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0202-0202 ‫حلول اسئلة الفايروسات الدور االول‬

Q1/ ‫نحن_غير_مسؤولون_عن_النقص_والخطأ‬#
A- What are the function of viral structure protein?
1-facilitate transfer of viral nucleic acid from one host cell to another.
2-protect the viral genome against inactivation by nucleases.
3-participate in the attachment of the virus particle to a susceptible cell.
4-provide structural symmetry of the virus particle.
5-determine the antigenic characteristics of the virus.
B- How can animal viruses transmitted directly from person to person?
1-Contact: (e.g Smallpox)
2-The fecal-oral route: (e.g., Hepatitis A).
3-Sexual contact: (e.g., Hepatitis B and HIV).
4-Hand-mouth, hand-eye, or mouth-mouth contact: (e.g., Herpes simplex).
5-Exchange of contaminated blood: (e.g., Hepatitis B and HIV).
C- What are general steps of viral replication?
4-Expresses of viral genome.
5-Viral assembly or Morphogenesis and Release.
D- What are properties of transformed cell?
1-Loss of growth control. 2-Tumor formation. 3-mobility.
4-reduced adhesion; transformed cells frequently exhibit.
5-chromosomal aberrations.
Q2/ File the blank:
1-Virsusoid replicate by rolling-circle replication. ‫نحن_غير_مسؤولون_عن_النقص_والخطأ‬#
2- Types of viral mutations: Temperature- Sensitive, Plaque morphology and Host-
3-Main part of virus are: nucleic acid, capsid and envelope.
4-Virueses enter the cell: endocytosis and fusion.
5-Retrovirus are characterized by reverse transcriptase.
Q3/ Choose correct answer
1-The parasitic nature of viruses is explain by: B-Regressive hypothesis.
2-Viral DNA is synthesized inside the D-nucleus of the host cell.
3-Pasteur made a vaccine against B-Rabies.
4-Amantadine is antiviral drug used to treat: C-Influenza A.
5-Bacteriophage were first discovered by A-Fredrick Twort.
6-A-HIV is an example virus that are transmitted by sexual contact.
7-Lytic cycle of viruses lead to B-Lysogenic infection.
8-Virus mean B-Poison.
9-C-Reversion of virulence is one of the Disadvantage of live vaccine.
10-Viruses have extra structure D-Complex.
11-Viral protein is synthesized in A-Cytoplasm of the host.
Q4/ Answer the following put true and false
1-The first describe virus is TMV. True
2-Live vaccine need multiple does. False
3-Influenza virus is non-envelope. False
4-Uncoating of viruses occur in alkaline condition. False
5-A bacteriophage is helical virus. False
6-Hepatitis D is viroid. True
7-Viral RNA is synthesized in cytoplasm of the host. True
8-Human prevent Rabies from shedding. False ‫نحن_غير_مسؤولون_عن_النقص_والخطأ‬#
9-Acyclovir inhibit viral polymerase of HIV. False
10-Envelope viruses are released by budding. True
11-Virus means “poison”. True
Q5/ Match between column A and B
1-How can transmit HIV?
A-Sexual contact. B-Exchange of contaminated blood.
2-What are the main part of virus?
A-Nucleic acid. B-Capsid. C-Envelope.
3-What are the classification of viruses.
A-Virion morphology. B-Viral genome properties. C-Physiochemical properties.
D-Viral protein. E-Genome organization. F-Antigenic Properties.
G-Biologic properties.
4-What are the categories of viral protein. ‫نحن_غير_مسؤولون_عن_النقص_والخطأ‬#
A-Viral enzyme. B-Core protein. C-Envelope protein. D-Nucleocapsid protein.

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