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Listening 1
Listen and write. There is one example.
Class visit to Sunny Farm
Day: ………Monday………
1 Farmer’s name: Mr ……………………………
2 Farmer grows: ……………………………
3 Number of fields: ……………………………
4 Children will draw: ……………………………
5 Class will go to the farm by: ……………………………

Listening 2
Listen and write. There is one example.

Camping at the farm

People will camp here for: ………5 nights………
1 Family name: Mr and Mrs ……………………………
2 Number of people in the family: ……………………………
3 Colour of tent: blue with a …………………………… stripe
4 Might like to use: ……………………………
5 Date that family will leave: …………………………… June

Listening 3
Listen and write. There is one example.
High Flyers Football Club
Name of new player: David ………Smith………
1 Age: ……………………………
2 Already played for village team called: The …………………
3 Name of High Flyers second team: The ……………………
4 Team play on: Saturday ……………………………
5 Place: …………………………… Sports Centre

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