A Case Study

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Reading this passage about disruptive innovation in education has left me with
a few thoughts and questions.

First, it's interesting to see how disruption is often seen as a negative force.
People generally prefer to avoid disruptions and stick to their routines. But when it
comes to education, disruption can actually be a positive force for change and
improvement. It can transform the traditional and often outdated practices in
education into something more innovative, accessible, and affordable.

I'm curious about the term "disruptive innovation" and how it applies to
education. The passage mentions Clayton Christensen and his colleagues' theory of
disruptive innovation. I wonder what specific examples of disruptive innovation in
education they provide, other than the Apple II computer. Are there any other
technologies or practices that have had a disruptive impact on education?

I also find it interesting that the passage discusses the potential negative
effects of technology integration in education. It mentions the "digital worksheet"
phenomenon, where educational software and online learning experiences offer
repetitive and decontextualized learning experiences. This raises the question of how
we can ensure that technology integration in education is done in a meaningful and
effective way. What are some best practices for integrating technology into the
classroom to enhance learning outcomes?

Finally, the passage emphasizes the importance of effective pedagogy in

conjunction with technology integration. It suggests that technology should be seen as
a supplement to good teaching rather than a replacement for teachers. I'm curious
about the ways in which technology can enhance and support effective teaching
practices. How can teachers leverage technology to create interactive and
participatory learning environments?
Overall, this reading has made me think about the potential of disruptive
innovation in education and the importance of thoughtful and intentional technology
integration. I'm excited to explore more about this topic and see how it relates to other
readings I've had about education.

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