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Aliza Salman

Satire and Censorship

Emaan Mahmud
21 November 2023

Satire is a multifaceted phenomenon, which can be expressed through many media and

modalities including TV series, film, literature, video games, and visual art. Due to this

multifaceted nature, and its ability to create the counter effect from what it is supposed to, satire

has been difficult to compose, understand, and capture in one conceptual definition. Instead,

most scholars focus on conceptual elements that distinguish satire from non-satire.1 It's a

tremendous instrument for bringing society's evils to light, particularly when it comes to

politicians and other influential figures. It is the ideal method to knock them down a notch or two

through a strategic play of words and emotions. That is satire's potency and complexity that can

be a bit challenging to take in for many.

In the paper, psychological and emotional responses to satire will be discussed with a

brief discussion on the cognitive processes, including cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias,

and defense mechanisms. The emotional responses will be discussed in light of the satirical

content coming out on social media during the Palestine-Israel war. Satire can be used to target a

group of people by ridiculing the poor and oppressed, even though many satirists claim that their

primary identity is as comedians and entertainers. According to me, it doesn't matter if

something strictly speaking fits the criteria of "satire" or not. The truth is, a lot of the stuff that

self-consciously passes for satire is cruel and unpleasant.

Amid the heart-wrenching visuals of Palestinian fathers holding their dead children in

their arms, of mothers crying and doctors exhausting themselves, another set of visuals has come

forth — that of Israelis on TikTok creating and posting videos overtly mocking the Palestinian

. Burgers, Christian, and Britta C. Brugman. "How Satirical News Impacts Affective Responses,

Learning, and Persuasion: A Three-Level Random-Effects Meta-Analysis." Communication

Research, (2021). Accessed November 21, 2023.

suffering and deaths2. Many videos have emerged of Israeli settlers, trending on TikTok showing

the comfort they are living in, appropriating their attire, mocking Palestinian killings, and being

deprived of water, food, and electricity. In a clip, the lady is seen with her head enveloped by a

Palestinian keffiyeh as she holds what has all the earmarks of being a grapefruit, as though it

were her child. A miserable face is drawn on the organic product. After the lady donning

cosmetics to look wounded, talks emphatically to the camera, a voice shouts, "Cut," provoking

her to throw the natural product to the side as canned commendation plays. The clasp then moves

onto another scene, in which she is seen putting on the cosmetics to make her face look bloodied

and wounded, before putting dark cosmetics on a portion of her teeth. She likewise covers

herself in white powder. One clasp shows an Israeli cosmetics craftsman putting on weighty

cosmetics while canvassing in powder, obviously to look like she's shrouded in flotsam and

jetsam. While she is preparing, a fake blast is heard behind the scenes of the video3. As

individuals in Gaza lived without power and water, various recordings surfaced via virtual

entertainment that showed other forces to be reckoned with ridiculing their situation by

exorbitantly involving water in their kitchens and washrooms. In the seconds-long clasps, they

are likewise doing such things as over and again turning their lights on and off and presenting

with additional strings, in an obvious move to accentuate their admittance to power.

When exposed to satire about sensitive topics like the Palestinian situation, individuals

might experience cognitive dissonance - a discomfort when holding conflicting beliefs. For

. Noor, Aliza, and Aliza Noor. “‘Disgusting’: Israeli Tiktokers Called Out For Mocking
Palestinian Deaths.” TheQuint, October 27, 2023.
. Smith, Ryan. “Israeli Influencers Are Mocking Palestinians Suffering in Gaza.”
Newsweek, October 31, 2023.

instance, Israeli satirical content creators might present exaggerated portrayals of the situation,

leading viewers to confront the disparity between what they believe and what's being depicted.

Israeli satirical content often presents exaggerated or alternative perspectives on the Palestinian

situation, causing viewers to confront conflicting beliefs. For example, a satirical skit portraying

a comically exaggerated version of a peace negotiation might challenge viewers' perceptions of

the seriousness or feasibility of diplomatic efforts. Viewers might seek out and resonate with

satirical content that aligns with their existing beliefs or biases. Suppose a show mocks the

international peace effort. In that case, those skeptical about external mediation might find this

satire affirming, reinforcing their skepticism without critically examining the complexities of the


When confronted with uncomfortable truths in satire, individuals might employ defense

mechanisms like rationalization or minimization. For instance, a parody depicting the Palestinian

struggle might be dismissed as "just a joke" or downplayed to avoid acknowledging the

seriousness of the issue surrounding the conflict. However, the reception to such content varies

among audiences, eliciting diverse emotional and cognitive responses as discussed earlier.

Satirical content on the Palestinian situation can evoke anger or frustration among those who

perceive it as disrespectful or insensitive. For instance, a skit making light of checkpoints might

provoke negative emotions in individuals directly affected by such realities. Conversely, some

might find relief or amusement in satire as a coping mechanism. A parody addressing the

tensions between Israelis and Palestinians might be seen as a means to diffuse tension or address

the gravity of the situation through humor.

Since humor has existed as an essential coping mechanism since the beginning of time

especially during tremendously traumatic events such as the case of wars and mass genocide, it

can get represented best in satirical videos and blogs on social platforms like Instagram. It is here

that influential personalities, such as even those with Palestinian nationalities or those closely

affiliated to Palestine make a mockery out of the bold yet quite baseless arguments of the Israeli

forces. Events where the Israeli militants plant weaponry to showcase the 'atrocities' of Hamas,

the Palestinian Resistant military organization, are some obvious examples of the desperate

attempts the Israelis have made and continually go to, to justify a very open genocide.

Perhaps it is this irony where we have to prove to the world that the mass killing of

young, innocent children who have nothing to do with the conflict whatsoever, is outrightly

wrong and unjust. Perhaps it is almost funny that mass parading worldwide is needed to tackle

such an outright crime that even the UN has no intent of putting an end to. It is in such instances

where the public, after repeatedly crying out loud for the open prison situation that Gaza has now

become, they resort to publicly defaming Israeli allegations, representing their utmost grief and

disbelief through satirical statements and connotations.

Emotionally intelligent individuals can discern the intentions behind satire, distinguishing

between mocking a situation and mocking the people affected by it. This understanding helps

prevent misinterpretation and unnecessary emotional reactions.

In "Eretz Nehederet," sketches portraying politicians' attitudes or diplomatic efforts

regarding the Palestinian situation often use satire to highlight the absurdities or contradictions in

their actions or statements. These skits might exaggerate or lampoon specific events, prompting

varied reactions from audiences.


For instance, a sketch satirizing a failed peace negotiation could provoke discomfort

among those advocating for peace while amusing those cynical about the prospects of successful


In Israel, satire has been a tool to explore and critique various aspects of society,

including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Shows like "Eretz Nehederet" have a history of

addressing political and social issues through humor.

One notable example is their portrayal of political leaders' attitudes towards peace

negotiations. Through exaggerated sketches and caricatures, the show highlights the paradoxes

and challenges faced by leaders striving for peace amidst ongoing tensions. For instance, a skit

depicting a leader's lofty promises followed by failed negotiations might simultaneously evoke

laughter and discomfort among viewers.

Moreover, local satirical content often walks a fine line between addressing serious issues

and delivering entertainment. For instance, a satirical take on the West Bank barrier might use

humor to shed light on its impact while trying not to diminish the gravity of its consequences for


The impact of such satire on the public's perception of the conflict is multi-layered. While

some viewers might appreciate the critical commentary embedded in satire, others might

perceive it as trivializing or insensitive. This duality of responses emphasizes the complexity of

addressing such a sensitive issue through humor.

Additionally, these satirical portrayals might inadvertently reinforce existing biases or

provoke discomfort, especially among those directly affected by the conflict. While intended to

spark dialogue and reflection, satire's reception among audiences varies greatly based on

individual perspectives and experiences.

Satire holds a unique position in society as a vehicle for social commentary. It allows for

the expression of dissent, critique, and alternative perspectives in a format that can engage a

wide audience. However, satire's effectiveness in fostering constructive dialogue about deeply

ingrained socio-political issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is often debated. In an already

controversial issue such as this, where people should make the right decisions based on humanity

more than anything else, the world of satire can add another complexity of debate and conflict.

Israeli satirical content about the Palestinian situation engages audiences in complex

cognitive and emotional processes. Understanding these mechanisms and emotional

intelligence's role in interpreting such content is crucial for individuals to navigate these

narratives thoughtfully and engage in constructive dialogue about sensitive socio-political issues.

Certainly, let us wrap up with a deliberate conclusion.Satire and sarcasm regarding the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict wield significant power in shaping perceptions and eliciting emotional

and cognitive responses among viewers. Through the lens of local satirical content like "Eretz

Nehederet," we've observed how cognitive processes such as cognitive dissonance, confirmation

bias, and defense mechanisms influence individual reactions.

Moreover, emotional triggers like anger, frustration, amusement, or relief are common

responses to satirical content concerning the Palestinian situation. Emotional intelligence

emerges as a crucial tool in deciphering the intentions behind satire, managing emotional

responses, predicting human responses, and fostering nuanced discussions. Local satirical

examples, especially from shows like "Eretz Nehederet," highlight the complexities of the

Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These satirical portrayals provoke diverse reactions, reflecting the

multi-layered nature of societal attitudes and beliefs surrounding this sensitive issue.

Understanding the psychological underpinnings behind responses to satire about the

Palestinian situation becomes paramount in navigating these narratives constructively. Just like

how anything requires efficient marketing, so does satire. It takes careful research to understand

the type of content that the public will or will not receive well, and how effectively they would

respond to the cues. By acknowledging the influence of cognitive processes, emotional triggers,

and the role of emotional intelligence, individuals can engage with such content more critically,

fostering empathy, and understanding, and potentially contributing to more nuanced discussions

and perspectives about this enduring conflict. It is only through a critical analysis that individuals

equip themselves with the power and skill of effective debate and discussion which is not done

only for the sake of argument or rendering the other useless. It then brings us to believe the

power satire can hold in smartly playing with the human mind and how smartly one can sow the

seed of rebellion, yet create effective awareness all at the same time.

word count: 1883



Burgers, Christian, and Britta C. Brugman. "How Satirical News Impacts Affective Responses,
Learning, and Persuasion: A Three-Level Random-Effects Meta-Analysis."
Communication Research, (2021). Accessed November 21, 2023.

Noor, Aliza, and Aliza Noor. “‘Disgusting’: Israeli Tiktokers Called Out For Mocking
Palestinian Deaths.” TheQuint, October 27, 2023.

Smith, Ryan. “Israeli Influencers Are Mocking Palestinians Suffering in Gaza.” Newsweek,
October 31, 2023.

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