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Unit 1 Aerodynamics and Rigging

Unit Components

Priority Standard(s) BB1.c.4.h, TR1.c.10.h


Supporting Standard(s) MNF1.a.9.h

Not Graded

Learning Targets understand aircraft dynamics, how control surfaces are connected, and principles of flight

Essential Questions Enduring Understandings

● What are the four principles of flight? ● have a working knowledge of physics to include: principles of
● What is the purpose of safety wire and how is it attached? flight, lift, and basic aircraft design
● What are push rods, torque tubes, and turnbuckles used for? ● understand rigging systems to include: push rods,
● What are Newton’s three laws? turnbuckles, safety wire, and torque tubes

Focus Skills - Students will be able to…

(skills, reasoning, practices, specific practice/process standards, reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving)

Beginning/Developing Proficient/Advanced
Identifying aviation vocabulary terms and identifying flight control
control mechanisms

Focus Content - Students will know…

(facts, formulas and vocabulary)

Beginning/Developing Proficient/Advanced
Students will know: density, speed vs velocity, venturi, vortex, angle of
attack, airfoil, chord, camber, swaging, tension, fairlead, turnbuckle,
torque tube, push rod, splice

Rubric Link(s) - This document contains success criteria, “I can” statements, assessment prompts, and vocabulary for the unit.
Link Rubrics in this space

Sample Assessments
standard(s)-aligned formative assessments & summative
Standard(s) Rubric Level Alignment
assessments Ex: exit tickets, portfolios, presentations, written
Code Learning Target(s) response, RAFT (role, audience, format, topic) etc.
(Bold priority)
Linked Sample Assessment Formative Summative Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
BB1.c.4.h Construct turnbuckle assembly ● ● ● ● ●

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Unit Aligned Learning Activities & Resources

Rubric Level Alignment

Standard(s) Lesson/Skill Suggested Differentiated Learning
Code Learning Target(s) Activities and Resources Level Level Level
Title Pacing N/A
(Bold priority) (textbook, IXL, etc.)
2 3 4
BB1.c.4.h Rigging 1 day worksheet ● ● ● ●

TR1.c.10.h Safety Wire 2 days practical ● ● ● ●

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PBL & Real-World Connections (Possible Opportunities)

Possible PBL Driving Questions - What is a fly by wire system?, How are cables routed through sections of an aircraft?

Possible PBL Projects - Rig a control surface on an aircraft

Possible Real-World Connections - (Academy focus, post-secondary lense)

Authored By: Bucholtz

Date: 6/22/22

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