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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

There is a lot of pressure on young people today to succeed academically. As a result, some people believe that
non-academic subjects, such as physical education and cookery, should be removed from the school syllabus so
that children can concentrate on academic work.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Band 6:

Nowadays there is many pressures for young people to have good school result in academic subjects. It is difficult for
young people to get to university and for finding work after eductions. So some people think that non academic
subject are not as good for children to be learn at school and they should only do academic subjects. I disagree with
this statement and think non academic subjects are also good for learning and developing children.

Firstly I think that school is not only a place for learning academic subjects and that other subjects can be very useful
at school. For example, when children learn physic education it is not only academical learning but also other things.
Also children can learn how can they be good health and this is important for their life. Because many people have
obesity and this is not a good situation. If children learn physical education they would not have obesity as much.

Secondly I think that it is useful for school for teaching other things at school like cookery. I think that this is a good
skill for people to learn for the health and also there are many jobs with cookery. For example, maybe you can open
a restaurant or have difference cooking work. Therefore this is a good situation for some children and is good to
learn non academic subjects.

In conclusion I think that children can learn academic and non academic subjects and school and this is the best thing
for children. however, maybe there can be after school lessons or clubs for children to learn skills and teachings that
are non academic and be more academic in school time.

Band 8:

Students nowadays are under a lot of pressure to achieve academical success in order to get into a good university
or secure a well paid job. For this reason some people argue that schools need to focus on academic subjects and
vocational subjects should therefore not taught at schools. I would argue that while academic skills are important,
schools need to teach a wide range of both academic and more skills-based subjects.

Firstly, school should not only be about teaching academic skills but a wider range of life skills so that students can
join society when leaving school. Practical subjects can help to teach these skills to students. For example, physical
education teaches students how to work as part of a team and also the importance of being healthy. Furthermore, if
cookery is taught then students would learn a great deal about health and nutrition.

Secondly, academic subjects are not of equal important for all students. There is the possibility of including more
practical non academic subjects on the syllabus like woodwork, textile design and computing skills. If they study
these subjects students will increase their employment prospects and could help them to secure employment when
they leave school. It is important to remember that not all students will continue to higher education and school
needs to enable those students to find work.

Finally, too much pressure should not be put on school students. Taking part in non academic subjects like art, music
or drama gives students the opportunity to be creative. This could help them to manage stress degrees and have
more productive in other areas.

In conclusion I would argue that although academic subjects being important, this should not be the only focus of a
school syllabus. There are a number of benefits to teaching students non academic subjects.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

As the internet becomes more popular, newspapers are becoming a thing of the past.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Band 6:

Nowadays it is easy to read the news in many different ways than in the past. We can get lots of informations from
the internet that in the past would only be on the newspaper. Some people believe that in the future there will not
be newspapers. I agree with this statement.

Firstly getting informations from the internet are much more convenience than from a newspaper. You can read
news on the internet in anyplace and at anytime for example on your computer at work or on your smartphone
when you are on the bus. Reading a newspaper means that you will need to go to the shop for buying a newspaper
and be carry it with you. This is not as convenience as reading on the internet.

Secondly news on the internet are much faster than news in the newspaper. News in the newspaper can only be
about yesterday or before. All newspapers are wrote the day before they are sell in theshops. With the internet you
can read as soon as a story happens. This way you get news much more quicker.

Finally there are more stories on the internet for news. When I read a story on the internet I can read different
writers opinion about the news. i think this is good thing because you understand more things about the news. In
conclusion I believe that the internet is better for news than newspapers many people who are buy newspapers now
are older and for young people the newspaper is not very important.

Band 8:

It has become increasingly common for people to access the news electronically rather than with traditional
newspapers with many commentators suggest that this could mean the end for newspapers. I would agree with this
and think that in the future newspapers will disappear.

Firstly, news accessed online is much more interaction than in a newspaper. Readers can comment on stories, and
discussing items on message boards. Furthermore, many more photographs can included with a story with many
sites even give readers the opportunity to upload their own photos and videos.

Secondly, news read on the internet are much more current than in a newspaper. It is possible for readers to read
about stories as they happen and watch the development. This is compared with newspapers which only report on
the previous days events. As a result, they seem increasingly dated even before they are on sale.

Finally, online news offer readers much more choice and a more information. It is possible to read the same story
from a range of different sources on the internet. Some people suggest that this is better than only reading the story
in one newspaper as you can compare different ones and have different viewpoints and the way stories are
presented. This is compared with traditional newspapers which might only report one side of the story.

In conclusion, I would argue that in the future it will become increasingly difficult to sell newspapers. Because
traditional newspapers will not be able to compete they will disappear.

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