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Al-Oruba International Schools

Model Exam
English - Grade Five
Part One
Reading Vocabulary
1. Fill in the blanks with the suitable vocabulary word.

decipher – distracted – accomplish – scarce – afford – anxious – risk- wages

profit – prosper – savings – loan – navigate – assemble – retrace - options

1. Plants…………… and grow by air and water.

2. She can’t ………….. this jacket. It’s too expensive.

3. If we get lost, we can ………….. home using the GPS.

4. He use all his …………… to buy his dream house.

5. The workers were so angry because of the low ……………..

6. Firemen …………. their lives to save others.

7. He took a …………….. from the bank to buy a new car.

8. Every weekend my family and I ……………… over breakfast.

9. Meg couldn’t…………….. the project on time.

10. The detective could …………….. the code and solve the problem.

11. Jack’s new care is full of ……………. and choices.

12. She had to ………….. her foot steps in order to get home.

13. The shop’s daily ……………. is usually around $500.

14. I was ……………. because of the baby’s constant crying.

15. In poor countries, food and water are almost ………………..

16. He was so ………………. about the safety of the plane.

Phonics / Spelling
1. Underline the spelling word that rhymes with the word in bold type:

1. spring fling sprang song

2. shut shun jut chat
3. plan land plot scan
4. bread lead brim rest
5. tense test sense tans
6. rush trash gush rind
7. joke oat lake oak
8. nice spice speck nose
9. ripe twine type rope
10. dream them keep theme
11. trade pail paid mad
12. taste paste tank stall
13. pokes pass folks mows
14. bead great grand greed

2. Underline and correct the misspelled words.

Each year the students in Kendra’s class raised money for a class trip. This year they came
up with a new theem: “Breakfast at School.” The students decided they would cook breakfast for
friends and family, and they would grete their guests wearing funny pajamas! Any money that foaks
gave them would go for the trip.
Kendra helped cook the eggs. She made sure each yowk was just right. Her friend Sam
walked around to grinde fresh pepper for the guests. Other kids helped serve and clean up. They
made a good team, and they were payed enough to go on the trip.

1. …………………………. 4. ………………………….
2. …………………………. 5. ………………………….
3. …………………………. 6. ………………………….

1- Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

If he hadn’t been strapped in, Jason would not be able to sit still. He wanted to tell everyone that
he was going to be on TV. Every evening at 6:00 he watched his favorite show “Class Acts.” Players
answered questions for money. If they missed a question they had to act out the title of a song, TV
show, or book. He knew most of the answers, so he sent in a letter to try to get on the show. Three
weeks ago, his mother called him to the phone. He had been chosen to be a contestant. They even
sent him two tickets so he and his mother could fly into the city.
Jason worked hard to get ready. He watched “Class Acts” every evening. His family would
play against each other. Everyone made up all kinds of questions about science, music, movies,
games, and books. His friends asked him questions on the playground at recess. Even his teacher
took time to play the game in class. She asked questions about the subjects they were studying.
Jason could feel the plane getting ready to land. He looked out the window and saw the Statue
of Liberty. He had butterflies in his stomach, but he couldn’t wait for the game to begin.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
2. Where is Jason during the story?
3. Why is the main character so excited?
4. What is one way Jason prepared for the show?
5. What clue helps you know the name of the city where Jason is going?
6. What do the words “butterflies in his stomach” tell you about Jason?
2- Reading Skills “Sequence”
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

Jason’s mom paid the taxi driver. There was a large sign over the doors that said “The Howard
Mann Theater” and below it “Class Acts – tonight at 6.” A young man greeted them at the door and
showed them where they should go. Jason entered a room with five other boys and girls and their
parents. A woman came in and smiled at them as she went over the rules of the game. She told
them who would be on each team.
Jason’s teammates were Janelle and Steve. Janelle was a year older than the boys. She was
reading a book called Amazing Facts. Steve was looking over a map of the United States. The three
team members put on red jumpsuits. Then, they went in and a woman put make-up on them so they
would look good on TV.
While they were waiting, people began to arrive and sit down. Janelle said, “Did you know
that all rainbows are made up of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet?”
Steve said, “No, but did you know that Mammoth Caves in Kentucky are over
330 miles long?”
Jason gulped, “No, I didn’t know either of those facts.”
1. How did Jason and his mother get to the theater?
2. What was the name of the theater?
3. How do you think Jason is feeling in the last sentence?
4. Put these events in the order they happened.

_____ Steve read aloud a fact about Mammoth caves.

_____ People began to take their seats.
_____ A lady explained the rules.
_____ Jason and his mother were greeted at the door.
_____ Jason’s mother paid the taxi driver.
_____ Jason found out who his teammates were.
_____ Janelle told her teammates the colors in a rainbow.

3- Reading Skills “Problem and Solution”

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

A- Lost!
Tim’s cat Blackie was missing! She didn’t come home one night. First, Tim went up and down
the street. He called her name and looked under bushes. Next Tim put up signs on the street. He
offered a reward if someone found Blackie. Still nobody had seen Blackie. Tim then put an ad in the
town newspaper. A lady who lived far away called. She had found a cat in her yard. Tim and his
mom went to her house to see if the cat was really Blackie. It was!
1. Circle the sentence that tells the story problem. Then underline the three solutions that Tim
tried to solve his problem.
2. What was the second solution that Tim tried to solve his problem?
3. Why do you think the newspaper ad worked better than the signs?

B- Coming in Loud and Clear

As Kyle sat in his basement preparing to start his homework, he decided he’d be able to
work much better if he listened to some music. So he turned to his radio, which was sitting on
the table next to him, and hit the “power” button. Suddenly, a deafening roar of garbled static
emanated from the speakers. Startled and disappointed, Kyle quickly turned off the radio.
“Great,” he mumbled, “my radio’s broken.” Stephanie, his younger sister who was sitting
nearby, said, “It’s not broken. You’re just not getting any reception because you’re in the
basement!” Kyle glared at her grumpily, but then realized she was right and began
brainstorming ways to fix his radio reception dilemma. He could try to adjust the antennae, but
that almost never worked because he would wriggle the sensitive metal around for several
minutes without making the sound any clearer. Perhaps he would just listen to a CD instead,
but he was getting bored with all the music he owned. He wanted to listen to the new music
playing on his favorite radio station!
Then Kyle thought about what his sister had told him and came up with the best solution
of all. He couldn’t get reception on his radio because he was in the basement, but if he went to
a location where his radio could more easily pick up a signal, maybe his problem would be
solved! Sure enough, when Kyle took the radio upstairs to the kitchen, the music came in loud
and clear.
1. Introduction of the problem:
2. Problem:
3. Solution 1:
4. Solution 2:
5. Solution 3:
6. Which solution do you think the author supports the most? Why?

7. How did the organization of this article help you to understand it?

Good Luck

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