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Archmage (Lucion)

HP: 117
AC: 12 (15 with Mage Armor)
PP: 20
Cantrips: Firebolt, Eldritch Blast, Mage Hand, Prestidition, and Shocking Grasp
1st Level (0/4): Detect Magic, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, and Silvery Barbs
2nd Level (0/3): Misty Step, Mirror Image, and Darkness
3rd Level (0/3): Counter-Spell, Blink, and Lighting Bolt
4th Level (0/3): Greater Invisibility, Fire Shield, and Raulothim’s Psychic Lance
5th Level (0/3): Wall of Force, Cone of Cold, and Bigby’s Hand
6th Level (0/1): Chain Lighting
7th Level (0/1): Power Word: Pain
8th Level (0/1): Reality Break
9th Level (0/1): Time Stop

Big Top the Efreeti

HP: 223
AC: 17
PP: 12

Wulf the Mascot (Guard Drake)

HP: 60
AC: 14
PP: 12

Random Guards
HP: 11
AC: 16
PP: 12

Random Table

HP: 60
AC: 21
PP: 21

Intro: Party meets Lucion, he does his whole dick routine and then send them on a quest

Event 1: Info gathering, exploration, and fight with a drunk Hobgoblin Captain

Event 2: Sneaking around and Heist the Sphere of Annihilation

Event 3: Big Fight with Big Top, his pet Wulf and his 4 bodyguards.

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