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I am so excited but nervous at
the same time for this

Bagging a job

After months and months of


Almost a whole year

Sending profiles and CV’s

Having promises made

Being left with the hope that I

will get the job

But nothing happens

I wait , and wait for a reply

But nothing
Not even a response of

But just silence

And now I’ve finally found one

I’m at my happiest

And not just any job

But my dream job

I love marketing with all my

And it’s what I’ve vowed to do

Hence I even bagged a degree

for it

But we just live in a world ,

where education is not all of
But it is what it is

My first payment , I have to buy

my friend something

Just as gratitude

She’s a receptionist here

But she didn’t hide the fact that

there’s a post here
She told me

And even encouraged me to


She even helped me

I applied and I couldn’t believe

when she called me for an
Then I aced it

And now I got it

I’m thankful to her

I have this job because of her

She deserves some perks as


I take a deep breath

As I finish doing the touch ups
of my make up

I just have to look good on my

first day

I can’t afford not to

First impressions last

And that’s the statement I gave

Now I just have to maintain it

So I don’t become office gossip

I’ve set a statement

I have to abide by it

I pray and hope this goes well ,

crossing fingers I impress
The interview was the first step

Now maintaining and keeping

the job

That’s the most important part

I can’t mess on that

Sabela : are you serious ?

Me : yes

Rich : that’s a bit harsh

Sabela : considering we didn’t

want to give him our business ,
when he first approached us
Me : yes , that was then . This is
now , he kept Merlot wines for
a whole year . Now I’m looking
to see if they can seal this deal

Rich : and we want the piece of

the pie ?

Me : yes , that’s just how the

game is played . There’s nothing
to it , it may sound brutal but
my interests are with my
Sabela : let’s hope he doesn’t
push us

Me : we go way back , I’ll use

that to my advantage

They laugh getting up

Sabela : this world is full of

I chuckle

Rich : either you swim , or you


Me : exactly

Sabela : I completely got it , and

I’ll get on with the proposal

Me : run it by me first
Sabela : will do

They walk out

I lean back on the chair

Thinking of a way of how I’ll

approach this one

It might not be as easy as I sold

it to be to them
But I had to be convincing

And get them to buy in

Because I declined this a year


So I’m avoiding the question of

why the sudden change

Even though I know I still have

to answer it
Because he won’t just agree to
take my business

Without asking me that

Especially because he did come

to me first

And I said no

But now things have changed

There’s always a change of

Especially if there’s money to be


I can’t sleep and lose on that

That’s the reason we all do this

Money and nothing else

I may have won my team

But I still need to win him

And the only way is to see him ,

and we talk face to face it can’t
be over the phone
I look at her

And I must say , I am very much


First day , and the clients are

just raving praises

Me : I am happy about today

She heaves a sigh of relief

Me : keep it up , and you might
just stick around much longer
than your 5 year contract

Thabile : thank you so much sir

Me : no thank you

I walk out of her office

And head into mine

I walk in , just as my office
phone is ringing

Why would they let calls in my


When I’m not in ?

I quickly grab it and answer

Me : hello ?
Luke : Mr Zabani

I laugh shaking my head

I sit down

Me : O’Riley

Luke : how are you ?

Me : my good man , I am well

Luke : that’s good

Me : to what do I owe this

pleasure ?

Luke : I need a meeting with you

, tried calling your office and got
no answer . I am sorry to come
straight to the boss
Mhm , a meeting ?

Now that’s interesting

We’re friends of some sort yes

And good men in business

But I’m shocked he wants a


Me : okay
Luke : what channel should I
follow into now ?

This might be interested

And he’s going all business


Me : when would you like the

meeting ?
Luke : as soon as you’re

Me : let’s say , tomorrow lunch


Luke : perfect , your office ?

Me : yes , I will see you then

Luke : thank you

I drop the call

Pounding my head , on what

this might be about

And I can’t think anything ,

nothing that makes sense to me
Finally feels good to be home ,
after a good day at work

Although tiring yes

Because I am trying to make

So I’m working my ass off

Now we’re just relaxing

Over a glass of wine , and some

Cindy lives in the same estate as

Basically just three houses away

from me

So we do this often

When we just feel like a night in

Cindy : so how was your first

day ?
Me : amazing to say the least ,
but tiring

Cindy : the management was

praising your praises

I laugh

Me : the clients were impressed

that’s all
Cindy : keep it up girl

Me : that’s what I’m hoping for

Cindy : but don’t overwork

yourself , just to please
everyone . Office space can be
toxic at times

Me : well thanks for the heads

up , I will definitely stay in my
land . Besides , I have you in my

Cindy : I am just happy , now

you have a job you’ll stop

Me : that’s some relief

It’s been a few months of stress

no lies
And now I can finally relax

Cindy : just girls doing it and

bagging the bag

We laugh

Me : just before I left , the big

man calls me and says he has a
meeting tomorrow at lunch
with a potential client . He’s
been trying to get , but failed .
And he hopes I can chip in

Cindy : wow , he himself must

be very impressed

Me : he intimidates me though

She laughs
Cindy : he is like that , but we
get used to him . He just didn’t
get comfortable with his staff

Me : well I think I got that very


Cindy : and he’s also easy on the


We burst out laughing

Me : Cindy !

Cindy : what ? It’s nothing but

the truth . And a few ladies did
try their best with him , but he’s
just not there . And they got

Me : what ?

She nods
Now I am shocked

Most men would never deny a


Especially a woman throwing

themselves on them

That’s the easy target

Me : maybe he’s a hunter , he

doesn’t like the easy chase
Cindy : mhm , I doubt . He is
married , and seems to be a
very committed man to his wife

Me : oh wow , that’s lovely

though . We never get his kind
these days

Cindy : that’s why you’re

running away from the dating
I laugh

Me : that’s exactly why I stay

away , it’s a game . And that’s all
people do these days , they just
play games . There’s no real love
these days

She laughs

Cindy : you need some dick

I shake my head

Me : I am okay of that game ,

right now I am happy with my
job . And I don’t need a human
being …a grown ass man ,
stressing me out

Cindy : it’s a very lonely life

Me : and stress free

Cindy : you don’t have to starve
yourself though

I laugh

Me : you’re being silly , and I

know what you want to say

Cindy : what ? It’s not that bad ,

you find a random guy . Fuck
him and get it over with
Yes !

She’s the wild one

And she lives her life

But you won’t believe she’s a

family woman

Her husband is a soldier

And deployed at the state

She had two kids , boys

They live with her mother in-law

But she’s very easy on the


You’ll believe she just gives it up

, living her life high
But no !

She’s all talk and happy with her


If pressure gets to one , they

would definitely follow suit

But I am just not about that

Because I am happy
Me : a random man I don’t even
know , I would never

Cindy : mhm , don’t say I never

helped you

What kind of help is that ? I will

definitely pass
Me : I got a meeting with him
tomorrow at his office

Rich : that was fast

And I was nervous as hell

I didn’t think he would agree

It was definitely so easy

Me : I am not sleeping on this

Rich : so what’s the plan ?

Me : I have to reel him in

Rich : well , you got him to see

you . So now you have to get
him to listen

Me : yeah , I just have to do

what I have to do
Rich : if there’s anything I can do
, just shout . A win for the
company , is definitely a win for
us all

Me : alright , let me get him to

bite the piece of the cake first .
And if he likes it , then I’ll call in

Rich : alright

Me : we’ll talk tomorrow

Rich : okay

I drop the call

I have to know my story

tomorrow , I can’t mess this up .
We’re almost there
I look at my wife

As she throws the pregnancy

test in the bin

I take a deep breath

Just seeing her pain, it hurts me

And I wish there was something

I can do
Just to make things easy for her

And to get her off this

Because clearly we’re not

getting anywhere

Me : come to bed

She turns and looks at me

Her eyes are reddish

Karabo : I’ll try again in the

I just wish she would stop

But I know , she won’t listen to

With hopes to impress again

I know I have to be on my best

again today

Because I can tell , this client

coming in is someone important

Otherwise , the boss wouldn’t


Even he is on his feet

So I understand the importance
of this

Even though I don’t know the

agenda of the meeting

He is just as clueless as I am

But he gave me a head start

And I capitalised on that

Did my research on the man

And his company

But he seems like a closed book

Because there’s nothing about

him personal

It’s just his work

He is in his late twenties

Graduated Harvard with Cum


Top of his class

His business , is top five on the

business list

He has been nominated close to

ten times
As young business man of the

And woman 7 of those

He is really a big fish

So if he’s bringing business

We have to impress him

More than he has to impress us

It would do great things for this


To even have him on board

On any kind of a deal with us

No matter how small it is , it

doesn’t matter
I do understand where the boss
comes from

He wants everything prefect

I have a brief

That’ll just have to stick to

Luke : I know how things turned
out , the first encounter of
business we had . I won’t sugar-
coat anything , I wasn’t do sure
you were up to the job . Not
that I didn’t think you were
capable , I looked at the risks
and I wasn’t willing to bank on

Me : I completely understand

Luke : although I wish I did

I frown

Luke : here I am , to ask you to

consider taking my company in
as a client

Fuck !

I hope this is not a joke

But I look at him

And he is serious as a heart

I look at Thabile and she smiles

I am certain she understands

just how important , this is for

And how big a deal like this ,

would mean for us
Luke : it’s a request

Me : I hear you

Luke : of course , if you do

reconsider I would need a full
access of records and how you
would increase what I have
already . I want numbers in full

I nod
Me : I completely understand

He gets up

Luke : this was business , I will

wait to hear your response

Fuck !

What’s the wait for

Thabile looks at me

And it’s like she’s in sync

Me : we will have a full report

for you in a week

He smiles

Luke : thank you , I appreciate

We shake hands

He bids her goodbye and walks


Me : damn !

I slam my hand on the desk

It’s a fucking relief

I look at Thabile

And she has her head bowed


Me : I am sorry

She looks at me

Me : I’ve been trying to get this

guy , and he wasn’t budging
Thabile : you must be doing
something right , he came to
you and offered his business

Me : yeah

Thabile : you got it sir

Me : now I need all hands on

deck , we only have a week to
produce results . Something
that will convince him we’re
worth it , we got him now and
we can’t lose him

Thabile : I’ll get on it

I nod as she gets up and walks


It will definitely be a busy week

I just hope it won’t create space

for my wife
To start isolating herself again

It always gets to me

When I have to put in more

hours of work

And just slack on being with her


But I have to work

Maintaining a wife that’s a

Is most definitely not easy

So I need to make money

Because it takes money to

sustain her
Me : we got him , he has a week
to show me numbers

Rich : that was easy

I heave a sigh

Me : yeah
Rich : it pays that he’s always
wanted in

Me : I must admit , I didn’t think

it will be this easy

Rich : neither did I

Me : we will hear from them in

a week

Rich : alright
I drop the call

I’m glad all that is out of the


Hopefully they will impress me


Because I can’t buy in , just

because of another account
that’s growing
I have to see my own numbers

To see if I’ll grow as well

They might be good with Merlot


And fail with my company

Only realistic numbers will

convince me
Cindy : wow , and you already
get to work on such a big client

I laugh
Me : I don’t know , maybe he
just wants my help

Cindy : come on

Me : even if that’s the case , I

still have to prove myself . And
we haven’t gotten the contract
yet , so it’ll be a busy week

I heave a sigh
Cindy : you’re good at what you

I just have to hope I am good


Cindy : don’t worry , we will talk

tomorrow . I have a video call
with the boys

Me : alright bye , I love you

Cindy : I love you

I drop the call

I saw how stressed the boss was

So I know this is very important

to him

My marketing team can’t let

him down
We’re the ones , who will have
to prove if this works or not

Marketing is always in the

forefront of every company
going ahead

I need my beauty sleep tonight

Because I don’t know if I’ll get

any during the week
Maybe we might turn in night

Just to get the job done

I get up heading to my room , so

I can shut some eye
Crossing fingers that all goes

It’s been a rough week

Putting in more hours

Having my team work around

the clock

But I am hopeful
I just hope we did enough

To secure the contract

Not only will it boost our


But a few billions in the

company pockets

It’s a win for us all

The door opens and Mr Zabani
walks in

Siboniso : good morning

Me : morning sir

Siboniso : O’Riley is here , I

hope you’re ready

Me : me ?
Siboniso : yes

Now I am confused

We gave him our report

And everything he will need for

the client

Siboniso : you worked hard on

this , you have to see me sealing
the deal . For all your hard work
Me : it was a team effort , and
you helped us as well

Siboniso : that’s why I need you

in there with me

Wow !

I am honoured to be honest
I didn’t think he will want me in
his meeting

Me : okay sir

Now I even more nervous

I’ll only be able to breath after

all is said and done

Right now I’m nervous

We’re talking big money here

And it will really be a bummer

to lose

After the man has come to us

I will be shattered

Everyone is counting on us , to
bag this one
And we vowed to deliver

It would really be a shame to fail

I found myself praying this


I am not even a believer

It was just insane

The things we do
I hope it had paid off

And at least we get one foot in

The presentation is what will

redeem us

Siboniso : I’ll have you do the

presentation , and I’ll chip in
where we you need help . But I
think you’ll do just fine
I nod

The faith this man is putting on


It’s insane

And just more pressure for me

Because I don’t want to

disappoint him
He gave me a chance when no
one would

And he trusts in me and my job

I just have to deliver , and my

best at that
I swear the best decision I’ve
ever made for my company

Was to hire this woman

She knows what she is doing

And she excels in it

Hence I wanted her in here with

Luke didn’t come alone

But with his board and

management team

I needed someone in my corner

as well

And who better , than the

woman who worked her ass off
We all look at her as she starts
her presentation

And I keep stealing glances at

Luke and his team

I can’t read their facial


And that’s just making me more

An hour later she’s done with
her presentation

And wraps it up

Still , I can’t tell the outcome

I don’t know if they’re buying in

If they’re impressed or unsure

But I know I am impressed

Whether we get it or not

I am impressed of Thabile and

her team

They outdid themselves

Thabile : any questions?

It’s her confidence that’s just
out here

In a room full of powerful men

And she’s not even fazed

She did not even stutter

Nor did she look like she’s

unsure of what she’s saying
Luke : 25 Billion , 248 million ,
943 thousands …you’re certain
those numbers are accurate ?
That is what I’ll generate , with
you by the end of our 3 years
contract ?

I look at her

And she hasn’t fazed one bit

And I am just amazed

And she goes on to break the
numbers in the three years

And I have never seen a woman

so sure of herself

I swear we don’t pay this

woman enough

If we secure this , she’s getting a

She deserves it

And hard work is appreciated

To keep the motivation going

Knowing there’s gains at the

end of it all
My hands are shaking I just
can’t keep still

Siboniso : whether we get it or

not , I am proud of you

Me : thank you sir

But I so hope we got it

Siboniso : you have worked hard

The door opens and one of the
board members call us back in

We had left them alone

So they can deliberate

And make their decision

I am a nervous wreck

I take a deep breath

As we walk in

And it differently feels so

intense in here

It’s just tensions around the air

More from us than them

Me : I must say , I believe this is
finally the right timing for us .
And so we have come to a
decision , more than anything
the numbers are impressive .
It's still on paper , so the work
will speak for itself . You got
yourself the contract

The shock in their eyes

I could tell they were nervous

But this Ms Mbatha is a beast

And she knows her story

Siboniso : thank you , Uhm you

will not regret this

We get up shaking hands

Me : you have a gem here , pay

her well
We laugh

Siboniso : noted , before you

poach her

Me : I will see you in a week ,

the contract will be ready by
then. We can seal it off with ink
, then we can get the work
Siboniso : thank you

Everyone walks out from my


Me : we should do drinks

Siboniso : definitely , that was

intense . Didn’t even feel like
we’re friends
I laugh

Me : nothing but just business ,

we will make means and meet .
Before we start the hard work

I bid then goodbye and walk out

of the boardroom
We look at each other

And finally breathe

Me : damn !

She laughs

And I can tell the relief in her


Me : now that’s done

Thabile : yes

I feel like jumping around

Just screaming like a small boy

I chuckle shaking my head

Me : I could scream right now

She laughs

Me : we did it !

And in that moment

We just engulf each other in a


Like everything has just shut

Me : I could kiss you right now

Shit !

We quickly pull out of the hug

She clears her throat

Me : I … I’m sorry , that just

slipped my lips
Thabile : Uhm ….I should get
going , deliver the good news to
my team

She walks towards the door

Me : I am sorry

She says nothing but walks out

Me : fuck !
What the hell is wrong with me

Why did I say that ?

I am such a fuck up

What should I do now ?

Follow her and apologize maybe

Or not
She might feel somewhat

But what if she thinks I’m a

pervert of some sort

I sit down taking a deep breath

I flanked on that one

My phone rings
I take a deep breath answering

Me : babe

Karabo : so how did it go ?

I smile

Karabo : I couldn’t take it


Me : we got it
She screams

I laugh

Karabo : I am so happy for you

Me : I can’t believe we finally

did it

Karabo : this calls for a

Me : yeah , I’ll be home early

Karabo : I can’t wait

Me : baby I love you

Karabo : I love you

I drop the call

And the slight smile on my face
just disappears

How do we move from this now

I hope it doesn’t make anything


Because Thabile is an asset here

I need her
My company needs her

She’s definitely getting that


It’ll probably work in my favour

so she doesn’t leave , even if
she considers it
What the hell was that ?

I am shaking even now

That’s the same man who was

said to be loyal and faithful to
his wife

Maybe it was a joke

But it didn’t sound like one

I actually wanted to run out of
that office

Because that just came out of


Maybe it was just excitement

The poor man must be beating

himself up
Too bad , I don’t feel like going
in his office

To assure him all is well

I hope he gets over it if he


And we just move past it

It’s not like anything happened

He just said what he said

It was just words

I should knock off early today

My team is taking a half day

They deserve it

After the hard work they’ve

I can use a few hours as well

It wouldn’t hurt anyone

Monday we will be back , and

start where we left off
I lean against the elevator

And take a deep breath

Had decided to go home early

I don’t know how I lost track of


I have a lot of making up to do

I am sure my wife is not pleased
with me

I must have thought too hard

about what I said to Thabile

My whole afternoon was just


The doors opens and she walks

I look at the time

And it’s an hour after knock off


She walks in and presses the

down floor

It’s so awkward in here

I clear my throat
Me : I am sorry

Thabile : it’s okay really I . …

She turns and looks at me

Her face just inches away from


I swallow hard
And find myself pinning her
against the elevator

Dropping my bag on the floor

My lips ravishing hers

And she fists on my suit jacket

I lift her dress up

And slide my hand between her

Sliding my finger inside her


And feeling her juices

She fiddles with my zip pushing

it down
And grabs my dick , as it springs

I grab her leg lifting it up

And push myself through her

warm wet slit

Thrusting in through

As the kiss intensifies

And she takes all of me in her

I deep grunt feeling her warmth

and having her walls close in ,
gripping on my dick

It fits like a glove on me

I pound in hard , as she pulls out

of the kiss

Burying her face on my neck

And her sweet moans grace my

Just throwing me off

Getting me harder inside of her

, I take deep slow strokes
She clings tight on me

Her legs slightly shaking

And she lets out a scream of


I pound in hard

Shooting up my thick cum deep

inside of her
And taking slow strokes

Pushing the rest of my seed in


We’re breathing heavy and hard

And she lets go of me

I let go of her leg

She balances with the elevator

My dick just springs up

Suddenly she fixes her dress

And crouches down picking her


Me : shit !

She quickly opens the elevator

and walks out
Me : Thabile I’m …

She just storms out

And I see my zip is still down

With my dick out hanging

I quickly turn back

And pack it back inside

Fixing my zip

I grab my bag

And rush out locking the door

Heading to the parking lot

And she drives past me in speed

Me : damn !

What have I done ?

It’s the regret that comes after

everything has been done

Sure she was sweet

I don’t regret the pussy

But I fucked up

Why possessed me ?

She didn’t initiate shit

I can’t say she came onto me

I started this

Now I’m in a mess

Saying I want to kiss her was
one thing

But now I’ve fucked her

How will she look at me now

My head is pounding

I was already late

Now I’m much more worse than

What got over me ?

It’s not like I’ve never been

tempted before

But I was always able to resist

Why couldn’t I just do the same

now ?
How am I going to face her
when I see her again ?

Facing my wife …

I’ve betrayed her our vows and

my marriage
I was cooped up in my house

All weekend

Because I was ashamed

And I kept beating myself up

about what happened

Why couldn’t I just resist him ?

He’s my boss
And married

I hope I am not about to lose

my job

Just because I couldn’t close my


Cindy said people got fired

For just wanting him

How much more worse for me

When I’ve had him inside of me

Felt his strokes and …

Fuck !

I need to get over that , and just

hope for the best
Cindy : the glow this morning ,
it’s just on another level

We laugh

I haven’t even told her

I know she will judge me

This is not just some random

Me : let me go , I’ll see you

Cindy : bye

I walk away from the reception


And head to the elevator

And he’s amongst the

executives inside
I greet , they greet back

I avoid eye contact at all costs

with him

Everyone keeps getting off their


Until only three of us are left

We get off
Siboniso : can I please see you
in my office ?

He says as we both turn to our


I look at him

Siboniso : just a minute

I nod
He leads the way

And I follow behind him

We get to his office

And I am shaking

Siboniso : I am sorry about what


I am sure I’m being fired

Me : it was a mistake , one that
shouldn’t have happened sir . I
have moved passed it , and it’s
like it never happened . Because
it never should have , I respect
you . I respect your wife , and
your marriage . I respect my job
and I respect myself

Siboniso : Uhm …please don’t

tell anyone
Me : I would never degrade
myself like that

He nods

Siboniso : thank you , hopefully

it’s a fully move on . Because
nothing like that will ever
happen again

Me : it is , am I being fired ?
I ask , because I am nervous

And I don’t want to have false


Just because he is not saying

that right away

Siboniso : I take my part , and

responsibility for it . I can’t fire
you for something we both did ,
unless I am firing myself as well
Whoa !

That’s some relief

Me : thank you sir

Siboniso : no thank you , for bit

nagging about it

I nod
Siboniso : that will be all

I turn and walk out heading to

my office

At least , I still have my job

And I have to make sure , no

more slip ups happen

Especially from my side

This is not who I am

I don’t do this

Should been the first and the


I hope he is sincere

And he won’t fire me as time

goes on
He might just be getting me to

And when I am settled he will


He might even fire me for a

slight mistake

I would never forgive myself

If anything like that happens

I would have ruined my life

Over someone’s husband

This job is all that I have

And I have to keep it

I take a deep breath sitting

I can’t even tell my friend what

The only way to move , is to get

it off my mind
I am glad that’s done , she
seemed and sounded sincere
I don’t have to stress about it

I planned a day for my wife

Just as an apology for yesterday

It won’t take away my guilt , but

at least she will be happy
This is the second pregnancy
test this month only

And I am slowly getting

frustrated by this

She’s made it a norm

And I don’t understand why she

keeps doing this to herself

We’re struggling to conceive

We have been married for 5

Still there’s no child

But I am not pressuring that

Even my family , they’re not

putting pressure on us

It’s not like the olden days

People can get married and still
option not to have kids

It’s not a must

We do want to have kids

But they’re not coming

It doesn’t mean we have to fault

I am not even pointing a finger
on my wife

It could be me with a problem

It’s not always the case

That the woman is the one who

is infertile
Men these days , are aware of

It could be that maybe I have

low sperm count

Or maybe a whole other reason

of medical issues

That I don’t even know

Or not aware of
Because both of us , have never
gone to check what’s wrong

Karabo : maybe we should find

a surrogate

I look at her with shock

Karabo : I am tired now , every

time my period is late even with
just 2 days I take test . And it
comes back negative

Me : have you ever thought of

maybe going to check ourselves
out ?

Karabo : why ?

Me : maybe I have a problem ,

and that’s why we are not falling
Karabo : everything is fine with
you , women are always the
ones with problems

I love my wife

But I so hope I didn’t marry a

backward woman

Me : that is not true

Karabo : well that’s how it was
when we grew up , and that’s
how society sees it

Me : well fuck society , there’ll

be no more tests in this house .
Unless we go see a doctor , and
we both get checked . Until
then this is done

Karabo : but …
Me : no buts , you’re obsessed
with this it’s tiring now

Karabo : I am trying to …

Me : I don’t want to hear

anything , I’ve given you a
choice . You’ll let me know
when you’ve decided

I get up and walk out of the

The day my wife stops with this
obsession of hers

We will live in peace

And definitely just enjoy our


Because this is a lot now

And I can’t take it anymore

I love her

But we can’t go through this

every month

No one can be patience like this

every month
It’s a rough morning

Someone is not in a good mood

And I have a meeting

I can’t afford to miss it

As much as I trust my team

I have to be there
It’s been an hour of soothing

But it doesn’t seem to work

Even the ginger biscuits are not

doing it

The nausea is doing the most

And the kicks

I don’t understand what’s

I would normally go see my


Just to see if everything is okay

But my meeting is at the top of

my list today

Almost five months back

I would have never thought I
would be here

But as soon as I found out

I made peace and accepted

And just went on with my life

And that’s how I plan to keep it

I don’t want to bother anyone

I haven’t even told Cindy

But now I can’t hide this


I’m slowly showing

And I’ve gained weight as well

I might as well tell her

I did my best to hide for four

Passed first trimester

Which is what I was worried


But we went though it

And we’re okay

I just have to get through this

And I’ll see how I feel after my


And if there’s a need to see the


She might just laugh at me

Because I always seen to

But it’s the fear of not wanting

any harm to come to my
precious cargo

I always take extra precautions

I smile as she finishes up with
her report

Me : I must say Ms Mbatha , I

am impressed . This is amazing ,
and I don’t even need to
question it , because your work
speaks for itself

Thabile : thank you , I am just

doing my job . I am glad , you’re
still pleased with us
Me : my company bank account
makes it hard for me not to be

We laugh

Thabile : if you’re pleased and

satisfied , then I will see you at
our next meeting report

Me : will you still be around ?

Because I can see your ….Uhm
you’re carrying some cargo
there . I hope …

She laughs

Me : the thing is I don’t want to

offend you , incase it’s just life
treating you well . And I’ve said
you’re pregnant

Thabile : well I am , and no

offence taken
Luke : congratulations in order

Fuck that lucky bastard !

Thabile : thank you , but you

can be rest assured . Even in my
presence , my team will take
very good care of you

Me : I prefer you , so I will wait

until you’re back
She shakes her head with a

Thabile : don’t call me while I’m

home , enquiring about your

Me : me …never

She laughs getting up

And I’ve never seen such a sexy
pregnant woman

Even with the slight gain weight

She still looks stunning like the

first day I laid my eyes on her , a
perfect God’s creation
Me : look was very happy

Thabile : he did say

Me : keep up the good work , he

is very happy with his company
in your hands

Thabile : I’ll keep doing my best

Me : Uhm …. I’ll leave you to

your work
She nods

I walk out of her office

I can’t believe we got over what

happened like it never
Cindy : please tell me , because I
have been itching to ask

I laugh

Me : well as you can see

Cindy : I can see , but I want to

hear from you

Its not use keeping quite

Me : I am pregnant

Cindy : who fathered this baby ?

I laugh

Cindy : as far as I know , you

didn’t want anything to do with
me . You’re definitely not Marry
the mother of Jesus
Me : well

I shrug

Cindy : is he married ?

Me : what ?

She sighs

Cindy : as long bad you’re not a

side , that’s fine by me
Me : I am not

Cindy : I’ll respect the fact that

you’re not telling me , maybe he
is important

Me : we’re not together , he

doesn’t know . And I don’t even
want him to know

Cindy : now there’s more to this

I heave a sigh

Me : a moment of weakness
happened , please don’t judge

Cindy : you’re my friend , it’s

automatically my job to support

Me : then I hope you will

understand why , I don’t want
him anywhere near me or my

Cindy : make me understand

I hope I am not about to bring

myself demise here

Especially because I never

wanted to tell anyone

But I feel bad

We share things in our lives

And I’m keeping this from her

I don’t want to be this friend

with secrets from her own
Me : I think we will take a step
back , just checking reports

Sabela : why ?

Me : Ms Mbatha is expecting ,
and she will definitely take
maternity leave

Sabela : okay … but why are we

just letting them run things ?
Me : because I only want
updates from her

Rich : her ?

Me : she knows what she’s

doing , and she backs up her
theory with her results

Rich : sounds like there’s more

to that
Me : come on , what can I do ?
She’s pregnant

Rich : maybe she’s a single


We laugh

Me : I am not discussing this

with y’all

They get up and walk out

Now that they’ve said it

I’m thinking about it

I mean , a lot of women are

single parents

And well , others they break up

after pregnancy

Or after the baby is born

I mean it’s a thing that happens

But I don’t think I should

pounder on that right now

Like I really shouldn’t and it

doesn’t make sense to
The shock on her face

It’s just a lot

And I don’t even know what

she’s thinking

She hasn’t said anything

Now I also don’t know what to

Because I don’t know what she
will say

Cindy : and that was it ?

I nod

Me : yes

Cindy : it ended there ?

I nod
Cindy : There was no another
time ?

Me : no , there wasn’t

Cindy : wow , I must say I didn’t

expect to hear this

Me : I am sure

She sighs
Cindy : now I understand why
you kept quite

Me : it was a lot for me to

process as well

Cindy : yeah

Me : but please don’t tell

anyone this
She looks at me

Me : not even your husband , I

may have certain regrets . But I
don’t regret my baby , and I
don’t want any stigma on my

Cindy : I understand

Me : Thank you
Cindy : wow ! So you’re going to
do this ?

I nod with a smile

I am so in love with this soul

inside of me

And I am willing to do

Without holding back

And I don’t think I’m short of

Surely it won’t be easy being a

single mother

But I will do my utter best

And give my everything

I heave a sigh throwing my keys
on the couch

Me : hey

She looks at me

And I can see she’s not in a

good mood
Karabo : hi

Me : are you okay ?

She nods

Me : and how was your day ?

I loosen my tie
And sit down on the couch

Karabo : good

Me : I see

I take a deep breath

Karabo : were you serious this

morning ?

Me : yes
Karabo : wow , and you don’t
think I should have a say in this

Me : you’ve been having your

say , and now I think it’s best we
do this together

Karabo : by giving me an
Me : no it was a suggestion , of
which I think you should really

Karabo : and if I don’t ?

Me : then no more pregnancy

tests , I am tired

She sighs

And I am not doing this with her

I won’t beg her to hear me

Because I’ve been watching her

do this to herself

For far too long now , and it’s

quite enough
I look at the doctor

And she smiles

Me : are we good ?

Dr : all good , there’s nothing to

worry about . Someone is very
playful and too hyper

I laugh
Dr : don’t let it scare you , it
means the baby is healthy .
Which is all we want

I nod with a smile

I love doing these scans

It always brings joy in my heart

Dr : keep taking your
supplements , and I’ll see you at
our next appointment

Me : thank you , for the

patience as well

Dr : it’s my job , and it’s a norm

with new moms

Me : sometimes I think I’m

loosing my mind
Dr : you’re doing well , and
you’ll get the hang of it

Hopefully soon

Before I have to take care of a

human being

Living with me 24/7

And needing my care

Dr : you’ll pass reception and
confirm your next appointment
date , and I don’t mean you
can’t pop in if you believe you
have reason to

We laugh

Me : I promise , I won’t jump at

every little thing
I get up and grab my bag

Bidding goodbye to her

And I pass my reception to

confirm my appointment

And I leave

I took the morning off

But now I have to go to work

Cindy : and how was the visit !

Me : good , I always panic for no


Cindy : it happens

Me : yeah so I hear
She laughs

Cindy : I need to ask you


I heave a sigh

Cindy : don’t get upset

Me : well …don’t upset me

Cindy : I just need to understand

Me : what ?

Cindy : like …how does it feel

being in the same space as him

I laugh

Cindy : come on
Me : that’s crazy

Cindy : I just need to understand

Me : but why ?

Cindy : because I don’t think I

would be able to cope

Me : I don’t even think about

Cindy : no flash backs of what
happened ? Or maybe when the
baby kicks and you just …

I laugh

Me : no never !

She frowns

Me : I moved past that

Cindy : woman you’re hard-core
, I would never be able to cope

Me : I need this job

Cindy : he wouldn’t fire you

Me : because of circumstances

Cindy : yeah well

Me : I don’t need that

Cindy : but ….

Me : I got this job on merit , and

I intend to keep it at that

Cindy : you’re one of a kind

Me : some of us have to be , we
can’t all be the same
She laughs

Cindy : wow , I sure I applaud


Me : I am not in need of
anything , I am fine . So I see no
reason to run after anyone , or
even have a need to feel
somehow about him . Or even
tell him anything , it’s none of
his business really
Cindy : that’s cold

Me : what would you rather I do


She sighs

Me : that I tell him the truth ,

and then what ? Possibilities are
a lot , I might lose this job . Or
Cindy : yeah , and you don’t ned
all of that drama

Me : I most definitely don’t

Cindy : okay , I understand . And

I wasn’t asking to imply

Me : I know okay , now let me

go do what I get paid to do
Cindy : see you

Me : bye

I leave her desk

And head over to the elevator

She walks in

Me : hi

Thabile : thank you for giving

me the morning off

Me : your assistant tells me you

went you see a Dr

Thabile : yes
Me : is everything okay ?

I get up

Thabile : everything is fine

Me : Uhm …okay

Thabile : maybe I should just tell

you , before you hear it from
someone . Or office rumours
Me : okay

I hope she didn’t slip

And tell anyone about what


Because that is buried in the


And it should be left there

Thabile : I am pregnant , and I’d
like to take my leave at early 8

I frown

And now I notice the change

She’s gained weight

And she’s glowing

But I never noticed the baby

I guess I’ve never paid that

much attention

But damn !

Now my mind is racing

All kind of thoughts run through

And I’m asking myself so many

It can’t be !

This will definitely break my


Without a doubt

And there’ll be no coming back

Not from this

It’s the worst betrayal

Especially knowing the situation

we’re faced with at home

Me : Uhm …oh

Thabile : I just want to be well

prepared for everything
Me : I see

Thabile : I will put in my forms in

due time

I’m waiting to hear her say the


But it doesn’t seem like she’s

about to
Do I ask , or just keep quite ?

What does one do in a situation

like this ?
I just want to be out of this

Because he looks somewhat

right now
And I don’t want to be a part of
this conversation

I know where it’s leading

And I don’t want to go there

Me : thank you

I turn and walk towards the

He heaves a sigh

And I can just feel the strain in

his voice

It’s not hard to understand

where he is right now

Not a very good space

That is evident
And I don’t want to be him right

But since he is not asking

I most definitely don’t feel

obliged or obligated to tell him

I walk out

And walk over to my office

I hope that man moves on from
his thoughts

And doesn’t bomber me with

what he’s battling with

I get on with my work

I grab my ringing phone and I’m
not sure who this number
belongs to

I’m not having a very good


I’m tired

I even feel like just sleeping in

But I have to go to work

Me : hello ?

Luke : good morning

The shock !

I look again at my phone

And this is not his office phone

And he has never called me on

my personal phone

So what’s this now ?

Where and how did he get my

phone ?

Me : Uhm ….Mr O’Riley

He chuckles

Luke : please call me Luke

Me : is there a problem that

you’re calling me on my
personal phone ?

Luke : no , but I’m asking if you

have time for breakfast

I frown
Me : a meeting ?

Luke : no , just me and you

What’s this now ?

I am so confused

Why does he want to go have

breakfast with me ?
Me : Uhm …I don’t understand

Luke : it’s morning Thabile , and

I am asking you out for

Me : Uhm …why ?

Luke : because we both gotta


Me : I am fine
Luke : I’ll try again tomorrow

He drops the call

Just like that

And what does he mean he will

try again tomorrow ?

Like what’s going on ?

I don’t want to think ahead

And start thinking things that

are not there

Maybe I should have agreed

So I know what he wants

Instead of pounding my head

I call him back

And on the first ring he answers

Which is awkward

Me : where and when ?

Luke : I’ll come pick you up

Me : Uhm no …
Luke : I’ll be there in 25 minutes

The silence

Seems like he’s not going to

listen to me

Me : you can’t pick me up , I

have to go to work

Luke : I will pick you up , I don’t

think it’s okay at this stage to be
driving around . I’ll drive you to
work after breakfast

Me : uh …you don’t know where

I live

He chuckles

Luke : I have ways and means

Luke : see you soon , and thank
you for agreeing to eat with me

He drops the call

Right now I am just anxious

It’s exactly 25 minutes later
And he calls that he’s outside

I don’t believe this

So I get out just as I am

And indeed there’s a Bentley

parked at my gate

He walks out of the car

And leans against it

He waves with a smile

And I am just spooked

Is he stalking me ?

Not only does he have my


Of which I never gave him

But he also knows where I live

And I’m certain I’ve never told


I take a deep breath

And walk back inside the house

I grab my things and change my

I walk out locking the door

And as I get to him he smiles

I can’t get past it

Because I’m still wondering how

he got hold of me

Luke : good morning , you look

Me : mhm …thanks

Luke : shall we ?

He opens the door for me

Me : you’re very creepy for my


He chuckles
Me : if you plan to harm me ,
trust me they’ll find you . I told
my friend and she knows you

Luke : good , you should take

pictures of me as well and send
them to her . Better yet , send a
picture of us together so they
can actually believe her when
she reports me . And take my
plates , and send them to her
Me : I know this , you’re trying
to get me to trust you and it
won’t happen

He smiles

I fiddle for my phone and snap

his plates

Luke : now …
He walks over and grabs my
phone snapping the picture

I frown

And he laughs

Luke : I should send it to myself ,

just in case you don’t go out
with me again

I shake my head
Me : I am not going out with

He leads me to the car door

I get in and he straps me in

Like I’m some damn child

I want to tell them him

But there’s something in his

That I just comprehend

So I just let him be

He walks over to his side and

gets in

Me : I just want to know why

you want to see me
Luke : okay

He drives off

And I keep stealing glances at


I’m just trying to understand

what’s this
Everyday I look at her

And I can’t help but wonder

But she’s not saying anything

I can tell she’s far along

And the timeline might be right

This is giving me sleepless


I’m not even myself anymore

Because I’m asking myself so

many questions
If it’s mine , then why is she so
quite and not saying anything?

Can she just decide to shut me

out ?

Without reason

That doesn’t make sense

And it’s weighing on me

The not knowing is just killing

Taking a strain in my marriage

Even my wife can tell I’m not

myself , and I can’t tell her why
I’m this stressed
Thabile : what is this ? Because
as far as I know , only business
capacity links us

Me : I know that

Thabile : then I think you should

explain yourself

Me : I felt like eating , and I

craved your presence
She laughs

Thabile : you expect me to

believe that ?

I shrug with a chuckle

Thabile : come on , you can do

better than that
Me : and if I say it’s because I
intend to marry and give you my
last name ?

She coughs so hard

I actually panic

Thinking that maybe she’s


She has a glass of water

And eventually calms down

Me : I am sorry

She clears her throat

Thabile : that’s not funny

Me : I wasn’t trying to be
She pops her eyes

Me : you wanted the truth

Thabile : no !

Me : yes you did

Thabile : I mean no …

She sighs
And I can see she’s getting

Me : okay , for now I think we

can stop with this conversation
. Because I don’t want you
stressed , I know that’s not good
for your health or the baby

Thabile : yes the baby …do you

see that I’m pregnant ?
Me : I see that …I mean , we
know I know that

Thabile : then how do you …I

mean …

She sighs

I smile
Me : if there was a man in the
mixture , you would have told

Thabile : you didn’t even ask

Me : yeah because it’s not like I

want to know , he might be .
But he’s definitely not the one
who’s last name you’ll have

Thabile : are you normal ?

I chuckle

Me : yes , I’d like to believe that

Thabile : then you know this is

not normal

Me : I’m leaving this here for

now , unless you tell me not to
bother you ever again
She blinks way too fast

Like I’ve caught her off guard

And she doesn’t completely

dispute with me

Me : okay then , I’ll do me and

we just go on

I flash her a smile

Calling over our waiter to settle
the bill
Me : I swear to you , I have had
a very bizarre morning

She laughs

Cindy : what happened ?

Me : I think Luke O’Riley just
asked me out

She pops her eyes

Cindy : what ?

Me : I am telling you

Cindy : how did that happen ?

Me : so in the morning he gives
me a call , on my personal cell .
And I’m like , how does he even
have my number . Anyways , he
asks me out for breakfast . At
first I say no , but curiosity gets
the better of me and I call him
back . He comes picks me up ,
and I don’t even know how he
knows where I stay . We go out ,
and man there’s hints in the
Cindy : so what did you say ?

Me : what I can say best , threw

him off . He’s not blind , I’m
pregnant what does he want
with me ?

Cindy : your baby is fatherless

so ..

We laugh
Me : don’t say that , babies are

Cindy : oh please , I was just

saying . And it’s not like it’s a lie
, anyways you have nothing to

Me : he is friends with your boss

, I don’t wanna go there

She sighs
Cindy : and he is married , it’s
not like you’re stepping on his
toes . Besides , there’s nothing
that he can give you , and Luke
is easy on the eye for his kind

I laugh

Cindy : speaking of him , he

asked to see you . So you might
wanna pop in his office first
Me : okay

Well I wonder what that is all


I hope it’s nothing hectic about


Me : let me go

She winks
Cindy : do think about Mr

I laugh grabbing my bag off the

reception desk

And walking to the elevator

I get to his office

And knock , he opens the door

Looks like he is going out

We pass greetings

Me : I heard you were looking

for me

Siboniso : yes , I’m on my way

out right now

Me : okay
I won’t even offer to come back

If he doesn’t say why he’s called

me in here

He will come find me

Me : I’ll leave you to it

Siboniso : no please …
He moves out of the way in the

Making way for me to walk in

Siboniso : this cannot wait

Me : okay

I walk in and look at him

He’s on his feet

And so I won’t sit down either

Siboniso : this has been eating

at me ever since I found out
you’re pregnant

Oh please !

I thought we would never get

I mean …

He didn’t bother to ask at first

So I thought he’s not even

gonna put himself , in this

Like we would never ever get ti

this point
Well , I guess I thought wrong

Because here we are

And I just got asked the


And it’s clear , he means it

He did not stutter

Or even move around his words

Siboniso : I have to ask , am I
the father ?

I get my game face on

And stare him deep in the eye

Me : no

His facial expression says a lot

There’s slight relief

There’s a bit of disappointment

And most importantly , there’s

shock and confusion

Like he doesn’t understand

I am shocked

Because she looks very certain

I thought maybe I’ll get a


Anything but the answer that

I’m not the father

Her expression didn’t give

Except the fact that she’s sure

And I didn’t expect that at all

Many scenarios were maybe

she decided to keep the baby

To avoid me saying she should

Or that we keep it a secret
because I’m married

Or that maybe she’s decided to

raise the baby alone

Me : are you certain ?

Thabile : yes , I think I would

know who the father of my
baby is
Me : then who is it ?

I glare my gaze at her

But she doesn’t flinch

Me : who is the father ?

Thabile : certainly not you

I chuckle
Me : so fucked me , while
you were fucking someone else

She smiles

And it’s not a polite smile

Thabile : please , don’t make it

sound like I cheated on you
Me : if you were sleeping with
someone else , then how can
you be certain that I’m not the
father ?

Thabile : you can’t possibly be

That hit hard

I mean …why can’t ?

What’s stopping that possibility

Me : I hope you’re right

Thabile : I know I am

Me : okay , I’ll leave this at that .

And I don’t want it coming back
at me
Thabile : it won’t , I can assure

Me : I don’t want to be labelled

as an absent father , or that I’m
running away from
maintainance . Finding myself in
a court of law , because you feel
the need to push your
responsibility at me
Thabile : like you say , it’s my
responsibility and not yours . So
why would I ?

Me : you can find yourself

struggling with the baby and
seek help , it makes me an easy
target the fact that we slept

Thabile : we didn’t sleep

together , we fucked once . And
well , I kept my child because I
know I could afford to be a
mother . You don’t have to
worry about me bothering you ,
especially because it doesn’t
involve you anywhere

Me : well I see , I hope at a later

stage I don’t hear that , you
made a mistake the father is me

Thabile : never !
Me : right , or find a child
seeking me

She laughs

Thabile : I think this

conversation is done , you’re
not the father

Me : okay

She walks out

I take a deep breath

I thought I’ll feel relived or


But no

That’s not the feeling I’m getting

right now

It’s a feeling
But definitely not relief
Me : you look bothered

He sighs
Me : wanna talk about it ?

Siboniso : please don’t judge , I

vowed not to ever tell anyone

Me : okay

I take a sip of my scotch

Siboniso : I had a weakness

moment months back , slept
with an employee . Turns out
she’s pregnant , I asked her if
the baby is mine and she told
me straight up no

Oh fuck no !

Did it have to be him ?

Siboniso : it was a once of thing

, and it happened so quickly .
Not a day goes by , that I don’t
regret it

Me : so what’s the problem ?

Siboniso : I don’t know what I

hoped to hear from her , I was
praying I’m not the father .
Because I know it would have
broken my wife , but now I don’t
know ..
He heaves a heavy sigh

Me : do you love her ?

Siboniso : no , no I don’t

Me : then let it be

Siboniso : it’s probably stupid

that I’m even feeling this way
Me : no , but don’t take this
inside your home

Siboniso : I could have sworn

she doesn’t have a man

Me : just because you didn’t

know , doesn’t mean there isn’t
or that there wasn’t

Siboniso : yeah well , the fact

that I’m not the father says a lot
I chuckle

Me : come on , you’re not in

love with her

Siboniso : you’re right , I should

focus on my wife and my

Me : that’s more like it

I take out my phone as he
downs his beer

And I send her a text

I walk over to the door and

I sigh shaking my head

Luke : hi

Me : I ignored your text for a


He smiles

Luke : and I wanna talk to you ,

are you going to let me in ?

Me : what do you want ?

Luke : here or you mean with
you ?

I sigh and get out of the way

He walks in

His eyes wonder around

It’s a good thing my house is

spotless clean
Me : I was making myself a
snack , I am not about to stop
just because you’re here . I
didn’t invite you

I walk over to the kitchen

And he follows me

I offer him a seat , and he sits

Luke : a piece of information
landed on my lap , and I wanted
to be certain . Seeing that I so
badly want you in my life

I look at him popping a cherry

tomato in my mouth

Luke : Siboniso told me

something interesting
Shit !

What’s wrong with that man ?

He couldn’t shut his mouth

Me : well now you know , it

saves you the trouble of
questioning me . You can run as
far away as you can from me

I turn my back on him

Luke : once I’m in your life , I
don’t want him bothering me .
Or us for that matter ,
concerning everything

I hear him getting off the chair

And he walks over to me

Luke : I won’t pressure you ,

you’ll take your time . But I
won’t anywhere either , just so
we’re clear

He stands behind me

I close my eyes briefly

swallowing hard

As his manly cologne engulfs my


Me : he is the father !
That comes out as a whisper

Me : I don’t want him to know ,

and I don’t want him anywhere
near my baby . If you ever tell
him , it would be the worst kind
of betrayal . And I would never
forgive you for that

I feel his hands wrapping

around my waist
I want to remove them

But my baby kicks as he placed

his hands on my tummy

With a slight brush

And I let out an emotional smile

Luke : I would never ruin such a

beautiful thing , I think
someone also agrees . So rest
assured , this stays right here

I heave a sigh of relief

As the baby kicks again , and

Luke lays his head on my neck
with a slight chuckle
Me : can you book me a flight

Shelly : okay sir ..when ?

Me : tonight , I should be there

…by 0900 hours the latest in the

Shelly : I will definitely check , if

there’s any flights available
Me : if not , then find me one
that leaves early morning

Shelly : alright sir

She walks out

I lean back against the chair

Getting lost in my thoughts

In just a month

I didn’t think I would be this far

taken in

But I am

And I love every second of it

Although sometimes it creeps

me out
I just never expected to fall this

But I have

And having been away for just a


It feels like I’ve been gone for


I am so lonely
And it’s so unlike me

I’ve had numerous trios before

And I’ve never felt this way

I was always happy to get a


Just be away from home

Even if it was for a week or just
a few days

I guess things are different now

Hence the feeling , I’m feeling

right now

I don’t ever want to feel like this

It’s not a nice feeling

Feeling like something is missing

Like a part of you is gone

You’re not fully yourself

It sucks
I look at her and her laugh
catches my ears

And she takes the bouquet of

roses from her PA

She smiles broadly

It’s one genuine smile

Filled with love

The happiness on her face just
cannot be missed

The glow …

Don’t even get me started

For a woman that’s on her last

trimester I believe

Or maybe she’s about to be

She looks pretty stunning

Her summer maxi maternity

dress , does wonders to her

She’s so simple , yet elegant at

the same time

She can proudly walk into a

boardroom meeting , dressed
like that
And she would still be taken

They share a laugh again

As she places the card back

And she pats her PA’s arm

She turns and walks away

I take a deep breath

Lately I notice so much about


And I know I shouldn’t

I don’t understand why , am I

even paying attention to her

I notice her looks , almost

It’s evident she’s in love

This is the second , she’s gotten

a gift just this week alone

So clearly there’s someone in

her life

Maybe it’s the baby’s father

One we’ve never seen

I shake the thoughts , and head
over to my office

I need to stop this

But it’s not even deliberate

I see her , and I just stare

But things are good with my

There hasn’t been any baby talk

There hasn’t been any

pregnancy tests

Even through her periods still

come late

And we never went to see a

She asked that we don’t as of

I don’t know what’s her fear

Maybe the confirmation of

something may be wrong with
either of us

Regarding fertility

But I’m respecting her decision

We’re in a good space I don’t
want to lie

Sex is enjoyable

And not just baby making sex

I don’t need to bring us drama

By not letting go
Or whatever this is

This woman sure moved

And she’s living her life

I’m sure , I’ve never even

crossed her mind

She’s happy

I can see that

Its written all over her face

I don’t know why the sudden

thoughts I have of her

But it needs to stop , for peace

An involuntary smile graces my

As I pick up the video call

Placing my phone well on the


Just to perfect the angle

Me : hey
He smiles

Luke : how are my favourite girls


I laugh

Me : missing you insanely

Luke : and I miss you tons

Me : I so wish you were here

Luke : I know baby , and I wish I

was home as well . But just a
few more days , and I’ll be back

Me : yeah , remember I have

that appointment tomorrow
Luke : I do , it pains me that I
won’t be there . I wish I could
just fly back

I laugh

Me : it’s work , you said it

yourself . Babies are very
expensive , so we need very

He laughs
Luke : we do , but I will call you
during the appointment

I smile

With tears of joy , threatening

to escape my eyes

Luke : don’t cry

I laugh
And a tear escapes my eye

I wipe it off

Me : you’re just the best , even

if you’re not here . But you
make it seem so easy , it’s like
you’re here

Luke : because I love you , and

I’ll always be there for you
Me : thank you

Luke : don’t thank me , I than

you for allowing me to be in
your life

We laugh and talk a bit more

Luke : I love you so much

Me : and I love you more

Luke : I loved you first

He blows a kiss

I catch it with a smile

And blow him a kiss back

He catches it with a chuckle

And pats his heart

Luke : kiss my girl for me

I cradle my tummy , and laugh

as the baby kicks

Nothing makes my day

Like experiencing these kicks

,and knowing my baby is
healthy and well
Luke : we’ll talk later

Me : bye

I drop the call with a smile on

my face , I am so happy and
content I’ve ever been
Who would have thought

A month ago

That in that moment , in my


I would agree to let this man in

my life

And things would turn out this

Having him by my side

Supporting me through

Being my comforter

Always lending an ear to listen

And just loving me

Loving the whole of me just as I

With my baby and all

In just a month

I’ve given all of me into this

He’s won my heart

To an extent it scares me
But he reassures me everyday

And makes me feel content

I am in my happy era

And the man is definitely doing

his job well done

I am so thankful for him

Cindy : I wish I could come with
you tomorrow

I laugh

Cindy : but it’s chaotic at my


Me : spend time with your


Cindy : I missed them

She sighs

Cindy : but they’re a lot , always

fighting over me

I let out a smile

I can’t wait for my own bundle

of joy to get here

I know it won’t be easy

Definitely not a walk in a park

Raising a child and all

But also the void a baby fills

The loneliness

My grandmother used to say

A house without a baby is not a

Kids bring joy

And they just brighten up your


No matter how hard it gets

But it’s a fulfilling feeling

And I can’t wait to have my own
experience of that

With just three more months to


More like two and three weeks

I’m so eager

Cindy : if I’m spending time with

either one of the boys , the
princess gives me hell about it .
Because she believes they take
all of my time , just because
there’s two of them and one of

I laugh

Me : you owe her a girls day out

Cindy : and I know some people

will be grumpy
Me : unfortunately , there’s only
one of you . So you can’t share
yourself in half

Cindy : I wish they understood


Me : or maybe you can do

something together as a family ,
where you get to spend time
together . Doing anything that
you will all partake in , and
enjoy . Without anyone feeling
left out , not the husband or the

Cindy : why didn’t I think of that


We laugh

Me : you have me , that’s why

Cindy : well , I think that’s
definitely what we will do

Me : good

Cindy : I swear , you’re going to

be an amazing mother

I heave a sigh

I know no one is perfect

But I hope I do everything that I
can in my power

To give my baby girl nothing but

the best
Me : I was thinking that we take
a vacation
She smiles

Me : it’s been a while since

we’ve taken one

Karabo : where to ?

Me : anywhere you want

Karabo : that’s nice , I’d like that

very much
It’s so good to see a smile on my
wife’s face

And one that’s genuine

Ever since this baby talk died in

my house

We’re happy

And I love this for us

More happiness

Loving and caring for each other

Without the burden of baby talk

I believe in due time

We will have our own child

Only God’s timing is the perfect

Me : okay , you will look and let

me know

Karabo : or we can do it
together , so we can bond over

I chuckle
Me : I don’t mind at all

I know she’s just saying

Maybe it’s a way to say , she

wants to spend more time with

Not because she will let me

choose anything

But as long as she is happy

Then I’m at my happiest

The saying is true , a happy wife

a happy home
Rich : you don’t want to know
the lengths I went through to
get you a ticket , at such a short

He sounds so frustrated

But at least he got one

Unlike Shelly who was given the


Me : I owe you for this one

Rich : I need a raise

I laugh

Me : it’s very nice to dream Rich

, because sometimes dreams
are just dreams

Rich : don’t …

I drop the call

And grab my small sports bag

I pack the few clothes that I had


Now that a flight is secured

I just have to make sure I don’t

miss it

That I’m on time

It’s a good thing I don’t have a
lot of luggage

So it doesn’t take long to pack

And make sure I am ready

It’s not a long ride to the airport


Just half an hour

But I’ll be sure that I’m there an
hour earlier

And get as much rest as I can

Because there won’t be any , as

soon as I get back . So it’ll do
me good
I dial his number

And it doesn’t go through

Now I’m getting worried more

than anything

Because he said he will call

But he hadn’t called

And it’s unlike him

The doctor is waiting on me

And she has other patients

I’m keeping her

I take a deep breath

Me : we can start
Dr : or I can see my other
patients , while you wait ?

I shake my head

Me : no , I have to be at work
after that

She nods slowly

Poor woman
I can see she’s even feeling
sorry for me

Dr : you can change in there ,

and we get started

I nod

And get up

I get behind the rail and get

I don’t understand why

But my dr always prefers it this


I learnt , she does this to all her


I hear the door opening

And footsteps walking in

Voice : please tell me I am not
late ?

I freeze on the spot

I hope my mind is not playing

tricks on me

I know I miss him

But I can’t hear his voice

Like he is here

Voice : I am sorry to budge in ,

but traffic was a mess from the
airport . I just ran here , I didn’t
want to miss this one

Oh my goodness

It is him
But how ?

He is not supposed to be back


Why would he come back two

days earlier ?

Okay !

It’s not helping wrecking my

The shock and happiness on her

As she looks at me

I can’t help but laugh

It’s just a sight

Thabile : you’re here ?

I walk over to her

I lean down and capture her lips

into mine

She responds without holding

We kiss briefly and pull out

Thabile : you came back soon

Me : I couldn’t miss this

She smiles

I look at the dr

Me : if you’re done , please let’s

start afresh
They laugh

Dr : Mr O’Riley , we are about to

start . You’re not late

That’s some relief

At least , I didn’t miss anything

Dr : okay , you’ll lie there for me

I take her hand to the bed

And help her lie down

I hold her hand throughout

As the Dr exposes her tummy

Dr : someone is very hyper


We all can see the baby kicking

I always worry that maybe it’s

But she always assures me that

it’s not

That only sometimes

When the baby kicks hard

But most times it’s not

It was just an unusual feeling

The first few times

But she got used to it

Dr : we know the drill how ,

we’ll all watch here and see
how our bundle is doing
The look on his face

It’s just priceless

Looking at the baby

And she’s having fun in there

Playing and sucking her thumb

Luke : she loves food

I smile

Luke : now I understand a lot of


I shake my head laughing

Of course I eat a lot

Only because I have so many

And he never makes me feel

bad for it

Dr : I am happy , both mother

and baby are healthy and doing

He smiles
And I know he’s also happy

So far , doing these

appointments with him

It’s just amazing

Luke : I love you so much

I smile looking at him

It’s not how he says it

But how his eyes say that he

loves me when he says it

Me : I love you more

I’m at my happiest
Karabo : the Maldives

I look at her

She smiles

Karabo : we should go to the


I laugh

Me : but we’ve been there

Karabo : I know

Me : and you’re certain you

want to go there again ?

Karabo : yes

Me : okay , I just thought you’ll

want to choose another place .
Like somewhere we haven’t
Karabo : yeah , I thought of that

Me : and you didn’t like the idea


Karabo : it’s not that , just there

was something about the
Maldives . And when we were
there , we were closer than
Me : that’s true

Karabo : so I’m thinking maybe

going there again , we’ll find
ourselves as a unit

Me : but we’re good now baby

She smiles

Karabo : I know
She moves over and walks over
to me

She straddles me

Sitting on my lap

Karabo : it’ll be like we’re

rekindling our love once again

I smile
Me : I am not against the

She pecks my lips with a smile

Me : I did say , anywhere you


Karabo : so when can we leave ?

Me : I’ll make arrangements ,

and take my two weeks leave
Karabo : I can’t wait

Me : it’ll be soon , before one of

my employees takes maternity

Shit !

I look at her with apologetic

She smiles

Karabo : it’s okay , other people

are allowed to fall pregnant

It’s a relief , she didn’t take that

hard . Or get offended , it didn’t
even change her mood
Luke : it’s a good thing you’re
taking some time off

I chuckle

Me : yeah

Luke : what ?

I heave a sigh

Me : nothing
Luke : come on , just ask

Me : lately you’re just a regular


He laughs

Me : I’ve been watching you

Luke : and I’m not harrassing

Me : any particular reason why
you’re here so much ? Even
when it’s not about work ?

Luke : it’s personal

Me : who are you dating ?

Luke : it’s …

My phone rings
I heave a sigh

Me : hold that thought

Me : hello ?

It’s my PA

I have a meeting in few minutes

The clients have arrived

And I had forgotten about it

It’s my last minute to wrap

things up

As we’re leaving tomorrow for

our vacation

Me : okay , thanks
I drop the call

Me : duty calls

Luke : I guess we’ll continue this

conversation some other time

Me : you best believe we will

We laugh

And get up shaking hands

Luke : I’ll see you around , and
enjoy your vacation . Font forget
to spoil your wife

I laugh

I’ll probably come back broke

It’s been a while since a

And she hasn’t been doing
much shopping

I know she will not miss this

A knock comes at the door
And I know it too well

I smile and shout come in

He walks in

Dressed in just smart casual

And he kooks so darn good

My panty just soaks

Me : hey …this is a nice surprise

He smiles

And walks over placing a kiss on

my cheek

I turn my face and give him my

Of which he gladly accept

And turns my chair getting in

between my thighs

I let out a moan in his mouth

And trail my hand to his pants

His dick is up and still growing

As I run my hand over it

Luke : baby …

I deepen the kiss

And unbotton his pants

He curses under his breath

I take out his dick out of his

And stroke it with my hand

Feeling the veins popping on it

I part my legs and he slides his

hand between my thighs

Luke : baby …wait ….

I move back slightly

And stare into his eyes with lust

Luke : is this safe ?

I frown

Me : we’ve made love before ,

you’re clean and so am I . We
tested together

He smiles sliding his hand

through my coochie walls
Luke : I mean …won’t it hurt the
baby ?

I shake my head

Like I just gave him permission

He picks me up

And places me on the desk

His finger still rubbing on my clit

I direct his length through my

And he slides in through with a

deep grunt

I balance myself on the desk

Just letting him ravish me

Having his way with me

Until he hits that soft spot in me

And I cum all over his dick

While he continues to thrust

And stills in deep inside of me

We hold each other for a while

Until he moves back

And grabs wipes in my bag

He wipes us

And fixes my dress

Me : what brought you here ?

He pecks my lips
Luke : came to see your boss

Me : mhm

I don’t understand this relation

they have

I honestly can’t say they’re

Because they don’t do what
friends do

They only see each other once

in a while

And talk once in a while

They talk more about business

..than they do about anything
Luke : he is taking his wife to a

Me : oh …

Luke : just wanted to see him off

Me : okay

Luke : of course I wasn’t gonna

leave without seeing you
I smile

He leans down and pecks my


I pull him in for a deeper kiss

I have never seen a woman look
this beautiful
Yet she’s so far in her pregnancy

Me : hi

Thabile : hi

Me : Uhm … I’m not here to

bother you

She laughs
Me : I will be leaving tomorrow
for two weeks so today is my
last day , I just wanted to tell

Thabile : well , thank you I guess

Yeah ..

Why am I telling her ?

Me : because we’ve been
working closely

Thabile : it makes sense , thank

you . If there’s anything , I’ll run
it with the acting CEO

Me : yeah … alright

She nods

I take a deep breath

And clear my throat

She’s looking at me like I’m

crazy right now

Me : Uhm …bye , I’ll go and

leave you to your work

She nods

I walk out of her office

I sure can make myself look and
sound like an idiot at tines

I could have just sent her an


Just like I’ve done with everyone

Even the shareholders

So they know I’m not around

Or left the message with

Maybe her PA

There was no need to go to her

office personally
Me : he was just awkward , for
absolutely no reason

She laughs

Me : I was just annoyed by that

Cindy : maybe he thought you’ll

feel somehow if you found out
like everyone

Me : for what ?
She shrugs

Cindy : he sent everyone emails

Me : he should have just sent

me one as well

I heave a sigh

Me : not come to my office , like

I’m some special case
Cindy : do you think he really
believed you ?

Me : on ?

Cindy : that he’s not the father ?

I chuckle

Me : For what reason would he

not believe me for ?
Cindy : I don’t know , just he’s
acting strange . Like he holds
some feels for you

I laugh

Me : he should quickly get rid of

them , there was never anything
between us . And there never
will be , I’m very happy with
Luke . I know it’s only been a
short while , but I love that man
with all of me . I don’t just love
him , I am in love with him . I
may have done the most stupid
decision ever , and slept with
my boss . But I’ll never cheat on
Like , especially not with
Siboniso . That possibility of
cheating is not even there

Cindy : good
Me : let me go , kiss the babies
for me

She smiles and leans over for a


I walk out of the building

I miss my man

Like I didn’t see him hours ago

But then again , I also feel like a
quite night in
I want to call her and apologize

But I also don’t wanna seem


I don’t get what’s wrong with

Everything was okay now

We were good

And focused on our jobs

And I just had to act like an idiot

I’m sure now she thinks I’m

hung on her
Which is not the case

I don’t even know why I didn’t

send her an email

Like I did everyone else

But regretting that

It doesn’t help much right now

And it won’t undo what I did

I take a deep breath

As my wife walks in

I look at her with a smile

Me : tell me you’re done ,

because I miss you

She laughs
Karabo : just a bit , I came to
check on you

Me : you’ve been packing for

over an hour

She smiles

Karabo : I know , but I need to

Me : why ? It’s not like you

won’t do any shopping
She sits next to me

I take her hand into mine

Karabo : I know , but I will still

need some of my personal
touch things

I don’t think there’ll ever be a

That we as men understand

I swear , if a man like that ever


He will be the hero of ours lives

Me : just one more hour

Karabo : okay
She pecks my cheek with a

Me : then I want all of you to


Karabo : okay

She pecks my cheek once more

With a sweet giggle

Karabo : an hour

She gets up

I pull her down

And she falls on top of me


I trail my hands to her ass

And we kiss slowly

Karabo : let me …

I hold her down

And she tries to wiggle her way


I flip her over

Laying her on the couch

And I get in between her legs

Karabo : now I won’t finish

Me : I’ll be quick

I pull her dress up

And slide her panty to the side

Zipping down my pants

And I take out my dick

Rubbing on her until she’s wet


And I push through her warm


Just filling her up

And taking slow deep thrusts
The door opens

I lift my eyes

And Rich walks in

I’m hours behind the desk

I really should be heading home

But I still need to finish some


And Thabile said she’s a bit


And won’t be good company

But not like something is wrong
with her

I don’t understand that

But I want to respect it

Although , it means I have to go

to an empty house

And that’s lonely

Ever since she came into my life

I don’t find being at my house

as peaceful like before

It just bores me

Because I want her presence

I want her next to me

Rich : here
He hands me the small box

I take it

Me : you got the exact one I

wanted ?

Rich : 27 carat diamond

Me : thanks
Rich : good luck

I chuckle

Me : I don’t need it , but thanks

He walks out

And now I don’t feel like being

here anymore

So I get up
And pack my things

Grabbing my laptop and car


I walk out locking the office ,

and head to the parking lot
He is laying his head on my

His focus is not even on the


I think it’s watching him

Not the other way around

I run my hand on his head a few

And he closes his eyes

As I keep on massaging his head

Me : I know I said I need a quite

night in , but I’m glad you came

He lets out a fade smile

Luke : I wanted to be with you

I chuckle

Luke : there’s something I have

to tell you

Okay !

Now I’m scared

Luke : the ultimate goal for me ,

was to make a success of myself
and my business . Then groom
someone to take over it ,
because I’ve always dreamt of
moving back home at some
point . Have a family , enjoy the
grape vineyards and the sunset
of Tuscany . Over my by family
estate , across country far away
from city life . I never imagined
that I’ll find love here , nor even
be committed . And now I’ve
been thinking a lot lately ,
because I love you so much .
And I don’t even question that
you’re the woman I want , I
never saw a future in this place .
Now there’s you , but I still see
myself home

He opens his eyes

I stare into his gaze

Luke : I don’t want to lose you ,
and I doubt home will ever feel
like home without you

That’s huge

Means uprooting my life for


And in all my life

I’ve never been anywhere
outside of my country

Luke : it’s a lot to think about ,

you have your friend here and
your job . I will consider that
and all , but I also ask that you
think of my request

Me : would I have a life in a

foreign country ?
Luke : anything is possible , and
any life that you want . I’m not
promising fairytales

I smile

Me : then let’s wait until the

baby is born , then we can
uproot our lives in South Africa

He pops his eyes

Looking at me with shock

I guess he’s shocked by my


Maybe he expected me to
question him

Or maybe to not agree on the


But I know what I want

And my home , will definitely be
where he is

He wouldn’t be happy staying

here just for my sake

And honestly , besides Cindy

and the Job

I have nothing here

My distant families don’t want

I don’t know my father

My mother died when I was 8

And I was moved from foster

care to foster care

Until I outgrew the system

What do I have to lose ?

I can always find another job

And I’ll always visit my friend

Luke : you won’t …even take

time to think ?

Me : no

I say with a smile

And lean down pecking his

Luke : please tell me this is not a

joke ?

Me : it’s not

He quickly gets up
And reaches in his pants that he
was wearing from work

And he walks over with the

small box

He opens it

And my mouth drops open

Luke : I know it’s only been a

short while but , nothing would
give me the pleasures of giving
you my last name and …

Me : YES !

I scream on top of my lungs

And he laughs shaking his head

Luke : I wasn’t even finished ,

but thank you
He slides the ring on my finger

I can’t explain the emotions

right now
I look at my wife

And she’s asleep

I am not sleepy

It doesn’t seem like I’ll fall

asleep this flight

I grab the throw and cover her


And take a deep breath leaning

back on the seat

The creepiness of the night

Just gets to me

And I grab my phone

Logging online

Just to keep myself occupied

Maybe it’ll help me , to catch

some sleep
I scroll down people’s posts on

Maybe I might even find

something to buy for my wife

But something catches my eye

As I’m busy scrolling down

And it’s a picture of a woman’s

hand with a ring on
And not just any ring

It looks very expensive

Captioned “Becoming Mrs


Luke posted the picture

I chuckle shaking my head

I comment with congratulations

I guess he really is dating

someone from my office

As I’m about to click back from

the picture

One slides on the left

And it’s Thabile sleeping

I frown and look at the picture

I even zoom at it

It’s in back and white

But I know her

Me : what ….

No !
It can’t be !

Is she the one that he’s seeing

at the office ?

I quickly go back to the hand


I look at it once again

And click my tongue annoyed

I log out

And tap his number

Before it rings I drop

It’s middle of the night now

He made that post two hours

I am not surprised it has so
many reactions

I tap on messages

“I wanted you in my company

for business , not to get into bed
with my employees”

I contemplate over it

And end up deleting the text

Before I even hit the send

I heave a sigh frustrated

I type another text

“Take time to know her , ever

heard of bro code”

Mxm !
I delete the text again

Before hitting send

I take a deep breath

And log back in online , and the

picture is getting more reactions

I change my settings
So I’m notified when he posts

I log out

And close my eyes

Taking slow deep breaths

Luke !

Like did it have to be him ?

Out of all people

And couldn’t he peruse

someone else ?

He managed to keep this from


I wonder how long it has been

going on
No one just gets engaged in a

Unless they’re crazy

And I don’t think he is

Must be for a while

And I didn’t even suspect

Wow !

And here I was thinking we’re


I wonder if he knows about her

and me
I place the bag in the car

And grab the blanket off the car

Placing it next to the bag

I check again

And I think all three bags are

That’s if I didn’t forget anything

I walk back in the house

And she’s having flavoured


Me : baby

She looks at me
Me : do I have everything ?

She smiles

I heave a sigh

Thabile : yes

Me : okay , I don’t want to miss

anything . Or leave anything
behind , I can’t come back for it
. Because I want to be there
every moment

Thabile : and you won’t miss

anything , you’ll be there the
whole time

I let out a smile

Thabile : you’re worrying for

Me : okay , I’ll calm down

She laughs and walks over

Thabile : I swear , it feels like

you’re the one giving birth

I chuckle

Me : I want everything to be
Thabile : and it will be , we took
a whole month planning for this
. The midwife is ready for us ,
everything is being prepared as
we speak . So when we get
there , everyone will be ready
for us

I nod

Me : okay
Thabile : okay , let’s go

She takes my hand and we walk


I strap her in the car

Carefully not to place the

seatbelt on her tummy

She laughs
I shake my head and move to
my side

I get in

And take a deep breath starting

the car driving out

Thabile : deep breaths

I look at her
And she laughs

Me : baby

Thabile : my love please calm


I side eye her

Thabile : if you panic like this ,

then I’ll go into panic mode
Me : no pains yet ?

Thabile : just mild

I nod

And take her hand into mine

I kiss the back of her hand

Thabile : I am so grateful to be
doing this with you
I look at her and smile

I swear , I can’t explain how I’m

feeling right now
I have never seen a man this

It’s actually funny

But I feel like I’ve laughed at him

It’s not that I’m calm because

I’m not in pain

But I am

Just that knowing how prepared

we are

Then it gives me peace

And the hospital is taking good
care of us

I know this baby will be

delivered safely

Me : I don’t know if you will

survive being in the delivery

He looks at me
And breathes into his fists

Luke : I want to be here

Me : don’t faint , because I will

definitely film

He laughs

Luke : and you’ll show my

daughter that
I smile

Luke : don’t be that mean

Me : she will still appreciate the

fact that you are here

Luke : and I’m not going


I hold his hand

As he goes on to get lost in his

I wonder if he’s just nervous

Or something else is going on in

his mind

But right now , it’s definitely not

a good time to ask
I doubt , there’s anything he will

I grab my phone

And answer a few texts from


Not work related

Just colleagues checking on me

And only Cindy knows today is
the day

And she’s also been checking up

on me
Karabo : are you not going to
work ?

I look at her
Me : no

Karabo : oh …I didn’t know you

took a day off

Me : I didn’t , I’ll just work from


Karabo : oh , any particular

reason ?
Me : no

Karabo : okay

She walks over to the kitchen

I take a deep breath

I don’t know

But it’s not the same at the

office anymore
And it doesn’t help everyone
keeps talking about Thabile

And when she’s giving birth

And all of that

It’s just annoying

At the same time

Luke and I have never talked

To this day

We only met on business


And nothing else

But she really is indeed engaged

to him
I thought maybe that would
turn out to be a prank of some

But it’s not

Now their relationship is even


There were even a few articles

About their engagement

I’ve never asked him anything

If he took me as a friend

Then he would have told me

Not for me to find out on social


And he never bothered to tell

I never asked her about it either

I mean …it’s her

She would have told me off

Or something

Maybe I would have made

myself an idiot again
And just make her think I’m
stuck on her

Which is not the case

But still , we can’t deny what

happened between us

Even though it wasn’t planned

And it was a once off thing

But it still happened

I’m startled by Karabo tapping

my shoulder

Me : what ?

Karabo : I’ve been calling you


I heave a sigh
Me : sorry , I didn’t hear

Karabo : clearly , but what’s on

your mind ?

I swallow hard

Me : nothing , just work

She sighs

Karabo : okay I won’t pester you

Me : babe it’s not …

Karabo : I’m making a snack , do

you want something ?

Me : no thanks

She nods

Me : I love you
She says nothing but turns

And walks back in the kitchen

I take a deep breath

And get up following her

I look at him

And he’s not paying me any


Little miss has taken all the

attention from me

When she was taken to take a


He was giving me his all

As soon as she came to feed

She just took the whole of him

It’s so cute

He’s not just holding her

But he’s also talking to her , it’s

just cute
I snap a picture of them

And send it to Cindy

She’s been asking and texting

If the baby is here already

It was just a precious moment

Seeing him there

Holding my hand

Throughout the whole thing

Watching her being born

And having the privilege to cut

the cord

It was special
And it’s something I’ll always
hold dear

A memory that will forever be


I am so thankful to not be doing

this alone

As much as I was willing to

But I’m glad I’m not

Because having him , showed
me what it means to have

My phone rings

I answer with a smile

Me : hey

Cindy : Ohhh she’s so cute

Luke flashes me a smile

With a side eye

Cindy : I can just eat her up

I laugh

Cindy : oh baby , you have done

Me : I am so glad that it’s over

Cindy : you’re someone’s

mother now

Me : and it’s only the beginning

Cindy : white people have kids ,

like they’re taking them to a

We laugh
Me : stop being silly , that’s not
what I meant

Cindy : I know , but it’s a


I have been ignoring my phone

I didn’t feel like going to work

again today

And my phone has been buzzing

like crazy

Karabo is out

Just for drinks with her friends

So I’m all alone

And now this house feels


I guess it really doesn’t work for


To be home alone

I get up from the couch

And run up the stairs

Heading to our room

I take a quick shower

And dress up appropriately

I might as well go to the place in


Since it’s not helping here

I grab my laptop bag and car

I grab a pad and leave a note for


I might call and she won’t


Best she finds the note when

she gets back
I head out and get into my car

I drive out headed to the office

Just driving in silence

Gathering my thoughts

I don’t understand why I’m

bothered this much
It doesn’t make sense

Because I have no feelings


Or maybe they’re suppressed or


I scoff at that thought

I finally arrive at work

And park at my spot

Grabbing my things

I walk out of the car

And walk inside the building

I swear , it feels like I’m in the

wrong building

At the wrong company

Me : what’s going on here ?

I raise my voice a bit

So they can hear me

Because with all this much noise

and loud talks

No one would hear anything

Everyone turns around and
looks at me

A few leave

And others look like kids that

are caught stealing

Me : what’s going on here ?

No one says anything

Me : am I talking alone ?

Cindy : we …it was just a

message …I mean , everyone
was just passing their
congratulations messages to

I frown

Cindy : sorry sir , we will get

back to work right away
Me : I don’t pay you to sit
around and gossip at reception ,
Thabile is not the first woman to
give birth . Nor will she be the
last , it was enough you had a
baby shower here . Now
enough with this charade , all of
you get back to work . And do
what I pay you to do

They all walk away

I shake my head

And take the elevator to my


Right now , I wish I hadn’t come


But then again

Clearly I can’t trust my

So maybe it’s a good thing I

Because then I would lose


While they fuss over some

mixed baby

Like it’s the first time they hear

of someone
Having a baby

It’s just so pathetic

I settle in my office

And take out my laptop

Trying to get some work done

Even though , I can’t

My mind keeps trailing off

I sigh and close the laptop

leaning back against the chair ,
rubbing my forehead
I am so happy to be home

And glad we didn’t stay at the

hospital too long

The doctor came to see us this


And said we are ready to go


And it feels good to be home

Cindy : this room makes

She sighs

I look around and sigh

Me : I know , it’s just that we

didn’t want to make a nursery .
Because we’ll be leaving soon ,
so it would have been just a
waste . Everything will be ready
when we get to Italy

She smiles

Cindy : I am going to miss you

so much

Me : me too , but we will always


Cindy : yeah
My poor friend

She’s the only one who’s ever

had my back here

And I wish I didn’t have to leave

But sometimes what’s meant

for you , isn’t where you’re at

And maybe this is for me

Cindy : I wish it was just a two
hours drive , or an hour’s flight

Me : it’s many hours , but I

know we can do it

She smiles

Me : I’ll always and forever

cherish you , you’ve had me
since day one and never left my
side . You’ve had my corner , ice
always known and been assured
that I have you

Cindy : always

Me : and now baby Saraya will

definitely need her God mother
and …

Cindy : oh my God ..
I laugh

Cindy : you’re just the sweetest,

and Saraya O’Riley suits her

I smile

Luke didn’t even hesitate

He had answers when I asked

about the baby’s surname
Said I’m having his , so definitely
she will have his surname

And he will be the father on the

birth certificate

When it came to Siboniso, he

said he will deal with that

If it ever gets there

And I have no doubt he will

I know questions will arise
about the baby’s colour

And people will talk

But as long as we’re content ,

we’re fine

And we will be fine

Because I never lied to him

He came to me when I was

So he knew what he was getting

himself in

And he’s ready for anything

And I’m ready with him

Cindy : I will fulfil my duties

Me : I have no doubt you will

Cindy : well …with other news ,

not your boss catching us
sending those messages . And
he came down on us like a ton
of bricks

I laugh

Me : I knew that was trouble

Cindy : sure it was company
time , but I think he blew a
gasket over nothing

Me : he pays you guys to work

Cindy : yes , I don’t deny nor

dispute that . But he was harsh ,
said you wasn’t the first nor last

Me : wow ! But it’s true

She rolls her eyes with nothing
but attitude

Cindy : I think he’s just bitter ,

just because he and his wife
have been married forever yet
they have no kids

Me : they don’t ?

Cindy : no
I heave a sigh

Me : well it’s not a shock , a lot

of couples these days decide
what they want in their
marriage . And some really
don’t want kids

Cindy : who doesn’t want a child

! That’s leaving your mark , and
something for people to
remember you by when your
time comes

I laugh

Me : I think this is just overrated

, people are not the same .
Some don’t have kids yes ,
because they were just not
given . But others , it’s a choice

Cindy : I would never

Of course she wouldn’t

And she adores her kids

And she had them with the right

man for her , she is happy in her

Not everyone is as lucky

And others it’s not by choice

Some don’t even have kids out
of fear

Looking at financial situations

It can’t be easy , struggling and

having to care for another

When you can barely maintain

Just surviving and not living

And surviving on the minimal


It’s tough out here , and we all

have our struggles
Karabo : babe , you didn’t tell
me that Luke is now a new

I look at her

Me : yeah

Karabo : mhm , it’s been a while

since I’ve been on the socials
Me : did he post the baby ?

Karabo : no , just the mother’s

hand at the hospital with the

Me : mhm okay

Karabo : must be the fiancé ,

she is beautiful

Me : yeah
Karabo : it’s so lovely

I look at her

And she looks like she’s just


I don’t want this thing triggering


And we start all over again

Karabo : I sure missed out on a
lot , by not being active

Me : why don’t you post as well


She smiles

Karabo : me ? No …I only post

when I have content . Like when
we went to the Maldives , that’s
the kind of content I post

Me : well , you should tell me to

pick up my socks . So you can

She laughs

Karabo : people nowadays , they

post anything and everything on
social media . That’s not my
style , I post only things I can
look back on and just reminisce

I smile

Me : I’ll do better

She lets out a slight laugh

Karabo : you should send him a

Me : why ?

Karabo : babe …for being a new

father , even if it’s for the baby .
I’m sure he will appreciate it , I
know it’s not something men do
. But it’s just a nice gesture

Me : okay

I don’t want to make a fuss

about this
Or even make a big deal out of

So I’ll just agree with what she


So she can let it go

And we move on

Even though , I don’t think I will

I don’t think I will send him any

Not even if it’s for the baby

He didn’t tell me

So why should I bother myself ?

I see no need
Had he told me , that would be
another story

Maybe he’s holding something

against me

Over the fact that I’ve been with


I mean , I did tell him myself

after all
So he knows

Even if she told him

But he still knows I’ve been


And guys are not like women


They can be friends , after both

being played by one guy
And they can befriend their ex’s

But not guys

We don’t roll like that

And maybe that’s why he’s

keeping this relationship away
from me
I don’t blame him

I still wish he was a friend


To just tell me

But it is what it is
*I DO , I DO*
This must be a joke

Why would they send me their

wedding invitation?

Maybe to mock me

Or what ?

Because I don’t understand

What’s it for ?
I grab my phone and call him

Thabile is still only coming back

to work today

I haven’t spoken to her in

almost five months

When I need something , I send

her an email
Or have my PA call her

Luke we’ve only been focused

on business

Of which most of it , Thabile

handles herself

So they talk business through


Now I get this

I grab my phone and call him

Luke : hey man

I clear my throat

Me : hey …what’s up ?

He chuckles
Luke : nothing much , just this
and that

Me : I see

Luke : is something wrong ?

Me : Uhm no …I just got an

invitation to your private

I hear the baby crying

Luke : I’m still here princess ,
daddy didn’t leave you

The baby quites down

Me : is this a bad time ?

Luke : no , I’m watching

someone who doesn’t want me
to leave her side
He sounds happy

I guess that’s what being a

proud father means

Me : oh yeah , congratulations
on that

He chuckles

Luke : thanks
Me : and for the invite as well

Luke : yeah , we only sent out

invites to a few people .
Because it’ll be a small intimate
thing , with just friends and
family along with business

Now I feel stupid for even

calling him
Me : alright thanks man

Luke : you’ll RSVP , if you will

make it

Me : alright , let me leave you to

your duty

Luke : alright bye

I drop the call

I wonder if I should tell Karabo
about this

Because I know she will want to


To this day , she still doesn’t

know I didn’t send any gift
Luke : should you really be
returning to work ?

I look at him

Luke : especially at a time like

this ?

Me : I don’t like to panic or

worry , because I’m trying to
avoid stress . My wedding
planner is very good , and she
knows what she’s doing

Luke : okay

I put my lipstick down

And get up from the dressing


I walk over to him

Me : I know , you think I should
be home right now . But I’ve
finished my maternity leave ,
and I have to honour my

Luke : I understand

Me : and I will tell him today

about my resignation , serve my
notice . So he can find a
replacement , before we move
Luke : I understand , that makes

Me : let me go , I love you

Luke : I love you more baby

He places his hands around my

And he leans down , capturing
my lips into his
Dave : she’s a good woman

I chuckle
I know my brother

And this could be some lecture


Dave : I …I need to understand

something here

Me : what ?

Dave : so young and you went

for someone with a child ?
I knew it

It was only a matter of time

Me : I love her , I love both of

them . That little girl is a O’Riley
, she’s carrying my name . I’m
her father , blood or not

Dave : but what of the real

father ?
I clench my jaw

Because I don’t really want to

be talking to my family about

Me : I am her father

I get up
Me : you’re here to support me
, please do that . And if you
can’t ….

Dave : I understand and I’m


I turn and walk away from him

Cindy : how are you surviving ?

I laugh

Me : it’s a full house of the

O’Riley family , but they’re not
that bad
Cindy : I wanted to pop in , in
the morning . And I heard
there’s an aunt in there

Me : your husband is a gossip

monger please

She laughs

Me : and the aunt is at my place

Cindy : he was saying it , like
he’s certain

Me : maybe he saw her there

Cindy : you’re having it easy , I

had family in my house I
couldn’t even breathe . And not
just his , but mine as well

Me : guess I should count

myself lucky
Cindy : well , we’ll come this
evening . Just for a night of

Me : that would be great , after

all he did come all the way here
for us

Cindy : and I was actually

amazed that he honoured the
invitation , being Major has
made things easy for him

Me : and it works for you too ,

cause he will be home more

Cindy : yeah , we’ll just miss the

kids . Because they have school
, and I just can’t pull them out.
Besides , they love staying with
their grandmother , and visiting
for weekends doesn’t work for
kids . It’s too much travelling

Me : but you can do it

Cindy : yeah

Me : let me get to work , before

your boss comes for my head on
my first day back

Cindy : he’s yet to be shocked

I laugh

Grabbing my handbag and

laptop bag walking to my office

It doesn’t even feel like I’ve left

But it feels good to be back

Although it’s going to be for a

short while
I’m just here for my month
serve notice

And HR will have my resignation

letter , as soon as I’ve spoken
with Siboniso . A conversation
I’m derailing
I still haven’t told my wife about
the wedding invitation

I’m still contemplating on that

But then I can just go as a

business associate

Because I do need his business

But it’s clear , there’s no
friendship there now

Even if maybe there was some

kind before

Now he has the woman I’ve

been with

Even if it was just a night of sex

Or just hours of that

But he’s changed

And I’m sure it’s because of that

I haven’t seen Thabile today

But I heard she’s back

A knock comes at the door

Me : come in

The door opens and she walks


Looking beautiful as ever

And ready for business

Thabile : good morning

Me : morning
Thabile : I need to have a word
with you

Me : I hope it’s business and

nothing else

She frowns

I clear my throat
Me : I’m sorry , come take a

She walks over and pulls a chair

sitting down

Thabile : I don’t know what you

meant by that statement , but I
figured I owe you some
courtesy . Since you hired me , I
could have gone straight to HR
I look at her

And I know I should have closed

my mouth

And not said what I said

Thabile : I’ll be moving , so I’m


Me : what ?
Thabile : I thank you for the
opportunity to grow and….

Me : what do you mean you’re

resigning ?

Thabile : like I said , I’m moving


Me : where are you going ?

Thabile : Italy
Me : Luke put you up to this
right ?

She laughs

And it’s not a friendly laugh

Thabile : put me up ….it’s a

decision we made as a family .
There’s nowhere where my
contract , said I can’t move or

This is fucked up

I need her

My company needs her

I did everything I could , to

make sure I don’t lose her
And now this

Me : is it money ? Because I can

double what you’re making now

Thabile : no it’s not money , and

it has absolutely nothing to do
with an increase

Me : what can I do to make you

stay ?
Thabile : nothing

Wow !

Right now I don’t even know

what to say

What does this say about the

contract we have with O’Riley ?

Me : is Luke also going to

terminate his contract ?
She gets up

Thabile : I don’t know , Mr

O’Riley did not discuss that with
me . But you can always pick
you your phone and call him

Me : seeing that he came after

you , and now he’s uprooting
your life I thought you’ll know
Thabile : let’s not be petty with
each other , I’m being
professional with you . Please
give me the same courtesy

I swallow hard

And she walks out

I take a deep breath

And grab my phone calling him

Luke : hello

He answers like he’s talking to a


Me : hey , I heard you guys are


Luke : oh , yes
Me : but do you think that’s a
wise decision ? You have
business here

Luke : my decision doesn’t

impact my business anyhow ,
we’ll schedule a meeting so we
know how we move forward

Me : what about Tha… Ms

Mbatha ? She just started her
career , and doing well . How is
it wise to uproot her ?
He chuckles

Luke : that’s personal , but I

don’t remember saying she’s
going to be a trophy wife once
we move . I have business in
Italy , she will still be a force to
be reckoned with in the
business world
Me : you’re doing this so you
can take her , I mean you did
say that I should pay her well so
someone doesn’t take her . And
now you have an easy way to
take her , she was making you
money . Now you’re taking her ,
and going to trust someone else
with your contract with us . So
they can fail , and you terminate

Luke : look man , if you don’t

trust the people you hired and
pay . Don’t make that my
problem , if you think you’ll fail
my contract . Say now , so we
might as well part ways . Don’t
use one person as an excuse ,
you’ve had her for over a year .
How was your company
surviving before her ?

I take a deep breath

Me : that’s not what I said

Luke : I will see you at the
meeting , you can raise your
concerns there

He drops the call

I take a deep breath

Did I just fuck up by that call ?

But what the fuck !

He knows what he’s doing
taking her away

What’s the point of moving

Thabile : he’s being an
annoyance for no reason

I laugh
Thabile : baby

Me : I’m sorry , but I guess he’s

angry he’s loosing his star

Thabile : but he can’t go on , like

he owns my life . I’m sure
annoyed right now

Me : calm down
She heaves a sigh

Thabile : did you go pick up your

suit ?

Luke : I couldn’t leave ,

someone was crying . So I’m
going to leave with her , and
we’ll pick her dress as well

Thabile : that’s nice

Me : you calm down , and we’ll
call you when we’re done

Thabile : okay , I love you guys

Me : we love you too

Thabile : let me try and work

Me : bye
I drop the call

And pick up this person

She’s looking at me

Like she doesn’t want me

getting away from me

I place her in her car seat

She makes the face

I laugh

And strap her in

And run around to my side

I turn back and look at her

And the face goes back to nice

I smile driving off

I keep looking back at her

She just laying back

So quite

I look at her
And she’s still ransacking her

I heave a sigh

Me : will you ever be done ?

She glares at me

Me : I … we’re late
Karabo : and who’s fault is that ?

I shrug

Karabo : had you told me in

time , when you got the
invitation then I wouldn’t be
running around like a headless
chicken right now

Me : I forgot it
Karabo : and you remembered
when I told you , that Luke is
getting married today because I
saw it online

I shake my head

I didn’t forget anything

I wasn’t going to tell her

Karabo : now I’m not prepared ,
I can’t show up at a wedding like
I’m just going on a date

Me : we’re just guests there ,

you’re not the bride

Karabo : wow !

Me : I’m sorry baby , but we can

always not go
Karabo : mhm

She goes on again to go through

her clothes

I don’t even get what the fuss is

Karabo : now we’ll just look

unprepared , we will walk
around unmatched as a couple

Me : it’s not our wedding

She turns and looks at me

Karabo : be honest …you didn’t

want to go

I keep quite

Karabo : here I was thinking you

want to support your friend
Me : he doesn’t see nor take me
as a friend

Karabo : Siboniso what’s going

on ?

Me : nothing , you’ll find me in

the car

I walk out of the bedroom

And head downstairs

I see the whole thing is
streaming online

And big names in the business

are attending

Even a few ministers

Me : the wedding of the century

I grab my car keys and walk out

The door opens and Cindy walks

She smiles walking towards me

Cindy : you look beautiful

I smile tearfully

Just as my phone rings

I grab it and answer the

unfamiliar number

Me : hello

And to my shock , a voice I

haven’t heard in over 10 years
Aunty : what do you think
you’re doing ?

I keep quite and listen to her

Aunty : you’re rich now , and

you’re forgotten your family .
You think your marriage will
succeed when you have
abounded your own family ? It’s
a sham , who even negotiated
bride price for you ? My sister is
surely so disappointed where
she is

Me : you’re a very rich one to

speak , when you people
abounded me first . You didn’t
care about me , and now you
want me to care about you ?
You must be crazy , don’t ever
call me again

Aunty : you …
I drop the call and block her

Cindy : who was that ?

Me : my mother’s so called

Cindy : mxm , I’m keeping your

phone . We can’t have such
people ruining your big day , I’m
glad you’re not letting her get to

That would be a waste of my


They’ve never cared about me

Looked for me or anything

Now they read news , and they

remember I still live
They can all rot to hell for all I

And no good for nothing person

, curse my wedding

I won’t let her ruin my day

Me : I am so nervous

She laughs
Cindy : it’s nerves , every bride
gets them . Trust me it’s normal

She takes my hand

Cindy : now let’s go get you


I let out a slight laugh

Karabo is capturing every

Me : I hope you’re not going to

post those

She just looks at me and says

I take her one hand into mine

As the other one she’s holding

her phone with

We get up , as the bride walks in

And some guy is walking her

down the isle

I’ve seen him once or twice

At the company

I just don’t know who he had

come for

Because it was way before

Thabile even joined us

And I think he’s a soldier

She looks so beautiful in a

strapless mermaid dress
Simple yet elegant

I swallow hard

She’s not even looking around

Her eyes are locked with Luke

And he looks down as a tear

drops down his cheek
People being people find that all

I don’t see their baby anywhere

I see where his family is seated

But none of them are holding

the baby
Karabo : you never cried on our
wedding day , when I walked
down the isle

I shake my head

Karabo : I think you owe me

another wedding

We sit down
As they hold hands and the
preacher starts with a prayer

Before the wedding ceremony


Preacher : do you Thabile

Mbatha , take Luke O’Riley as
your lawful husband . To have
and to hold , in sickness and
health . For richness , and
poorness . For as long as you
both shall live , until death do
you apart ?

Thabile : I DO

Preacher : do you Luke O’Riley ,

take Thabile Mbatha as your
lawful wife . To have and to hold
, in sickness and health . For
richness , and poorness . For as
long as you both shall live , until
death do you apart ?
Luke : I DO

They go on to say their own


And they have people in tears

Karabo : love is such a beautiful


I side eye her

She’s also in the emotions of
the wedding

I just want it all to be done

Preacher : now if there’s anyone

amongst you , who think these
two should not get married .
Speak now , or forever hold
your peace
Karabo : no one should dare
stop such a beautiful thing

She says with a smile

I swallow hard looking down

Preacher : with the power

vested in me , I now pronounce
you husband and wife . Mr and
Mrs O’Riley , you may seal it
with a kiss
Everyone cheers as they kiss

And they walk out of the garden

Holding hands

Everyone also gets up and head

to the reception in the hotel hall

I take Karabo’s hand and walk to

the reception as well
Everyone takes their seat

As we wait for the bride

And people go on to
congratulate Luke , I don’t know
if I should or not
Me : if you can be still , we will
actually be done soon so I can
let you be

She looks at me

I smile and fix her socks

She pulls up her feet and plays

with then

Pulling the shocks

I heave a sigh

If I keep fixing them

I will not finish

I grab her small bag

And pick her up

We walk out heading to my car

I strap her in her car seat

I rush over to my side

And start the car driving out

And she falls asleep

Not even far from home

I chuckle

And take a turn to the mall

I pass by the drive through

So I don’t have to wake her up

Or risk leaving her alone in the

I order

And drive around for the order

It doesn’t take long

And I get it

I start the car

Driving out of the mall

And drive off to her work place

I finally arrive

And park the car

I take her out and she opens her


I grab the food

And walk inside the building

I greet Cindy

And she greets back

The lady next to us turns

And I see it’s Siboniso’s wife

Karabo : hi …Luke
Me : hey

Karabo : it’s good seeing you , I

haven’t seen you since your
wedding . It’s been so long

She turns her eyes to Saraya

And I can see it in her eyes

But I ignore that

Karabo : your daughter is so

Me : thanks , it was nice seeing


I walk past her

And head to her office

She walks in

And I see something is not okay

She doesn’t look okay

Nor happy , like the wife that

called me

Saying she’s coming here

I get up

And meet her halfway

Me : baby

I try touching her

And she moves

Me : what’s wrong ?
Karabo : I need nothing but the
truth from you

Me : what ?

She swallows

And tears blurry her eyes

Karabo : I just saw Luke

Me : okay …

He would never tell her that

He would never

I told him in confidence

And I trusted he keeps it to


Not to tell anyone

Especially not my wife

Me : you saw him and ?

Karabo : he was with his


I clear my throat

I hope we’re not back here

I thought we are way past this

Me : babe please …

I shake my head

Me : I hope you seeing that

baby doesn’t trigger what we
have gone past

Karabo : he has a black child

Fuck !

I choke on my saliva and cough

so hard

Karabo : then guess what ?

I clear my throat

Karabo : I hear your employees

speaking about how no one will
be fooled forever , because that
baby looks like the boss as
young as he is

Fuck no !

What is going on ?

I take a deep breath

Me : that’s nonsense
Karabo : I saw that baby with my
own eyes

Me : yeah so …

Karabo : not only is he black ,

but he also has your eyes

I feel hot all of the sudden

I loosen my tie
Karabo : not only did you chest ,
you brought me a bastard child
in my home , knowing my

She tears up

As tears stream down her face

Me : I’m not ….

Karabo : don’t lie to me !

I take a deep breath

Me : I swear , I did not cheat

and I don’t have a child with
Luke’s wife

Karabo : I’m giving you one last

chance to come clean , tell me

Me : there’s nothing to tell

Karabo : okay goodbye

Me : what ….

She walks out

I fight the urge to follow after


Because I know I will become

office gossip
I hit the table frustrated

And it hits me

But why would she lie ?

And why is Luke raising my child

as his own ?
I get up and open the door as
they walk in

I smile

And lean over kissing her cheek

And he leans over pecking mine

Me : this is a nice surprise

He smiles

I make way for them

And we move over to the couch

Luke : thought we’ll come and

see you

I smile

Me : that’s nice
We sit down on the couch

I take Saraya

Luke : I hope we’re not

disturbing , because I know you
have to wrap up

Me : no , it’s nice you came . I’ll

get to get away from work a bit .
I’ve been taking work home ,
and it’s just a lot . I know y’all
need your time as well , and I
have to give that

Luke : but we understand

I smile

Luke : we brought food

Me : oh , I am starving
I grab the bag and take out the

I start eating

Luke : I saw Siboniso’s wife and

she …

The door flies open

And Siboniso badges in

Luke gets up

And they glare at each other

Siboniso : what the fuck is

wrong with you two ?

He is fuming
Luke : whatever brings you here
, you will hold yourself . And not
blow a gasket in front of my

Siboniso : my child you mean !

Shit !

I guess this is what Luke was

about to tell me
The wife saw the baby

And surely she ran to the


If you know his eyes

Saraya has the same eyes

And she does have his

I look at Luke

And he has an apologetic facial


And I know my husband

He’s beating himself up now

By bringing Saraya here

I take a deep breath

Me : you’re an adult , please act
like one

Siboniso : you kept my child

from me , I asked you and you
said I’m not the father . Do you
have any idea what you have
done ? And I’m not done with
the both of you , if you know
what’s good for you . You’ll arm
yourself for battle
Luke : don’t make threats you
can’t keep

Siboniso : this is my child , if you

want yours make it

Luke glares at him

I want to intervene

But I’ll rather let him handle this

Luke : consider yourself warned

Siboniso : I won’t just roll over ,

make your own child

Luke : or what ?

He looks at me

Siboniso : you’re evil and bitter ,

now my marriage is about to be
broken . I hope you’re happy ,
but you’ll never find happiness
as long as I fight for my own
marriage . We could have dealt
with this , before it even got this
far . But you decided you’re too
smart , you kept this baby and …

Luke : you’re pathetic , you

should have kept your zip up

Siboniso : don’t you dare , she

knew I was married
Luke : you will never get to see
my child , you will not play some
father figure . Consider her
none existent to you , because
had she told you that’s exactly
what you would have wanted .
She owes your marriage shit ,
you’re the married one . You
should have respected your wife
, and honoured your vows .
That’s not her business , now
you’re here bothering her ? Do
you see her bothering you ?
You’re full of shit, and I don’t
wanna go back and forth with
you . Consider this , her gone
for good

He takes my hand

And I get up

We walk past Siboniso

Saraya is asleep on my chest

He grabs my things

Leaving nothing behind that

belongs to me

And puts them in the boxes I

have asked for

For when I leave

Luke : try me …I dare you to just
try me , and I’ll finish you

We walk out of the office

I even left my food in there

The stares we are getting as we

walk downstairs

I wave at Cindy
And mouth I’ll call her

She nods

And we walk out

Luke : are you okay ?

I nod

Luke : I’ll fix this , let’s go home

We get to his car

Luke : Rich will come get your


Me : okay

I just oblige without any drama

I left shortly after they left

And drove home

But I wasn’t ready for this

Karabo has her clothes packed

Me : what’s going on ?
She just looks at me

Its evident she has been crying

Me : babe ….all of this because

Karabo : all I asked from you

was the truth , nothing but the
truth . And if you can’t give me
that , after this kind of betrayal.
Then there’s nothing for me and
you , I’m leaving and I’ll file for

Me : wait no …

She drags the suitcase

And comes back for another


She already knows

She’s already cried

She’s already felt all emotions

The lie and all

So what’s the point of

continuing with the lie ?

She walks back again

And I grab her hand

Me : it’s ….it’s true , it happened
once . In the office , I tried to
kiss her . After we secured the
deal with O’Riley , we both left
late that night . I wasn’t aware
she was still in the building , so
we got in the elevator and it
happened in there . That one
time and that was it , we never
even spoke about it . It was like
it never happened , and we just
moved on . She never told me
she was pregnant , I just saw
her myself . And when I asked
her if it was mine , she said no .
I promise , I didn’t know . And I
have never seen that baby , I
always thought she was Luke’s

Karabo : how can you break me

like this ?

Me : I know sorry won’t take

anything back , but I am sorry
Karabo : knowing how much I
want a baby , and I’ve been
struggling to have one

Me : it wasn’t on purpose…

Karabo : what do you think

happens when you put your
dick inside a pussy ?

She clicks her tongue

And just wails , breaking down

Balancing herself with the wall

Me : I never wanted to hurt you

, to be honest I ….they both told
me to stay away . And that’s
exactly what I intend to do , I
don’t want to bring you
unnecessary drama . I’ve
already hurt you too much , I
am sorry . None of this was my

Karabo : whether you want your

bastard or not , it doesn’t
change the fact that you have it

I swallow hard

The child did nothing to no one

I don’t think …
I don’t think we should be
calling her name’s

She’s still my blood after all

But right now , even I don’t

know what I want to do

Or what am I going to do

I’m still shocked

Because I had made peace with
the fact that I’m not the father

Karabo : this bitter truth doesn’t

change anything , but I’ll stay
this is my house

She finally gets up from the


And wipes her tears

She walks in the bathroom

I heave a sigh

Rubbing my hand over my head

After a while she walks out

And heads down

I quickly follow after her

But she’s just taking her bags

out of her car

I walk over and help her

At least she’s not leaving

I grab my jacket and put it on

And out on my sneakers

I walk down

He’s feeding Saraya

I peck his cheek

And he looks at me with a smile

Me : I’m going to the office

He sighs

Me : just to clear my office ,

nothing much

Luke : let me take you

Me : an hour max and I’ll be

Luke : what if …

Me : nothing is going to happen

, and if I need you I’ll call

Luke : promise

Me : you’re on speedial

Luke : an hour that’s all

I smile

I love how he’s protective of me

And how he’s looking out for me

Me : let me go quickly

I grab his car keys and walk to

the door

I look at my baby
She’s not even looking at me

But if it was Luke

She would be making a nasty

face right now

Luke looks at me

And he laughs
He knows I’m waiting for some
kind of a reaction

Some attention

But I know very well I won’t get


So I might just as well leave

Even if she does look at me

She will not act anyhow

She’ll just stare at me for a

minute or so

And that’s it

I close the door and walk out

Heading to my car

I get in and drive out

Headed to the company

I so hope Siboniso is not there

With the way he went at us


Well …more like me

I know his wife knows now

And she’s not happy

So hopefully he will not be


So I can clear out the office


Of the things I placed in there

And bid everyone goodbye , so

I leave in good spirits
Because I don’t want to have
another altercation with him

Yesterday was enough

And I don’t want a repeat of


What annoyed me the most

Was what he said

I should have told him

And we could have dealt with


By me aborting my baby

He even had the nerve

As if I would obey and heed to

his word
Like I need him for my baby

Or I need him to raise her

I know she will question a lot ,

when she grows up . But she
will have those answers
I look at her

As she walks past me

I can tell she’s been crying

She didn’t even sleep in our bed

She slept in the spare room

And I was at the door the whole

Because I know I fucked up

This is all my fault

I follow after her

And find her walking out

Me : babe …
She turns

Me : where are you going ?

Karabo : you have no right to

ask me that

Me : I’m …

Karabo : I don’t want to hear

anything from you
Me : I’m sorry

Karabo : I will never forgive you

for this

Me : I ….if she had told me ,

none of this would have
happened . I would have …

Karabo : golf me to abort , so

you don’t have to deal with your
I swallow hard

Karabo : now that you know ,

what’s going to happen ?

Me : I want nothing to do with

that child

Karabo : good , because I will

never accept a bastard child .
And you might as well , forget
that she even exists . Because
you would have had her

She closes the door

And walks out

I pounder on where is she going


I don’t trust her right now

What if she plans to not come

Or what if she harms me ?

But would she …

Cindy : are you okay though ?

I nod

Me : it’s just , he knows now

and so does his wife . I don’t
want either of them , or
anything from them . I hate the
fact that , they’re bringing me
all this drama . I don’t need it
Cindy : what did he say ?
Finding the truth

Me : he was furious , but you

know what he said ?

I chuckle bitterly

Me : that had I told him , he

would have taken care of it .
Meaning he would have told me
to abort , the nerve to even say
that . I don’t want anything
from that man

Cindy : wow , I never thought he

can be that cold

Me : well , it is what it is . Let

me go clear out my office

Cindy : pass by here

I nod

And walk over to what I used to

call my office

I clear out a few things

And the door opens

I turn back and it’s the wife

I take a deep breath

Karabo : I don’t believe we’ve
been formally introduced

Me : no need

She laughs

Karabo : you’re a bitter spiteful

woman , with no self respect .
Throwing yourself at a married
man , to an extent to open your
thighs for him . And bare a
bastard child ….

Within a split second

I find myself in front of her face

And I slap her so hard

And she staggers back

And looks at me with her
popped in shock

Me : don’t you dare , utter

anything about my child with
your mouth

She rubs her cheek

Karabo : you will not ruin my

marriage , and you’ll help me
keep your child away from my
husband. Because he wants
nothing to do with it . He will
have his own kids

Me : gladly , if he wants a child

he should knock you up . But
years in marriage , and that has
been a failure. Clearly he is not
the problem , he doesn’t shoot
blanks . But your womb is
definitely try like a desert , you
don’t know the pain of pushing
a baby . So stay In your lane
with your kind

She blinks and tears stream

down her face

The pain in her eyes is evident

I know my words have hit home

And it doesn’t make me feel any

She walks out and slams the
door , take a deep breath
closing my eyes

And move to the couch , taking

a seat . I rub my hands together
, just going over the emotions
Cindy walks in

And she looks at me with worry

Cindy : what happened ?

She walks over to the couch

And sits down next to me

Cindy : I saw the wife leaving
and she was in tears

Damn !

I feel so bad

Me : I ….I was so mean to her

I shake my head
Cindy : but she walked in like
she was ready for a fight

Me : maybe she was , but I

shouldn’t have said what I said
to her

Cindy : what …

Me : I …I need to go home , I’m

I get up

Cindy : you’re a mess right now ,

let me call your husband

I shake my head

Me : no , I’ll be fine

Cindy : I am not crazy to let you

drive in this state
Me : I’ll be fine

Cindy : no !

She grabs my phone and dials


I bury my face in my hands

Just taking deep breaths

I was already on my way

When Cindy called me

I wish I didn’t let her leave

I should have accompanied her

I know Karabo wasn’t gonna be

She wasn’t gonna miss an

opportunity to confront Thabile

The whole ride home she has

been quite

And hasn’t said anything

I take her hand as we walk out
of the car

And I pick Saraya from her seat

We walk inside the house

I take Saraya to her cot in our


And walk back down in the

She’s sitting down

Looking lost in her thoughts

I walk in the kitchen

Grabbing a bottle of water from

the fridge

I walk back in the lounge and

hand her the water
She takes it and drinks a bit

I sit down holding her hand

Me : what happened ?

Thabile : I am such a horrible


Me : who said that ?

She sighs

Thabile : Karabo came to the

office , and she went at me .
Called Saraya a bastard child

Me : that’s nonsense

Thabile : she pissed me off

Me : understandably , my
daughter is no one’s bastard

Thabile : I just lost it and said

some mean things

Me : like what ?

Thabile : that …her womb is dry

as a desert . She doesn’t know
pain of pushing a child
She takes a deep breath

As tears blurry her eyes

Thabile : I baby shamed her ,

and I …I should have never done
that . I’m not that person , I
don’t look down on other
people like that . The pain I saw
in her eyes , she couldn’t even
contain her tears . I broke that
woman with my words , and she
will never move past them .
Words cannot be erased

As much as I don’t agree with

what she said

I also understand she said it in


And she regrets that

It makes me wanna comfort her

Instead of scolding her about it

She has been out there
For plus or minus 10 minutes

I’ve been looking at her

But now I can hear her cries

It pains me what I’ve brought

into our home

I walk out and head to her car

I open the door

And she looks like a mess

I carry her into my arms

And she can’t stop sobbing

Me : I am sorry

I keep saying
And she’s just crying

I place her on the couch

And go get her water

She looks at me rubbing her


With tears streaming down her

Karabo : your ….did you tell her I
can’t have kids ?

I frown

Karabo : you knocked her up ,

it’s clear you have kids . And I’m
the problem here

Me : I’ve never said anything to

her about you
Karabo : then ….why would she
baby shame me if …

She breaks down

And I know now

She went to see Thabile

And it didn’t go well

Me : I take the blame for all this

Karabo : I will never forgive you

for this , and bringing that
woman into our marriage ….

Me : I didn’t bring her anywhere

, she’s not in out marriage

Karabo : look at us now …it’s all

your doing
It’s no use

She’s angry right now

Karabo : her words pierced my

heart , I will never ever get her
venom voice out of my head as
she tore my heart and broke me
like that with her words

Me : I am …
Karabo : enough ! Sorry will
never erase any of this

My phone rings

We both look at it and it’s Luke

As much as I don’t want to talk

to him right now

It could be about business

Even though I don’t think so

But I also don’t want this to

cause drama

As to why am I not answering

Maybe it’s Thabile calling

So it’s best I just answer

I answer the call , putting it on
loud speaker

Me : yeah

Luke : my wife would like to

speak to your wife

Me : no …

Karabo : what does she want ?

I look at her

Thabile : I am sorry , as angry as

I was . I shouldn’t have baby
shamed you , and for that I am
sorry I hope one day you will
find it in your heart to forgive
me . That’s all I wanted to say

Karabo laughs bitterly

Karabo : you think I will forgive
you ? So you can have a clear
conscience , that will never
happen . I will never forgive you
, and I hope your bitterness eats
you up forever

Thabile : I have asked for

forgiveness , wether you forgive
me or not it is up to you . But I
apologized and asked for
forgiveness . Nothing will eat
me up
Karabo : you’re sick ! You sleep
with my husband , give him a
child and you think you’re
better than me ? I will never
forgive you

Luke : that’s enough , bye

The call gets cut

Karabo : I hate you for this

She gets up and storms upstairs

I take a deep breath

Will my marriage ever be the

same again ?
Luke : you did good , and I’m
proud of you . But now , all this
ends here
I nod

We’ve decided to move end of

the week

So we get out of here

And just start our lives afresh

Away from all this

And that’s exactly what we will

I don’t even mind , that it’s

happening sooner

Because I would rather leave


Than entertain all this

It’s just enough drama

And I’m already enough of it

In just two days

If it goes on for longer

It will definitely drain me

I don’t want to be in battle with

Luke : I love you , and we’ll
come stronger than this

I smile and look into his eyes

His love is too evident

Even I can’t deny it

Me : I love you more

Luke : I loved you first

He leans over and captures my
lips into his

Slowly getting on top of me

And he positions himself in

between my thighs

As I feel his dick getting hard

facing my coochie
I part my legs , and grab his dick
positioning it to my open

And slowly side it in

As he starts thrusting in slowly

making passionate love to me

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