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Purposeful Writing Assessment

Step 1: Choosing a Topic

Select a topic to research. The topic should be something that interests you. Think of a
hobby that you have, a burning question you ask, or something you’ve always wanted to
learn more about. Then narrow down that topic into something you can research. Here are
some sample topics:
 How photography evolved into the digital and online version we know today
 The origins of yoga and its effects on the body
 How a famous shoe brand got its start
 The impact of public transportation on a city
*Remember, these are just suggestions. The possibilities are endless. Reach out to your
instructor if you need help narrowing down your topic.

Once you’ve settled on your topic, locate two credible sources that contain reliable
information to support your writing.

My Topic How eating healthy benefits your body.

Source 1 Title: Healthy diet

(include title, URL,
and author if named) Author: World Health Organization

Link: https:\\\news-room\fact-sheets\detail\


Source 2 Title: dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025

(include title, URL,
and author if named) Author: U.S. department of Agriculture and U.S. department of

Health and Human Services.

Link: https:\\\

Step 2: Crafting Your Response

Write a response of at least two paragraphs that informs your audience about your topic.
Use language, tone, and structure to achieve your purpose. Make sure to incorporate
evidence from your sources and cite them correctly using MLA format.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
Consuming healthy diets really benefits our body very well,

one of these includes a such thing called heart health.

Connected it with regular exercise a balance diet plays into

having a very good overall of your body. Which also helps

prevent cardiovascular diseases. But its majority what we eat

that influence our moods. Foods that have lots of minerals like

magnesium, generates, happy sensation of your mood when

you eat it. Also, another is world health organization that as

well describes a balanced diet as one of that play a highly

significant role in prevention and control of several highly

(at least two
dangerous diseases, also helps by supporting the maintenance
of the disease. You know that fruit and vegetables are

particularly rich in health benefiting nutrients, right? Well, if

not then you do now yes it does help by providing ample

vitamins needed to perfectly functional bodily system.

Step 3: Works Cited Page

Create a Works Cited page that follows MLA guidelines. Paste your Works Cited page

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
“benefits of eating healthy: Heart Health, Better Mood, And


Step 4: Reflection
Write a reflection of 3-5 sentences that explains how you used language, structure, and
tone to inform your audience.

Well how I used tone was to give strong and firm tone help the

audience see how important this topic is. I used strong language

so the audience can understand the topic better.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
Purposeful Writing Rubric

On Target Almost There Needs Improvement

25-20 points 19-15 points 14-0 points

 The student  The student  The student

skillfully utilized partially utilized ineffectively utilized
language, tone, and language, tone, and language, tone, and
Write to a structure to achieve structure to achieve structure. The
Specific Purpose a purpose. The a purpose. The purpose to inform is
(25 points) purpose to inform is purpose to inform is unclear.
clear. mostly clear.

15-12 points 11-9 points 8-0 points

 The student  The student  The student did not

correctly used signal attempted to use use signal phrases to
phrases to cite signal phrases to cite information
information from cite information from research in
research in their from research in their writing.
Research Skills writing. their writing, but
 The MLA Works
(15 points) some citations may
 The MLA Works Cited page is not
be incorrect or
Cited page is correctly formatted
correctly formatted. or is missing.
 The MLA Works
Cited page is mostly
formatted correctly.

5-4 points 3 points 2-0 points

 The student  The student  The student did not

thoroughly reflected partially reflected thoroughly reflect
Reflection on their use of on their use of on their use of
(5 points) language, structure, language, structure, language, structure,
and tone to achieve and tone to achieve or tone; or the
their purpose. their purpose. reflection is

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.
5-4 points 3 points 2-0 points

 Standard grammar,  Standard grammar,  Standard grammar,

Grammar, Style, punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
and Mechanics sentence structure sentence structure sentence structure
(5 points) rules are followed rules are followed rules are not
with minimal errors. with some errors followed, and this
that do not impede affects readability.

Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2023 Florida Virtual School. FlexPoint Education
Cloud™ is a trademark of Florida Virtual School.

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