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Chapter 1 - The Stone Age

Q1. What do we call the people who lived on earth before human
beings ?
A1. the people who lived on earth before the human beings are
called hominins.

Q2. How did the hunter gatherer make their stone tools?
A2. Hunter gatherers made their stone tools by hitting one stone
with another stone until the desired shape with a sharp edge was

Q3. What did the hunter gatherer use their tools for?
A3. The hunter gatherer used their tools for hunting, fishing, cutting
meat, cleaning animal skins and digging. Some tools like needles
made from bones or antlers of deer were used for sewing.

Q4. Write three or four sentences about caves as a source of

A4. Caves provides us with lot of information regarding the stone
age period. The caves often contain remains of animal bones which
tells us the kind of animals that were hunted and eaten by the early
humans. Besides, some caves also have drawing and paintings on
the cave walls which tells us about the animals the people had
around them and also how they hunted them.

Q5. What was the main aim of hunter gatherers?

A5. The main aim of the hunter gatherer was to find food to be able
to survive as they did not know how to grow their own food. They
lived by hunting wild animals,fishing and by searching and gathering
Q6. How did men and women divide their responsibilities during
stone age . Write a short paragraph to explain.

A6. The men were mostly engaged in hunting and tool making. They
observed and understood the animals and hunted them in groups.
The woman on the other hand looked after the children and also
gathered food. They knew which plants and seeds could be eaten
and used pointed tools like stones and sticks for digging up the
Chapter 1 - The Stone Age - Extra questions

Q1. Why were the earliest people called hunter gatherers?

A1. The earliest people were called hunter gatherer because they
did not know how to grow their food and lived by hunting wild
animals, fishing and by searching and gathering foods.

Q2. Name some animals that the hunter gatherers hunted.

A2. Some animals that the hunter gatherer hunted were elephants,
buffalo , giraffe and different types of deer and other small animals.

Q3. Name some foods that the hunter gatherer gathered.

A3. Some food that the hunter gatherer gathered were fruits, roots,
berries and seeds.

Q4. Why is the period when the early human beings lived is called
the stone age?

A4. The period when the early human beings lived is known as the
stone age because many different kinds of stone tools have been
found from this period.
Q5. Name the three phases of stone age.

A5. The three phases of stone age are :

i. Paleolithic Age or the old stone age.
ii. Mesolithic Age or middle stone age.
iii. Neolithic Age or new stone age.

Q6. Mention some features of the stone tools found in the

paleolithic, mesolithic and neolithic age.

A6. In the paleolithic age the people used stone tools like hand axes
which had sharp edges. Besides these bone and wooden tools were
also used.
In the mesolithic age small sharp stone tools that could be fitted on
to wooden arrows or spears were used.
in the Neolithic Age fine stone tools that had polished surface was
used by the early humans.

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