistible!

NEVER forget: it's PRACTICE that makes PERFECTION!

The more pieces you make, the more you'll perfect yourself and they'll get better
and better!

Copyright © 2023 | cute


In this recipe, the names of the crochet stitches are abbreviated, in case of
doubts about the meaning of each abbreviation, consult the information below,
the names in bold are the abbreviations and the names in front are the meaning
of each abbreviation:

- AM:Magic Ring
- Pb:Low point
- Aum:Increase
- Shovel:Hight point

- Pad:double crochet
- FLO:Work on the front loops
- Carr:careers
- Triple sc inc:3 Low Points in the
same place
- Dim:decrease
- Pbx:Extremely low point
- Corr:chain
- X:Times
- Mpa:double crochet
- BLO:Work on the back loops

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Special point - BLO
In the structure of a crochet stitch, there are two loops at the top when the crochet
stitch is finished. It is normal to insert the crochet hook between these two loops
to make the stitches in the row. But in some jobs, we only work on one of these
straps. For this we use a special point calledBLO.

BLO (Back Loop Only)

“Only in the back row”

We make the stitch picking up only in the alcinh



ARROW:shoulder strap

Note that when making the single crochet in the back spacing only, the front
spacing from the previous row is left free. We usually use this point to give the
piece a relief aspect or to make details.
In this recipe, we will use both purposes, both to give the appearance of relief and
to make details.

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Copyright © 2023 | cute
Seahorse - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the 18cm
materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Glacier (8013) Mauve (6802)

Hydrangea (2137) Macadamia (3148)
Off White (8176) Off White (8176)

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

Crochet hook 2.0 mm
Eyes black 9 mm
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

craft glue
score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMAUVE(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Inc in each sc (12) 3-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1
inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(30) 6-[4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5
sc and 1 inc] 6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1
inc] 6x (48) 9-17:sc over sc (48) -
[9 row]

Tip from Fofuami:

Place the eyes between rows 15 and 16 separated by 9 sc visible between them.
When placing the locks, press them up to the second step of the eyes, so they will
be deeper, beautiful and safe).

1 two

Eye White Embroidery

Use double Amigurumi yarn in colorWHITE(tapestry needle)

3 4 5 6

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Black Eye Embroidery
Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK

7 8 9 10

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK

11 12 13 14

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(

15 16 17

Click the link or

use the qrcode
Copyright © 2023 | cute
18-[14 sc and 1 dec] 3x (45)
19-[14 sc and 1 inc] 3x (48)
20-[6 sc and 1 dec] 6x (42)
21-[5 sc and 1 dec] 6x (36)
22-[4 sc and 1 dec] 6x (30)
23-[3 sc and 1 dec] 6x (24)
24-[2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18)
Place stuffing
25-sc over sc inBLO(18)
26-33:sc over sc (18) - [8 row]. Close with sl st and finish the thread. In the part that
we went up to make the base to fit the head to the body, do not put stuffing, this
part you will push inside the head, forming the base to fit the head to the body.
(Watch the pictures)

18 19 20 21

face expression
To sink and gather little eye

22 23

Watch the video where I teach you how Click on the link or use the
to join the eyes and how to make them QRCode
more sunken, this part is very
important to leave your pet with a more com/playlist?
delicate and charming expression(DO list=PLB9DzmefZNS1vN
NOT SKIP THIS STEP) w32vhFxorcwUwnui70n

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMAUVE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-sc
over sc (9)

4-[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12). Close the

snout to the wrong side, leave it
behind, then pass the thread that you
cut to the snout, then sew it between
the eyes.

24 25 26 27

Use the line in colorMAUVE(2mm needle) 1-
Am from 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9)Before stuffing and finishing the body,
3-4:sc over sc (9) - [2 row] 5-[2 sc and 1 inc]
form the horse's tail, it has a slight bend.
3x (12) 6-7:sc over sc (12) - [2 row] 8-[3 sc Use craft glue.
and 1 inc] 3x (15) 9-10:sc over sc (15) - [2
row] 11-[4 sc and 1 inc] 3x (18) 12-13:sc over 28 29
sc (18) - [2 row] 14-[5 sc and 1 inc] 3x (21)
15-16:sc over sc (21) - [2 row] 17-[6 sc and 1
inc] 3x (24) 18-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) 19-[4
sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 20-[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(42) 21-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x (48)

30 31

Copyright © 2023 | cute

22-29:sc over sc (48) - [8 row] 30-[
6 sc and 1 dec] 6x (42) 31-[5 sc
and 1 dec] 6x (36) 32-sc over sc
(36) 33-[4 sc and 1 dec] 6x (30)
34-sc over sc (30) 35-[3 sc and 1
dec] 6x (24) 36-sc over sc (24) 37-[
2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18) 38-sc over
sc (18) Place stuffing

39-[7 sc and 1 dec] 2x (16) 40-45:

sc over sc (16) - [6 row] 46-[2 sc
and 1 dec] 4x (12)
Put padding on the neck 47-6 dec (6)

Close with the magic ring in and the head on

the head is articulated.

32 34 35

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
Start making the Crown on the head, attach the
yarn on row 12, leave it centered between the eyes,
go up 3 ch and make 1 dc in the same place,
continue making 2 dc for each row, always in the
same direction, do until row 21 on the head, turn the
work and make 3 dc , then a picot stitch (1 sc, ch 3
and 1 sc in the sc), follow this sequence until the end
3 sc and 1 picot. Then finish off the thread.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

36 37 38

39 40 41

42 43 44

Now make the torso rings at the back of the body, make them centered with the crown
of the head between s the step you did
in the head.

45 46 47 48

49 50 51 52

Copyright © 2023 | cute

dorsal fin
Use the line in colorOFF WHITE(
now 1-Inside AM do 6 mpa (6) two-
Turn the work, ch 3 and 1 a Close
with sl st and finish off with the

53 54 55 56

to end

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Seahorse is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't
forget to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can
get to know and promote her work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute

Copyright © 2023 | cute
Whale - Measurements

OBS: This is a measurement based on the 18cm

materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

Crochet hook 2.0 mm
Eyes black 13 mm
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

craft glue
score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc
Tip from Fofuami:
and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and Mark the position of the eyes with

1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 sc and 1 two pieces of thread, the whale's

inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc] eyes need to be on the side of the

6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x little body, leave them centered on

(48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54) the body, place them between

10-[8 sc and 1 inc] 6x (60) rows 16 and 17, leave around 22

11-20:sc over sc (60) - sc visible between


57 58 59 60

After putting the eyes of

62 63 64

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click the link or aim the camera
in the QRCode to view the video.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Black Eye Embroidery
Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK

65 66 67

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(agu

68 69 70

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(The

71 72 73

Click the link or

use the qrcode
Copyright © 2023 | cute
21-16 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 2 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 1 dec, 16 sc (54)
22-sc over sc (54)
23-15 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 2 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 15 sc (48)
24-sc over sc (48)
25-14 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 14 sc (42) 26-
sc over sc (42)
27-13 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 13 sc (36)
28-sc over sc (36) 29-12 sc, 6 dec, 12 sc (30)

30-sc over sc (30) Start stuffing.

31-7 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc (24)
32-sc over sc (24)
33-5 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc (20) 34-
20 sc (20)
35-37:5 sc, 10 sl st inFLO, 5 sc (20) - (3 row) 38-
sc over sc (20)
39-1 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 2 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (16)
40-sc over sc (16)
41-1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 6 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec (12)
42-sc over sc (12). Close with sl st and cut a larger thread. From the sl st count 6 sc and
pass the thread in this The m side and 6 sc for
the other. When passing the wire The azer.

74 75

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
Make two equal parts:
1-AM of 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-[2 sc and
1 inc] 3x (12) 4-[3 sc and 1
inc] 3x (15) 5-[4 sc and 1
inc] 3x (18)
Copyright © 2023 | cute
6-[5 sc and 1 inc] 3x (21) 7-sc
over sc (21) 8-[5 sc and 1 dec] 3x
(18) 9-[4 sc and 1 dec] 3x (15) 10-[
3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12) 11-[2 sc
and 1 dec] 3x (9) 12-[1 sc and 1
dec] 3x (6). Close Now make the
union of the tail taking the
stitches on one side

77 78 79 80

belly spot
Use the line in colorOFF WHITE(2mm needle)
We will work in back and forth rows 1-Make 10
chains, starting from 2thch make 9 sc (9) two-1
inc, 7 sc, 1 inc (11) 3-sc over sc (11) 4-1 inc, 9 sc,
1 inc (13) 5-14:sc over sc (13) - [10 row] 15-1 dec, 81 82
9 sc, 1 dec (11) 16-19:sc over sc (11) - [4 row] 20-
1 dec, 7 sc, 1 dec (9) 21-24:sc over sc (9) - [4 row]
25-1 dec, 5 sc, 1 dec (7) 26-29:sc over sc (7) - [4
row] 30-1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec (5) 31-34:sc over sc (5)
- [4 row] 35-1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec (3) 36-39:3 sc (3) -
[4 row]
83 84

Now sc around the stain to finish, close with sl st and cut a larger thread for

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-[2 sc and
1 inc] 3x (12) 4-[3 sc and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5-[4 sc and 1
inc] 3x (18) 6-sc over sc (18) 7-[4 sc and 1 dec] 3x Perfect Sewing (see supporting
(15) 8-[3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12) video). Click the link or aim the camera
in the QRCode to view the video.

9-[1 sc and 1 dec] 4x (8). Do not put padding, fold the fin in half and close it with
4 single crochets, taking the front single crochet and the other one at the back.
ch 1 and cut a long sewing thread.

Tip from Fofuami:

Sew the fins very close to the white spot on the belly between rows 17 and 18 of
the body, sew one on each side.

85 86 87 88

dorsal fin
Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (9) 3-[2 sc and
89 90
1 inc] 3x (12) 4-[3 sc and 1 inc] 3x (15) 5-sc over sc
(15) 6-[3 sc and 1 dec] 3x (12)

Close with sl st and cut a larger thread for sewing. Sew the fin to the top
of the body between rows 22 to 27, leave it centered.
Copyright © 2023 | cute


Your Whale is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget to
tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote her work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute

Copyright © 2023 | cute
Crab - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the 11cm
materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several photos and videos

of the making process. Please read carefully
in the recipe and watch the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties,
please contact us by email: or by direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Chantilly (7563) cadamia (3148)

White (8001) uçura (3046)
Soft amigurumi yarn in color: nco (8001)
Gem (4146)

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

Crochet hook 2.0 mm
Eyes black 9 mm
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

craft glue
score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc 91 92
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1
inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(30) 6-[4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5
sc and 1 inc] 6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1
inc] 6x (48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(54) 10-[8 sc and 1 inc] 6x (60)
11-13:sc over sc (60) - [3 row]

14-sc over sc inFLO(60). close with terminate the thread.

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1
sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and
1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 sc and 1
inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc]
6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54)

10-[8 sc and 1 inc] 6x (60). Close with sl st and cut a long thread for sewing.
Join the top and the with frog
body and 1 strap that The

94 95 96 97

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Paws 6x
Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6) two-sc over sc (6) 3-[1 sc and 1
inc] 3x (9) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12)

5-6:3 sc, 6 hdc, 3 sc (12) - [2 row] 7-

sc over sc (12) Close with sl st and
cut an f row 8 to 10 in the other ture. Sew the paws between the
part (place filler another, between osture first 3 one on the side of the s
the two groups to the


98 99 100 101

2x claws
Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle) Start 102
by crocheting the smaller part of the claw: 1-AM of
4 sc (4) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (6) 3-1 inc and 5 sc

4-6 sc and 1 inc (8). Close with sl st and finish the thread.

Now make the larger part of the claw: 103

1-AM of 6 sc (6) two-[1 sc and 1 inc] 3x
(9) 3-[2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (12) 4-[3 sc and
1 inc] 3x (15) 5-14 sc and 1 inc (16)

6-Do not finish off the thread, now we are going to make the union to form the claw.
Take the smaller part and make 8 sc, now in the larger part make 16 sc (24)
Copyright © 2023 | cute
7-[4 sc and 1 dec] 4x
(20) 8-sc over sc (20)
9-[1 sc and 1 dec] 2x, 5 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc (16)
10-1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc (12)
Place stuffing
11-[1 dec and 1 sc] 4x (8)
12-13:sc over sc (8) - [2 row]. Close with sl st and cut a long thread for sewing. Sew
the claws between a group of 3 paws and another, leave the smaller part of the claw
inwards, sew well ho bad
lower body us

104 105 106 107

108 109 110 111

eyes 2x
Use the line in colorWHITE(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Inc in each sc (12) 3-[1 sc and 1 inc] 6x 113
(18) 4-6:sc over sc (18) - [3rd row] Place the
eyes between rows 5 and 6 7-[1 sc and 1 dec]
6x (12)

Before finishing, make the embroidery of the eyes.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

white embroidery
Use the yarn in colorWHITE air

114 115 116 117

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://

Embroidery Close to the Eyes

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR foot

118 119 120 121

8-To finish the eye, put stuffing, make 6 dec (6). Close the little eye with the
inverted magic ring, d O d
centralized with the

122 124 125 126

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Crab is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget to
tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote your work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute

Copyright © 2023 | cute
Translated from Portuguese to English -

Jellyfish - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the 18cm
materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Blue Candy (2012) 148)

Deep Indigo (2856) )

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

Crochet hook 2.0 mm
Eyes black 11 mm
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

craft glue
score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Inc in each sc (12) 3-[1 sc and Tip from Fofuami:
1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc] 6x Place the eyes between rows 14 and 15
(24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 separated by 9 sc visible between them.
sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1
inc] 6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54) 10-[8 127
sc and 1 inc] 6x (60) 11-18:sc over
sc (60) - [8 row] 19-[3 sc and 1
dec] 12x (48) Now let's make the

20-Close with sl st in the front loop of the next sc (we will work onFLO). Chain 2
up and crochet 2 hdc for each front row of sc (96). Close with sl st in second ch
counting from top to bottom.
21-Go up 2 ch and make Close with sl st in second ch.
m counting from top to


Eye White Embroidery

Use double Amigurumi yarn in colorWHITE(tapestry needle)

129 130 131 132

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Black Eye Embroidery
Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR foot

133 134 135

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR

136 137 138 139

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR It is

140 141 142

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use the qrcode
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body base
Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6) two-Inc in each sc (12) 3-[1 sc and 1
inc] 6x (18)

4-[2 sc and 1 inc] 6x inBLO(24) 5-[3

sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 sc and 1
inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(42) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x inBLO(4
sewing. the long for


Use the line in colorMACADAMIA(2mm needle) Secure the
yarn in the first loop that we left without work 42 ch, skip 2 ch
and make 1 inc
crochet 1 sl st, chain up 42 ch
again, skip a row and in the next
9 tentacles.

144 145 146

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Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2mm needle)
Secure the thread in the first loop that we left unworked on row 7, ch 41, skip ch 1 and
crochet 1 sc in each ch, skip 3 loops at the base and in the next loop make 1 sl st, go up
ch 41, skip 1 ch and crochet 1 sc in each chain, skip 3 loops at the base and in the next
one do huh 1
end may not there is to the

147 148 149 150

Embroidery - Mouth
Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR It is

151 152 153 154

To finish and give that

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Your Jellyfish is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget
to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote your work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

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Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

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Copyright © 2023 | cute
Sea Turtle - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the 18cm
materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several photos and

the process of making it. Please read with of
in the recipe and watch the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties,
please contact us by email: or direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

List of materials
Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors: Traditional Amigurumi yarn in colors:

Eucalyptus (5745)
Craft (7148)
Chantilly (7563)

Cléa thread to embroider eyes in color:

Black (8990)

Crochet hook 2.0 mm
Eyes black 11 mm
Doll needle (mine is 12.5 cm) Pins

craft glue
score marker
blush for cheeks

One skein of each row is enough.
All thread colors shown here are just suggestions, you can feel free to make your
pieces in the colors you want.
It is very important to bear in mind that changing threads and needle size can interfere
with the final size of your piece, the measurements given here are according to the
threads and needles indicated in the recipe.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorEUCALYPTUS(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc FOFUAMI TIP:
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc and 1 inc] Place the eyes between rows 14 and 15 of
6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[ the head with 9 sc visible between them.
4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 When placing the locks, press them up to the
inc] 6x (42) 8-sc over sc (42) 9-[6 sc second step of the eyes, so they will be
and 1 inc] 6x (48) 10-sc over sc deeper, beautiful and safe).
(48) 11-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54)
12-15:sc over sc (54) - [4 row] 16-[
155 156
2 sc and 1 inc] 18x (72) 17-20:sc
over sc (72) - [4 row] 21-[2 sc and
1 dec] 18x (54) 22-[7 sc and 1 dec]
6x (48) 23-[6 sc and 1 dec] 6x (42)

Before finishing the head, embroider the eyes.

White of the Eyes

Use Amigurumi dup yarn (The

157 158

159 160

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Black Eye Embroidery
Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR foot

161 162 163 164

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR

165 166 167 168

Use the Cléa yarn in the colorPR It is

169 170 171

Click the link or

use the qrcode
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24-[5 sc and 1 dec] 6x (36)
25-[4 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)
26-[3 sc and 1 dec] 6x (24)
27-[2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18)
28-29:sc over sc (18)
Put stuffing. Close with sl st and cut a long thread for sewing.


face expression
To sink and gather ol B.C CU

173 174 175

Watch the video where I teach you how Click on the link or use the
to join the eyes and how to make them QRCode
more sunken, this part is very
important to leave your pet with a more com/playlist?
delicate and charming expression(DO list=PLB9DzmefZNS1vN
NOT SKIP THIS STEP) w32vhFxorcwUwnui70n

Copyright © 2023 | cute

line in colorCRA 1-AM
of 6 sc (6) two-Aum in
all volt 3-[1 sc and 1 inc]
6x (18 4-[2 sc and 1 inc]
176 177
6x (2 5-[3 sc and 1 inc]
6x (3 6-[4 sc and 1 inc]
6x (3 7-[5 sc and 1 inc]
6x (4 8-[6 sc and 1 inc]
6x (4 9-[7 sc and 1 inc]
6x (5 10-[8 sc and 1 inc]
6x ( 11-13:sc over sc
14-sc over sc inFLO(60). Close with sl st and finish the fi


Use the line in colorCHANTILLY(2mm needle) 1-
AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1
sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc 178
and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and
1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 sc and 1
inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc]
6x (42) 8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x
(48) 9-[7 sc and 1 inc] 6x (54)

10-[8 sc and 1 inc] 6x (60). Close with sl st and cut a long thread for sewing.
Sew the bottom ed one
sc on each side to p It is

179 180 181 182

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Sew the head to the body, when sewing the head, leave the eyes facing the

183 184 185

Click on the link or use the

See the video:
sewing the head
of sea turtle

Now do the TAIL with 1- y

Inside the AM make 2 6).
chains Sew the tail to the O
head part.

188 189
186 187

Front Fins
Use the line in colorEUCALYPTUS(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and
1 inc] 6x (30) 6-[4 sc and 1
inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc]
6x (42)
Copyright © 2023 | cute
8-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x (48)
9-Fold the fin (when making the stitches take both the front single crochet and the back
sc). Make 1 sc, 1 picot (ch 3 and 1 sc in sc), [3 sc and 1 picot] 6x, there will be left over
the last picot do 1 sc for each 1 of those 10 sc,
after It is

sew am

190 191 192 193

194 195 196 197

Hind Fins
Use the line in colorEUCALYPTUS
(needle 2mm)
198 199
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-[2 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and
1 inc] 6x (30)
6-Fold the fin in half and crochet sc in
both front and back sc. Chain 1 and cut a 200 201
long sewing thread. Sew them to the
back of the hoof, 9 sc apart. To give the
final touch, apply blush on the face.

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Sea Turtle is finished! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't
forget to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can
get to know and promote your work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute

Copyright © 2023 | cute
Sun and Ben dolls - Measurements
OBS: This is a measurement based on the 25cm
materials indicated in the recipe, but the final
size may vary from artisan to artisan, as each
one has a different stitch tension.


This recipe is filled with several auxiliary photos and videos to facilitate the cooking
process. Please read carefully all the information contained in the recipe and watch
the supporting videos. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact us by
email: or direct from Instagram @fofuami

When posting a photo tag us on Instagram:@cute

We will love to see the result of your piece following Fofuami's pattern!

Auxiliary Videos

To watch the auxiliary videos, click on the link or

point the camera of your QR reader application at
the QrCode to see the playlists with all the
auxiliary videos.

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Use the line in colorALMOND(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[1 sc FOFUAMI TIP:
and 1 inc] 6x (18) 4-12:sc over sc Place the eyes between rows 24 and 25 of the
(18) - [9 row] 13-Inc in each sc in head with 9 sc visible between them. When
BLO (36) 14-[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x (42) placing the locks, press them up to the
15-[6 sc and 1 inc] 6x (48) 16-[7 sc second step of the eyes, so they will be
and 1 inc] 6x (54) 17-[8 sc and 1 deeper, beautiful and safe).
inc] 6x (60) 18-31:sc over sc (60) -
[14 row] 32-[8 sc and 1 dec] 6x
202 203
(54) 33-[7 sc and 1 dec] 6x (48) 34-
[6 sc and 1 dec] 6x (42) 35-[5 sc
and 1 dec] 6x (36) To make the
base of en do not put stuffing

ap be

204 205 206

Before finishing the head, make the embroidery of the eyes.

White of the Eyes

Use Amigurumi dup yarn (The

207 208 209 210

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Black Eye Embroidery
Use the double Cléa thread in the d

211 212 213 214

How to Embroider Olhinhos (see the support

video). Click on the link or use the QRCode
to see the video. https://


Use the Cléa yarn in the colorBLACK(tapestry needle)

215 216 217

Use the yarn in colorBRIGAD foot

218 219 two


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36-[4 sc and 1 dec] 6x
(30) Place stuffing
37-[3 sc and 1 dec] 6x (24)
38-[2 sc and 1 dec] 6x (18)
39-[1 sc and 1 dec] 6x (12)
40-6 dec (6)
Close with the inverted magic ring.

221 222

face expression
To sink and gather ol w A

223 224 225

Watch the video where I teach you how Click on the link or use the
to join the eyes and how to make them QRCode
more sunken, this part is very
important to leave your pet with a more com/playlist?
delicate and charming expression(DO list=PLB9DzmefZNS1vN
NOT SKIP THIS STEP) w32vhFxorcwUwnui70n

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Hair - Sun Doll
Use the line in colorBRIGADIER(2mm needle
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18)
These first rows we made will be the one for the
head. Let's make the curls and join in the same
piece (without tying off the thread) to form
Chain 52, skip 2 ch, make [3 hdc and 1 au base
and make 1 sl st in the front loop of the pr to be
free). Do this sequence until you form

226 227 228

Row 4 will be done in the back straps q 4-[2

sc and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)

Ch 52, skip ch 2, do [3 hdc and 1 triple inc] 10x, 10 hdc, skip 1 sc from base and
crochet 1 sl st in front loop of next sc (back loops need to be free). Do this
sequence until you form 15 bunches.
Row 6 will be done in the back spacing left over from row 5: 6-[4 sc
and 1 inc] 6x (36)
7-[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x (42). Close with slst, if you want to sew, cut a long thread, if you want to
glue, finish the thread and glue the hair on top of the head.

229 230 231 232

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Hair - Ben doll
Use the line in colorBRIGADIER(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[
1 sc and 1 inc] 6x (18)
These first rows we made will be the base for the hair and the
head. Let's make the curls and unite on this base. Continue
with the same piece (without tying off the yarn) to form the
curls in Ch 25, skip ch 2, crochet 1 hdc for each ch, skip 1 sc sl
st in the front loop of the next sc (the back loops p Make this
sequence until form 9 strands.

233 234 235 236

Row 4 will be done in the back spacing left over in the c 4-[2
sc and 1 inc] 6x (24) 5-[3 sc and 1 inc] 6x (30)

Chain 25, skip 2 chain, crochet 1 hdc for each chain, skip 1 sc in sl
st in the front strap of the next sc (the back straps need to do this
sequence until you have 15 strands.
Row 6 will be done in the back spacing left over from the row. 6-[4
sc and 1 inc] 6x (36) 7-[5 sc and 1 inc] 6x (42 Close with sl st and
cut u

237 238 239 240

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Leave 7 strands loose


Take 3 locks and glue them to the side of the head, forming a fringe, take 2 more locks
and glue them to the B to the

you fix as pref

242 243 244

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Use the line in colorALMOND(2mm needle)
1-AM of 6 sc (6)
two-Aum all around (12) 3-[3 sc
and 1 inc] 3x (15) 4-6:sc over sc
(15) - [3 row] 7-[3 sc and 1 dec]
3x (12) 8-[2 sc and 1 dec] 3x (9)

Put stuffing only until the part that forms the hands, when
running do not put stuffing.
9-23:sc over sc (9) - [15 row] 24-[1
sc and 1 dec] 3x (6) 25-Bend the
arm and fec Do 1 chain and

245 246

start with li WHITE(2mm needle)
1-Make 12 chains, twothchain make 10 sc, in the last chain make 3 sc in the same
in place, now work bottom st of chains, 9 sc, 1 inc (24) 2
two-1 inc, 9 sc, 3 a 3-1 sc andinc
1 (30)
inc, 9 4-2 sc and 1 inc, 9 5-8:sc
and 1 inc] 3x, 9 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (36) b
over sc (42) Change to colorand 1 inc] 3x, 9 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 2x (42)
ALMOND 9-sc over sc (42) 10-[19
sc and 1 dec] 2x (40) 11-12:sc
over sc (40) - [2 row] 13-[8 sc and
1 dec] 4x (36) 14-17:sc over sc
(36) - [4 row] 18-[4 sc and 1 dec]
6x (30)

Copyright © 2023 | cute

Now let's join the arms to the body.
19-Make 15 sc, take 1 arms and make 3 sc, taking 3 sc from the arm and 3 sc from the
body, make 9 sc in the body, take the other arm and make 3 sc, taking 3 sc from the arm
and 3 sc from the body (30 )
20-[3 sc and 1 dec] 6x (24) Start
stuffing 21-[1 sc and 1 dec] 8x
(16) 22-33:sc over sc (16) - [12
Put stuffing to make the neck very firm. 34-[2 sc and 1
dec] 4x (12 35-6 dec (6). close the foot

247 248 249 250

Use the line in colorALMOND(2mm needle)
1-Make 4 chains, starting from 2thchain make 2 sc, in the last chain make 3 sc in the
same place, now work on the bottom of the chains, 1 sc, 1 inc (8 sc)
two-1 inc, 1 sc, 3 inc, 1 sc, 2 inc (12)
3-1 sc and 1 inc, 1 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 1 sc, [1 sc and 1 inc] 3x (20)
4-2 sc and 1 inc, 1 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 3x, 1 sc, [2 sc and 1 inc] 3x (26)
5-sc over sc in BLO (26) 6-8:sc over sc (26) - [3 row]

To flatten the sole of your foot, place craft glue all around the sole and let it
dry on a flat surface.
9-7 sc, 6 dec, 7 sc (20)
10-1 sc, 1 dec, 3 sc, 4 dec, 3 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (14)
Place stuffing
11-13:sc over sc (14) - [3 row] 14-
1 inc and 13 sc (15) 15-14 sc and
1 inc (16)
16-17:sc over sc (16) - [2 row]
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As you go up the rows, put stuffing 18-15 sc and 1 inc
(17) 19-sc over sc (17)

20-1 sc, 1 dec, 4 sc, 3 inc, 4 sc, 1 dec, 1 sc (18)

21-sc over sc (18)
22-1 sc, 1 inc, 4 sc, 3 dec, 4 sc, 1 inc, 1 sc (17) 23-4
sc, 1 inc, 7 sc, 1 inc, 4 sc (19) 24-sc over sc (19) 25-9
sc, 1 inc, 9 sc (20) 26-sc over sc (20) 27-[3 sc and 1
dec] 4x (16) 28-[6 sc and 1 dec] 2x (14) 29-[5 sc and
1 dec] 2x (12) 30-[4 sc and 1 dec] 2x (10) 31-[3 sc
and 1 dec] 2x (8) 32-[2 sc and 1 dec] 2x (6) from
Playlist of how to cost

m had. See the video

251 252 253


Use the line in colorPISTACHIO(2 mm needle)

1-Make 67 chain, skip to 1thch and crochet 15 slst, [2 dc and 1 inc] 12x, 15 slst (66)
Fasten the yarn.
two-Then fasten the thread to the first dc of the previous row, make 1 hdc for each dc
3-5:Turn work, ch 2 up, hdc over hdc (36) - [3rd row] 6-1 sc and
2 ch until the end, fasten the thread.
Now fasten the thread in the straps of the mpa of row 3, let's make a ruffle: 1 sc and 2
chain until the end of the straps, finish off the thread. Then tie the skirt to the body.

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254 255 256 257


Use the line in colorSWEETNESS(2 mm

needle) 1-Ch 11, skip to 1thchain, 10 sc (10)
2-12:sc over sc (10) - [11th row] Fold it in
half and take a piece about 6 turns, then from the top and give

finish off the yarn. F back of top, co bake him in

to fix the
drawstring at the back

258 259 260

Wreath of flowers
Use the line in colorPISTACHIO(2 mm needle)
Ch 54, close with sl st in first ch (will form a ch ring). Ch 3 up and crochet 1 dc for
each ch (54). Close with sl st in the first ch counting from top to bottom and finish
off the yarn.
Make 2 in colorSWEETNESS,2 in colorCREAM,1 in colorHYDRANGEAand 1 in color
1-Make 12 ch, from the second ch make in the same place 1 sc, 2 ch, 4 double
crochets, skip 1 ch and do the same sequence until you complete 5 petals, finish
with 1 sl st, cut a bigger thread to be able to sew and form the Rose. Thread the
thread through the second petal, then roll the petals to form the rose, sew a few
dots on the back so the rose doesn't unravel, then sew them.

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261 262 263 264

265 266 267 268

Use the line in colorCREAM(2 mm needle)
Make 2 equal parts, one you cast off, the other not:
1-Ch 24, close with sl st in first ch (will form a ch ring), ch 3 up and crochet 1 dc all
around (24). Close with sl st in first ch counting from top to bottom.

2-3:Ch 3 up, dc over sc (24). Close with sl st in first ch counting top to

bottom. - [3 car]

Now let's make the union to form the short

4-Take the leg you cut the thread, make 1 sl st in any dc, ch 3 up and make 23
more dc, in the other (4 at
counting from top to b

270 271 272

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5-7:Go up 3 chain,


change to colorEUCALYPTUS
8-pa over pa (48). Close with sl st and finish the thread.
make 1 cord with 100 c gue zaque
short career.

274 275 276 277

After placing the color oa bar d


Put the shorts on the and tie the cord forming a

small bow cap.


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Surf board
start with the rCREAM(2mm needle)
1-Am of 6 sc (
two-[1 sc and 1 inc
3-[2 sc and 1 inc 4-[
1 sc and
5-sc under
6-[2 sc and
7-[3 sc and
8-[4 sc and
9-12:sc rr]
change pair
13-14:sc arr]
change to co
15-16:sc over arr]
change to co
17-18:sc over car]
change to co A
19-20:sc under [2 cars]
change to colorOFF WHITE 21-22:
sc over sc (36) Change to color
CREAM 23-26:sc over sc (36) - [4
row] 27-[4 sc and 1 dec] 6x (30) 28-
sc over sc (30) 29-[4 sc and 1 dec]
6x (24) 30-sc over sc (24) 31-[2 sc
and 1 dec] 6x (18) 32-sc over sc
(18) Not her with 9 sc, finish the

280 281 282

Copyright © 2023 | cute



Your Sol and Ben dolls! I wish you have many orders of these cuties! Don't forget
to tag Fofuami in your posts on Instagram and other social media so I can get to
know and promote your work. Also follow Fofuami so you don't miss any news!

Click here to follow

Discover other recipes by Fofuami at

Click here Recipes

Copyright © 2022 | cute

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