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(IMPLEMENTED TERM 1, 2008) used 2011

to behave in a sensible, reasonable and decent manner

1. Pupils at Teabike College are expected

acceptable to the Kiribati culture to uphold the good name of the school at all times.

Penalty: - Detention, Suspension or Expulsion (at discretion of staff body) (Oct 99)

Warden/Matron,Night Security, all support staff and Prefects

2. Teaching staff, Administrative staff,

must be obeyed at all times.

Penalty: Detention-expulsion (depending on staff discretion)(99)

books are here for the benefit of all

school buildings,equipment, school text books and
3. The
own benefit but also for the benefit of
pupils who must respect and cherish them not only for their

those who will come after.

Each book or each school equipmentissued to a pupil is his/her own responsibility to look after.
Penalty to 3i Any pupil who damagesthe school property will be suspended until paymenthas
& 3ii: -

cost of the school item

been made. Any pupil who lost any school book or equipment will be charged the
he/she had lost.

and transfer form will be withheld if any student does not comply to the above. (Oct 99)
Reference, report

4. Drinking alcohol is forbidden or if any pupil found through the following:

a. Consuming an alcohol drink;

Penalty: Expulsion

or b. Carrying the smell of alcohol in his/her breath:

Penalty: Expulsion

or c. Escaping from the investigation at the time he/she was reported drunk by other members of

the school community;

Penalty: Expulsion

or d. Being in the possession of an alcoholic drink.

Penalty: Expulsion
or e. Being in the company of a drunkard party or person;
Penalty: Expulsion
or f. Behaving in a drunkard manner such as fighting with other pupils/ yelling out loudly

and aggressively for no displaying the face associated with drunkennessyet carry no
alcoholic smell.

Penalty: Expulsion

B. Drinking yagona by a student is forbidden at all time.(Sept- 2010)

Penalty: detention

h. Chewing (te kouben and booa) and lime powder is forbidden at all time
Penalty: Expulsion ( Dec 2011)

i.Inhaling benzene forbidden at all time.

Penalty: - Expulsion

5. Bounds:

a. The bounds of the school is the area recognized as the school land.
(i) If any pupil is

found beyond this boundary without permission at alltimes:

a) Day time (6 am-6pm) Penalty: Detention. (Nov. 2007)
b) Night Time (6 pm-6 am) Penalty: Expulsion (Nov. 2007)-
(i) By 5pm all pupils must be in the respective compounds.
Penalty:- Boys- Expulsion

Girls -Expulsion
(ii)The dormitories of the boys are out of bound tothe girls and the dormitory of the
girls are out of bound to the boys at all time.
Penalty:-Suspension/Expulsion (at discretion at staff body)
(iv) Classroom area is out of bound after school hours and on weekends unless
permission is granted and supervised by staff.

Penalty: Detention/suspension/expulsion

b. Restricted areas:

(i) The ration store and kitchen area are out of bound to all pupils.

(ii) The dining hall is out of bound to all pupils outside the specified meal times.

(iü) Staff houses are out of bound otherwise invited.


C. Specific Times in Weekdays

(0) Meal Time 6.00 pm - to 6:30 pm (super)(Term 2 2011)

(i) Dorm/classroom/Chaplaincy Meeting -5,30pm to 5.55 pm(Term 2 2011)

Prep- AIl pupils must be in their respected dormitoryor rooms from 7:00 pm to
8:30 pm
Penalty: Late -Fatigue Absent -Detention-Expulsion (Nov. 2007)

must be inside their dormitory from 9.00 pm to 10 pm (Feb 2011)

d. Extra hour :- All pupils

Penalty: Late - suspension/Expulsion (Nov. 2007.)

6. Fighting and bullying is strictly forbidden

Penalty: Detention/Suspension/Expulsion (Nov. 2007)

7 Visitors:

No visitor is allowed unless official arrangementhas been made.

Penalty: Detention/Suspension/Expulsion.(2011)

8. Valuables:

a) All money in excess of $1.00 must be handed in to the bursar for safe-keeping
Penalty: The school is not accountable to payformissing/stolen money.

b Musical instruments or other valuable property should be kept under lock and key and
it's in the responsibilityof the individual owner to look after his/her personal property.

Musical instruments must not be played when they may disturb the school routine. The
volumefrom all instrumnents must be kept low at all times.

c) No private electrical apparatus of any description may be used of the school main
Penalty:for b & c- confiscation.

9. Language

Allpupils must speakEnglish at alltimes. (Nov. 2007)

10. Dress:

All pupils must wear school uniforms to all classes except PE, Kiribati Practical
classes and Wednesday ( Mufti Day). (May 2011) School hours (7:30amto end
school uniforms: Boys: white shirt with TC badge on left pocket, maroon shorts,
Girls: Maroon skirt, white blouse with TC badge on right pocket.

b. In School and when leaving school compounds,pupils must wear school uniform.

Sunday: Boys -For Church, boys must wear Sunday school uniform during Sunday
inspection,Sunday Service and Sundaywalk. (Nov. 2007)
during Sunday
d. Sunday: Girls -For church, must wear Sunday school uniform

inspection, Sunday service and Sunday walk. (Nov. 2007)

pupils must dress decently to all meals. Boys may

e. Supper and Weekends meals: All

wear private short or lavalava, shirt is compulsory (Nov.2007)

f. Other times -Private but must decent and acceptablein the community.
Penalty: Fatigue/Detention

11. Government Property

Books -each book or school equipment issued to a pupil is must
his/her responsibility. It

Any pupil who losses and damages schoolbooks and equipment must pay for
be lent to any other pupil.

the loss or damage.

Penalty: As in Schoolrule number 3

12. Smoking: Not Allowed.

Penalty: Double Detention.

13 Attendance
i. Attendan ceto classes, examinations and school Organized Activities:

School organized activities refer to school daily form

routine activities such as School assemblies,
meetings, house meetings, chaplain meetings, Senior Master/Senior Mistress meetings, normal
lessons, meal, prep, work parade, Sunday inspection, church service, etc including an activity
organized by a member of staff or prefects and approved by the Principal.

Penalty: Late- Fatigue

Absent -

Absentees in Detentionparade -Double Detention

A student who does not sit one exam(2010)
Penalty: Suspension(2010)
ii. A student who does not sit 3 or more exams must have medical certificate (2010)
Penalty: Expulsion (2010)


i) Students may visit their registered guardians of host families living in the area
Tekabwibwi (to the north) and Kabuna (to the south) provided permission is sought by
guardians and must take them back before 5.00 pm.
familiesother than their host family on individual
i) Students may also visit

permission is sought from a host family.

have be picked up on Sunday by an adult female member of the host family when
i) Girls to

she has to seek permission from Matron or Senior Mistress.

iv) Boys may go out on their own provided permission is granted by Warden/Senior Master or
duty staff.

v) Sunday walk starts straight after lunch and ends at 5:00prm.

vi) All Studernts must keep to public roads during Sunday walk. The bush and bush roads are out
of bounds during Sunday walk.
Penalty for l,i,i,iy,v, vi: Detention/Suspension

vii) Studentswho did not return from Sunday walk, long week-end, on pass or public holiday
without notifying the school will be treated as absence from school activities for that day
and punished accordingly. (April 2011)

15. Chewing gum not allowed at all times

in the school compound except when
permission is
given bya member of staff.
Penalty: Fatigue

16. Ear-rings or stud may be worn by girls oniy one at a time and not more than 1.5cm
Penalty: 1"warning:
in diameter.
Confiscation/Detention thereafter.

17. Hair Style:

1. Boys: Boys' hair must not be shorter

than ½ inch and
long hair (bugger) in front and back of no longer than 3inches. No
head. No moustache
Penalty: and beard to be worn.
Fatigue/Detention and hair to
ii. No Hair dye at ai! times. be cut (Nov.
suspended until dye
ii, No track is al!owed
Suspension until
Baldness track
is Strictly
forbidden. disappears.
V. Moustacheand beard
must be shaved
Penalty clean

Vi. Girls
may wear long hair
wearing school but have to be
uniform or going plaited of tight
out to the neatly at all
village school
Fatigue/Detention during School activities or when
18. weeks.
he schoolhonors the
Court oflaw will be Jurisdiction of the Court
punished of Law of
accordingly; Kiribati. Any student found guilty in
Penalty: -
Cash fine Suspension
Extra Mural Suspension

Imprisonment -Expulsion (Nov.2007)

19. Any student publicly known as had eloped and divorced (Boys and Girls) or claimed to bea
legal father of a child will be removed from the school.
Penalty: Expulsion (Nov. 2007).

Accumulation of fatigue, detention and suspension willfollow the following

4 Fatigues equal 1 Detention

b) 4 Detention equal1 Suspension for 3 days off school campus (Feb
c) 3 Suspensionequal on Discipline for 1 Term, 2 Terms, 3
Terms, year. 1

1 Detention during On -Discipline

term equals Expulsion. (Nov 2007).
Boarders: 3 Suspensions equals a on
discipline for 1 year and expelled from the
dorm (Boarding), one detention during on discipline term equals Expulsion.

21. Suspension condition:

When a student is on suspension

she/he must not be seen in the
time during the suspension school area at all
period is given.
If found, an extension of his/her suspension
will be given to him/her.
Penalty: Suspension for another week.
Amendment : Suspension for another 3 days ( 2008)

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