Rmpp 020 Final

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of Printed Pages – 3 RMPP-02

Roll No.



Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80

Note : (i) Attempt ALL questions.
(ii) Choices are given in each question set.

1. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 5 x 2 = 10

(a) What do you mean by Research? Explain its significance in modern
(b) Distinguish between Research Methods and Research
(c) What is Research Problem? Define the main issues which should
receive the attention of the Researcher in formulating the Research

2. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3½ x 4 = 14

(a) Explain the importance of Review of Literature in Research
Methodology. List limitations faced by a Researcher in it.
(b) Briefly define the importance of Research Hypothesis and its
(c) Explain the importance of experimental and control groups in the
context of Research Design.
(d) Write a brief note on Simple Random Sampling in the context of
Sampling Design.
(e) What do you mean by "Sample Design"? What points should be
taken into consideration by a Researcher in developing a sample
1 P.T.O.
(f) Explain the meaning of Parametric tests in the context of Hypothesis (b) Explain the significance of a Research Report and narrate the
Testing Research. various steps involved in writing such a report.
(c) Mention the different types of Report, particularly pointing out the
3. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3½ x 4 = 14 difference between a Technical Report and Popular Report.
(a) The procedure of testing hypothesis requires a Researcher to adopt
several steps. Discuss. 6. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 7 x 2 = 14
(b) Distinguish between Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis by (a) Describe some of the important applications and uses of Computers
giving examples. in 21 century, by giving examples.
(c) Distinguish between one-tailed and two-tailed test by giving (b) "Inspite of the sophistication achieved in Computer technology, one
examples. should not forget that this Billion Dollar Computer (Human Brain)
(d) Write a brief note on Type-I error and Type-II error by giving has made that Million Dollar Computer (Machine)." Discuss by
examples. giving examples.
(e) What is Chi-square test? Give its significance in Statistical Analysis. (c) Distinguish between Manual Reporting System (MRS) and
(f) What is Regression Analysis? Explain its importance in Research. Computerized Reporting System (CRS) as two components / types
of Management Information System (MIS).
4. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 7 x 2 = 14
(a) Enumerate the different methods of collecting Data. Which is most
suitable for conducting enquiry regarding family welfare
programme? Explain its merits and demerits.
(b) Explain the difference between collection of Data through
Questionnaire and Schedule, by giving examples.
(c) Distinguish between Primary and Secondary Data. Discuss
Interview as a technique of Data Collection.

5. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 7 x 2 = 14

(a) "Interpretation is an art of drawing inferences, depending upon the
skill of the Researcher." Elucidate the given statement explaining
the technique of interpretation.

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