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Alters Of Fire

The hearts of men serves as alters which aligns the realm of the spirits with that of the physical. The only way God can
begin interactions with a man is through his heart. His heart must become an alter of God, any little misalignment will
truncate the whole thing and it'll then become an alter of darkness, a gateway through which the demonic realm can find
expression not only in the hearts of men but in the physical realm.

Before an alter of fire is made it must go through processing, everything in God requires processing, it doesn't just
happen. The processing undergone will determine the out come of the alter erected, this forms also the basis in which
God judges men.

You must set the stage before the sacrifices on your alter can be made. You must have a right heart, a heart without sin
or a heart willing to live without sin under God's government, your motives also must be right. Every stone cut out and
selected for an alter are diverse processing in your life, you must select the right stones. You righteousness to obey in
other for the holy spirit to winnow out any property of sin and your righteousness to overcome every trial and temptation
will serve as a stone fit for your alter. Your heart must be made right, I mean your alter must be put in place before your
heart can become a functioning burning alter.

Every word substance you feed on is what redefines and makes in you every weakness of the flesh or of the fallen nature
( sin ) into a finely cut stone to be of use in the formation of your alter. Meanwhile, the heart ( alter ) of a man in sin is in
shambles. The heart or alter of a man was originally designed to become the communication point between God and
man, but since the fall of man, any one born of flesh, has had his alter desecrated and destroyed.

And so, God sent His son Jesus, that at the mention of His name, and the acceptance of Him as Lord, rights and
authority for the reconstruction of your alter will begin so you can be restored back to your original relationship with God.
When your heart begins to function, then it becomes an alter, a communication point between you and God. Without it
you can't know the will of God concerning you and this is the main reason Jesus came for us, for our restoration. He's
just like a repair man for a telecommunication company to reconnect with the satellite. But man has to will and to
supervise the reconstruction of this repair and restoration job.

Every stone needed for your alter must be gathered as you feed on and also obey the word to deal with every debris that
has been caused by sin. Every sin you overcome, every worldliness and every flesh, supplies stones for your alter. You
now see why a man who is still struggling with sin can't hear from God, it's because his alter is still in repair. When you
begin to dwell in the word slowly attentively and repeatedly, what happens Is that; God begins to carefully reconstruct
your alter and put the stones in place. He takes out the debris and brings in finely cut stones well fit for an holy alter. For
every obedience to overcome sin through the word, will form the blocks upon which your alter will be built.
For God to begin interactions and walking with a man, he must first erect a burning alter, because alters are gateways
through which God can contact a man in the realm of the physical. However, for God to begin walking with a man and
reveal his ordination, his purpose as He once did in the garden of Eden, his heart must first burn as an alter of
sanctification. It is the sacrifices of sanctification that sanctifies the heart of a man which enables him render sacrifices
that can pierce through the barriers of darkness and ascends into the throne of God as an incense of great value.

If your heart isn't yet fully sanctified of all impurity, it'll raise an incense of low quality unto God. It is the quality and in-
depth texture of a fragrant incense that'll invoke the presence of God to descend through the gateway created by
sacrifice and begin to interact with such a man through his alter ( heart ).

However, sanctification can't be achieved without the water and the fire. The water which is the " word of life " serves as
the fuel upon which the fire, " the fire of the holy spirit " will ignite to burn the sacrifice on the alter which is the spirit
man. When a man begins to burn as a living sacrifice, not to be destroyed, but to be purified by a sanctifying flame, his
sacrifices will arise as a fragrance offering to invoke the presence of God in his life. And then, God begins to reveal His
dealings concerning such a man by the holy spirit. This brings a man into knowledge of the purpose why God created
him, his kingdom mandate.

We're still on sanctification. To what extent and how much quickly you're being consumed of the old nature and
sanctified by the flames of the holy spirit to become a vessel without impurity for God to dwell therein, will determine
how quickly and how much God will begin to reveal Himself to you. We'll be give a reference from Elijah the prophet. You
know, everything about the old testament was a physical illustration of the new; alters, sacrifices, crossing the red sea,
going through the wilderness etc. if only we can yield hearts for the holy spirit to reveal to us deeper mysteries.

Elijah, a man of sacrifice, a man who walked and did great things with God. He wasn't just graced, he walked into it
through Intimacy and sacrifice. Everyone of is has our part in God sealed, we just have to align with the will of God for
the seal to be broken. Elijah raised alters to invoke the presence of God in his life. Then before Jesus came in the flesh
as a substitution of the physical for the spiritual, alters were used in the outside, in the physical, where you gather
stones, sticks, animal and whatever. But the manifestation of Jesus changed everything, now we no longer have to make
sacrifices with stones and material things, our alters lies in our heart. But, I tell you, that's the hardest alter to prepare,
because many lacks knowledge their heart is an alter of sacrifice. The keep quoting the scripture; " be a living sacrifice,"
yet they don't know their heart is an alter.

Out generation is graced with the supernatural ability to set up alter of sacrifices anywhere, at anytime in our hearts,
constantly burning and so we have a better chance of being more intimate with God than those of old but we aren't. This
is why many joke with their heart, they don't know what Jesus went though to make their heat into a mobile alter for God
to dwell in us, not outside, but in us. He Jesus hadn't come then, you'd the cost of building an alter in this inflated
economy, the pains of gathering stones in this concrete world, digging trenches, the cost of buying animals all the time.

When Elijah offered his sacrifice in the presence of God before the prophets of Baal, there was a mystery he was trying
to reveal to us. After building the alter, he dug trenches around it, and he ordered them to fill the alter and the sacrifice
with water, enough water to fill even the trenches. And when he prayed, fire came down and consumed the whole
sacrifice, engulfing both the alter and the water that filled the trenches.

The water here in spiritual context represents the word of God ( Jesus ) also the water of life, and the fire that came
down represents the fire of the holy spirit. The holy spirit is always there, wherever the word of God is sealed, He's
always there. Prayer was just the strategy to bring about the reaction between the holy fire and the word to engulf the
sacrifices. If he does not pray, no reaction will take place.

And so, for a man to be free completely from the bondages of sin, he must be sanctified by the flames of the holy ghost.
He must first put his heart in order, which is his righteousness to overcome sin. You must first begin, the holy spirit can't
build the blocks for you, because it's an interaction between a spirit and a physical being, you do it, and then the holy
spirit will make your soul the sacrifice.

He must then fill himself up with the water of life. To draw from the well of life, ( God's word ) you must feed on God's
word, slowly, attentively and repeatedly. When the alter ( heart ) has been drenched in water, then be begins to pray, and
as he prays the holy spirit ignites the sacrifice with his flames and burns fiercely. The more he persist in fanning of the
flames through constant fueling with the word and prayers, the more the fire of the holy ghost burns to sanctify his heart
of all impurity.

When he's fully purged and sanctified, with all impurity incinerated. Then, he becomes sanctified, free from sin and then
his offerings raised to the throne of God becomes an incense of sweet fragrance unto God, then God will be ready to
dawn upon him in phases, diverse of His dimensions.

However, two people for instance can bear same weight of sin but one can be sanctified way faster than the other. What
makes the difference is the heart of the man. One simply, was more faithful than the other to consistently attend to his
alter. The one who drenched his heart with much water and in constant prayers to fan the flames will be sanctified and
delivered in time than the others, it's not grace it's how you operated your alter.

It is the fire of the holy ghost burning in our alter that sanctifies our soul from contamination and also serves as a
defense to incinerate any evil that'll dare tamper with us. The reason why you'll hear a demonic agent confess of the
hotness of a man born of God is as a result of this fire, a fire that burns only darkness. The intensity of the flames of the
holy spirit in you will determine your sanctification and also your security. A man who wields the fire of God at a
destructive level, becomes an object of destruction to the realm of darkness.

Meanwhile, sanctification is one of the main reasons alters of fire are being raised. Alters are raised for the main
purpose of the will of the Father, thy kingdom come. You see, for God to bring the dispensation of His kingdom upon a
man, He must first make contact and interactions. He signs a covenant which dictates that; " upon this alter raised, I'll
invest in this man and through him my kingdom shall be established."

For God to make contact with a man, he must first be sanctified and then, he must desire and will to raise an alter to
invoke the presence of God. Such a man might not even know anything about alters, all he knows is that a burden has
being laid in his heart by the holy spirit to pray and to be drenched in the word. He might not even be aware that when he
does this flames arises and destroys the barriers of darkness, thereby opening gateways for God to be involved and
interact with his being. All he desires is to hear and know God more and so, the desire is stirred in his heart by the holy
spirit. If the desire to pray and to become drenched in the word is not yet stirred by the holy spirit in you, then you've not
yet started, you're still far from the purpose of God.

As the consistency of his prayer rises, he invokes down the presence of God as it was with the ark of covenant in Israel.
And then he begins to have visitations from God in diverse dimensions, why? Because his heart has been made a temple
of God. As Jesus once said;

John 14:23
" Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will
come to him and make Our home with him."

God no longer comes and goes, but rather, He dwells in the temple. And through this open heaven such a man receives
revelations concerning his purpose on earth. With the depths of revelations he receives from the throne of God, he no
longer lives for the earth, but rather only for God. This is when a man begins to live and walk in his true ordination, but
you can't if you're not a man of alters, because it takes alters to invoke the presence of God where He can reveal His
mind to you. It takes a priest to service an alter. As the priest take turns to keep the ark serviced in the tabernacle of
Israel, so also, you must become a priest ( spiritually ) who prays constantly to trap the presence of God. That's the only
way you can receive from God at all time.

Here God begins to interact with him, and as he raises more sacrifices, the holy spirit begins to teach him ways of the
spirit, ways to render sacrifices of greater value that'll stir the heart of God to entrust in him His kingdom. God wants to
entrust His Kingdom to every man, that's why we were created in the first place, but you must first cook for Him. Here,
the holy spirit becomes your cooking manual to direct you on the right spices to spice up your food, you're the food. The
holy spirit, through your obedience to all he tells you to do, will spice up your food, giving it a sweet fragrance.
The main spices is the flesh, you righteousness to faithfully obey the holy spirit to deal with the flesh will spice up and
add fragrance to your food. Every one has different spices, but from one origin ( the flesh ). Yours might be this, mine
might be that, in whatever way we've been entangled by the world and the flesh, well have to sacrifice as it is fit for
everyone. If the fragrance of your food is much pleasing to the Lord, He'll be willing to entrust in you His kingdom. This is
when you begin to live as a kingdom functionary on both dimension, your life will be lived from the dimensions of heaven
even as you walk the earth to the glory of God and of the kingdom.

Your alter of fire is what will breach the thick clouds of darkness that governs the earth in other for you to appears in
heaven even while you walk the earth. Then through your gateways, the sacrifices of your heart will ascend unto the
throne of God. At the end of time, it'll all form the basis on which you'll be judged, ranked and rewarded for all eternity in
God's kingdom.

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