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CP500 range new features :

AC500 Modbus master serial & Ethernet driver

CAB57 AC500/CP500 communication cable
Import of variables from PS501

1- AC500 driver:

One update for 2 drivers: With the explanation below you will install the driver for serial
and for Ethernet communication.

- Unzip the file from the Ethernet site or received.
- Open CP500Soft
- Click on “File / Update driver From / Disk...”

- Choose “modbus_ac500.mpd”
- Click on “Open”

- Click on “Install”
- Afterwards, on “Exit”

You can now use the AC500

master driver.

You must have administrator
rights to update drivers.

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AC500 Modbus master serial driver:

This new serial driver make possible to use directly AC500 syntax for the variables.

The serial driver could be used on the RS232 or on the RS485 or on the RS422 (with
CAB8) port from the CP500 products, except on CP501.

Connection is done on the COM1 or COM2 from the AC500 products.

AC500 Modbus master Ethernet driver:

As for serial driver, the new Ethernet Modbus AC500 driver could be use directly with
AC500 syntax for the variables on TCP/IP, through the IFC ETTP card or directly on the
CP551 build-in port.

Variables available in AC500:

PM571: 4 kB PM581 and PM591: 128 kB

1 segment of variables available: 2 segments of variables available:
%MX0.0.0 to MX0.4095.7
%MB0.0 to %MB0.4095 %MX0.0.0 to MX0. 65535.7
%MW0.0 to %MW0.2047 %MB0.0 to %MB0. 65535
%MD0.0 to %MD0.1023 %MW0.0 to %MW0.32767
%MD0.0 to %MD0.16383

%MX1.0.0 to MX1. 65535.7

%MB1.0 to %MB1. 65535
%MW1.0 to %MW1.32767
%MD1.0 to %MD1.16383

Pay attention that in the AC500, the Inputs and Outputs are not available directly in
writing or reading. So export from PS501, only internal variables.
Others types of variables will be rejected.

If slave driver is needed on CP500 products, you have to use the Modicon Generic
Modbus RTU or TCP drivers.

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3- CAB57: CP500 to AC500 cable:

The CAB57 is a communication cable between AC500 products and CP500


- COM2 of the CPU in RS232 connection

- SubD 9 point connector
- 3 meter length
- ROHS compliant
- Pin-out and plan below

CP500 AC500
P1 P2
3 2
2 7
7 4
5 5
8 9
Shield Shield

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2- Import of Variables From PS501:

It’s possible with the PS501 to export variables list in the same specific file format
as for 907AC1131. The new update of the import of variable allows to import in
CP500Soft the files from one or the other software.

Procedure to update or to implement the import of variable.

- Unzip the file received or download on the Ethernet site.

- Double click on Install_Modbus_ABB_NameImport.bat file.

This procedure has to be done just one time.

You must have administrator rights to update import of variables function.

Variables importation in CP500Soft:

1- In the PS501, export the variables in a file (name.EXP).

2- Open the CP500Soft and the Name List (View/Name list) and click on “Import”.
3- Take directly the file that you have exported from PS501 and follow the
instruction for a correct importation.

Pay attention to select the right type of CPU before to import the variable list.

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