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### Calculations for Table Completion

#### Measurement No. 1

\[ N_1 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{15.5}{14.5} = 1.07 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_1 =
rac{6.5}{2} = 3.25 \]

#### Measurement No. 2

\[ N_2 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{13.5}{14.5} = 0.93 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_2 =
rac{5.85}{2} = 2.925 \]

#### Measurement No. 3

\[ N_3 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{15.0}{14.5} = 1.03 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_3 =
rac{5}{2} = 2.5 \]

#### Measurement No. 4

\[ N_4 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{9.5}{14.3} = 0.66 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_4 =
rac{4.5}{2} = 2.25 \]

#### Measurement No. 5

\[ N_5 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{8.5}{14.5} = 0.59 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_5 =
rac{3.6}{2} = 1.8 \]

#### Measurement No. 6

\[ N_6 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{6.5}{14.5} = 0.45 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_6 =
rac{3.2}{2} = 1.6 \]

#### Measurement No. 7

\[ N_7 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{5.5}{14.5} = 0.38 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_7 =
rac{2.9}{2} = 1.45 \]

#### Measurement No. 8

\[ N_8 =
rac{b}{v} =
rac{9.5}{14.5} = 0.66 \]
rac{L_B}{L_v}_8 =
rac{1.4}{2} = 0.7 \]


### Completed Table

| Measurement No. | \( v \) (cm) | \( b \) (cm) | \( L_B \) (cm) | \( N =

rac{b}{v} \) | \(
rac{L_B}{L_v} \) |
| 1 | 14.5 | 15.5 | 6.5 | 1.07
| 3.25 |
| 2 | 14.5 | 13.5 | 5.85 | 0.93
| 2.925 |
| 3 | 14.5 | 15.0 | 5 | 1.03
| 2.5 |
| 4 | 14.3 | 9.5 | 4.5 | 0.66
| 2.25 |
| 5 | 14.5 | 8.5 | 3.6 | 0.59
| 1.8 |
| 6 | 14.5 | 6.5 | 3.2 | 0.45
| 1.6 |
| 7 | 14.5 | 5.5 | 2.9 | 0.38
| 1.45 |
| 8 | 14.5 | 9.5 | 1.4 | 0.66
| 0.7 |


### Answer the Questions

1. **Graphing**:
- Plot the image distance \( b \) (x-axis) vs. magnification \( N \) (y-axis).

2. **Magnification Comparison**:
- Is \( N \) always equal to \(
rac{L_B}{L_v} \)?
- Not necessarily. The slight differences can arise due to experimental errors
or inaccuracies in measurement. The lens formula \(
rac{1}{f} =
rac{1}{v} +
rac{1}{b} \) can also result in slight deviations.

3. **Magnification Dependency**:
- Magnification depends on the distances \( v \) and \( b \), and is influenced
by the lens' focal length \( f \).

4. **Focal Length**:
- If the graph plots correctly, the focal length \( f = 10 \) cm should be
evident from the lens formula relationship. Ensure the experimental setup confirms

5. **Report Submission**:
- Compile your findings, calculations, and the graph to submit the report as

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