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SKS Group of Institutions

School: Durgapur Public School

Holiday Assignment based on Accounting Equation
Class: XI Section: Subject: Accountancy (055)
Date: 12.05.2023

1. Calculate total Assets if Capital is 40,000, Creditors 30,000, Revenue earned during the period
75,000, Expenses incurred during the period 20,000. Value of stock unsold 20,000.
2. How will you deal with the following items in Accounting equation:
i) Interest on Capital ii) Interest on drawings 3. Accrued Income 4. Unearned Income 5. Prepaid
Expenses vi) Outstanding expenses.
3. Peter has the following assets and liabilities as on 31st December 2023. Ascertain his capital : Cash
Bank 4,750, Debtor 1,800, Creditor 2,200, Plant & Machinery 8,000, Building 20,000, Furniture
2,400, Bills receivable 5,650, Bills Payable 2,350.
4. Show the accounting equation on the basis of the following transactions & also show the Balance Sheet.
I) Started business with Cash 80,000, Goods 30,000, Furniture 40,000
II) Purchased goods on credit from Nidhi 15,000 and on cash from Meera 10,000.
III) Bought a refrigerator for personal use 5,000.
IV) Goods costing 6,000 sold at the loss of 10% out of which 2,000 received in cash.
V) Received cash from Debtor 3,200 in full settlement.
VI) Sold goods for cash 5,000
VII) Intoduced fresh capital 1,00,000
VIII) Rent outstanding 5,000
IX) Accrued interest 10,000.
5. Prepare an Accounting Equation from the following:
I) Started Business with cash 1,00,000, Goods 50,000 and loan 15,000
II) Goods costing 24,000 sold at a profit of 33 1/3% and 3/4 th payment received in cash.
III) Paid three months rent in advance for office 6,000
IV) Goods withdrawn for personal use 10,000
V) Interest on drawings at the rate of 55
VI) Goods given as charity 1,000
VII) Loss of cash by theft 1,000
VIII) Loan taken was repaid with interest 150
IX) Purchased Securities 10,000
X) Sold Securities costing 3,000 for 3,500.
6. Prepare an Accounting Equation:
I) Started busines with Cash 50,000
II) Paid salary 5,000 iii) Rent outstanding 1,000
iv) Accrued Interest 1,500
V) Interest on Capital 2,500.
Vi) Bought goods for cash 30,000 and on credit for 50,000
Vii) Goods costing 10,000 sold at a profit of 25%, out of which 7,000 received in cash.
vIii) Purchased a Television for personal use 2,500.
7. Give one transaction for ech of the following:
I) Increase in an asset and increase in liability.
II) Decrease in asset and decrease in liability.
Durgapur Public School
Holiday Homework

➢ Write Practical-1(Compound microscope) and Practical-2(Study of plant

specimens/slides/models) in Practical note book.
➢ Prepare the investigatory project as per assigned
by the teacher.
SKS Group of Institutions
School: Durgapur Public School
Assignment no - 1, May 2023

Class: XI Section: Subject: Chemistry (043)

Name: Roll No.:

The following questions are multiple choice questions with one correct answer. Write the answer in the given

1. Which of the following pair of gases contain the same number of molecules?
a) 16 gm of O2 and 14 gm of N2 b) 6 gm of O2 and 22 gm of N2
c) 22 gm of CO2 and 28 gm of N2 d) 32 gm of CO2 and 32 gm of N2
2. What percent of Oxygen is present in the compound CaCO3. 3Ca3(PO4)2?
a) 23.3% b) 45.36% c) 41.94% d) 17.08%
3. Carbon and oxygen combined to form two oxides CO & CO2. In which the ration of weights of carbon and
oxygen are 12:16 & 12:32 respectively. These figures illustrate the -
a) Law of multiple proportion b) Law of constant proportion
c) Law of reciprocal proportion d) Law of conservation of mass
4. What is the actual weight of one fluorine atom?
a) 19/ NA gram b) 19 gram c) 19.7 gram d) 19 x NA gram

5. The number of atoms in 4.5 gram of NH3 is approximately –

a) 1 x 1023 b) 2 x 1023 c) 4 x 1023 d) 6 x 1023
6. A mixture of gases contain H2 & O2 in the ratio of 1:4 (w/w). What is the molar ratio of the two gases in
the mixture?
a) 16:1 b) 2:1 c) 1:4 d) 4:1
7. Boron has two stable isotopes 5B10 (19%) & 5B11 (81%). The average atomic mass of Boron is -
a) 10.8 b) 10.2 c) 11.2 d) 10.0
Q. no 8 to 10 is Assertion- Reasoning based questions.
These consist of two statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these questions selecting
the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A
b) Both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false
d) A false and R is true

8. Assertion: One atomic mass unit is defined by 1/12 th of the mass of one 12C atom.
Reason: 12C isotope is the most abundant isotope of carbon and has been chosen as standard.
9. Assertion: Atoms can neither be created nor be destroyed.
Reason: Under similar condition of temperature and pressure equal volumes of gases does not contain
equal number of atoms.
10. Assertion: Molecular mass of oxygen is 16.
Reason: Atomic mass of oxygen is 16.

The following questions are very short type questions. Write the answer in the given place below.
11. Write two postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory.
12. Define limiting reagent with example.
13. Differentiate between empirical formula and molecular formula.
14. To prepare 500 ml 2 M aqueous solution of NaCl determine the amount of NaCl is required?
15. Explain the law of definite proportion?

SKS Group of Institutions

1. What are the components of basic computer?

2. Explain the concept of CPU.
3. What is the function of memory? What are its measuring units?
4. What are the various categories of software?
5. What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?
6. What is the need of RAM? How does it differ from ROM?
7. Convert the following decimal number to binary:
i) 16 ii) 100 iii) 34.43 iv) 90.01 v) 50.50
8. What is the use of Hexadecimal number system on computer?
9. What is the concept of octal number system?
10. Convert the following binary number to decimal:
i. (10010.001)2 ii. (101010100.000100)2
11. Convert the following binary number to octal :
i. (10011010.001)2 ii. (101010111100.10100100) 2
12. Convert the following binary number to hexadecimal:
i. (111010110010.10011001)2 ii. (10111111011110100.11000111100) 2
13. Convert the following decimal number to binary:
i. (542.09)10 ii. (212.68)10
14. Convert the following decimal number to octal:
i. (432.105)10 ii. (229.83)10
15. Convert the following decimal number to hexadecimal:
i. (5142.05)10 ii. (1000.001)10
16. Perform binary addition:
i. (110001110.1111 + 10000001111.01010111) 2
Holiday Homework for Class 11 Economics

• Project to be done in science practical file one side ruled and one side plain.
• The file should be neatly covered with white chart paper.
• Minimum 25 pages to be used for main content
• The project should have Acknowledgement, Teacher’s certificate, Declaration,
Questionnaire, Conclusion and Bibliography
• No use of glitter pen, whitener is allowed.
• Relevant pictures should be pasted according to the topic alloted to each.
• Each student has been alloted separate topic.
• Topics for projects are as follows:
• Effect on PPC due to various government policies
• Solar Energy, a cost effective comparison with Conventional energy sources.
• Effect of price change on a substitute good
• Effect of price change on a complementary good.
SKS Group of Institutions
School: Durgapur Public School
Class: XI Subject: English


CH-The Silk Route

 Write an essay in 800-1000 words on the travel story of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
and Mount Kailash you being the author

 Get information of the geological formations of Tamil Nadu , West Bengal and
Mount Kailash
Analyse the height of the geological formations of Tamil Nadu , West Bengal and Mount
Evaluate the tourism industry in brief for the above places

 Comparative study between ancient architectures found in the above places

SESSION: 2023-2024
Class- XI Section: ___________ Subject: Geography (029)
Name: _____________________________________________________ Roll No: _______
Preparation of Laboratory Note Book.

Chapter-1 : Introduction to Maps

SESSION: 2023-2024
Class: XI Subject: History (027)
 Project to be done in Geographical Practical File one side rule and one side plain.
 Use of glitter pen, whitener and double writing not allowed.
 Each student has been allotted separate topic.
 Topics for project are as follows:
 Ancient History in depth: Mesopotamia
 Contributions of Roman Civilization
 The spirit of Renaissance: Manifestation in art; Literature; Sculpture; Influence on Trading
Community; Social Fabric; Philosophy; Political Values; Rational Thinking; Existentialism
 Aspects of Development -South American States and Central American States
 Piecing together the past of Genghis Khan
 Facets of Modernization – China, Japan and Korea
Holiday Assignment
Date: _______________ Time: 40 Minutes
Class- XI Section: ___________ Subject: MATHEMATICS
Name: _______________________________________ Roll No.:___________

Answer the following questions:-

1. The Cartesian product A × A has 9 elements among which are found (–1, 0) and (0,1).
Find the set A and the remaining elements of A × A.

2. Let f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 2x + 1 be two real functions. Find

(f + g) (x), (f –g) (x), (fg) (x), (f/g ) (x)

3. If P = {x : x < 3, x e N}, Q= {x : x≤2,x ∈ W}. Find (P∪ Q) x (P∩ Q), where W is the set of
whole numbers.

4. Given R = {(x,y) : x,y ∈ W, x2 + y2 = 25}. Find the domain and range of R

(1) P.T.O
5. Is the given relation a function? Give reasons for your answer.
h={(4,6), (3,9), (-11,6), (3,11)}

6. If f and g are real functions defined by f( x) = x2 + 7 and g(x) = 3x + 5, find each of the
i. f(3)+g(-5)
ii. f(1/2) x g(14)

7. Find the values of x for which the functions f(x) = 3x2 -1 and g(x) = 3+ x are equal.

Durgapur Public School
Summer Holiday Assignment
Class-XI Section- Subject-Physics
Date- ____________ Time- Topic-
Name- ______________________________________ Roll No.: _____

Write down the following Activities along with the Procedure on a shoe lace file.
1. To make a paper scale of given least count, e.g., 0.2cm, 0.5 cm.
2. To determine mass of a given body using a metre scale by principle of moments.
3. To study dissipation of energy of a simple pendulum by plotting a graph between square
of amplitude and time.
1. To observe change of state and plot a cooling curve for molten wax.
2. To note the change in level of liquid in a container on heating and interpret the
3. To study the effect of detergent on surface tension of water by observing capillary rise
SESSION: 2023-2024
Class: XI Subject: Political Science (028)
 Project to be done in Geographical Practical File one side rule and one side plain.
 Use of glitter pen, whitener and double writing not allowed.
 Each student has been allotted separate topic.
 Topics for project are as follows:
 Making of the Indian Constitution.
 Election process in India.
 Working of the Indian Judiciary System.
 Structures and Roles of Indian Legislature.
 Social Justice: Are ethics followed in Indian politics.
PROJECT Based On C.B.S.E Prescribed Topics for Class: XI


For Project File: Hard Cover Shoe lace File with Practical Sheets (One Side white one
side ruled)

No use of whitener, Green & Red Ink in the project.

Proper & Relevant Pictures to be pasted on the topic & sub-topics.

Project File to be submitted on reopening of school after summer vacation.

No. of Pages: At least 25.

Sequence of pages:

1. Cover page

2. Declaration

3. Acknowledgement

4. Teacher’s Certificate

5. Index

6. Introduction

7. Contents

8. Conclusion

9. Bibliography

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