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**Noun to Adjective Suffixes:**

1. **-ful:** Noun + -ful = Adjective (e.g., spoon → spoonful, hope → hopeful)

2. **-less:** Noun + -less = Adjective (e.g., harm → harmless, pain → painless)

3. **-al:** Noun + -al = Adjective (e.g., music → musical, nature → natural)

4. **-ous / -eous / -ious:** Noun + -ous = Adjective (e.g., danger → dangerous, courage →

5. **-y:** Noun + -y = Adjective (e.g., cloud → cloudy, dirt → dirty)

6. **-ic:** Noun + -ic = Adjective (e.g., hero → heroic, politics → political)

**Verb to Adjective Suffixes:**

1. **-able / -ible:** Verb + -able = Adjective (e.g., enjoy → enjoyable, understand →


2. **-ing:** Verb + -ing = Adjective (e.g., amaze → amazing, interest → interesting)

3. **-ed:** Verb + -ed = Adjective (e.g., excite → excited, amuse → amused)

4. **-ant / -ent:** Verb + -ant = Adjective (e.g., depend → dependent, assist → assistant)

**Other Suffixes:**

1. **-ish:** Sometimes added to nouns and even adjectives to create adjectives that suggest
"somewhat like" (e.g., child → childish, green → greenish)

2. **-ive / -ative / -itive:** These can be added to nouns, verbs, or even adjectives to form adjectives
that suggest "tending to" or "having the quality of" (e.g., create → creative, attract → attractive)

**Noun to Adjective Suffixes:**

1. **-ful:**

- spoon → spoonful (a spoonful of sugar)

- hand → handful (a handful of flowers)

- wonder → wonderful (a wonderful experience)

- color → colorful (a colorful painting)

- power → powerful (a powerful machine)

2. **-less:**

- care → careless (a careless mistake)

- hope → hopeless (a hopeless situation)

- emotion → emotionless (an emotionless response)

- thought → thoughtless (a thoughtless comment)

- pain → painless (a painless procedure)

3. **-al:**

- music → musical (a musical performance)

- season → seasonal (a seasonal change)

- logic → logical (a logical conclusion)

- nature → natural (a natural habitat)

4. **-ous / -eous / -ious:**

- danger → dangerous (a dangerous situation)

- courage → courageous (a courageous act)

- mystery → mysterious (a mysterious event)

- generosity → generous (a generous donation)

5. **-y:**

- cloud → cloudy (a cloudy sky)

- dirt → dirty (a dirty shirt)

- snow → snowy (a snowy landscape)

- sun → sunny (a sunny day)

**Verb to Adjective Suffixes:**

1. **-able / -ible:**

- enjoy → enjoyable (an enjoyable movie)

- understand → understandable (an understandable explanation)

- convert → convertible (a convertible car)

- access → accessible (an accessible website)

- adapt → adaptable (an adaptable strategy)

2. **-ing:**

- amaze → amazing (an amazing performance)

- interest → interesting (an interesting book)

- excite → exciting (an exciting adventure)

- entertain → entertaining (an entertaining show)

3. **-ed:**

- excite → excited (an excited child)

- amuse → amused (an amused audience)

- surprise → surprised (a surprised expression)

- inspire → inspired (an inspired idea)

- interest → interested (an interested reader)

4. **-ant / -ent:**

- depend → dependent (a dependent relationship)

- assist → assistant (an assistant manager)

- exist → existent (an existent problem)

- provide → provident (a provident decision)

- excel → excellent (an excellent performance)

**Other Suffixes:**

1. **-ish:**

- child → childish (a childish behavior)

- warm → warmish (a warmish breeze)

- blue → bluish (a bluish hue)

- green → greenish (a greenish tint)

2. **-ive / -ative / -itive:**

- create → creative (a creative project)

- attract → attractive (an attractive offer)

- impress → impressive (an impressive achievement)

- suggest → suggestive (a suggestive remark)

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