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Credits Table of Contents

Designer: Pankratos Chapter 1: Races.............................................................................3
Editor: Pankratos Hylian.............................................................................................. 3
Format: The Homebrewery Gerudo............................................................................................ 5
Game Mechanics: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5th edition, Goron.............................................................................................. 7
property of Wizards of the Coast Kokiri...............................................................................................9
Story Creators: The Legend of Zelda video game franchise Sheikah.........................................................................................11
has been created by Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Zora...............................................................................................13
Tezuka, and published by Nintendo Co., Ltd. Some story Chapter 2: Domains and Deities............................................. 15
content in this supplement may have been altered or Divine Domains.......................................................................... 16
elaborated upon by Pankratos Din................................................................................................. 17
Illustrators: Various artists. If your artwork is in this Farore............................................................................................18
module and you wish to be credited or have its contents Hylia.............................................................................................. 18
removed, please contact Pankratos Midna............................................................................................ 19
In the upcoming adventure Heroes of Time, a great cataclysm
threatens the lands of Hyrule. This supplement provides new
options for player characters in that immersive campaign. If
your Dungeon Master allows, these options can be used in
other campaigns as well.
The races in chapter 1 and the domains and deities in
chapter 2 also appear in the appendices of Heroes of Time.


This is a Beta Version

The material in this supplement, currently in Beta Version 1.3,
is presented for playtesting and to spark your imagination for
creating characters from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
The game mechanics are usable in your campaign but not
refined by final game design and editing.
If this supplement proves to be sufficiently popular, it will
be refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear as
With the Temple of Time on the verge of collapse, the definite Player's Companion to an upcoming Legend of
queen Zelda imbues you with divine power. Rise, Zelda adventure.
Heroes of Time---together you can still save Hyrule!

Disclaimer: This is a fan-made Legend of Zelda supplement using DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game mechanics. No copyright
infringement intended. Please support Nintendo and Wizards of the Coast by purchasing their official products. They're awesome.
Chapter 1: Races

diverse assortment of peoples dwell in Hyrule
and beyond. Aside from humans, the races in
the Player's Handbook are unknown in Hyrule, Hyrule Castle
unless they're visiting from other worlds. The crown jewel of its kingdom, Hyrule Castle is
This chapter provides information about the the seat of Hyrule's monarchical government and
following common playable races in Hyrule, as the home of its royal family. Near the castle is
well as racial traits for all of them: Hyrule Castle Town, which serves as the city's
marketplace where Hyruleans come to engage in
Hylians are said to be divinely chosen to lead the other business, gossip, and trade.
races in creating a prosperous civilization.
Gerudos are female raiders eking out an existence in the
canyons and deserts bordering Hyrule.
Gorons are sturdy rock people with close ties to the elements
of earth and fire. Lasting Institutions
Kokiris are magical fairie folk who dwell in the depths of Where a single goron or zora might take on the responsibility
forests and hidden groves. of guarding a special location or a powerful secret, hylians
Sheikahs are a near-extinct race of stealth and subterfuge, found sacred orders and institutions for such purposes.
beholden to ancient oaths. While goron clans and sheikah elders pass on the ancient
Zoras are amphibious humanoids with a strong affinity traditions to each new generation, hylian temples,
toward water. governments, libraries, and codes of law fix their traditions in
the bedrock of history. Hylians dream of immortality, but
Hylian (except for those few who seek undeath or divine ascension
to escape death’s clutches) they achieve it by ensuring that
It is said that hylians were the first race to establish a they will be remembered when they are gone. Individually
developed civilization in the world. Descendants of the people and as a group, hylians are adaptable opportunists, and they
who lived with the goddess Hylia during to the formation of stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.
Hyrule, hylians continue to lead the other races into Although some hylians can be xenophobic, in general their
prosperity. Perhaps it is because of this divine providence societies are inclusive. Except for the troublesome gerudos,
that they strive to achieve as much as they can, feeling as if hylian lands welcome large numbers of nonhylians compared
they have something to prove. Whatever drives them, hylians to the proportion of hylians who live in nonhylian lands.
are the innovators, achievers, and pioneers of the world.
A Broad Spectrum
With their penchant for migration and annexation, hylians
are more physically diverse than other common races. An
individual can stand from less than 5 feet to a little over 6 feet
tall and weigh from 90 to 250 pounds. Hylian skin
shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair
colors from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight);
males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick.
Their ears are pointed, thought to be so they may hear
the whispers of the gods.
Variety in All Things
Hylians are the most adaptable and ambitious people among
the Hyrulean races, having widely varying tastes, morals, and
customs in the different regions where they settled. When
they settle, though, they stay: they
build towns to last for the ages,
and great kingdoms that can
persist for long centuries. An
individual hylian might have a
relatively short life span, but a
hylian nation or culture preserves
traditions with origins far beyond
the reach of any single hylian’s memory.
They live fully in the present---making them
well suited to the adventuring life---but also plan
for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy.

Exemplars of Ambition Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly,
Hylians who seek adventure are the most daring and starting with rolling a size modifier:
ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race. They Size modifier = 2d10
seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows by amassing Height = 4 feet + 6 inches + your size modifier in inches
power, wealth, and fame. More than other people, hylians Weight in pounds = 90 + (2d4 x your size modifier)
champion causes rather than territories or groups.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Hylian Names Divine Grace. Divine power guards your destiny. When
Many hylian names can be applied to both men and women, you finish a long rest and have no inspiration, you gain
though a general distinction can be made. Surnames are inspiration.
usually patronymic or based on vocation. For example: Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency in two skills of your
"Baddek, son of Baumar," or "Aliza the Weaponsmith". choice.
Male Names: Baddek, Baumar, Bolson, Botrick, Branli, Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Brigo, Cambo, Chork, Chumin, Dai, Dmitri, Endai, Gotter, one extra language of your choice. Hylians are fond of
Hoz, Hudson, Karson, Kenyo, Khini, Konba, Mils, Moggs, sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other
Nazbi, Nell, Pitar, Regan, Rex, Rik, Ronn, Rudi, Savelle, tongues: Gerudo curses, Zora poetic expressions, Goron
Sho, Spoone, Stamm, Toffa, Toren, Trott, Tye, Zyle industrial phrases, and so on.
Female Names: Aliza, Aya, Banji, Benny, Bozai, Canni,
Canolo, Chabi, Ena, Flaxel, Gleema, Hunnie, Jana, Jerrin,
Jules, Kaifa, Kanny, Leekah, Lonni, Loone, Meeshy, Variant Hylian Traits
Meghyn, Mina, Monari, Nat, Nobo, Parcy, Perosa, Phanna,
Ruli, Sorelia, Suzuna, Tauma, Tenne, Totsuna, Yammo If your campaign uses the optional feat rules from
chapter 6 of the Player's Handbook, your Dungeon
Master might allow these variant traits, all of which
Hylian Traits replace the hylian's Ability Score Increase, Divine
It's hard to make generalizations about hylians, but your Grace, and Skill Versatility traits.
hylian character has these traits. Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice of your choice increase by 1.
increases by 2, and two other ability scores of your choice Skills. You gain proficiency in one skill of your
increase by 1. choice.
Age. Hylians become adults at 17 and live less than a Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
Alignment. Though generally of good alignment, neutral
and even some evil hylians exist.
Size. Hylians range from under 5 to just over 6 feet tall.
Your size is Medium.
In blasted lands skirting the borders of civilization, beyond Gerudo Desert
canyons and dry hills, dwell the deadly gerudos. Many folk South-west of Hyrule lies the Gerudo Desert, a vast
fear these bands of female warriors, and few would claim and barren territory with scorching heat during the
their friendship. Gerudos endure an arid world of rock, sand, day and a frigid wind at night. It is a land of death
and heat. Their bodies are tall and tough, giving them the and desolation, much in contrast to the green
endurance needed to survive. Their spirits take after the fields of Hyrule. Making do with what they've got,
wandering wind, making them nomads who venture from one the gerudo tribes have made it somewhat
water hole to the next. Their hearts are as cold as the lone habitable, yet their gaze is ever set on Hyrule.
desert nights, leaving each gerudo with the responsibility to
earn a place in the tribe or die trying.
Power Above All Gerudos place a premium on self-sufficiency and individual
Standing much taller than the average hylian and with a skill. They have a compulsion to keep score, counting their
powerful build, gerudos are an intimidating sight. Large deeds and tallying their accomplishments to compare to
green or amber eyes, hard bronze skin, fiery red hair, and a others. Gerudos love to excel, taking on defeat with grudges
sharp beak-like nose sets them apart. and self-loathing. Those who subdue or kill their opponents
Gerudos disdain males of any race, hunting for mates only in combat rise as champions and chieftains, while those with
to procreate. They produce daughters almost exclusively, with a knack for magic become a tribe's spiritual leaders.
a male gerudo born only once per century. Ironically, such a
male is predestined to become king of the gerudos and lead Exiles and Outcasts
them in war and conquest. Communities of gerudos don't exist in Hyrule, though a lone
Twinrova, goddess of the sand, is the gerudos' unrelenting gerudo may be found here or there. Such individuals are
patron deity. She is depicted as a colossal gerudo queen with often exiles or outcasts, constantly having to prove their
a giant cobra draped around her shoulders. Gerudos with an trustworthiness and requiring a community or influencial
affinity toward sorcery seek the goddess's favor, in their drive Hyrulean to vouch for them in order to be accepted. Even
to unleash the overwhelming powers within them. then, the gerudo faces constant glares at best, or violent
persecution at worst.
Remorseless Raiders
Every day brings new challenges to a gerudo. Food, water,
and shelter are rare in the innermost reaches of the waste-
lands they call home. A single mistake can bring doom to an
entire tribe, while an individual's heroic effort can ensure the
whole group's survival. With so few resources at their hands,
gerudos have adapted to taking what they need from others.
They raid and pillage without remorse, seeing their methods
as means to their own survival. Saddlebags laden with spoils,
they race back to their homeland before enemy militias can
cut them off. Gerudos returning to their tribe with valuable
treasures earn the greatest prestige. Such treasures take the
form of exotic food and drink, quality gold and steel, and
slaves. Horses and other trained mounts, such as donkeys
and camels, are highly valued as well. All gerudos
have a natural affinity with such beasts, taking
great care in their well-being, as the gerudos'
own survival depends on it. It is said gerudo
horses are the best quality breed in
all the lands.
Survival of the Fittest
Gerudo homes are large encampments,
usurped fortresses, or temples carved in the
mountainside. Their main concern for survival
being fresh water, permanent settlements remain rare.
Drought often plagues their lands, forcing the gerudos to
follow the herds. It isn't unusual to find ancient gerudo
temples and other structures half-buried and forgotten
among the canyons and desert sands they call home.

Gerudo Names Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly,
Every gerudo has a birth name, a tribe name, and a matro- starting with rolling a size modifier:
nymic. For example: "Anche Korsh-Agaat, daughter of Ardin".
Each of their seven tribes is named after an ancient gerudo Size modifier = 2d8
heroine, whose meaning in Common is added in parenthesis. Height = 6 feet + your size modifier in inches
Weight in pounds = 160 + (2d4 x your size modifier)
Female Names: Anche, Ardin, Ashai, Babi, Barta, Betri,
Buliara, Calisa, Calyban, Cara, Dalia, Danda, Deltan, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Dorrah, Dina, Emri, Estan, Essa, Fegran, Frelly, Furosa, Exceptional Athlete. You have advantage on all ability
Greta, Isha, Kachoo, Kalani, Katta, Kohm, Konora, Kotta, checks related to one of the following abilities of your choice:
Kyra, Laine, Lashley, Leena, Liana, Lorn, Lukan, Maike, Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
Makure, Malena, Marta, Merina, Muava, Nellie, Nali, Olu, Desert Dweller. You are accustomed to the desert heat.
Padda, Pasha, Pearle, Ploka, Pokki, Pritana, Pyra, Reeza, When not wearing heavy armor, you do not require additional
Rima, Ripp, Romah, Rotana, Saula, Shaillu, Shabonne, drinking water during hot weather and you have advantage
Smaude, Spera, Sudrey, Sumati, Tali, Teake, Yaido on saving throws against exhaustion when exposed to
Tribe Names: Korsh-Agaat (Knowledgeable Warrior), Korsh- extreme heat.
Birida (Flying Warrior), Korsh-Granajh (Gentle Warrior), Expert Explorer. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill,
Korsh-Karusa (Skilled Warrior), Korsh-Palu (Spirit and moving across sand does not count as difficult terrain for
Warrior), Korsh-Toruma (Swift Warrior), Korsh-Vatorsa you. Additionally, whenever you make a Wisdom (Animal
(Enduring Warrior) Handling) check related to mounts and beasts of burden, you
can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any
Gerudo Traits proficiency bonus you normally apply.
Your gerudo character has certain traits deriving from your Saving Face. Gerudos are careful not to show weakness in
gerudo ancestry. front of their allies, for fear of losing status. If you miss with
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases an attack roll or fail an ability check or a saving throw, you
by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1. can gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies you
Age. Gerudos mature a little faster than most races, can see within 30 feet of you (maximum bonus of +5).
reaching adulthood at 15. They live less than a century. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you
Alignment. Most gerudos are neutral. They see the world finish a short or long rest.
as a place of predators and prey, kill or be killed, in which Gerudo Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the
only the strong survive. glaive, scimitar, shortbow, and longbow.
Size. Gerudos range from 6 to more than 7 feet in height, Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
retaining a lean yet muscular build. Your size is Medium. Gerudo. Gerudo is flowing and sibilant, with rolling r's and
hisses. Though it uses the Draconic script, its origins have
been lost through the ages.

Known as "rock people", gorons are strong boulder-like Death Mountain
creatures with stumpy legs, powerful arms, and massive The goron clans of Death Mountain have long held
hands. They become spherical when curled up, and use close ties with the Hyrulean royal family. They are
rolling as a means for both transport and combat. Gorons are led by the Eldin Clan, founders of Goron City, near
known as zealous warriors, miners, and workers of stone and the heart of the fiery mountain. Visitors brave
metal. Their height varies from 5 to almost 8 feet tall, with enough to climb this active volcano must ascend a
hides hard and dense like rock, and their weight can be up to steep pass fraught with monsters and other perils.
seven times that of the average hylian.
Goron hides range from deep brown to a paler hue tinged
with red, but the most common shades are light brown or
deep tan, like certain tones of earth. Most have a row of stony Goron Society
outgrowths on their backsides, and older gorons sport white The chief unit of goron society is the clan, often led by an
ridges on their bodies resembling hair. They have small eyes elder. Those who become chiefs are powerful and wise,
and wide mouths, concealing unaligned, square teeth. uniting their people through respect and trust, rather than by
force. Gorons tend to live in relative isolation but will
Sons of Stone regularly trade with hylians and other friendly races. They are
Solid and enduring, gorons have the capability to thrive in any close and respectful to others of their own kind, and often
environment, especially volcanoes and other areas of extreme refer to each other as "brothers". Though they are a friendly
heat. They can trace their ancestry back to the founding of race, gorons can also be slow to trust outsiders, and may
ancient strongholds in the youth of the world. Part of that come off as cautious or even aggressive depending on the
ancestry is devotion to the Mountain Mother---their patron situation. However, if an outsider is able to prove their worth,
deity Din, goddess of power, who upholds the goron ideals of usually in a test of strength or skill, the gorons will accept
industrious labor, strength in battle, and devotion to the forge. them and come to call them one of their brothers (or sisters).
Being exclusively male, it is said when a goron desires Though their passion for masonry and metallury is strong,
parenthood, he ventures deep within the bosom of the earth their large hands and somewhat clumsy approach to their
in search of a birthstone. These mysterious rocks are smooth work results in crude, though effective, craftsmanship. To
and perfectly spherical, with a slight red tinge. Once found, gorons, durability matters more than esthetics. The diet of
the would-be father enters a period of fasting and prayer, gorons consists almost strictly of specific kinds of rock mined
holding the stone close and imbuing it with a part of his from nearby quarries, extracted with an equal amount of
spirit. This ritual can last days, until Din's favor is shown with downtime as other races hunt and forage for food in the wild.
a loud crack and breaking of the stone, revealing a perfectly Gorons take pride in their immense strength, and clans
healthy baby goron inside. like to hold competitions that test each other's physical might
and rolling ability, such as wrestling matches, rock breaking,
or a downhill race. After a hard day's work in the mines, they
also love entertainment through singing, drums, and dancing,
capitalizing on their size and booming voices instead of
concerning themselves with finesse.
Gorons in other lands are typically artisans---
especially weaponsmiths, engineers, stonemasons,
and jewelers. Some become mercenaries or
bodyguards, highly sought after for their strength
and loyalty.
Adventuring Gorons
Gorons who take up the adventuring life might
be motivated by a desire for treasure---for its
own sake, for a specific purpose, or even out of
an altruistic desire to help others. Other
gorons are driven by the command or inspira-
tion of Din, a direct calling or simply a desire
to bring glory to their patron deity. Clan and
ancestry are also important motivators.
A goron might seek to restore a clan's lost
honor, avenge an ancient wrong the clan
suffered, or earn a new place within the clan
after having been exiled. Or a goron might
search for the hammer wielded by a mighty
ancestor, lost in the fight against a terrible
dragon centuries ago.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Due to your
bulk, wearing heavy armor automatically reduces your base
Explosives walking speed by 10 feet, regardless of your Strength score.
Gorons have recently begun producing explosives, Unarmored Defense. While you are not wearing any
having invented bombs and gunpowder (but not armor, your Armor Class equals 12 + your Constitution
dynamite). With your DM's permission, such items modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
may be purchased from goron merchants. Your DM Curl. When you are wearing no armor and have both hands
has further information on explosives, as found in
chapter 9 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
free, you can spend 5 feet of movement to curl into a ball, or
back into your normal stance. While curled up you can use
your movement speed to roll. This speed is halved when
rolling uphill or doubled when rolling downhill. Any sudden
elevation of 3 feet or more, such as a low wall, prevents you
Goron Names from rolling over it, as you cannot jump while curled.
Every goron has a birth name, a patronymic, and a clan While curled, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, you have
name. For example: "Aji, son of Axyl, of the Broca clan". disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
sight, you can't take reactions, and the only actions you can
Male Names: Aji, Axyl, Bargoh, Bayge, Bladon, Bludo, take are the Dash action or the Attack action to make
Bohrin, Boldon, Dorill, Drak, Dugby, Fugo, Gonguron, unarmed strikes, using your body to slam into the target. If
Gorko, Gortram, Grapp, Greyson, Heehl, Jengo, Kabetta, you hit the target in this way, you deal bludgeoning damage
Kairo, Krane, Lyndae, Naddon, Offrak, Pelison, Pyle, equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the damage
Rogaro, Rohan, Slergo, Strade, Tanko, Tray, Volcon normal for an unarmed strike.
Clan Names: Broca, Darb, Eldin, Gero, Golow, Goro, Rolling Charge. If you move at least 20 feet straight
Goronbi, Medingo, Ordorac, Rabac, Ternio, Trilbi, Ulri toward a target while curled and then immediately hit it with
an unarmed strike, you can use a bonus action to attempt to
Goron Traits shove that target. The target must be no more than one size
Your goron character has an assortment of inborn abilities. larger than you. Unless it succeeds on a Strength saving
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 2. your Strength modifier, you push the target up to 10 feet
Age. Gorons reach adulthood at the age of 16. Maintaining away from you in a straight line and it falls prone.
vigor throughout their lifespan, they live about a century. False Appearance. Unless any equipment betrays you, you
Alignment. Gorons inherit a rambunctious nature leaning appear indistinguishable from a normal boulder while you
strongly toward chaos. They are almost exclusively good as are curled into a ball, remain silent, and remain motionless.
well, as they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in Heart of the Volcano. You have resistance to fire damage.
pain, and have no tolerance for oppression. Sink Before Swim. You can't swim, as your body is denser
Size. Gorons vary widely in height, from 5 to almost 8 feet than water. When you enter a body of liquid you immediately
tall, and are nearly as wide. Regardless of your position in sink to the bottom at a rate of 60 feet per round and must
that range, your size is Medium. hold your breath. You can still use your movement speed to
Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly, walk (or roll) along the bottom of the area.
starting with rolling a size modifier: Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Size modifier = 3d12 Primordial (Terran). Terran is full of hard consonants and
Height = 4 feet + 10 inches + your size modifier in inches guttural sounds, and those characteristics spill over into
Weight in pounds = 200 + (4d6 x your size modifier) whatever other language a goron might speak.

Legends speak of mysterious children sighted in the depths Kokiri Forest
of ancient forests. Such glimpses are preceded by joyful The Kokiri Forest is located deep within the Lost
music and mischievous giggles, or even a magical fairy or two Woods. It serves as the home of a tribe of kokiris
flitting gingerly from tree to tree. Though many people who live with their guardian spirit, the Great Deku
question their existence, kokiris are very real. These children Tree. The Kokiri Forest is said to be the source of
of the forest take delight in their sheltered lives, enjoying all life in Hyrule, maintaining the order of the
every moment of music, exploration, communication, natural world and deterring outsiders from ever
creation, and play, far beyond the clutches of other races. exploring the so-called Forbidden Forest.

Vibrant Expression
Known as "fairy folk", a kokiri's energy and enthusiasm for
living shines through every inch of his or her tiny body. Kokiri Quirks
Kokiris average between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh about 40 d8 Characteristic
pounds. Their tan faces are usually adorned with broad
smiles, and their bright eyes shine with excitement. Their fair 1 Flowers are the most amazing things ever. I want to
hair has a tendency to stick out in every direction, as if ex- pick them, wear them, and discover their silent
pressing the kokiri's insatiable interest in everything around.
By the grace of Farore, goddess of courage, kokiris are 2 There isn't a tree that isn't fun to climb.
born from the pods of large flowers or the hollow of a tree, 3 Nothing wards off bad luck like a jolly dance.
and stop aging around the age of 10. Retaining youthful vigor
and a childlike visage throughout their long lifespans, it is 4 Sometimes talking to a plant really helps.
often thought they are immortal. At the end of their lives 5 If stumped, I go fishing. And if I'm going fishing, I'm
however, they venture deep into the forest, where their spirits going to catch a big one.
peacefully return to the loving embrace of their deity. 6 I imagine that my personality is my glorious soul on
display for the entire forest to behold, and I act
Delighted Dedication accordingly.
As far as kokiris are concerned, being alive is a wonderful 7 Having a fairy is the best. They are fun to play with,
thing, and they squeeze every ounce of enjoyment out of their and they can help me pull off the best pranks.
three to five centuries of life. Hylians might wonder about
getting bored over the course of such a long life, and zoras 8 If I have something really important to say, I always
take plenty of time to savor the beauties of the world in their make sure to sing it.
long years, but kokiris seem to worry that even with all that
time, they can't get enough of the experiences of being alive. Peaceful Groves
Kokiris speak as if they can't get the thoughts out of their Kokiris make their homes in sylvan forests, living in burrows
heads fast enough. Even as they offer ideas and opinions on a or the natural hollows of great trees and concealing them-
range of subjects, they still manage to listen selves from threats of the outside world. Their villages are
carefully to others, adding the appropriate hidden by magic and camouflage. Welcome visitors are
exclamations of surprise and appre- quickly ushered into their bright, warm homes. Those who
ciation along the way. are not welcome are unlikely to find them in the first place.
Though kokiris love jokes of all Kokiris are friendly with other good-spirited woodland folk,
kinds, particularly puns and pranks, and they regard fairies and treants as their most important
they're just as dedicated to the more allies. Every kokiri has their own fairy companion, a spirit of
serious tasks they undertake. Many the forest with whom they form deep friendships. They also
kokiris are skilled gardeners, wood- befriend small forest animals and rely on them for informa-
workers, arborists, and musicians. They're tion about threats that might prowl their woods.
willing to make mistakes and laugh at
themselves in the process of perfecting Safety in Isolation
what they do, taking bold (sometimes Kokiris rarely leave their forest homes, fearing the dangers
foolhardy) risks and dreaming large. The the outside world contains. To them, everything they need
Kokiri Quirks table suggests a can be found in their woodlands, and isolation offers the best
few proclivities your kokiri protection. "When you can't be found, you can't be
character might possess. threatened", is a popular kokiri expression. Communities of
kokiris that maintain such presuppositions long enough even
believe a kokiri's spirit is bound to the forest in such a way
that leaving it would result in the kokiri's death. Any kokiri
willing to risk such an endeavor is either insane or must truly
be on a quest of tremendous importance.

Tiny fey, neutral good

Armor Class 15
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
Kokiri Names
A kokiri has only a given name, and there are no distinctions
between male and female names. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
2 (-4) 20 (+5) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
Kokiri Names: Ala, Amo, Breena, Chio, Damia, Daz, Dego,
Difu, Dimble, Ella, Eldon, Erky, Frug, Gimble, Kula, Lilli, Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7
Maca, Natie, Nemo, Nido, Nissa, Nigi, Nyx, Oaki, Oda, Senses passive Perception 14
Orla, Orryn, Peeks, Pepp, Seebo, Tana, Tasho, Treldun, Languages Sylvan
Walton, Wrenn, Zanna, Zode, Zooki Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Kokiri Traits Illumination. The fairy sheds dim light in a 5-foot

Your kokiri character has a number of traits in common with radius.
all other kokiris.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases Magic Resistance. The fairy has advantage on saving
by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. throws against spells and other magical effects.
Age. Kokiris stop growing after the age of 10. They Innate Spellcasting. The fairy's innate spellcasting
maintain a childlike form and personality throughout their ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can
long lives, which can be up to 500 years. innately cast a number of spells, requiring only its
Alignment. As people who follow the rhythm of nature and fairy dust as a component. The spells it can cast
see themselves as its caretakers, kokiris are typically neutral depends on the fairy's color, as shown below:
good. It's rare for a kokiri to be hostile or malicious, as even Any, at will: druidcraft
the tricksters among them are more playful than vicious. Blue, 1/day each: detect magic, identify
Size. Kokiris are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average Green, 1/day each: faerie fire, feather fall
about 40 pounds. Your size is Small. Pink, 1/day each: cure wounds, sleep
Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly,
starting with rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d6
Height = 2 feet + 11 inches + your size modifier in inches
Weight in pounds = 35 + your size modifier
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Kokiri Nimbleness. You can move through the space of
any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Fairy Companion. You know the find familiar spell, and
can cast it as a ritual. Instead of the spell's normal material
components, you must remain in physical contact with a
living plant, such as a tree, bush, or flower, for the duration
of the ritual. Your fairy familiar then emerges from the plant,
either a blue, green, or pink fairy (your choice).
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you
are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow,
mist, and other natural phenomena.
Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures,
you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller
beasts. They can understand your words, though you have no
special ability to understand them in return. Kokiris love
animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles,
woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.
Artistic Aptitude. You are proficient with one artisan's tool
or musical instrument of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Sylvan. Kokiris write very little, so they don't have a rich body
of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong.
Known as "shadow folk", sheikahs walk with measured Kakariko Village
silence through a world that greets them with fearful Toward the end of the Hyrulean Civil War, mass
incomprehension. It is said that during Hyrule's founding, incursions and executions reduced sheikah
certain specialist hylian tribes bound themselves in servitude numbers to near-extinction. Through treason and
to the goddess Hylia, who tasked them with guarding Hyrule defamation, mistrust of the sheikahs was seeded
from the encroaches of the Dark World. With extended deeply. The only settlement that bore no open
exposure to the known shadow crossings, the Dark World hostility to the surviving sheikahs was Kakariko
exercised its influence on these tribes, turning them into the Village, in the shadow of Death Mountain.
first sheikahs. Marked by the shadows they swore to hold at
bay, sheikahs appear similar to hylians but have pale skin and
hair, red-colored eyes, and extended life spans.
Mutual Mistrust
Covert Clans People tend to be suspicious of sheikahs, assuming that their
Over time, the influence of the Dark World retracted and the shadow heritage has left its mark on their morality, not just
sheikahs' purpose diminished. Their numbers dwindled, and their appearance. Shopkeepers keep a close eye on their
the few remaining sheikah clans that upheld their oaths con- goods when a sheikah enters their stores, gangs of thieves
tinue to dwell near shadow crossings---places much avoided might follow a sheikah around for a while, and demagogues
by other races. Cemeteries, royal tombs, and the sites of blame sheikahs for strange happenings. Years of dealing with
ancient battlefields are their homes. Surrounded by silence, mistrust has left its mark on them. Some choose to live up to
darkness, and death, many sheikahs inherit gloomy attitudes. the dreadful stereotype, but others are virtuous. Most are
Sheikahs don't fear death, as their lives are already half- simply very aware of how people respond to them. Many
spent in its cold embrace. This exposure has led many of sheikahs choose to masquerade as hylians when in public,
them to acknowledge and pay tribute to Midna, goddess of wearing cowls or hoods in an attempt to avoid scrutiny.
shadow and princess of twilight. With their role as guardians,
some sheikah clans are tasked with secretly assisting the Sheikah Adventurers
Hyrulean army in keeping the peace as a clandestine military Sheikah adventurers are usually sent by
force. Individual sheikahs may be tasked with protecting an their clan elders to complete an important
artifact or important person, remaining unseen but ever mission---such as retrieving an ancient
watchful over their charge. heirloom, preventing or conducting an
Some clans defected from their oaths, resenting the royal assassination, infiltrate and sabotage an
family of Hyrule for sleights real or imagined. These sheikahs enemy stronghold, or obtain secret
often become lost among the shadows, turning to dark magic information. Clanless sheikahs
and demon worship, haunted by their oathbreaking. These roam freely, pursuing whatever
clans only further the dubious reputation of an already goals they set their mind to.
misunderstood race.
Sheikah Names
Lasting Loyalties Sheikah names fall into two broad
To any sheikah, the clan is more important than life itself. categories. Their real names are
Each sheikah knows his or her station and duties within the passed down through generations,
clan, and honor demands maintaining the bounds of that believed to herald future accom-
position. Clan leaders are usually the elders, honored for plishments similar to those
their experience and wisdom. Some sheikahs are clanless, achieved by their ancestors.
perhaps exiled for disobedience or lone survivors of a clan Sheikahs that roam clanless often
feud. Such individuals are often driven by a purpose, such as adopt a name that signifies a virtue
avenging the death of their mentor or exposing the crimes of or other concept and then try to
their rivals. A sheikah with no purpose will find one, for to embody that concept. For some, the
roam aimlessly is to become lost in shadows. chosen name is a noble quest. For
Sheikahs maintain and pass down oral history, legends, others, it's a grim destiny.
and heirlooms to their descendants. Knowledgeable on
obscure lore and prophecies forgotten by other races, they Male Sheikah Names: Chaas, Dagah,
subtly manipulate events from the shadows, careful not to Dow, Ha, Jitan, Kam, Korgu, Ree,
draw attention to themselves. A sheikah who dies before Shee, Shoda, Rucco, Ta'loh, Tahno
completing an important task is succeeded by another Female Sheikah Names: Daka, Hila,
sheikah to see the task fulfilled. Kah, Kaya, Lakna, Mezza, Muwo,
Lacking a true homeland, sheikahs know that they have to Myahm, Shai, Sheh, Soh, Tawa, Yah
be smart to survive. They are not quick to trust anyone who "Virtue" Names: Chant, Creed, Danger,
claims to be a friend, but when a sheikah's companions Despair, Empty, Fear, Hope, Magic,
demonstrate that they trust him or her, the sheikah learns to Nowhere, Prophecy, Quest, Reverence,
extend the same trust to them. And once a sheikah gives Solace, Sorrow, Temerity,
someone their trust, the sheikah is a firm ally for life. Torment, Weary, Whisper

Sheikah Traits
Sheikahs share certain racial traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases
by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Sheikahs mature at the same rate as hylians and
reach adulthood at the age of 17. They live a few decades
longer however, sometimes exceeding 120 years.
Alignment. Most sheikahs pledge oaths of servitude,
making them lawful. Zealous obedience pushes them toward
neutrality, though renegade sheikahs can be of any alignment.
Size. Sheikahs range from 5 to well over 6 feet in height,
with a slender build. Your size is Medium.
Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly,
starting with rolling a size modifier:
Size modifier = 2d10
Height = 4 feet + 10 inches + your size modifier in inches
Weight in pounds = 90 + (1d6 x your size modifier)
Speed. Supernatural mobility propels you forward. Your
base walking speed is 35 feet, and you have a climbing speed
of 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Shadow Stalker. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Shadow Stride. You teleport yourself from your current
location to any other spot within 500 feet of you. You arrive at
exactly the spot desired. It can be a place you can see, one
you can visualize, or one you can describe by stating distance
and direction, such as “ 200 feet straight downward” or
“upward to the northwest at a 45-degree angle, 300 feet.” You
can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn’t exceed
what you can carry. If you would arrive in a place already
occupied by an object or a creature, you take 4d6 force
damage, and the teleportation fails.
Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.
Sheikah Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the
dart, dagger, whip, and hand crossbow.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Sheikah. Sheikah is an ancient derivation from Common,
with hard consonants and complex symbolic writing.

Zora's Domain
Zora's Domain is a magnificent ice palace whose
numerous fountains feed most of Hyrule's rivers.
It is the seat of the zora monarchs, who have main-
tained positive relations with Hyrule Castle since
ancient times. In the aftermath of the Hyrulean
Civil War however, that bond is gradually fading.

Patient Perspectives
Zoras can live over 400 years, giving them a broad
perspective on events that might trouble the shorter-lived
races more deeply. They are more often amused than excited,
and more likely to be curious than greedy. They tend to
remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance. Their
innate peacefulness and benign approach to life led the
zoras to naturally gravitate to the worship of Nayru,
goddess of wisdom, who is their patron deity.
When pursuing a goal however, whether adventuring on a
mission or learning a new skill or art, zoras can be
focussed and relentless. They are slow to make friends and
enemies, and even slower to forget them. They reply to petty
insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengeance.
Like the waves lapping on the shore, zoras are fluid in the
face of danger. They trust in diplomacy and compromise to
Zora resolve differences before they can escalate to violence. They
Zoras are a mysterious people of otherworldy grace, living in have been known to retreat from intrusion into their hidden
the world but not entirely part of it. They live in places of realms, confident that they can simply wait the invader out.
ethereal beauty---along promenades skirting ancient lakes or But when the need arises, especially when their rivers and
in magnificent grottos glittering with faerie light, where soft lakes are being threatened, zoras reveal a stern martial side,
music echoes gently above the waters and sweet fragrances demonstrating skill with nets, tridents, and strategy.
waft on the breeze. Zoras love nature and magic, art and
artistry, music and poetry, and the good things of the world. Haughty but Gracious
As zoras age, they hold themselves to higher standards of
Within Water's Reach speaking as a matter of pride, using proper etiquette and
Zoras are an amphibious people. Though mobile on dry land, other formalities when interacting with superiors, elders, or
they rarely stray far away from the riverbanks. Their bodies with strangers. Social standing is important to them. Each
are covered in fine scales that range from a greyish green individual zora knows exactly who within their communities
through shades of blue to deep red. Their heads have caudal are of higher or lower status than them, and they behave
extensions shaped like the tails of dolphins or other marine accordingly.
beasts, and fins sprout from their forearms, hips, and calves. Because zoras rarely travel far from sources of water and
Their digits are webbed, allowing them to swim even faster are protective of their communities, they have limited
than they can run. dealings with other races. This may cause them to become
Zoras build their settlements in vast caverns beneath lakes, haughty, though they generally remain gracious even to those
grottos hidden behind waterfalls, the ruins of half-submerged who fall short of their high expectations, which is most non-
cities, or structures they carve from ocean cliffs. Rivers are zoras. Still, with their strong sense of duty and beneficence,
their highways, and they are not known to use land vehicles they can find good in just about anyone.
of any sort. Zoras primarily subsist on fish and other marine
life, and many are skilled fishers. Exploration and Adventure
Well suited to a semi-aquatic life, zoras wear little clothing Enchanted by the feeling of the wind, the rustle of leaves, the
unless armored for battle. They fashion most of their clothes ingenuity of land-dwelling inventors, or any of countless other
and other items from materials found along the water's edge: dry-land charms, a rare few zoras take up adventuring out of
coral, seaweed, shells, bone, driftwood, the shells of wanderlust. Since they are so long-lived, they can enjoy many
monstrous crustaceans, and so on. Having an old, well- decades of exploration and discovery. They dislike the bustle
developed civilization, zoras know much of how to craft these of dry-land settlements, preferring to navigate streams and
materials into garb as rich and weapons as sturdy as any rivers to explore the natural world beyond their homes. When
found on dry land. Much of their metal equipment is gained traveling away from sources of water, zoras avoid hot sunny
through trade, though the ore they are able to extract them- days as it causes them to dehydrate at a rapid rate.
selves is refined through lengthy cold-forging processes.

Zora Names Size. Zoras range from 5 to almost 7 feet tall, with long
Among zoras, little distinction exists between male and torsos. Your size is Medium.
female names---the groupings here reflect only general Here's how to determine your height and weight randomly,
tendencies. Males use patronymic surnames while females starting with rolling a size modifier:
use matronymic names, followed by their clan name. For Size modifier = 2d12
example: "Dunma, daughter of Finley, of the Brynna clan". Height = 4 feet + 8 inches + your size modifier in inches
Male Names: Bazz, Cleff, Dento, Evan, Fronk, Gaddison, Weight in pounds = 100 + (1d6 x your size modifier)
Gruve, Japas, Jiahto, Ledo, Muzu, Ralis, Rivan, Segin, Tijo, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you have a
Toto, Trello, Tumbo swimming speed of 40 feet.
Female Names: Dunma, Finley, Kodah, Japas, Kayden, Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Keye, Laflat, Laruta, Lulu, Marot, Rutela, Tona, Torfeau, Aquatic Athlete. You have advantage on Strength
Totikka, Tula (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks made while
Clan Names: Brynna, Cephia, Cora, Deya, Ferona, Komo, swimming.
Lanayru, Laverra, Lodrum, Nautelle, Pico, Samasa, Telta, Guardians of the Sea. Adapted to the frigid ocean depths,
Torin, Ulria, Zelo, Zorana you have resistance to cold damage.
Friend of the River. Aquatic beasts have an extraordinary
Zora Traits affinity with your people. You can communicate simple ideas
Your zora character has a variety of natural abilities, the with beasts that can breathe water. They can understand your
result of generations of zora refinement. words, though you have no special ability to understand them
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases in return.
by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1. Dehydration. You require twice the normal amount of
Age. Although zoras reach physical maturity at 16, the zora drinking water per day. When you make a saving throw for
understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to drinking only half that amount, you roll with disadvantage.
encompass worldly experience. Zoras are considered young Zora Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the
until they reach the age of 50, and can live to be more than spear, trident, light crossbow, and net.
400 years old. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Alignment. Most zoras are lawful, believing firmly in the Primordial (Aquan). Aquan is fluid, with subtle and intricate
benefits of a well-ordered society. They tend toward good as intonations. Zora literature is limited, as most of their history
well, with a strong sense of fair play and a belief that everyone is remembered through songs and poems.
deserves to share in the benefits of a just order.
Chapter 2: Domains and Deities

he various races of Hyrule worship a tight A Variety of Veneration
pantheon consisting of five female deities. The Different cultures and societies emphasize some deities over
sisters Din, Nayru, and Farore are believed to others. Most vocations have a patron deity. Farmers make
have created the world and are known offerings to Farore for the prosperity of their crops, clerks
collectively as the Golden Goddesses. Hylia sharpen their quills with a prayer to Hylia, while pious
and Midna, two lesser deities, ascended into merchants remember to set rupees aside for Din at the end of
divinity from the mortal world. A sixth deity, the day. Individuals often carry or wear a small token of their
Twinrova, is worshipped by many gerudos outside of Hyrule favored goddess---a pendant or a pin in the image of the
and isn't considered part of the Hyrulean Pantheon. deity's holy symbol, or some other personal keepsake.
From among these goddesses, you can choose a single In addition, people regularly venerate the goddesses based
deity for your character to serve, worship, or pay lip service on their needs and circumstances: a farmer whose favored
to. Or you can pick a few that your character prays to most deity is Farore would pray to Din for a few clear, sunny days,
often. If you’re playing a cleric or a character with the Acolyte and a noble who habitually worships Nayru would give
background, decide which goddess you serve, and select one thanks to Hylia after a successful childbirth. Even priests of
of the deity's associated domains from the Hyrulean particular goddesses acknowledge the roles that other deities
Pantheon or Gerudo Deity table for your class features. play in the world and in their lives.
Domains listed in parenthesis come from official source-
books other than the Player's Handbook and may be allowed
with your DM's permission.
Temples and Shrines
The core religious institutions of Hyrule are temples and
shrines. Most temples are rare enough to appear only in the
larger settlements. These impressive structures usually have
a patron deity, yet combine aspects of the other deities from
the pantheon as well, allowing worshipers to come together
or venerate their own deities in their separate alcoves.
Temples in Hyrule don't have regular services as such.
Group observances in a temple occur only at specific festival
times, and priests also go out into the community to perform
rites such as marriages and funerals. Temples are places
where worshipers go either to spend personal or family time
in a space consecrated to their deity or to seek the aid of the
priests for some reason.
Small shrines and private chapels, as distinct from full-
fledged temples, are common throughout Hyrule, particularly
in areas where a temple doesn't exist. Shrines tend to be
unstaffed, kept up by the locals and visitors who use the place
for prayer. A shrine might be as modest as a roadside well,
where traveling merchants can drop a rupee to request good
fortune from Din, or as grand as a statue of Hylia surrounded
by braziers in a pavilion in the middle of a village.

Hyrulean Pantheon
Greater Deities Alignment Domain Associated Domains Symbol
Din, goddess of power CN Fire Light, Tempest, (Forge) Three opposing red flames
Nayru, goddess of wisdom LN Water Knowledge, (Arcana, Peace) Three blue stars within waves
Farore, goddess of courage NG Forest Life, Nature Three green concentric rings

Lesser Deities Alignment Domain Associated Domains Symbol

Hylia, goddess of light LG Light Knowledge, Light, (Order) Golden lyre
Midna, goddess of shadow N Shadow Trickery, (Grave, Twilight) Black raven's head in profile

Gerudo Deity
Lesser Deity Alignment Domain Associated Domains Symbol
Twinrova, goddess of the sand NE Spirit Tempest, War, (Death) Cobra hood


Divine Domains Shadow Domain
Clergy in Hyrule have different divine domains than those Midna, goddess of shadow, presides over the Shadow
described in the Player's Handbook. These domains are: domain, which is concerned with the lines between life and
Fire, Forest, Light, Shadow, Spirit, and Water. death, light and darkness. Her clerics find comfort in sorrow
and take solace in the quiet hours of night. They prefer
Fire Domain
subterfuge rather than direct confrontation, putting
The fire clerics of Din teach that the destructive force of fire wandering spirits to rest and easing the suffering of the
shapes the land and tempers the soul. To them, physical dying. They use their magic to temporarily stave off death at
strength is to be admired, and few fire clerics will shrink away times, particularly for a person who still has some great work
from a worthy test of might. They are often workers of metal, to accomplish in the world. At other times, they quicken
liberating mines overrun by monsters and uncovering rare someone's demise with a carefully plotted assassination.
and wondrous materials necessary to create potent magic Shadow clerics are most often found among sheikahs.
items. Fire clerics take great pride in their accomplishments They receive the class features of either the Trickery domain
and actively seek out opposition in order to display their from the Player's Handbook, the Grave domain from
divine dominance. Victories are boasted loudly, and defeat is Xanathar's Guide to Everything, or the Twilight domain from
taken with grim dissatisfaction. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
Fire clerics are most often found among gorons. They Spirit Domain
receive the class features of either the Light or Tempest Spirit clerics are subservient to Twinrova, goddess of the
domain from the Player's Handbook, or the Forge domain sand, worshipped in the deserts outside Hyrule. In nature, the
from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. Spirit domain manifests as sandstorms and droughts. In
Forest Domain
people, it is the burning passion which urges them to push
A vibrant, positive energy that heals the wounded and beyond their normal limits. Spirit clerics strive to excel in all
revitalizes the downtrodden, the Forest domain is watched that they do, refusing to give up or back down. Whether for
over by Farore, goddess of courage. Forest clerics are weal or woe, the magnitude of their achievements is what
adventurous champions of the natural world, taking an active matters. Mediocrity is their undoing. They speak with pur-
role in it. They might hunt the evil monstrosities that despoil pose and excel in battle, seek to take on leadership roles, and
woodlands, bless the harvest of the faithful, or drive away the offer acts of violence as tributes to their warmongering deity.
forces of death and undeath. Forest clerics embolden others Spirit clerics are almost exclusively found among gerudos.
with their joyous passion for life, encouraging people to They receive the class features of either the Tempest or War
engage with and appreciate the wonders of nature. domain from the Player's Handbook, or the Death domain
Forest clerics are most often found among kokiris. They from the Dungeon Master's Guide.
receive the class features of either the Life or Nature domain Water Domain
from the Player's Handbook. Nayru, goddess of wisdom, governs the Water domain---one of
Light Domain
the fundamental forces of the universe to sustain all life. Her
Hylia, goddess of light, governs the Light domain. It promotes clerics promote a peaceful and harmonious society, carefully
the ideals of rebirth and renewal, truth, vigilance, and beauty, study the potentials of arcane magic, and use concentrated
teaching that art is a vehicle for the mind's improvement. effort to deepen their understanding of the nature of reality
Light clerics represent discipline, as well as devotion to the though reflection and contemplation. Water clerics tend to be
proper functioning of structured society. Tireless sentinels quiet and withdrawn, favoring civilized places or fountains
whose eyes seek to pierce every shadow and see through all and other sources of water, and engage in violence only as a
deception, they are enlightened beings infused with radiance last resort. Even then, they are reluctant participants.
and the power of Hylia's discerning vision, charged with Water clerics are most often found among zoras. They
chasing away lies and burning away darkness. receive the class features of either the Knowledge domain
Light clerics are most often found among hylians. They from the Player's Handbook, the Arcana domain from the
receive the class features of either the Knowledge or Light Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, or the Peace domain from
domain from the Player's Handbook, or the Order domain Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.


Din Nayru
Forger of Strength, Queen of the Earth, Mountain Mother. Keeper of Knowledge, the Quiet One, Mother of Magic
Din is the goddess of power, representing raw, untamed Nayru is the goddess of wisdom, and Din's younger sister.
might. She is the oldest of the Golden Goddesses, attributed She created the spirit of law that governs the world, bringing
to having created the red earth using her strong flaming forth forces such as time, seasons, and gravity. She blessed
arms---its deserts, mountains, and volcanoes. She is the the bare materials created by Din with water, preparing the
blazing sun, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and thunder world with the necessities for life. Nayru created the moon to
and lightning---the uncaring and destructive side of nature assist Din's sun in giving cycles to the natural world.
that might strike at any time. A popular deity symbolized by Nayru maintains the essential force that makes all spell-
the hunger and wrath of fire, many people worship Din out of casting possible. She provides and tends the Weave, the
awe and the promise of power. Although mercurial in conduit through which mortal spellcasters and magical
temperament, she can be generous to those who do her crafters can safely access the raw force of magic. She urges
honor, as is any great queen. her followers to pursue knowledge and put it to practical use,
Being associated with the deep earth, Din is also the in addition to turning inwards and using their own intuition
goddess of rupees and metalcraft---and by extention and deeper understanding to resolve dilemmas.
commerce. Anyone who is crafting metal might say a prayer She is also the goddess of waterfalls, springs, pools, and
to Din to guide the work, and even the most avaricious stillness. She is thought to be present at many such places,
merchants set aside rupees for the goddess, lest misfortune particularly those that serve to meditate and contemplate.
befalls them. Heavy rainfall is said to be the goddess expressing deep
Worshipers of Din are legion, and her name is often on the sorrow. This is sometimes accompanied by Din's raging
lips of soldiers, miners, blacksmiths, ambitious nobles, and lightning bolts and Farore's invigorating gales.
salesmen. Farmers and travelers beseech her when they pray The faith of Nayru is pervasive in Hyrule, especially among
for sunny days, as do others looking for a favorable change in the more cultured societies. The azure-clad priests of Nayru's
the weather. Those who take Din as a patron can be reliably temples count monks and wizards among their numbers, as
thought of as greedy, but the Queen of the Earth is said to well as the occasional bard. A high number of her followers
frown upon misers and smile upon the industrious and the are female. It isn't unusual for her faithful to keep an eye out
profligate, and thus priests who bear her holy symbol find for those who demonstrate high potential for using magic
themselves welcome in many towns and cities. Din's priests and help arrange for such persons to find tutelage with a
wear scarlet or crimson robes, and oversee industrious or suitable mentor.
commercial operations in her name, such as promising Temples attributed to Nayru are academies of learning,
mines, foundries, and banks. with libraries and gardens or courtyards with a body of water
Temples of Din resemble guildhalls and often serve as such as a fountain, pond, or spring. Smaller shrines make due
meeting places for trade consortiums. Those who follow with a stone basin filled with holy water. These typically serve
Din's ethos seek to create more opportunity for all and see as a repository of offerings. Typical offerings are broken
competition for wealth as one of society's main means of weapons or items that are remembrances of arguments,
progress. Continual flames burn perpetually in her temples, which the faithful discard while making a wish for peace in
and any flame that burns out is a mark of the deity's dis- the future. Tradition dictates that temples and shrines to
satisfaction. Unless swiftly placated, her fury will come down Nayru be places of quiet reflection where others are left to
to strike the negligent. People often leave rupees at such their thoughts. Many of those who favor Nayru are pacifists or
temples or smaller shrines, or burn flowers in the flames in people who are troubled by the violence they have witnessed
hopes that Din will provide them with strength and fortune. or experienced.


Farore Hylia
Juror of Courage, the Maiden of the Forest, Joybringer Lady of Dawn, the Inspiration Divine, the Morningstar
Farore is the goddess of courage, and youngest of the three During her mortal life, Hylia was the founder of Hyrule.
Golden Goddesses. With her rich soul, she created all life Through her benign and industrious leadership, much of the
forms who would uphold Nayru's natural laws. Farore savage and warring tribal communities were tamed. She
created the soil and the trees, the breath of wind, and all the brought forth knowledge and civilization, just laws and stable
creatures to inhabit the world---creatures that were originally alliances. This is said to have drawn the attention of the
all good of heart. She is the deity of forests and agriculture, goddess of wisdom. Thoroughly impressed, Nayru raised
rarely prayed to behind the walls of a city except by kitchen Hylia into divinity and granted her a place in the heavens,
gardeners. serving as Nayru's right hand.
Woodlands that evoke wonder are where Farore reigns As the goddess of light, Hylia represents birth and renewal,
supreme, but she is said to keep watch over good folk in any duty and loyalty, truth and self-perfection, creativity and
wilderness, not matter how dark or cruel. Farore is a deity of inspiration. She is goddess not of the sun but of the dawn,
adventure, action, happiness, and freedom. Her faith is one of which represents the start of a new day filled with potential.
nurturing and growth. Agricultural aphorisms and farming Hers is the power of artistry, music, writing, and civilization.
parables dot her teachings. Growing and reaping, the eternal Hylia seeks to spread knowledge and literacy as widely as
cycle, is a common theme in her faith. Destruction for its own possible, believing that minds ought never to be shackled by
sake, or leveling without rebuilding, is anathema to her. ignorance and thus not be able to bequeath the benefit they
She often receives veneration from travelers in wild lands, might otherwise provide their fellows. Her name is invoked to
explorers, and residents of rural communities far from the seal alliances and bless new ventures. Not surprisingly, those
protection of a local lord or a great city. Those who favor who follow Hylia oppose anyone who fosters deceit, trickery,
Farore tend to be daring sorts. Druids, rangers, and other and ignorance.
adventurers make up much of their ranks. They all have the Worshipers of Hylia come from many walks of life, for she
belief that what is good about their lives is the result of welcomes any who seek the best in themselves and others,
having both good luck and the bravery to seek it out. Her who uphold her tenets of loyalty, responsibility, duty, and
priests wear green garnments and take it as their mission to kindness, or who are willing to sacrifice to keep evil from
make other people happy by inspiring them to live in gaining ascendancy in the world. She is revered by those who
harmony with nature. They encourage anyone to go out into bring about a greater good, right wrongs, and help the
the world and explore new horizons. To them, divine joy is a hopeless. Her followers must strive to maintain order while
very real gift to the world of mortals, and one much needed. opposing unjust laws, standing ever alert against corruption
To that end, they fight those who would bring misery to and swiftly exposing it for what it is. She is the patron of
others. They are fierce combatants against their foes, and artists, architects, musicians, scribes, and lawmakers.
joyous revelers when their work is done. Priests of Hylia are garbed in yellow and white. They
Temples of Farore tend to be large farmhouses with priests embrace the founding of new communities and the growth of
educated in sustained farming and cultivation, who work society, as long as that society gives everyone the potential to
closely with their surrounding rural communities. Shrines succeed. They despise the undead, seeing them as both a
often consist of wooden statues into which have been carved corruption of the natural order and a disavowal of new
the likeness of her holy symbol. These shrines typically mark beginnings, as undead cling to their old existence rather than
the point in a forest beyond which locals know not to cut moving on. Hylia's temples and shrines host a wide range of
timber or hunt. Often these tributes are created by loggers at functions both municipal and personal. At such places folk
the end of an excursion as a mark of thanks to the goddess get married in dawn ceremonies, announce the start of civic
for providing the wood and for keeping the timber cutters projects, and even give birth when possible, to provide the
safe during the work. baby good fortune.


Midna Twinrova
The Twilight Princess, the Raven Queen, the Evenstar The Reaper, Queen of Ice and Fire, the Battle-Born
An enigmatic deity, the Twilight Princess resides in the Dark Twinrova is the goddess of the sand, originating from deep
World rather than in the Sacred Realm with the other within the desert. She is the goddess of sandstorms,
goddesses. Midna takes delight in the confusion sown by her droughts, and the cold desert nights. Representing ambition
various incarnations, as none are quite sure who she was in and control, it is said that Twinrova favors those who seek to
her mortal form and how she arose into divinity. become conquerors, gather tribes into armies, and bring
She is the goddess of shadow, both in its form manifest and death to the weak.
as it exists in the minds and souls of mortals, represented by The worship of Twinrova is forbidden in Hyrule, for it
the night, secrets, loss, and memories. She represents pain supports cruel dictatorships, mercantile monopolies, and the
hidden but not forgotten, and vengeances carefully nurtured practice of slavery. Among the gerudos however, she offers
away from the light. All that occurs within shadow is in the survival---counting the ravager, the raider, the looter, and the
purview of Midna. People whisper a prayer to her whenever brigand among her followers. Thought of as an unforgiving
stealth is required or intrigue is afoot. Some folk perform a deity who metes out pestilence and famine, life and death,
swirling motion with a finger behind their backs when telling she is also a war goddess concerned with using force of arms
a lie as a way of beseeching her for aid. Midna is also revered over talk for settling disputes. Twinrova has a simple ethos---
by those who must venture into dark places and so pray to the strong have not just the right but the duty to rule over the
her for protection, as well as by those who have fallen into weak. A tyrant able to seize power must do so, for not only
melancholy and despair, who wish to forget something, or does the tyrant benefit, but so do those under the tyrant's
who have lost something and wish to recover it. She isn't the rule. When a ruler succumbs to decadence, corruption, or
goddess of death, but of the dying---soothing those who are at decrepitude, a stronger and more suitable ruler will rise.
death's door so they may pass with ease and not terror. Although Twinrova is a popular deity among gerudos, her
The faithful of Midna often nurture their own deep wounds name is invoked more often out of fear than out of reverence.
or dark secrets, which in their minds makes them best suited The Reaper is said to carry two staffs, one of ice and one of
to console those who suffer from a similar ill. Throughout the fire. She vents her wrath on the world by using her flaming
world's history, many followers of Midna have done dark staff to sear the lands with a burning wind as the sun rises,
deeds in her name---most notably the sheikahs. The tragedies and her freezing staff to send a frigid gale to pierce gerudo
and losses brought about by the fanaticism of her followers homes when the moon climbs in the dark of night. Her
have caused many places to limit her worship to areas for the faithful must continually strive to placate her by obeying her
consecrated dead, such as cemeteries. Here, her priests skulk tenets through blood and sacrifice.
the shadows, remaining aloof from the living. Their Twinrova's priests are often skilled in the art of war, urging
vestments are purple and gray, and their faces are hidden their followers to push beyond their normal limits. Many of
behind featureless wooden masks. They despise the undead her ordained don't serve in temples, but as battlefield chap-
and work to some degree to eliminate them, for undead of lains with armies and mercenary companies, encouraging
any sort are seen as an defiance to Midna's providence. their fellow soldiers with both word and blade. Priests of
Shrines to Midna or engravings of her holy symbol appear Twinrova, clad in steel armor and ocher robes, teach that any
in many places where people bury their dead, but full-fledged warrior might be slain or might become a great leader among
temples are rare. The few that exist are hallowed sites where her companions, be it for good or ill. Mortals shouldn't fear
the dead from hundreds of miles around are brought for war but should see it as a natural force, the storm that
internment, even if they were not of Midna's faith. There is civilization brings about by its very existence.
little space set aside for the living in such a location, usually a
lone modest shrine, but its catacombs and ossuaries are vast.


What Happens Next?

ontinue exploring the wonders of Hyrule with
Legend of Zelda video games, from The Legend Hyrule is far from
of Zelda (1986) up to Breath of the Wild (2017),
or any of the numerous games in between. secure, and the
adventure goes far
Heroes of Time
beyond these pages
Characters in the tabletop roleplaying game can delve deeper
into the devious plots in Heroes of Time, an upcoming A Hyrule of Your Own
adventure based on the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
In this adventure, you begin your marvelous journey as a If you cannot wait for the release of Heroes of Time, you and
Child Character, learning about the machinations of the your friends can get together with this Player's Companion to
gerudo thief Ganondorf, while working together with embark upon your own quests in Hyrule. These needn't be
Princess Zelda in an eternal struggle between Light and based on Ocarina of Time, as with a few tweeks here and
Dark. Heroes of Time will allow you to visit all your favorite there you could homebrew other Zelda titles or even create
locales, characters, and side quests of Ocarina of Time, your very own adventures in Hyrule or beyond.
letting you make decisions that could alter its original
storyline as you and your companions become heroes that Beta Version 1.3
shape their own destiny. This supplement---currently in Beta Version 1.3--- will
Snippets of Heroes of Time may be released on continue to be monitored as Heroes of Time remains in, so be sure development. Any major changes will be kept in a changelog
to keep an eye out for updates. Your comments and sugges- at the end of this module, if necessary. Improvements may
tions could even influence the content and design of this also occur based on your feedback, from big changes such as
upcoming adventure as it continues to unfold. racial trait modifications, to smaller aspects such as
improvements on grammar or fixing spelling errors.


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