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I surrender

I surrender

I surrender

Countless times, I've wasted these words, my lips had the word but my heart was hot in the

The renewing of my mind never in addition, I thought the words were enough to do the
conviction, I waited on my vain isolation.

The dawn of another Sunday broke, I dragged my soul into the temple ready to feed my shadow
with the same old stories that upon cashing off the light, the shadow shall take them away.

I was ready for another lip service Sunday.

But I guess God had another plan, it was the same old sermon by God's plan but unusually my
heart did the listening, drowned in chills I walked out of the temple feeling something had been
taken away from me.

I spent several hours on my knees begging God to bring back whatever it was he took away
from me, but he never did, and I am glad he didn't.

By the time I realised it was me, he took away from me ,the glorious good had already been

Today, I am the redeemed of the Lord.

God needs us but more importantly we need God.

That we filled with the filth looed by a good God regardless he couldn't love us less. In his
infinite mercy he called us to be his, in our sins he redeemed, in our darkness he resealed unto
us the glorious light.

The light of salvation, peace of redemption, a life of perfection with a reward of eternal glory.

2x But how cruel and heartless can we mere mortals be, that we reject and deny this God: with
our ingratitude and constant trading the path of sin.

That even though he paid the paid the price we couldn't pay, our actions speak volumes of "Dear
Christ, we didn't ask you to pay though".

But for mercy, now is ours a chance to right the wrongs of our yesterday, a privilege to be
gathered in the heart of Jesus.

I pray for you, that you don't leave here the same, that you let go of yourself and let God.
That you surrender and let him take the stage.

2x Dear friends, sometimes it's now or never.

Let us pray.

Dearest God, in our state of nothingness we plead unto thee that even in wrath, remember
mercy, for this assurance we have, that we are what ever you say we are.

We are a chosen people

A royal priesthood

A people belonging to God

That we may sing the praises not him that called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

We are yours

We are yours

We are yours


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