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Cognitive Assessment Report

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Dear John,

This report will provide you with a summary and interpretation of your recent results from the Jouve
Cerebrals Crystallized Educational Scale (JCCES) and SAT. It will offer insights into your cognitive
abilities and potential areas of growth.

Results and Interpretation

Crystallized-Educational Index (CEI): Your total raw score on the JCCES was 71, yielding a CEI of 125.
This score is situated in the 'Superior' range, falling within the top 95 percentile of scores (Confidence
Interval: 120 - 130). This suggests that your acquired knowledge and skills, typically developed
through education and experience, is high compared to the general population.

Verbal Ability Index: Your verbal scale raw score was 60, with a corresponding Verbal Ability Index of
130. This score places you in the 'Superior' range, at the 97.7 percentile (Confidence Interval: 125 -
135). This means your verbal reasoning ability and comprehension are significantly above average.


Verbal Analogies: Your raw score was 22, with a corresponding T-Score of 65, placing you in the
'Superior' range (Percentile Rank: 93.31). This indicates a high ability to understand, analyze, and
infer relationships between words and concepts.
Mathematical Problems: Your raw score was 12, with a T-Score of 60, which is classified as 'High
Average' (Percentile Rank: 84.13). This suggests adequate numerical reasoning and problem-solving

General Knowledge: Your raw score was 37, with a T-Score of 63, in the 'Superior' range (Percentile
Rank: 90.82). This reveals a broad range of general knowledge, reflecting a high level of intellectual
curiosity and engagement with a wide range of topics.

Comparison with Historical Test Scores

The correlation between your JCCES results and your past SAT scores demonstrates a consistency in
your cognitive abilities over time, particularly in areas of verbal reasoning, mathematical skills, and
general intellectual abilities.

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1. Verbal Reasoning: Your superior performance in the Verbal Ability Index (130) and the Verbal
Analogies subtest (T-score: 65) on the JCCES mirrors your strong performance in the SAT
Verbal section (680). This consistent high performance indicates a long-standing strength in
your verbal reasoning ability, reflecting high comprehension and effective communication
2. Mathematical Skills: Your High Average score in the Mathematical Problems subtest of the
JCCES (T-score: 60) aligns well with your SAT Math score (600). While not in the 'Superior'
range, these results are indicative of good mathematical reasoning abilities and suggest a
capacity to handle numerical and logic-based problems effectively.
3. General Intellectual Abilities: Your strong scores across both the JCCES and SAT highlight your
overall high intellectual abilities. This is further evidenced by your superior score in the
General Knowledge subtest of the JCCES (T-score: 63), and your SAT Composite score (1280).

Your performance across different time points and on different tests consistently places you in the
'Superior' to 'High Average' range. This consistent trend across tests suggests that your cognitive
abilities are stable and reliably above average. This historical comparison should provide confidence
in the validity of these results.

Relevance to Life Situation

Your superior verbal ability, as reflected in your high Verbal Ability Index score, can be incredibly
useful in your role as a software developer. Here are some specific ways your skills can be applied:

1. Effective Communication: In today's increasingly collaborative tech environment, the ability

to clearly articulate ideas and understand the perspectives of others is paramount. Whether
it's explaining complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, participating in
team meetings, or communicating with clients, your high verbal ability can facilitate effective
and precise communication.
2. Technical Documentation: Software development often involves reading and understanding
complex technical documentation. Your high verbal ability suggests you're likely capable of
understanding and synthesizing these technical documents efficiently. This can enable you to
quickly learn new technologies or comprehend the specifics of a complicated software
3. Staying Current: In the rapidly evolving field of technology, staying current with new
languages, frameworks, and methodologies is essential. Your high general knowledge and
verbal ability can help you swiftly comprehend and adapt to these changes.

Your mathematical problem-solving skills, while rated as high average, are an important aspect of
your profession. However, considering the nature of your work, there might be room for further

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If you have received this report in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this report. Unauthorized use of this report may result in legal action.

Confidentiality of data and privacy of the individual assessed is respected and maintained in compliance with applicable privacy laws and ethical guidelines. Please refer to
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1. Algorithm Design: Designing algorithms often requires a robust understanding of
mathematical principles. While your current level is certainly sufficient for many tasks,
enhancing your mathematical skills could open up opportunities for more complex and
innovative algorithm design.
2. Data Structures and Performance: Understanding complex data structures and optimizing
code for performance often involves mathematical reasoning. Further development in this
area could make you more adept at tackling such tasks.
3. Machine Learning and Data Science: If you're interested in expanding into new areas of
software development, such as machine learning and data science, a strong foundation in
mathematics can be invaluable.

You cognitive abilities seem to align well with your profession as a software developer. Continuous
learning and skill enhancement can further leverage these strengths, leading to increased
productivity and job satisfaction.

Limitations of Assessment
Please remember that cognitive assessments are a snapshot of performance at a particular point in
time and may not reflect all aspects of your cognitive ability. Factors such as mood, fatigue, and
motivation during the time of assessment can influence performance. The JCCES primarily assesses
crystallized intelligence and some aspects of fluid reasoning, but does not measure other cognitive
domains like working memory, processing speed, or executive functions. Additionally, the JCCES is a
self-administered and liberally timed test, which may influence results due to the absence of a
supervised, time-constrained setting.

In conclusion, your JCCES performance portrays you as an individual with superior cognitive abilities.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss these results further.


Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved. This report contains confidential information intended solely for the use of the individual named herein. Any dissemination, distribution,
copying, or action taken in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the client or legal representative.

If you have received this report in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this report. Unauthorized use of this report may result in legal action.

Confidentiality of data and privacy of the individual assessed is respected and maintained in compliance with applicable privacy laws and ethical guidelines. Please refer to
privacy policy for more information.

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