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Session - 1

1ype the following text in a Document.

Organizational Structure
Organizations can be regarded as people management systems. They range Irom simple hierarchies along traditional
lines to complex networks dependent on computer systems and telecommunications. Human resource managers can
encourage organizations to adopt strategies (Ior their structures) which Ioster both cost-eIIectiveness and employee
commitment. Organizational structures can be classiIied into a number oI types, including Iunctional, divisional,
matrix, Iederations and networks.
unctional Structures
Early organizational design divided enterprises into relatively simple parts, splitting them into deIined activities such
as production, marketing or personnel. Functional organizations have the advantage oI being simple to understand
with clear lines oI command, speciIied tasks and responsibilities. StaII can specialize in a particular business area
such as production or marketing and Iollow well-deIined career paths. This is equally true oI human resource
specialists who can develop expertise in speciIic areas such as employee relations or reward management.
Perform the ollowing Operations Based on the Above Passage.
1. Save` the Iile as a document Iile` in C:\Director\MarkMgr. (Create the Directories wherever necessary)
2. Save` the Iile as a web page` in C:\Director\SalesMgr\AreaMgr2.
3. Change the Page Layout` to Landscape`.
4. Change the Right Margin oI the document to 2.0.
5. Change the LeIt Margin oI the document to 1.5.
6. Apply diIIerent heading styles to the text Welcome to MS-Word`.
7. Underline the heading.
8. Align the heading to the center` oI the page.
9. Change style 'Organization to italics` wherever it occurs.
10. JustiIy` the passage.
11. Type your name at the end oI the passage and Right justiIy` it.
Session - 2
Open the Above Created Document and Perform the ollowing Operations.
1. Change the Iont oI the heading to Arial`.
2. Insert Date at the top oI the document and LeIt justiIy` it.
3. Change the line spacing` to 1.5 lines`.
4. Apply Drop Cap` to the passage Ior the Iirst 3 lines.
5. Change the view to Normal Layout`, Webpage Layout`, Print Layout`, Reading Layout` and Outline
6. Move the cursor to line number 7`.
7. Hide the Ruler` Irom the document.
8. Insert a new Page` aIter the passage.
9. Add the deIinition oI organization as a Comment` to the word 'Organization appearing in the Iirst line oI
the Passage.
10. Preview` the document.
11. Change Background` oI the document to Red` color.
Session - 3
Select any 4 Page Document and Perform the ollowing Operations at the End of the Document.
1. Insert an object using OLE` in both Linked` and Embedded` methods.
2. Insert an Image/ClipArt` and give a brieI description at its bottom.
3. Apply diIIerent Word Arts` to the text 'Principles oI Business Management.
4. Using the Drawing Toolbar` draw an Organizational Chart` showing the various classiIications oI
organizational structure.
5. Insert the Iollowing Symbols.
L 1

6. Now jump to page number 3` Irom the current page.
7. Type the Iollowing matter using Tabs`.
Percentages Grades
93 - 100 A
86 - 92 B
78 - 85 C
70 - 77 D
Below - 70 F
8. Add the Header` to your document, with the text PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT.
9. Add the Footer` to the document with the page number`, date` and day oI compilation`.
10. Show the Document map` Ior the document.
11. Insert an existing document into the current document.
12. Type the Iollowing Iormula with the help oI Super scripts`.
Session - 4
Type the ollowing Note in a New ile and Specify the Necessary Changes to View the Data as Given Below.
The Iourth annual Emerald Heights Elementary School Carnival will be held on Friday, April 6, 2001, in the
caIeteria oI the school. The carnival will begin at 6:00 p.m. and conclude at 9:30 p.m. II you wish to volunteer to
work in a booth, please call Mike Shelton as soon as possible!
Over a thousand toys have been purchased to be given away as prizes at the booths. A new supplier is providing 20
new gadgets that would be both Iun and interesting into the children.
Hot dogs, chili, popcorn, and soda will be served till 9:00 p.m. bring your appetite! Food tickets can be purchased at
the school in advance or at the ticket booth during the carnival.
Mark Friday, April 6, on your calendar! Plan to attend the carnival and have an exciting and Iun Iilled evening with
your Iamily!
Format the above passage into 3 Columns`.
Insert a Book Mark` to a word in the above passage.
Change the case oI the above text.
From Lower Case` to Toggle Case`.
From Lower Case` to Upper Case`.
Create a Table in a New Document with 7 Rows and 5 Columns and Perform the Operations Given Below:
i. Merge 3rd row 2nd column cell and 3rd row 3rd column cell.
ii. Split 4th row 2nd column cell with 2 rows and 3 columns.
Create two Macros` to display the Iollowing text as it is
using both Keyboard` option and Menu bar` option
Create a letter inviting 20 area managers Ior an annual meeting. (use Mail Merge` option)
Session - 5
1. Insert a Chart` and enter the Iollowing data into data sheet.
Name m1 m2 m3
Raj 36 74 36
Ramesh 59 65 63
Srikanth 45 56 47
Vinay 57 63 57
2. Change the above Chart` to a Line Chart`.
3. Construct the table given below:
V. No. Make Model ear Sticker Price Dealer Cost
2001 Renault DS 1990 4,000.00 3,000.00
2002 Chevrolet Nova 1992 6,000.00 4,000.00
2003 Fiat Strada 1992 8,500.00 8,000.00
2004 Dodge Caravan 1995 18,000.00 16,500.00
2005 Ford Ranger 1994 15,000.00 14,000.00
2006 Toyota Celica 1993 10,000.00 9,000.00
2007 Lincoln Continenta 1991 20,000.00 17,000.00
2008 Pontiac Grand Am 1990 11,000.00 9,500.00
2009 Chrysler Cirrus 1995 19,000.00 16,500.00
i. Split` the table into 2 parts Irom V.No.2004.
ii. Insert a new row at the top oI the separated part (second table) and type the same headings.
iii. Combine the two tables.
iv. Apply Auto Formatting` on the table.
v. Sort the data year wise.
vi. Delete 3rd row and 1st column Irom the table.
vii. Convert Table to Text` and Text to Table`.
viii. Find the Sum` oI Sticker Price.
ix. Find the Sum` oI Dealer Cost.
x. Find the Maximum` in Dealer Cost.
xi. Fine the Minimum` in Sticker Price.
xii. Find the Count` oI ear.
4. Draw some Diagrams` Irom Drawing Toolbar` and apply 3D style`.
Type the Iollowing agenda using the Numbering/Bullets` Ieature oI the word.
i. Sales and Marketing
O Commercial Lines Personal Lines
O ear-end Production Report
ii. Financial
O Income Report
O First Quarter
O Second Quarter
O Expense Report
iii. Services and Procedures
O Accounts Receivable
O Accounts Payable
iv. Collections
O Education
O Update
O Seminars
O Training
6. Type the Iollowing Bibliography and Iormat as required.
Boone, Barry, ava Essentials for C and C Programmers, Addison Wesley Developers Press, 1996.
Holzner, Steven, ava Workshop Programming, M & T Books, 1996.
Balagurusamy.E, Programming in ASCI C, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Dr. S.S.Shajahan, Research Methods for Management, JaiCo Publishing House, 2001.
C.R.Kotheri, Research Methodology Methods & Techniques, Wishwa Prakasan, 2000.
7. Type the Iollowing list and do the Iormatting as required.
DATE : November 12, 2001
TO : Marlene St. Claire, Assistant Librarian
FROM : An Nguyen, Librarian
I have received several requests Ior reIerence books in the last month. There should be enough money in the
library budget to aIIord three to Iour books.
Please call the publishers oI the Iollowing books and ask Ior the price oI each book.
The ABCs oI Business Communications written by Leonard 1. Nicoletta and published by Sacramento
Publishing House.
Communications Ior the Business OIIice by Stacy Keating and published by Hubler & Tate.
Basics oI Business Communications by Darrell Talmadge and published by FiIth Avenue Publishers.
Communicating with Style by Clara Blakely and published by Moon Bay Publishing.
II there is enough money in the reIerence budget, please purchase all Iour books. II not, purchase at least the
Iirst two.
8. Set a Comment` Ior the above data and check Markup` option.
Session - 6
1. Type the Iollowing Contract between Two parties in a New Document (1).
Employees shall be reimbursed Ior transIers resulting Irom their assignment to a location by REINBERG
MANUFACTURING (hereinaIter designated as RM).
Employees being transIerred to another location at their own request due to bidding or exercise oI seniority
shall be provided with service charge waiver, space available transportation Ior selI and Iamily.
Employees transIerred to another station to avoid Iurlough resulting in reduction in Iorce shall be provided
with on-line space available transportation oI personal eIIects up to 4,000 pounds at no cost to the employee.
Each employee requested by RM to be away Irom regular base on duty shall receive expenses.
RM will provide the LABOR WORKERS UNION (hereinaIter designated the LWU) a copy oI the applicable
RM regulations and subsequent revisions thereto.
2. Type the Iollowing in a New Document (2).
All employees will be credited with eight (8) hours oI sick leave Ior each month oI their employment. Sick
leave may be retained but not accrued during periods oI layoII or leave oI absence.
An employee shall report to his RM supervisor that he is ill and unable to work at least two (2) hours prior to
the start oI his shiIt iI at all possible.
The employee and the LWU recognize their obligations to prevent absence Ior other reasons than illness and
injury, or other abuses oI the sick leave provisions, and pledge their wholehearted cooperation to RM to
prevent abuse.
II RM, at any time, grants additional sick leave or assistance to any employee, the LWU will deem this a
precedence requiring additional sick leave or assistance in any other case.
3. Create a new document and divide it into 3 parts using Frames` and insert 3 diIIerent documents.
4. Add your name to Auto Text & Auto Correct`.
5. Type a thesis on Management/Computer Science and at the end oI the document type the bibliography oI the
books you have used. Check the document you have typed Ior spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes.
Apply necessary Iormatting wherever required.
6. Give a brieI description oI the job oI a manager, check spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes. Apply
necessary Iormatting wherever required.

45 34 34 113
45 78 23 23
20 12
12 22

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