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English test:A1.

Teacher: haif Maïssa



1. Write the words in the correct group. There may be some words do not need To

Tent | beard | winter | sheep | boat | toy | young | pound | skirt | notebook | plate | fast

1. Dollar, euro, pence, _____

2. Fat, slim, old, ____

3. Sun, summer, snow, _____

4. Tree, bird, farm, _____

5. Glasses, hat, trousers, _____

6. Water bottle, cup, knife, _____

7. Bus, car, plane, _____

8. Long, short, slow, _____

2. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1. I usually wear a T-shirt and _ to go to parties.

a) Clothes. b) pence. c) trousers

2. Mike’s sister is tall and _.

a) Slim b) short c) long

3. I feel _ when it rains in the holiday because I like doing things outside.

a) Bad. b) poor. c) boring

4. On holiday I like sitting on the _ or swimming in the sea.

a) Garden. b) beach. c) tent

5. I’ve got _ to see my favourite band tonight.

a) Tickets b) posters c)plates

6. The concert was fantastic but we were _ for the bus.

a) Late. b) slow. c) tired

7. Visiting museums is more _ than going swimming.

a) Bored b) interesting c)excited

8. I _ my homework and went out.

a) Answered b) worked c) finished

3. label the objects












5. Complete the sentences with question words.

1. A: _____ wants to come with me?

B: We all do!

2. A: _____ do you wear on a cold day?

B: I wear my jacket and hat.

3. A: _____ are you tired?

B: Because it’s very late and I need to go to bed.

4. A: _____ do you live?

B: I live in Madrid.

5. A: _____ money do you need?

B: I need £50.

6. A: _____ places do you want to visit in the summer?

B: I want to go to Brazil and Mexico.

7. A: _____ do you feel when it’s cold outside? B: I only want to stay in my room.

8. A: _____ do you practise the piano?

B: Every day.

6. Complete the text with the correct form of the words below.

Be | dress | go | invite | jean | nice | shoe | wear

This is my sister. She’s tall and she’s got long dark hair. She usually wears (1) _____, but
today she’s (2) _____ a T-shirt and (3) _____. This morning she (4) ____ at school and one of
her friends (5) _____ her to a party. The party is on

Saturday. She wants to (6) _____, but she thinks her clothes are too old. She thinks all her
friends have (7) _____ clothes than she does. I know she’s wrong. Her clothes are lovely,
and her new red (8) _____ are just great!|

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Use the
present simple or the past simple.
1. Every weekend Jason _______________ (ride) horses. He loves it.

2. Mrs Norris is very angry because I _______________ (not finish) my homework last

3. My brothers _______________ (not be) in the park this morning. They were at the

4. Fran and Alex _______________ (not be) very good at the guitar. They can’t play

5. No, Anita _______________ (not live) in America. She lived in Canada.

6. My cat _______________ (not be) well yesterday. She didn’t eat a thing all day.

7. Vivien _______________ (need) to buy a bus ticket. Can you give her £2.00?

8. When she was young, my mum _______________ (travel) all over the world.

9. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1. My dad wear _ because he can’t see very well.

a) Cups. b) tents. c) glasses

2. We _ very late for class this morning.

a) Were. b) was c) wasn’t

3. Masha needs _ a job this summer.

a) Find. b) finding c) to find

4. These jeans are _ for me to wear.

a) Too short. b) shorter c) short

5. January is _ than February.

a) Longer b) more long. c) long

6. I always have fun _ my friends.

a) Until b) for c) with

7. What _ food can you cook?

a) Kind for b) kind of c) kind

8. They _ to school this morning because the weather was bad.

a) Don’t walk. b) weren’t walk. c) didn’t walk

9. Complete with the words

In /with / inside / for / on / above

We went to Sam’s party ..... Saturday evening

I stayed .... my grandparents ...... 3years

I started teaching...... December

Look up! There is a plane flying ....... The building

The cat is ........ The house

Get talking

10. Each student will talk about one of these topics

• How you spend your weekend
• Your favourite summer activity
• Your favourite holiday
• What are you wearing
• Describe your house


11. Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

1. What does the man want to buy?

a) A shirt
b) Jeans
c) Trousers

2. What colour does he want?

a) A light colour
b) A dark colour
c) Any colour

3. What’s wrong with the blue trousers?

a) He doesn’t like the colour.
b) They are too small.
c) They are too expensive.
4. How much are the black trousers?
a) £49.99
b) £29.50
c) £29.99

5. What does the man want to do?

a) Buy the blue trousers.
b) Try on the black trousers.
c) Look for shoes.

12. John travelled to different places this year. What was the weather like? Listen
and draw a line.


13. Read the text. Choose the correct answer, a, b or c.

Today I live in London, a big city. But I didn’t live in a big city when I was a small boy. I didn’t
live in England. I lived in a small village in Italy. My favourite person then was my Aunt Mina.
She was very interesting. She was a scientist and she travelled the world. Every summer
she visited us in our small village. We listened to her stories for hours. Her home was in
Milan, another big city in Italy. One year we visited my aunt there in her beautiful house. Her
living room was full of interesting things from around the world and there were beautiful
paintings on the walls. There were lots of rooms in my aunt’s house, but the doors were
closed. ‘Do you want to see this room?’ she asked me. ‘There’s something wonderful in
here.’ She opened the door to a dark room. Then she opened the curtains and let the sun in.
In the room there was a beautiful, big black piano. ‘Do you want to hear it?’ asked my aunt.
‘Yes, please.’ I said. She started playing and I listened. My life changed in That room with my
aunt. I walked back to the living room and said to my mum, ‘Mum. Can I learn the piano?’

1. Where did the writer live when he was young?

a) In England
b) In Italy

2. What do you know about his aunt?

a) She travelled a lot.
b) She was a boring person.

3. What happened every summer?

a) He visited his aunt.
b) His aunt visited him.

4. Why did he like his aunt’s house?

a) It was in a small village.
b) It was very interesting.

5. What was in his aunt’s living room?

a) Lots of paintings.
b) A piano.


14. Choose one place and talk about it:

• Where is it
• What kind of place it is
• What you can do there
• What you can see there
• When the best time to visit it
• What unusual / exiting/ attractive about it

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