class 9 notes computer application very informative hahaahwhwheh

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SESSION- 2023-24
The characteristics of the computer system are as follows −


A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy compared to humans while
performing mathematical calculations. Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of
instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds
and nanoseconds.


Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data
inconsistency or inaccuracy.


A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and
accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory also makes it
superior to that of human beings.


Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with
same accuracy and efficiency.


A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same
set of input any number of times, we will get the same result.
Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual

A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where it stores data.
Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen drives, etc., which are also used
to store data.
Basic Components of a Computer System

A computer system has three basic components:

1. Input Unit/Devices
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
3. Output Unit/Devices

The instructions and the data, on which a computer has to work, are fed to the computer by
input unit/devices. There are many input devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick, light pen
etc. We will discuss some of these here.
1. Keyboard: It is the most commonly used input device. It has various keys like numeric
keys (0 – 9), alphabetic keys (A – Z), function keys (FI – F12), some special purpose keys like
Delete, PageUp etc., direction keys represented by arrow and symbol (*, |, 😉 keys.

2. Mouse: Another very popular input device is the mouse. It is about the size of a human
palm and rolls on a small bearing and has one or more buttons on the top. When a user rolls
the mouse on a flat surface, the cursor moves accordingly on the screen. Nowadays optical
mouse is very much in demand. It uses the reflected light to sense the direction of

8. 9. Scanner: This is a very common input device which is used to transfer the image of any
picture or text available on paper to the computer. Scanner converts the image into
digitized map which can be stored in the computer and transferred to the screen.

15. Web Camera: 1. A web camera is also a digicam .

2. It is connected to a computer and gives online video input to the computer. 2.

Examples : video conferencing, security purposes, and creating television programs

low cost, easy accessibility and ease to use to make web cameras popular.


CPU is known as the heart and soul of a computer system. CPU contains the following three
1. Control Unit
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
3. Primary Storage Unit or Main Memory

1. Control Unit: Control unit keeps track of what is to be done by whom and when. If an
input is to be received from the input device, the control unit sends control signal to input
device to get ready to receive the input. In case data is to be sent to output device, the
control unit sends control signal to it to get ready to receive the output.

2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): As the name suggests, ALU is the unit which performs all
arithmetic operations and logical operations. Data and Instructions to be performed on the
data are received from the input device and are stored temporarily in the main memory.
Then one instruction is fetched at a time and the data required by it is also fetched from the
memory under the supervision of the control unit. Data is processed on the basis of the
instructions and the result is again sent to the main memory.

3. Primary Storage Unit or Main Memory: It is also called main memory and is the
temporary rest house for the data. The data and instructions to be executed by the ALU
must be present in the primary storage as ALU can fetch and send data from/to the primary
memory only. Primary memory is volatile memory i.e., as soon as the power to the CPU is
cut off, everything stored in the primary memory vanishes. The primary memory has the
following basic areas:
(i) Input Storage Area: Data received by input device is stored here temporarily.
(ii) Program Storage Area: The instructions for the processing of data are stored here.
(iii) Working Storage Area: All the intermediate results of the calculations are stored
(iv) Output Storage Area: The output to be sent to the output device is stored here. The
output device


1. Visual Display Unit (VDU): It is used to view the output generated by the CPU in text or
pictorial form. A VDU is similar to a television screen and consists of a cathode ray tube
Some characteristics of VDUs are given below:
(i) Display Colours: VDUs are available as monochromes (display is black and white) or
coloured. Coloured VDUs have three electron guns which send a regular pattern of
horizontal lines to scan dots to red, blue and green phosphor that coat the surface of the
(ii) Size: VDUs come in different sizes but the most commonly used size for a desktop is 14″,
17″, 19″ or 21″. Nowadays flat screen VDUs are getting more popular as they occupy less
space. The screen can display 80 columns and 25 rows of data.

(iii) Resolution: It is the distance between two points on the screen upto which they can be
distinguished as two separate points by the human eye. The more close they are, the more
the resolution is and the sharpness of picture increases. The graphical pictures on the screen
are made using these dots called pixels. A display adapter card is required to support the
display on the screen. These cards come with various capacities and capabilities. We need to
have a graphics adapter card to display graphics on the screen. An EGA (Enhanced Graphics
Adapter) card has high resolution (640 x 350 pixels). A VGA (Video Graphics Array) card is
the most commonly used card. Its resolution is 640 x 480 pixels with 16 colours and 320 x
200 pixels with 256 colours.

2. Plotters: These are used to display graphical output. Flat Bed Plotters use a fixed paper
and a pen-holding mechanism is allowed to move over it. Drum Plotters use a paper placed
over a drum that rotates back and forth to produce an up-down motion. One or more pens
containing same or different inks are mounted horizontally and their movement is
controlled through a computer.

3. Printers: They are the most commonly used output devices which produce a permanent
copy of the output on a paper called the hardcopy. The digital copy of the document stored
in the memory is called the softcopy. Two broad categories of printers are Impact and Non-
Impact Printers.

Speakers: They are also known as multimedia speakers and add life
to music, movies and games on personal computer by providing required sound effects.
Speakers come in various sizes, output quality and price range. The speakers are equipped
with low- power internal amplifiers and normally have a plug in connector lime green in
colour. Many VDUs have built-in speakers with very Fi9- 2-23: Speakers basic configuration.
Mostly the external speakers are two plastic boxes which have the volume and tone control
buttons. The output of speakers in laptop is also very low due to space constraint but can be
increased by connecting USB speakers which have a very high quality output.

In a computer system, the software is basically a set of instructions or commands that tells
a computer what to do. Or in other words, the software is a computer program that
provides a set of instructions to execute a user’s commands and tell the computer what to
do. For example like MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint, etc. The chart below describes the
types of software:
Above is the diagram of types of software. Now we will briefly describe each type and its
subtypes :
System Software
System software is software that directly operates the computer hardware and provides
the basic functionality to the users as well as to the other software to operate smoothly.
Or in other words, system software basically controls a computer’s internal functioning
and also controls hardware devices such as monitors, printers, and storage devices, etc. It
is like an interface between hardware and user applications, it helps them to
communicate with each other because hardware understands machine language(i.e. 1 or
0) whereas user applications are work in human-readable languages like English, Hindi,
German, etc. so system software converts the human-readable language into machine
language and vice versa.
Features of system software:
Let us discuss some of the features of System Software:
1. System Software is closer to the computer system.
2. System Software is written in a low-level language in general.
3. System software is difficult to design and understand.
4. System software is fast in speed (working speed).
5. System software is less interactive for the users in comparison to application software.
Types of system software:
It has two subtypes which are:
1. Operating System: It is the main program of a computer system. When the computer
system ON it is the first software that loads into the computer’s memory. Basically, it
manages all the resources such as memory, CPU, printer, hard disk, etc., and provides
an interface to the user, which helps the user to interact with the computer system. It
also provides various services to other computer software. Examples of operating
systems are Linux, Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, etc.
2. Language Processor: As we know that system software converts the human-readable
language into a machine language and vice versa. So, the conversion is done by the
language processor. It converts programs written in high-level programming languages
like Java, C, C++, Python, etc(known as source code), into sets of instructions that
are easily readable by machines(known as object code or machine code).
3. Device Driver: A device driver is a program or software that controls a device and
helps that device to perform its functions. Every device like a printer, mouse, modem,
etc. needs a driver to connect with the computer system eternally. So, when you
connect a new device with your computer system, first you need to install the driver of
that device so that your operating system knows how to control or manage that
Application Software
Software that performs special functions or provides functions that are much more than
the basic operation of the computer is known as application software. Or in other words,
application software is designed to perform a specific task for end-users. It is a product or
a program that is designed only to fulfill end-users’ requirements. It includes word
processors, spreadsheets, database management, inventory, payroll programs, etc.
Features of application software:
Let us discuss some of the features of Application Software:
1. An important feature of application software is it performs more specialized tasks like
word processing, spreadsheets, email, etc.
2. Mostly, the size of the software is big, so it requires more storage space.
3. Application software is more interactive for the users, so it is easy to use and design.
4. The application software is easy to design and understand.
5. Application software is written in a high-level language in general.
Types of application software:
There are different types of application software and those are:
1. General Purpose Software: This type of application software is used for a variety of
tasks and it is not limited to performing a specific task only. For example, MS-Word,
MS-Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
2. Customized Software: This type of application software is used or designed to perform
specific tasks or functions or designed for specific organizations. For example, railway
reservation system, airline reservation system, invoice management system, etc.
3. Utility Software: This type of application software is used to support the computer
infrastructure. It is designed to analyze, configure, optimize and maintains the system,
and take care of its requirements as well. For example, antivirus, disk fragmenter,
memory tester, disk repair, disk cleaners, registry cleaners, disk space analyzer, etc.
Difference between system software and application software
Now, let us discuss some difference between system software and application software:

System Software Application Software

It is designed to manage the resources of the

It is designed to fulfill the requirements
computer system, like memory and process
of the user for performing specific tasks.
management, etc.
System Software Application Software

Written in a low-level language Written in a high-level language

Less interactive for the users More interactive for the users

Application software is not so important

System software plays vital role for the
for the functioning of the system, as it is
effective functioning of a system.
task specific.

It is independent of the application software

It needs system software to run.
to run.

Types of Computer Networks

There are five main types of Computer Networks:

1. LAN (Local Area Network) –

 Systems connected in a small network like in a building or a small office

 It is inexpensive
 It uses Ethernet or Token-ring technology
 Two or more personal computers can be connected through wires or cables
acting as nodes
 Transfer of data is fast and is highly score
2. PAN (Personal Area Network) –
 The smallest computer network
 Devices may be connected through Bluetooth or other infra-red enables
 It has a connectivity range of upto 10 metres
 It covers an area of upto 30 feet
 Personal devices belonging to a single person can be connected to each other
using PAN
3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) –
 A network that can be connected within a city, for example, cable TV
 It can be in the form of Ethernet, ATM, Token-ring and FDDI
 It has a higher range
 This type of network can be used to connect citizens with the various
4. WAN (Wide Area Network) –
 A network which covers over a country or a larger range of people
 Telephonic lines are also connected through WAN
 Internet is the biggest WAN in the world
 Mostly used by Government Organisations to manage data and information
5. VPN (Virtual Private Network): –
 A network which is constructed by using public wires to connect to a private
 There are a number of systems which enable you to create networks using
the Internet as a medium for transporting data
 These systems use encryptions and other security mechanisms to ensure only
authorised users can access
Wired/Wireless Networking
On basis of physical medium, there are 2 types of networks:
(a) Wired Network: As we all know, “wired” refers to any physical medium made up of
cables. Copper wire, twisted pair, or fiber optic cables are all options. A wired network
employs wires to link devices to the Internet or another network, such as laptops or
desktop PCs.
(b) Wireless Network: “Wireless” means without wire, media that is made up of
electromagnetic waves (EM Waves) or infrared waves. Antennas or sensors will be present
on all wireless devices. Cellular phones, wireless sensors, TV remotes, satellite disc
receivers, and laptops with WLAN cards are all examples of wireless devices. For data or
voice communication, a wireless network uses radiofrequency waves rather than wires.
Types of Networks
(a) Wi-Fi
The industry-standard wireless local area network (WLAN) technology for linking
computers and other electronic devices to one another and the Internet. Wi-Fi is a
wireless variant of a wired Ethernet network that is frequently used in conjunction with it
(see Ethernet).
WiFi is a type of wireless networking that uses radio frequencies to send and receive data.
WiFi allows users to connect to the Internet at high speeds without the necessity of
cables. WiFi stands for “wireless fidelity” and is a phrase that is often used to refer to
wireless networking technologies. A wireless router is used to connect to the internet.
When you connect to Wi-Fi, you’re connecting to a wireless router that connects your Wi-
Fi-enabled devices to the Internet.
How does Wi-Fi Work?
The IEEE 802.11 standard defines the protocols that allow existing Wi-Fi-enabled wireless
devices, such as wireless routers and access points, to communicate with one another.
Different IEEE standards are supported by wireless access points.
Each standard is the result of a series of amendments that have been ratified over time.
The standards operate at different frequencies, have different bandwidths, and support
varied channel counts.
(b) Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a telecommunication industry standard that outlines how mobile devices,
PCs, and other equipment can communicate wirelessly across short distances. This
wireless technology allows Bluetooth-enabled devices to communicate with one another.
It connects desktop and laptop computers, PDAs (such as the Palm Pilot or Handspring
Visor), digital cameras, scanners, cellular phones, and printers over short distances.
Infrared used to serve the same purpose as Bluetooth, but it had a few disadvantages. If
an object were to be placed between the two communication devices, for example, the
communication would be disrupted. (If you’ve ever used a television remote control,
you’ve probably observed this limitation.) The infrared transmission was very slow, and
devices were frequently incompatible with one another.
Because Bluetooth technology is based on radio waves, items or even walls can be placed
between communication devices without disrupting the connection. Bluetooth also
employs a common 2.4 GHz frequency, ensuring that all Bluetooth-enabled devices are
interoperable. The sole disadvantage of Bluetooth is that its range is restricted to 30 feet
due to its high frequency.
Bluetooth is a computer and telecommunications industry standard that defines how
devices connect with one another. Computers, computer keyboards and mice, personal
digital assistants, and cellphones are all Bluetooth-enabled devices. Bluetooth consumes
less energy and is less expensive to set up than Wi-Fi. Because of its lower power, it is less
likely to suffer from or cause interference with other wireless devices operating in the
same 2.4GHz radio band.
Cloud Computing
A physical site called a data center houses a common pool of computer resources (such as
hardware, software, and services like servers and internet storage). Your cloud service
providers have data centers all around the world.
Cloud computing is a methodology for providing on-demand network access to a shared
pool of programmable computing resources that can be quickly supplied and released
with no administration effort or service provider contact.
Cloud computing is an internet-based computing model in which several network
connections and computer systems are used to provide online services. Users at a distance
who have access to the internet can readily access the cloud and its services, and these
services and information can be shared among several computers and users if they are all
Types of Clouds
The four types of access to the cloud are public, private, hybrid, and community:
(a) Public Cloud: The public cloud makes it possible for anybody to access systems and
services. Because of its openness, the public cloud may be less secure. The public cloud is
one in which cloud infrastructure services are made available through the internet to the
public or large industrial groups. The infrastructure in this cloud model is owned by the
company that delivers the cloud service, not by the consumer.
Example: Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine
(b) Private Cloud: A private cloud is one in which cloud infrastructure is set aside for a
single organization’s exclusive use. Organizations, third parties, or a mixture of both own,
manage and operate it. In this architecture, the cloud infrastructure is provisioned on the
organization’s premises but hosted in a third-party data center. Organizations will benefit
from the private cloud over public cloud since it gives them more flexibility and control
over cloud resources. Example: E-bay
(c) Hybrid Cloud: Hybrid cloud, as the name implies, is a blend of different cloud models,
such as public cloud, private cloud, and community cloud. This model utilizes all the
models that are a component of it. As a result, it will combine scalability, economic
efficiency, and data security into a single model. The complexity of creating such a storage
solution is a downside of this strategy.
(d) Community Cloud: The community cloud model distributes cloud infrastructure among
numerous organizations to support a specific community with shared issues. Cloud
infrastructure is delivered on-premises or at a third-party data center in this manner.
Participating organizations or a third party manage this.
Wireless Network

“Wireless” means without

wire, media that is made up
A wired network employs wires to link of electromagnetic waves
1. devices to the Internet or another (EM Waves) or infrared
network, such as laptops or desktop PCs. waves. Antennas or sensors
will be present on all
wireless devices

2. Faster transmission speed Slow transmission speed

3. Propagation delay is Low Propagation delay is high

Less Secure & hence less

4. More Secure & hence Reliable

5. Devices must be hard-wired Installation is Quick

6. Less Expensive More Expensive

Low installation &

7. High installation & maintenance cost
maintenance cost

Wireless routers, access

8. Hub, Switch, etc. devices are used
points, etc. are used.


Animation is a type of
multimedia that gives the
Multimedia is refers to multiple forms of illusion of moving pictures
1. media likes text, audio, images, videos. in sequence manner.

Multimedia is integration of various Animation is a variation of

2. forms of media. multimedia.

Animation includes film

production, photography,
video games, web
Multimedia includes design, web design, application, sound design,
3. presentation, etc. etc.

4. Multimedia devices are electronic media It can be store/record on

devices are used to store multimedia either analogue media, such
content. as a flip book, motion
picture film, video tape, or
on digital media.

Animation is basically
derived from Greek word
‘ani’ means any non-living
Multimedia is derived from two words object and ‘motion’ means
5. “multi”and “medium”. movement.

Animators often work in a

6. Multimedia is a artists. specific medium.

It is defines as multiple sources and Animation is actually a type

forms of media likes, text, audio, of multimedia, that is
animation, videos, graphics and any consisted of a sequence of
other source of media. It is mainly used images /pictures that are
to deliver information, to a group or directly moves one after the
7. platform. other.

It main purposes is industry use of

presentations, special effects/audio in
entertainment, online training course,
editing in journalism, designing/research It main purpose is to bring
in engineering, social media in life and movement to a still
communication, research in medicine, image by directly
The majority of the human population sequencing multiple images
use multimedia on a daily basis such as, together. It can be hand
8. magazines, television, etc. drawn.

Animation can be draw by

9. Multimedia cannot draw by hand. hand.

Multimedia refers to the combination of different media elements such as text, audio,
video, images, animations, and interactive content to convey information or entertain the
audience. Multimedia can be accessed through various electronic devices such as
computers, smartphones, tablets, and televisions.

Here, are following type of multimedia:-

1. images
2. audio
3. video
4. animation

An image is a visual representation of something. In the digital world, an image is typically a
two-dimensional representation of a scene, object, or concept that is captured by a camera
or created digitally using software. Images can be in various formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF,
BMP, and more

Audio refers to any type of sound that can be heard by the human ear. It can be in the form
of speech, music, noise, or any other type of sound. Audio can be produced naturally, such
as the sound of a bird singing, or it can be produced artificially, such as the sound of a
musical instrument or a recorded voice.

A video is a sequence of visual images or frames, typically accompanied by audio, that are
recorded, transmitted, or played back on electronic devices such as televisions, computers,
or smartphones. Videos can be used for a wide range of purposes, including entertainment,
education, news reporting, advertising, and communication.

Animation refers to the process of creating the illusion of motion and change by rapidly
displaying a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. These images,
known as frames, are displayed in a specific order, usually at a rate of 24 to 30 frames per
second, to create the impression of motion.

Prepared By Ms. Iqra Ikram

PGT Computer

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