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Department of Electrical Engineering

End-Semester Examination, 2023
1. Find Is for the (Nov.)
circuit shown. Take 𝑉 = 16V.
Session: 2023-2024
B. Tech 1st Year
Basic Electrical Engineering
Subject Code: EE1000

Number of Pages: 2 Full Marks: 50 Duration: 3 Hours

Figures at the right hand margin indicate marks.
All parts of a question should be answered at one place.
Attempt all questions. Be brief and to the point.

1. (a) Find Is in Fig 1(a).

(b) Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalents at terminals a-b of the circuit in Fig 1(b).
(c) State superposition theorem. 2. Find the Thevenin and Norton equivalents at terminals a-b[4+4+2]
of the circuit show


+ +
6Ω 8Ω
Is V1 V0=16V
_ 0.25V1

3. For the circuit shown in fig, the value of Vs1 and Is are fixed. When Vs2 = 0,
Figure 1: For Q.1(a) current I = 4A
For. Find the value of I when Vs2 = 32 V





I1 I2

Figure 2: (For Q.2(a))

2. The active power consumed by the circuit in Fig. 2 is 80W . The parameters of the circuit is
given as follows. R = 4Ω, XL1 = 4.5Ω, XL2 = 9.3Ω, XC1 = 5.4Ω and XC2 = 5.4Ω. Calculate
the following phasors: I1 , I2 , Is and Vs . [5]

Please go on to the next page. . .

Basic Electrical Engineering End-Semester Examination Page 2 of 2

3. (a) A ring has a mean diameter of 20 cm and a cross-sectional area of 10 cm2 . It is made up
of semi-circular sections of cast iron and cast steel with a relative permeability of 800 and 166
respectively. Each joint is having reluctance equal to an air gap of 0.15 mm. Find the current
required to produce a flux of 0.6 mW b if the total number of turns of the coil wound is 500.
(b) An iron ring of mean length 30cm is made of three pieces of cast iron, each has the same
length but their respective diameters are 4cm, 3cm and 2.5cm. An air gap of length 0.5mm is
cut in the 2.5cm piece. If a coil of 1000 turns is wound on the ring, find the value of the current
it has to carry to produce a flux density of 0.5W b/m2 in the air gap. B/H characteristic of
cast iron may be drawn from the following: [5+5]
B(W b/m2 ) : 0.11 0.18 0.32 0.40 0.50
H(AT /m) : 280 620 990 1, 400 2, 000

4. A 10kV A, 2500V /250V single-phase transformer has the following parameters: h.v. winding:
4 + j16Ω and l.v. winding: 0.15 + j0.48Ω. Find the voltage regulation and the secondary
terminal voltage at full load for a p.f. of 0.86 leading. [5]

5. A 10kV A, 500V /250V , single-phase transformer gave the following test results: S.C. test: 60V ,
20A, 150W . If the maximum efficiency occurs at unity pf and at 1.2 times of full load current,
calculate the maximum efficiency. Also, determine the full load efficiency at 0.8 pf. [5]

6. For a 10kV A, 250/2500V , 50Hz transformer the following Short Circuit (SC) and Open Circuit
(OC) test data are given.
(i) OC Test: Active and reactive power absorbed by the transformer are 150W and 200V AR.
(ii) SC Test: Active power consumed 150W ; 8% rated voltage applied to flow the rated current
in the transformer.
Draw the equivalent circuit on HV side. [5]
7. A 250V , DC shunt motor has 80% efficiency while delivering 2kW output mechanical power.
At that condition, the ratio, friction loss/armature copper loss = 1/2. Find the input power
of the machine and input current. If the field circuit has 200Ω resistance, find the armature
current and back emf at the loading condition. [5]

8. A 250V , DC shunt motor have armature resistance 0.25Ω and field resistance 250Ω. At no
load condition, the supply current is 3A. At a load condition, the speed is 1480 rpm and the
mechanical output is 5.5kW . What is the line current at the loading? Now if a resistance
of 50Ω is added in the field circuit and the load torque is increased by 5%, what is the new
armature current and speed? [5]

End of Questions. ALL THE BEST

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