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Hungbu and Nolbu

a Korean folktale

In a small village in the hills of Korea lived two brothers, Hungbu and Nolbu.
Hungbu was known for his kindness, not for his success as a farmer. Nolbu was
known for his wealth, not for his thoughtfulness. The two brothers did not have
much in common.
Hungbu was a hard worker, but his crops never flourished. Although he did
not have great wealth, Hungbu was generous. His family and the people in his
village respected him.
Hungbu’s brother, Nolbu, was a wealthy merchant. He enjoyed great success.
Sadly, his riches did not make him kind or generous. Nolbu was greedy, and
he did not have the respect of the villagers. Although he saw how his brother
struggled, he never offered to help.
One day, Hungbu was working in the fields. He saw a snake preying on a
swallow and chased it away.
“I see your leg is broken so you could not escape,” Hungbu said, cradling the
swallow in his hands. Hungbu brought the bird home, mended its broken leg, and
nursed it back to health. Before long, the swallow recovered and flew off.
The following spring, the swallow returned to Hungbu’s fields and left a seed.
Hungbu found the seed and planted it. Before long, five enormous gourds sprung
up from the ground. Hungbu cut one of the gourds open. It was full of rice. He
opened the second gourd and gold flowed out like water. The gourds contained
riches beyond Hungbu’s wildest dreams.

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Finally, Hungbu had an easy and comfortable life. He didn’t worry about
money or success. Still, he remembered the poor and unfortunate in his village.
He shared his good fortune with others.
When Nolbu heard the story of the gourds, he grew greedy.
“Only I should enjoy such riches!” Nolbu proclaimed. “I will find a swallow.”
Nolbu found a swallow and purposefully injured its leg. He bandaged the bird
and sent it off.
That spring, the swallow returned with a seed. Nolbu planted it excitedly
and waited for the gourds to appear. When they did, Nolbu opened them. To his
dismay, they contained elements of destruction, which ruined his business and
left him penniless.
Hungbu invited his brother, who had lost everything, to his home with open
arms. He taught Nolbu the importance of being kind and generous. Nolbu taught
Hungbu how to manage his riches wisely. From then on, the brothers worked
together and enjoyed great success.

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