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AL Iraqia University

College of Engineering
Dep. of Civil Engineering
Surveying Laboratory

By : Mohammed Arkan
Stadia method
Sophomore : C
Mahdi Abbas
Abdul Ghafour Wadi
Abdullah Luay
Hassan Haider
Ayham Ahmed
Khaled Haqi
Ali Saeed
Ali Falah
Yamen Huthifa
Abdullah Ahmed

T achymetry is a measurement method used in surveying to determine distances,

speeds, and accelerations. It relies on the measurement of angles and time to
achieve geometric measurements.
Tachymetry is typically used in fast-paced surveying and large-scale projects that require
quick and accurate measurements. This method involves the use of a device called a
tachymeter, which combines the features of a telescope, a stadia, and a clock.
The process of tachymetry involves the following steps:
1 .Angle measurement: The angles are measured using the tachymeter, which has an
angle indicator that is directed towards the points to be measured. The angle is read
from the angle scale on the tachymeter.
2 .Time measurement: The time taken for light to travel between the tachymeter and
the target is measured. The tachymeter device uses a time sensor to measure this time
3 .Distance calculation: The angles and time are used to calculate the distance between
the tachymeter and the target. The distance calculation relies on the known speed of
light and the time it takes for light to travel between the devices.
4 .Speed and acceleration calculation: By relying on consecutive measurements of
distance and time, the speed and acceleration of the target or object can be calculated.
Tachymetry is widely used in fields such as civil engineering, construction, roads and
railways, and agricultural surveying. The ability to measure distances and speeds
quickly and accurately saves time and effort in surveying and analyzing engineering
S tadia leveling is a technique used in surveying to measure distances indirectly. It
is based on the principle of stadia lines, which are a set of horizontal lines etched
or marked on the reticle of a leveling instrument's telescope. These stadia lines, also
known as stadia hairs, serve as a reference for measuring the distance between the
instrument and a target point.
The stadia lines are positioned at specific intervals on the reticle, typically one above
the centerline and another below it. The difference between the readings obtained from
the upper and lower stadia lines can be used to calculate the distance to the target.
Stadia method
Stadia leveling is a method used in surveying to indirectly measure horizontal
distances and differences in elevation. This method relies on the use of the stadia scale
in a leveling instrument . In a leveling instrument, a glass plate is mounted containing
three horizontal crosshairs intersected by a vertical crosshair. The middle horizontal
crosshair is called the "middle reading" and is used for measuring distances and
elevation differences between points. The distance is read on a stadia rod held by the
surveyor using the stadia. The stadia is the distance measured on the rod between the
upper hair and the lower hair when the middle hair passes through the target point.
By using stadia measurements and knowing the known value of the stadia (a known
distance between the upper hair and the lower hair at a known distance), the true
distance between the instrument and the target point can be calculated. In addition to
distance measurement, stadia leveling can also be used for calculating elevations. By
measuring the stadia between two points with known elevations, the difference in
elevation between the points can be calculated . It should be noted that the accuracy of
stadia leveling depends on the accuracy of the measured readings, the precision of the
stadia rod, and the known stadia value used. Skill and training are required for accurate
results .
R ∆⁄

𝛼 X ∆

𝒯𝑎𝑛 𝛼 = 2
∆⁄ = 𝒳 ∗ 𝒯𝑎𝑛 𝛼
∆= 𝒳 ∗ 2 𝒯𝑎𝑛 𝛼

2 ∗ 𝒯𝑎𝑛 𝛼
𝒳 = (𝑈 − 𝐿) ∗ 100
= 100
2 ∗ 𝒯𝑎𝑛𝛼

The stadia lines are observed through a stadia telescope, which is a specialized telescope
with a stadia reticle. The stadia reticle consists of the stadia lines, along with other
markings for precise aiming and measurement.
To measure a distance using stadia leveling, the surveyor aligns the stadia telescope
with the target point, ensuring that the target is bisected by the horizontal stadia line.
The surveyor then reads the intercepts made by the upper and lower stadia lines on a
graduated stadia rod held at the target point.
The stadia intercept is the vertical distance between the horizontal stadia line and the
respective intercept made by the upper or lower stadia line on the stadia rod. By
knowing the stadia constant, which is the ratio of the distance between the stadia lines
on the reticle to a known distance, the horizontal distance can be calculated using
simple trigonometric principles.
Stadia leveling offers several advantages in surveying. It allows for rapid measurements,
as the distances can be estimated quickly by observing the stadia intercepts. It is
particularly useful for preliminary surveys, rough leveling, and topographic mapping,
where approximate distances are sufficient.
However, it's important to note that stadia leveling has limitations. The accuracy of
stadia leveling decreases with increasing distances, as errors in observing the stadia
intercepts become more significant. Additionally, atmospheric conditions, such as haze
or turbulence, can introduce errors in the measurements.
To overcome these limitations, surveyors often employ compensating techniques and
take multiple readings to improve accuracy. They may also use additional instruments
and methods, such as tacheometry, which combines stadia leveling with angular
measurements to determine both horizontal and vertical positions.
In recent years, advancements in technology have led to the development of electronic
distance measurement (EDM) instruments, such as total stations and laser rangefinders,
which offer higher accuracy and efficiency compared to traditional stadia leveling.
These digital instruments integrate distance measurement with angle measurements,
making surveying tasks more streamlined and precise.
Despite the availability of advanced instruments, stadia leveling remains relevant in
certain applications where quick estimations and approximate distances are sufficient.
It continues to be a valuable technique in surveying, especially in situations where
digital instruments may not be readily available or practical to use.

Please note that the specific techniques and practices of stadia leveling may vary
depending on the region and the equipment used. It's important for surveyors to follow
industry standards and guidelines, as well as the manufacturer's instructions, for
accurate and reliable stadia leveling.
details about stadia leveling:
1 .Principle of Stadia Levelling: Stadia leveling is based on the principle of
optical triangulation. The stadia method uses the angular subtense of the stadia hairs on the
leveling instrument to determine the distance between the instrument and the target point.
2 .Stadia Constant: The stadia constant is a known value that represents the distance
between the upper and lower stadia hairs on the stadia rod. It is determined through calibration
or manufacturer specifications for the specific instrument being used.
3 .Stadia Formula: The stadia formula is used to calculate the distance from the
instrument to the target point. It is expressed as:
Distance = K × Staff Intercept
- K is the stadia constant
- Staff Intercept is the difference between the staff reading and the horizontal crosshair reading
on the leveling instrument
4 .Elevation Calculation: In addition to measuring distances, stadia leveling can also
be used to calculate elevations. By measuring the stadia intercepts on the stadia rod at two points
with known elevations, the difference in elevation between those points can be determined.
5 .Instrument Setup: To perform stadia leveling, the leveling instrument needs to be
properly set up and leveled. This involves ensuring the instrument is stable, the bubble level is
centered, and the instrument is properly aligned with the target point.
6 .Accuracy Considerations: The accuracy of stadia leveling measurements is
influenced by several factors, including the precision of the stadia rod, the skill of the surveyor
in reading the stadia intercepts, the instrument's calibration, atmospheric conditions, and the
distance between the instrument and the target point.
7 .Field Procedures: Conducting stadia leveling in the field involves taking multiple
readings and averaging them to minimize errors. It is important to maintain proper instrument
alignment, focus, and stability during the measurement process.
8 .Applications: Stadia leveling is commonly used in engineering and construction surveys
for various purposes, such as determining horizontal distances, establishing elevation
benchmarks, monitoring settlement or deformation of structures, and creating topographic maps.
9 .Types of Stadia Systems: There are two commonly used stadia systems in
surveying: the Fixed Hair Stadia System and the Movable Hair Stadia System. In the Fixed Hair
system, the stadia hairs are fixed at a specific distance apart on the instrument, while in the
Movable Hair system, they can be adjusted to accommodate different stadia constants.
10. Stadia Rod: The stadia rod is an essential tool used in stadia leveling. It consists of a
graduated staff or rod with targets placed at specific intervals. The surveyor holds the stadia rod
upright at the target point, and the stadia intercepts are read through the instrument's telescope.
11 .Two-Peg Test: The accuracy of stadia leveling can be verified using a two-peg test.
This involves setting up the instrument on a known benchmark, measuring the stadia intercepts
to a second point with a known elevation, and comparing the calculated elevation difference with
the actual known difference.
12 .Error Sources: Several factors can introduce errors in stadia leveling measurements.
These include atmospheric refraction, instrument collimation errors, imperfect leveling,
misalignment of the stadia hairs, rod reading errors, and environmental conditions such as wind
or vibrations.
13 .Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM): While stadia leveling is still
used in certain applications, it has been largely replaced by modern electronic distance
measurement techniques, such as total stations and GPS/GNSS receivers. These technologies
offer faster, more accurate, and direct measurements of distances and elevations
14. Best Practices: To ensure accurate stadia leveling results, it is important to follow
best practices. These include using calibrated instruments, maintaining proper instrument care
and adjustments, conducting regular checks for errors, using appropriate leveling techniques, and
recording all necessary field data accurately.
15. Limitations: Stadia leveling has certain limitations. It is most suitable for relatively
short to moderate distances and generally provides lower accuracy compared to modern
electronic measurement methods. Additionally, stadia leveling requires clear line of sight between
the instrument and the target point, which may not always be feasible in densely vegetated or
obstructed areas.
*Stadia leveling, despite its limitations, remains a valuable technique in certain surveying
applications. It is essential for surveyors to understand the principles, procedures, and potential
sources of errors associated with stadia leveling to ensure reliable and accurate measurements in
the field.
16 .Stadia Constants: The stadia constant used in stadia leveling can vary depending on
the instrument and the unit of measurement employed. For example, in metric units, the stadia
constant might be 100, whereas in feet, it could be 100 or 200. It is crucial to use the appropriate
stadia constant for accurate calculations.
17 .Stadia Factors: Stadia factors are correction factors applied to stadia measurements
to account for the Earth's curvature and atmospheric refraction. These factors are determined
based on the instrument's design and the prevailing atmospheric conditions during the survey.
Applying the correct stadia factor helps improve the accuracy of stadia leveling results.
18 Stadia Leveling vs. Differential Leveling: Stadia leveling is primarily used
for rapid reconnaissance surveys or when quick distance estimates are required. However, it is
generally less precise than traditional differential leveling, which provides more accurate elevation
measurements. Differential leveling involves directly measuring the height differences between
points using a leveling rod and a leveling instrument.
19 .Stadia Formula Adjustment: In situations where the target point is located at a
significantly different elevation compared to the instrument, an adjustment to the stadia formula
may be necessary. This adjustment, known as the additive constant, compensates for the vertical
angle between the horizontal crosshair and the line of sight to the target.
20 .Multiple Stadia Readings: Taking multiple stadia readings at each target point
can help improve the accuracy of measurements. By averaging the stadia intercepts, any
systematic errors or mistakes in reading can be minimized, resulting in more reliable results.
21 .Digital Stadia: With the advancement of technology, digital stadia systems have been
developed. These systems use electronic distance measurement (EDM) instruments that
incorporate stadia principles. Digital stadia systems provide more precise and efficient
measurements, as they eliminate the need for manual readings and calculations.
22 .Training and Experience: Achieving accurate stadia leveling results requires
proper training and experience. Surveyors need to be proficient in instrument operation, reading
stadia intercepts, handling stadia rods, and understanding the principles and limitations of the
method. Regular practice and exposure to various field conditions contribute to improving
proficiency in stadia leveling.
23 .Documentation and Reporting: As with any surveying technique, accurate
documentation and reporting are essential in stadia leveling. Field notes should include
instrument details, stadia rod readings, environmental conditions, and any necessary adjustments
or corrections applied during the survey. Properly documented data ensures traceability, quality
control, and reproducibility of the survey results.
24 .Stadia Rod: The stadia rod is an essential component in stadia leveling. It is a graduated
rod used to measure the stadia intercepts. The rod typically has two or three graduations, known
as stadia hairs or stadia lines, which are positioned at specific distances from each other. These
graduations are used to determine the stadia intercept and calculate the horizontal distance.
25 .Two-Faced Stadia Rod: A two-faced stadia rod is a specialized type of stadia rod
that has graduations on both sides. It allows the surveyor to take stadia readings from both the
front and back of the rod without the need to flip it. This saves time and increases efficiency
during the survey.
26 .Stadia Tacheometry: Stadia leveling is often used in conjunction with tacheometry,
which is a method of surveying that combines distance and angular measurements to determine
both horizontal and vertical positions. Tacheometry utilizes the stadia intercepts along with
angular readings to calculate the elevation differences between points.
27 .Internal Focusing Stadia Telescope: In traditional stadia leveling, the
focusing of the stadia telescope is achieved by adjusting the eyepiece. However, modern
instruments may employ internal focusing mechanisms, where the focusing is done internally
within the telescope. This allows for more precise and convenient focusing during the survey.
28. Prism Stadia Systems: Prism stadia systems are advanced stadia instruments that
incorporate prisms to improve accuracy and ease of use. These systems use a combination of
prisms and stadia hairs to measure the stadia intercepts. Prism stadia systems are particularly
useful in situations where direct line of sight to the target is limited or obstructed.
29 .Stadia Leveling Applications: Stadia leveling is commonly used in various
engineering and construction surveys. It is particularly useful for preliminary surveys,
topographic mapping, road alignments, and terrain modeling. Stadia leveling can provide rapid
measurements and estimates, making it valuable in projects requiring quick assessments.
30 .Limitations of Stadia Leveling: Despite its benefits, stadia leveling has some
limitations. The accuracy of stadia leveling decreases with increasing distances, as errors in
measuring the stadia intercepts become more significant. Additionally, stadia leveling is sensitive
to atmospheric conditions, such as haze, turbulence, and temperature gradients, which can
introduce errors in the measurements.
31 .Calibration and Maintenance: Regular calibration and maintenance of stadia
instruments are crucial to ensure accurate results. The stadia telescope, stadia rod, and other
components should be periodically checked and adjusted if necessary. Calibration involves
comparing the instrument's readings with known reference values to identify any systematic
errors and make appropriate corrections.
32 .Integration with Digital Surveying Techniques: Stadia leveling can be
integrated with digital surveying techniques to enhance efficiency and accuracy. Digital
instruments equipped with electronic distance measurement (EDM) capabilities can automate
the measurement process and provide real-time data. This integration streamlines the workflow
and reduces manual errors in reading and calculation.
33 .Advancements in Stadia Measurement: With advancements in technology,
alternative methods of distance measurement, such as laser scanning and LiDAR, have become
increasingly popular. These techniques offer higher accuracy and faster data acquisition compared
to traditional stadia leveling. However, stadia leveling remains relevant for certain applications
where rapid estimations are sufficient.

*It's important to note that the specific details and techniques may vary depending on
the instrument and surveying practices employed in different regions or projects.
Surveyors should always refer to the equipment manufacturer's guidelines and industry
best practices for accurate and reliable stadia leveling.

Calculation method
There are several methods for calculating the distance, and they differ from one
monument to another. It changes from one device to another.
‫‪NO.‬‬ ‫‪U‬‬ ‫‪L‬‬ ‫‪changes‬‬ ‫‪Ch*100‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫اهيم امحد‬ ‫‪1.590‬‬ ‫‪1.480‬‬ ‫‪0.11‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫‪11.3‬‬
‫عيل سعيد‬ ‫‪1.460‬‬ ‫‪1.123‬‬ ‫‪0.337‬‬ ‫‪33.7‬‬ ‫‪34‬‬
‫همدي عباس‬ ‫‪1.635‬‬ ‫‪1.520‬‬ ‫‪0.115‬‬ ‫‪11.5‬‬
‫عبد الغفور وديع‬ ‫‪1.523‬‬ ‫‪1.256‬‬ ‫‪0.267‬‬ ‫‪26.7‬‬
‫عيل فالح‬ ‫‪1.567‬‬ ‫‪1.400‬‬ ‫‪0.16‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬
‫محمد اراكن‬ ‫‪1.690‬‬ ‫‪1.567‬‬ ‫‪0.123‬‬ ‫‪12.3‬‬
‫ميان حذيفة‬ ‫‪1.488‬‬ ‫‪1.369‬‬ ‫‪0.119‬‬ ‫‪11.9‬‬
FOR HORIZONTAL DISTANCE. Journal of Techniques, 26(5).

*Ibraheem, A. T., & Daham, A. M. (2009). Developing a Computer Program for

Modeling the Stadia Measurements for Tacheometry Works. Journal of Engineering,

*Ali, A. E. S. (2001). Stadia tacheometry with electronic theodolites. Journal of King

Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 13(1), 25-36.

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