Antigone Reading Questions Part 1 and 2

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Antigone Reading Questions Part 1

Answer all questions in complete sentences. Answers that do not show complete effort will not
receive full credit.
Part 1: Page 159-166
1. As you read, write a 5-sentence summary of what happens in this section:

2. What are the names of Antigone’s brothers? What is different about the way King Creon treats
them after they die? Eteocles to be buried with honors for righteously defending the city, while
polynices is left to rot on the battlefield for attacking thebes.

3. Why do you think Ismene disagreed with Antigone’s decision at the beginning of the
play? Because they have no right doing that that is a men battale not woman

4. Do you think Ismene is right to follow Creon’s orders, or is Antigone right to go against
them? Why do you think this? Yes because creon has the throne.

5. When pleading with Antigone, Ismene mentions their father and his fate. Who is their
father and why do you think Ismene brings him up when Antigone tells her what she
plans to do? His father is odipus and he died hated and regretting everything he did .

6. Ismene begs Antigone to be discreet when she carries out her plan, but Antigone says
she would rather have everyone know what she is doing. Why do you think Antigone
wants people to know about her treason, even if it means she will die? Because
everyone will know what creon is doing.

Antigone Reading Questions Part 2

Answer all questions in complete sentences. Answers that do not show complete effort will not
receive full credit.
Part 2 (Bottom of page 166 - top of page 177)
1. As you read, write a 5-sentence summary of what happens in this section:

2. The chorus leader implies that perhaps the gods have a role in Polyneices’s burial. How
does Creon respond to this?

3. What do you think Creon means when he says, “No current custom among men is as
bad as silver currency,”? Do you think this is still true today? Why or why not?

4. How does the guard feel about King Creon? What does this tell us about how Creon
treats people?
5. How does Antigone speak to Creon when he addresses her about the burial of
Polyneices? How does this compare to how women were expected to act during that

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