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Virtual Orientation on Online Sexual Exploitation to First Year College

Theme: We gender equality and inclusive society

7:30-9:00 Opening Program

National Anthem
WPU Hymn

Welcome Remarks Ma. Lourdes O. Marzo

VP for Academic Affairs
Message Julie Hope Timotea P. Evina
University President
9:00-11:00 Mr. John Christian E. Claros
Ms. Christine S. Garobo
11:00-12:00 Open Forum
Giving of certificate of Appreciation
Closing remarks Dr. Sheila Lou G. Pili
GAD Focal Person

Welcome back, participants! I hope that all of you enjoyed your lunch. SO how are
you? Are you excited?

In a few minutes we will start our program, so please make yourself comfortable. just
a few reminders, You are encouraged to open your camera and of course we would
like to seek your cooperation in completing this orientation.


Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to the “Virtual Orientation on Online Sexual

Exploitation for the First Year College students with the theme, "We gender equality
and inclusive society." I am Ms. Karen Salve M. Maute, your host for today, and I am
honored to guide you through this significant event.

To begin with, let us all pause for a moment of reflection and invoke the guidance
and blessings of the Almighty as we begin this virtual orientation with an invocation.
Followed by the singing of the National Anthem.

(After National Anthem) Thank you everyone, please be seated.

Today's orientation aims to educate and raise awareness among the students about
the dangers of online sexual exploitation, promote gender equality, and create an
inclusive society.
Before we start, please ensure that your microphones and cameras are turned off to
avoid any interruptions during the program. We will be having a question-and-answer
portion at the end of the orientation, so feel free to prepare your questions.

Well now, to formally start this program, I would like to call on our esteemed Vice
President for Academic Affairs, Dr. MA. Lourdes O. MArzo, to give us welcome
remarks, please give her a virtual applause.

(After opening remarks) Thank you so much Dr. Marzo for setting the tone for this
orientation with your inspiring words. We truly appreciate the insights you have
shared with us.

At this point, It is my pleasure to introduce to you our first speaker. Please join me in
welcoming Sir John Christian E. Claros “sir Chan, an advocate for gender equality,
and the prevention of online sexual exploitation. He is a Registered Social Worker
and currently a Social Work Faculty Member of the College of Arts and Sciences in
- His former professional engagements include governmental and non-profit
organizations where he employed social work practice in the micro to macro level.
- during His spare time, he focuses on ministerial works
- He actively volunteers as Designated Child Protection Officer to one of the
Compassion International Philippines project site in Narra, Palawan.

Thank you so much sir Chan. Wow, that presentation is so so fascinating and
informative. We learned so much about the SEC forms and different types of OSEC
as well as the alarming, dramatic situations we have here in the Philippines.
Everyone, we need to work together to End this Online Sexual Exploitation of

Following Sir Chan, we will also be joined by another speaker:

- she is a Graduate of AB Economics in Ateneo de Manila University and Master of

Social Work in UP Open University 🎓

- Prior to joining the academe, she has served with various international NGOs to
ensure that "everyone's rights are protected" and "no one is left behind"
-She is an Advocate of sustainable development and of both women and child


And you know what, she Enjoys making short stories for and with children 😍
Now, She is assigned as the chairperson of Social Work department of this university

at Puerto Princesa campus 📝

Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming Maam Christine Sumagaysay-
Garobo or we can call her Mam Tin
Please give her a warm welcome. as we begin this exciting orientation of learning
and inspiration.

(After the talk) Wow, that presentation is amazing and interesting. Thank you mam
tin for giving us this very timely presentation. Well everyone, we can do something,
tulad ng repairman, because of having concerns to the victims, inireport nia ung
foreigner. Guys, we need to work together to STOP this OSEC. With the tagline
mentioned kanina, Lets END OSEC now.

Sir Chan and Mam tin. Thank you so much for providing us with valuable insights
into how we can protect children from online sexual exploitation. Thank you for that
informative and inspiring talk.

Now, we will proceed to the question-and-answer portion. Dear students, you are
encouraged to ask questions, come on, this is your chance to clarify things about
OSEC. If you have any questions or concerns, please type them in the chatbox. Our
speakers will answer as many questions as we can.

[Question and Answer Portion]

Thank you to all our speakers and participants for your valuable input and questions.
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a round of applause to our speakers,
Sir Chan and Mam tin for sharing their insights and expertise with us today. Thank
you again for a truly informative presentation.

As a token of our appreciation, we would like to present you with this certificate,
which recognizes your outstanding contribution to our orientation.
Allow me to read the content,…

At this moment, may we call on Dr. Shiela Lou Pili, our GAD focal person.

Before we conclude, let me remind everyone to always be cautious when using the
internet, protect our personal information, and avoid engaging in any forms of online
sexual exploitation. We must also be advocates for gender equality, and create an
inclusive society where everyone feels safe and respected.

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