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Integrated Sciences – Lab Report – Rubric

Criteria Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Sufficient Weak Very Weak
Content & Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Shows a good Demonstrates an Contains some Demonstrates a Shows little or no
Understanding comprehensive strong understanding understanding of the adequate understanding of poor understanding of
understanding of of the experiment, experiment and understanding of the experiment understanding of the experiment
the experiment, including most relevant concepts the experiment, and its concepts, the experiment, and its
including all relevant concepts but with minor gaps addressing basic but with significant with major gaps in concepts.
relevant concepts and scientific in understanding. concepts and gaps in concepts and
and scientific principles. scientific comprehension. scientific
principles. principles. principles.
Introduction Clearly articulates Articulates the Provides a sufficient Provides a basic Presents an Provides an Introduction and
the purpose, purpose, significance, introduction and description of the introduction and unclear or background are
Aim & Hypothesis significance, and and relevant background purpose, background incomplete insufficient or
relevant background information but significance, and information, but it description of the missing entirely.
background information of the lacks some depth or background lacks clarity and purpose,
information of the experiment clearly, clarity. information of the relevance to the significance, and
experiment. with minor omissions. experiment, though experiment. background
somewhat information of the
incomplete. experiment. Fails to clearly
Clearly articulates Clearly articulates the Articulates the aim articulate the
the aim of the aim of the experiment of the experiment Partially articulates Partially articulates Struggles to aim of the
experiement and and formulates a well- and formulates a the aim of the the aim of the articulate the aim experiment and
formulates a informed hypothesis. hypothesis with experiment and experiment and of the experiment formulate a
hypothesis. minor omissions. formulates a attempts to and formulate a hypothesis.
hypothesis, but formulate a hypothesis, which
with some hypothesis. are either very
vagueness. vague or
Methods Provides a detailed rovides a detailed Describes the Describes the Describes the Describes the Methodology is
and clear and mostly clear experimental experimental experimental experimental unclear or
description of the description of the procedure procedure, procedure vaguely, procedure, missing critical
experimental experimental adequately, but with including materials with significant including details.
procedure, procedure, including minor omissions or used, but lacks gaps or lack of materials used,
including materials materials used. ambiguities. detail and clarity. clarity. with many
used. omissions and
very little clarity.
Results & Data Presents accurate, Presents accurate, Presents mostly Presents data that Presents data with Presents data that Data is missing,
Analysis well-organized, and well-organized data accurate data with is somewhat several is mostly inaccurate, or
comprehensive with minor some organizational accurate but may inaccuracies or inaccurate and not analyzed
data. Analyzes data inconsistencies. issues. Analyzes be disorganized. significant disorganized. effectively.
effectively. Analyzes data data adequately but Data analysis is organizational Data analysis is
eHectively. with minor errors or basic and lacks problems. Data very weak and
All elements are inconsistencies. depth. analysis is limited often incorrect.
present. All key elements are or contains major
present. Most elements are Several key errors. Most key
present. elements are Many key elements are
present. Some key elements are missing.
elements are missing.
Conclusion Demonstrates a Demonstrates a solid Connects the Demonstrates a Attempts to Demonstrates a Does not
clear understanding of the results to the basic connect results to poor effectively
understanding of results and connects objectives but lacks understanding of objectives but with understanding of connect results
the results and them to the depth or thorough the results and significant gaps or the results and to objectives,
connects them to experiment's analysis. attempts to inaccuracies. fails to connect and conclusions
the experiment's objectives. OHers Conclusions are connect them to Conclusions are them to the are absent or
objectives. Offers thoughtful drawn but lack the experiment's vague or experiment's inaccurate.
insightful interpretations and insight or depth. objectives. OHers unsupported. objectives. OHers
interpretations and conclusions conclusions that conclusions that
conclusions supported by are somewhat are unsupported
supported by evidence. supported by by evidence.
evidence. evidence.

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