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SESSION 2024 – 25
Class – 4

Here’s to a Summer Vacation

a canvas for your imagination
where you can dream big,
set goals that may enable you
to even reach the sky!

Dear Student,

Summer Vacation is the best and the most fruitful time for learning and
nurturing creativity. Keeping this objective in mind we have planned diverse
and exciting activities that will enhance your knowledge and boost your

“Knowledge is Power”. Therefore, read lots of books to cultivate the habit of

reading, develop your vocabulary, language skills, increase your attention
span and improve your spellings.

• Get up early in the morning and see the rising sun. Do indoor exercises /
yoga and stay healthy and fit.
• Spend quality time with your elders and share your thoughts and ideas
with them, listen to stories rooted in Indian culture.
• Eat healthy food and drink lots of water during summer.
Dear Parents,

Vacation is a welcome break!

Summer vacations are synonymous with fun, frolic, getting up late, playing for
longer hours and watching fun filled shows on television.

There is a lot more we can do to make these vacations more interesting like-

• Play games like scrabble, chess, atlas and word building.

• Assign a permanent workplace and a work-time for your child. This
encourages discipline.
• Inculcate good manners- 4 magic words ‘please, thank you, excuse me,
sorry’-use them and see the difference.
• Encourage your child to help you with the household chores like
dusting, watering the plants, laying dinner table etc.
• Guide the child to keep his / her room and things clean and well
• Motivate your child to take up yoga or any other form of healthy activity.
• As much as possible, try to converse in English with your child.
• Encourage your child to read books and children’s magazines.

• Date of submission : On or before 5th July 2024

CLASS – 4 :

World Heritage Sites are cultural and natural sites considered of 'Outstanding
Universal Value', which have been inscribed on the World Heritage List by the
World Heritage Committee. These places or buildings are deemed to hold
special importance for everyone.

• Walk around and see how many different shapes you can find.
• What shapes do you see in the buildings or structures at the site?
• Can you find patterns in the tiles, bricks, or carvings?

भारतीय ऐततहातिक इमारत तििका आपने भ्रमण तकया हो, के बारे में वणणन करें । इमारत
तकि राज्य के तकि शहर में हैं , उिका इमारत का ऐततहातिक महत्व क्या है , उि राज्य की

िंस्कृतत, खानपान ,त्योहार , नृ त्य और िंगीत आति की िानकारी तित्र ितहत िे ते हुए एक

पतत्रका बनाए।


Most of the world heritage sites are very old and they are wearing out.

Imagine you have been assigned the responsibility of restoring them. What all
steps will you take?

Create a MINDMAP for the same using the following points:

1. What material has been used to build the monument?

2. Factors responsible for wear and tear.
3. Steps you will undertake to reduce or recover the wear and tear of the
4. How will you educate the people or raise the campaign for conserving
these sites?

Q. Find out the names and locations of any such two organizations that work
for the restoration of such sites.

Q. Draw the monument or create a 3D model using the waste materials.

UNESCO plays a vital role in safeguarding historical monuments. Discuss with
your family members about pressing issues like climate change, the
environment, forests, and more. Think of creating an organisation of your own
keeping in mind any issue that needs urgent attention and present the features
and working of the same in the form of a comic strip.

* Do the work on A-4 Size sheets and place them in a folder.

Practice towards Perfection

(In Rough Notebook)
Learn tables from 2 to 10.

To improve the handwriting and writing speed, students are advised to do 10

pages of handwriting practice during these holidays.

Revise all the work done in the school notebook and do a thorough reading of
the lessons covered so far .

The students may enjoy watching the following movies and they are expected
to write a review (not more than 80-90 words) on only one of the movies of
their choice. Write the review on an A-4 size sheet and put it in a folder with
their name and class written on it and hand it over to the subject teacher once
the school reopens.

Suggested movies-

• Matilda
• Stuart Little
• Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
• Fantastic Mr.Fox

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