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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 0
The /mu/ Wiki:
R: 57 / I: 6 R: 233 / I: 141 R: 51 / I: 3
om/wiki/Sticky Discover /mu/tards….can we KPOP GENERAL What do you think /mu/?
music: refute this? Do you agree with her?
Check the catalog before
making a new thread
>>>/mu/catalog Personal
music/band projects
should go in
general threads. >If the

R: 301 / I: 83 R: 41 / I: 13 ▶ R: 143 / I: 79 R: 3
/metal/: /metal/ edition I already miss her bros... /sharethread/: ICE SPICE: Did you
OLD >>122660138 https://youtu.be/F9we8i2 ETIQUETTE - Include guys know ICE SPICE
Lj5w? correct format (artist / has a new album coming
si=IbQhFT0B91PG83Kn band, title of release, out soon? What do you
year of release, cover think about her music? I
art, the file type (v0, 320 really like her song
mp3, FLAC, etc), short “Think U The Sh!t”.
description, YouTube
sample, link) - Send
thanks if you have
downloaded something

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 31 / I: 7 R: 171 / I: 48 R: 4 R: 2
ITT: Post-punk- /wpop/: liv edition in >Artist gatekeeps his Who are some of the
influenced albums that honor of zoomer own music sexiest male musicians
actually do something livposter still being a with the best bodies that
original with that virgin old: >>122635461 you admire and
influence and aren't just sometimes masturbate to
some bland rehash in a non homosexual

R: 39 / I: 5
why are they like this
R: 31 / I: 11 R: 5 R: 53 / I: 6
If I really like Abbey Is there ANY reggaeton Gayest fucking band of
Road, what other albums that's worth listening to? all time
would I like? Don’t Like maybe it's
recommend other innovative or
Beatles albums or experimental somehow
albums by Beatles solo
members or their related
bands (Plastic Ono
Band, Wings, etc.) Also
don’t just recommend
other acclaimed albums

R: 2
R: 137 / I: 34 SEXUALITY R: 6
/gg/ - guitar & bass It's OVER Listen to real music
general: Resident
Gibson Chad edition

https://boards.4chan.org/mu/catalog 3/16
7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 189 / I: 93
/shill/: Post your stuff,
rate and rec

R: 62 / I: 29 R: 8 R: 42 / I: 14
/chart/ Is Father John Misty Are you guys with kets or
actually any good or is nos in this beef? Are the
he just another overrated allegations cap? Is kets
indie type? really a scammer? Did
he really spread CP???

R: 13
R: 14 / I: 2 biggest American
R: 3 / I: 1 R: 0 >80s love song >80s albums of the 2020s:
Post albums you've The critics and boomer love song, japan Olivia Rodrigo - Sour
recently listened too dads were right. They 17.7m Taylor Swift -
were the best rock 'n roll Midnights 16.3m Taylor
band in the universe. Swift - Folklore 15.0m
SZA - SOS 11.7m Pop
Smoke - Shoot for the
Stars, Aim for the Moon
11.0m Morgan Wallen -
Dangerous: The Double
Album 10.1m Doja Cat -
Pl tH 97 T l

R: 50 / I: 6
Does it seem like the
melodies of hit songs
R: 4 have been getting R: 12 / I: 2 R: 5 / I: 1
That's sugarcane that dumbed down over the Give me your best Post your first music
tasted good That's who decades? Or are you just Stoner Rock recs crush, I'll start
you are, that's what you getting old? Finally, The
could Come on, come Science has evaluated
on, no one can see you geezer bigotry about
cry That's sugarcane that Music These Days. Read
tasted good That's who up on the findings,
you are, that's what you including the 3 worst
could Come on, come songs ever, at
on, no one can see you SteveSailer dot Net:
cry I like R E M but what htt // t il

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 3
I finally gave in a
watched this. I'm baffled
that this shit is the
biggest tour in our day
R: 19 / I: 1 R: 274 / I: 150 R: 4
He has to be cancelled. /bleep/: 4th of July 2 an age. How? The show But I thought the old lady
Edition is super unremarkable, dropped it into the ocean
there's no dramaturgy or in the end
big concept other than
going from album to
album. Taylor has almost
zero charisma and is a
shit dancer to boot. She
has about six moves
tops. The background
dancers are only allowed

R: 4
What are the songs
that get you into that
BNWO mindset?: I'm
not alone in saying "Say
R: 125 / I: 20 R: 3 R: 8
>*mogs every other can you rec me more So" by Doja Cat gets my pls help me find this
pedal in youre path* post punk songs little white dicklet leaky song: It was a funky
simmilar to these ones? when I hear it in public. It dance disco soul thingy
thanks just conjures up (im not good with genres,
https://youtu.be/zuPiBpQ memories of pandemic all I know it was one of
405Q era goon sessions to these black genres) it
https://youtu.be/BjhYbYL BLACKED. Dua Lipa has was a happy song that
v2to a whole collection of made me happy ( : the
https://youtu.be/ykfOBp9 songs that make me singer was a black lady,
4WDY think of black dick. idk if that song was that
https://youtu be/LDxX6V Houdini, Don't Start Now, popular I never really

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 56 / I: 22
Physical media: Post
'em. Rate 'em. Suggest
next albums to collect.
Rate this shitty shelf I
made, too.
R: 242 / I: 5 R: 6 / I: 1 R: 7 / I: 4
/mu/ covers Weezer: Hi >woman sings about ITT: It's December 1975
/Mu/, we haven't made depression
any music in a while.
Would anyone here be
interested in covering
The Blue Album?

R: 174 / I: 50
/prog/ - Progressive R: 4
Rock General: "The i love breakfast
Final Cut is good and I'm sandwiches
tired of pretending it's
not" edition R: 256 / I: 44 R: 19 / I: 1
https://www.youtube.com /classical/: Backhaus Post Doomercore stuff
/watch? Edition
v=GknwOu8C_B0 What https://www.youtube.com
is Progressive Rock? /watch?v=_uwjiBpvoOs
>https://www.progarchive >How do I get into
s.com/Progressive- classical? This link has
rock.asp#definition Good resources including
albums to start with? audio courses, textbooks
>https://www.musicgenre and selections of
tree.org/essential_prog.p recordings to help you
ng Obscure prog gems start to understand and

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 9 / I: 3
zoomers will never
know this feel: sorry
R: 0 zoomers, you just had to R: 23 / I: 9 R: 5
How can one soundtrack Pound-for-pound and God tier rock vocals on
be there.
be so damn good? fairly, objectively this album. Wish they
NEVERRRRRR assessing the situation, made another record like
SAIDDDD THAT THIS taking care to fully and this before going to the
WOULD BE EASY! comprehensively identify, more whiny brooding
https://youtu.be/KDzt6yI3 avoid and eliminate from sound started with
Dw8? the evaluation any form Facelift
si=sP2RYld_ckmTSayM of bias, nostalgia or
personal influence that
might otherwise evoke
an impact on any

R: 3
>metal music su-ACK
R: 25 / I: 2
R: 0 /prod/: Produce music
New Bright Eyes song
Post on vocaroo LFG
RLZ8? R: 9
This album saved 2020s.
Decade album by far.
Bit stale lyrically. How
many times has he
written verses that go
"Don't do this cause that
will happen" at this point.

R: 8 / I: 1 R: 5 R: 7 / I: 1 R: 8 / I: 1
>conventionally iranian- Foundational Black This album fucking rules What songs rust cohle
bong musician >made Americans created hip- https://www.youtube.com would listen too?
this masterpiece >this hop. /watch?v=jGyrpReGLcc
man is supposed to be post eclectic rockers
gay I'm tired of the homo from the 90s or adjacent
psyop in this industry

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 0
subject R: 313 / I: 149 R: 2 R: 13 / I: 2
KPOP GENERAL Thoughts on this I don't like the vocals and
song?: they're too bluesy

R: 4 R: 11 / I: 3 R: 45 / I: 3 R: 310 / I: 145
YING YAAAAA itt: 4/10 albums couldn't they just name KPOP GENERAL:
the fucking song https://www.youtube.com
"jamaica"? /watch?v=exznSld6vUU

R: 7 R: 40 / I: 4 R: 10 / I: 1 R: 0
Lana Del Rey thread Who's the greatest I love him so much it's Stylus help: Hi /mu/.
singer of all time? unreal Just bought a used
turntable and it had a
cartridge already in it.
The cantilever is a bit off-
center as shown in the
photo. The stylus still
tracks well and it sounds
good without any issues,
tried it out on Lana's
Born to Die however is

https://boards.4chan.org/mu/catalog 8/16
7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 9
Reformation: Post TLC
[Narnack, 2007] This
does get weird, quiet and
R: 6 slack second half,
R: 29 / I: 8 LET DOWN AND R: 36 / I: 26
That was the capture of I miss tusic like you although, really, why
the beast wouldn’t believe bros shouldn't his wife sing
"The Wright Stuff"? In
any case, the first half
regales and/or lacerates
with the mad purity
and/or skeptical hilarity
Mark E. Smith was put
on the planet to take to
his grave. Recorded with
Los Angeles pickup

R: 20 / I: 2
How do I cope with the
R: 7
post western vids making fact that I'm musically
references to asian girls retarded because my
R: 54 / I: 2 R: 25 / I: 1
(no kpop, jpop) classical musicians tend WHAT AM I SUPPOSED parents didn't buy me
to peak towards the end TO THINK? piano lessons at age six
of their lives, with now that I'm an adult?
achievements in their
respective creative
journeys musicians from
other genres (no matter
how complex the music),
however, tend to peak
very early in their

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 10 / I: 1
Ugly people. Imagine the
smell. Kendrick, you will R: 15 / I: 1
always be a little shit CHERI CHERI LADY
manlet. Lil stinky turd!
R: 27 / I: 2 R: 12
What are you listening >what if we combined
to lately.: Looking to gay indie rock with death
broaden my taste a bit. metal?
Genre doesnt matter too
much but lately ive been
listening to Boris, Elliott
Smith, George Harrison,
and Stevie Ray Vaughan
a ton. btw shoutout to the
guy that made a Boris
thread the other day and

R: 37 / I: 4 R: 10 R: 39 / I: 5 R: 15 / I: 2
Paramore: why did they https://www.youtube.com So I was takin' a WALK rockstars this
see such early success? /watch?v=pwkbEqge_Jw the other day and I seen generation are better.
ITT post songs that were a woman, a BLIND
as proto punk as they woman, pacin up and
come. One song per post down the sidewalk. SHE
as we form the jigsaw SEEMED TO BE A BIT
puzzle that created the FRUSTRATED, as if she
genre. If you dont know had dropped somethin'
this record they coined and havin' a hard time
themselves the anti findin' it.
beatles and tried to make

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 5 R: 3 / I: 1 R: 11 / I: 1 R: 5
Say oh my and a boo- ITT: Post the most >conservatives can't where's Yui?
hoo obscure album you make good mus--- Um,
own/have listened. >This no sweetie.
album has never been
really released officially.
Only a small edition of
100 copies has been
made and sold in local
record stores in
Hamburg, hometown of
meta 83

R: 3
R: 312 / I: 150
Why is J-pop dying?

R: 6 / I: 4 R: 4
last.fm thread Why is it that I can't
make good music?: I've
been making my own
music for years now, and
I always get stuck as
soon as I move to
finalising tracks. I make
good instrumentals, but
as soon as I try to take it
from a short instrumental
idea to a full song it just

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 6 R: 4 R: 63 / I: 6 R: 154 / I: 18
and I said So why do we hate Kid >tfw too intelligent to not Drake: What's his next
OOOOOHHHHHHHHHH Rock roll of a sudden? enjoy metal move?
HHHHH He's legit good
entertainer and musician,
plays all instruments and
supports the troops For
fucks sake, Devil without
a Cause sold as much as
Nevermind in the US

R: 5
DEPTHS OF WHO WE R: 27 / I: 5 BE A MACHO MAN R: 27 / I: 2
How did they make the >there are people who
best grunge album of all actually listen to jazz
time? They're not even
from Seattle

R: 9 / I: 2
>self-titled album >it's
the best one

R: 306 / I: 136 R: 59 / I: 5 R: 15
KPOP GENERAL >Petulant "fuck whitey" Emmm, what the fuck
baby-babble that was are normies doing with
overhyped and post punk?
overexposed from day https://www.youtube.com
one It would be seriously /watch?v=msxLaLbzuwQ
embarrassing for you to
still be listening to this.

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 11 / I: 1
meanwhile black people
keep taking over country
R: 73 / I: 6
Black Midi split up cos music R: 6 R: 8
of BCNR: "Allegedly". Your favorite game We're living in a GREAT
Don't really believe it, but OST: Frostpunk era of music right now. I
it's a funny read. soundtrack composed by love white women and
https://x.com/martinpsps Piotr Musiał is a what they listen to on
ps/status/180945152660 masterpiece: Spotify!
5193536 https://youtube.com/playl

R: 79 / I: 2
>The Beach Boys are
great American music.

R: 2 R: 12 / I: 6 R: 9
ITT: actually talented more grungy shoegaze? >Pink Cellphone what
musicians with no were they THINKING?
grasp of
concept/artistic vision

R: 0
I am white, and I've got
everything I need No one
R: 5 / I: 1
R: 63 / I: 17
clutches their purses >mogs Aphex Reddit
Name a better Rock when they're in a room >mogs Redditechre R: 11 / I: 3
Album from the 21st alone with me And I can >mogs Boards of Reddit ITT: High testosterone
century: Pro Tip: you drive through any >mogs Oneohtrix Point albums.
can't neighborhood I please At Reddit >mogs
any hour, and the police REDDITPHIE >mogs
don't do a thing So if I Arcreddit Florian daddy
see a penny on the mogs all!
ground I leave it alone or
fucking flip it I'm a
straight white male in
America I've got all the
luck I need I'm a guy

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7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 16 / I: 7 R: 1 R: 10 R: 3 / I: 1
post artists that fell off Am I the only one who >Powerviolence? That's This shit sucks so bad. I
prefers Carnivore over Punk Rock. >Grindcore? love it.
type o negative? Metal. I don't get it.

R: 6 / I: 2 R: 26 / I: 1 R: 38 / I: 6 R: 6
>guitar: *exists* justin bieber performed Why didn't she save its pretty kino from start
>Radiohead: ima bout to at billionaire jeet wedding music like she was to finish.
end this mans whole thoughts? supposed to?

R: 1
2000s music nostalgia
thread >band edition R: 6 / I: 1
No mommy, don't do it
again Don't do it again I'll
R: 3 / I: 1 R: 42 / I: 1
be a good boy I'll be a
Have you fallen in love Free bird is the greatest
good boy, I promise No
with a girl from a music song ever written. If you
mommy don't hit me Why
video? don’t agree you’re either
did you have to hit me
https://youtu.be/lZiaYpD9 a yankee or a niggger.
like that, mommy? Don't
do it, you're hurting me
Why did you have to be
such a bitch Why don't
you Why don't you just
fuck off and die Why
can't you just fuck off and

https://boards.4chan.org/mu/catalog 14/16
7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 0
>When I come home
from work, I'm feindin' for
R: 25 / I: 2 R: 1 an 8 ball R: 22 / I: 2
Vocaroo thread: Post What do beautiful Are they the best
originals, covers, works women listen to? American rock band? I
in progress. Comment can't think of any others
and give feedback. that come close in terms
of consistency.

R: 1 / I: 1
Post a pic with more
talent.: Spoiler: You
R: 1 probably can.
R: 0 Holy fucking shit....it R: 0
I DID IT ALL FOR THE clicked....... Why is RAC such
NOOKIE dogshit but RAC-inspired
Black Metal so good?

R: 0

R: 9 / I: 2 R: 35 / I: 6 R: 107 / I: 14
>yeah I post in kpop How's your /dkr/ - Drake vs.
threads, what gave it demo/EP/album going Kendrick General:
away? anon? You are going to Drake won Kennycels
make it right? resorting to fake
allegations Dr.Dre is a
certified pedophile and
domestic abuser Ovo
Chads stay winning
thread theme:

https://boards.4chan.org/mu/catalog 15/16
7/7/24, 2:18 PM /mu/ - Music - Catalog - 4chan

R: 0
R: 10 Is there a cooler old
>made 10+ threads on rockstar?
/mu/ today music for this
feel? R: 7 / I: 3 R: 28
HAPPY 84the ITT: we pretend it's
BIRTHDAY RINGO August of 1962 and Pete
STARR: PEACE, AND Best just got kicked out

R: 311 / I: 148 R: 5 / I: 2 R: 20
KPOP GENERAL >Sunday morning Listened to Swans for
>neighbor is blasting the first time. Am I
Bon Jovi at full volume supposed to stay
again engaged for 2 hours? I
got tired of the album
during the fourth track.

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