Ember Techs

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Quick tech list:

Bolster: When you BOLSTER, you use your mech’s formidable processing power to
enhance another character’s systems. To BOLSTER, choose a character within SENSORS.
They receive +2ACC on the next skill check or save they make between now and the
end of their next turn. Characters can only benefit from one BOLSTER at a time.

When you SCAN, you use your mech’s powerful sensors to perform a deep scan on an
enemy. To SCAN, choose a character or object within SENSORS and line of sight, then
ask the GM for one of the following pieces of information, which the GM must answer
• Your target’s weapons, systems, and full statistics (HP, SPEED, EVASION, ARMOR,
MECH SKILLS, and so on).
• One piece of hidden information about the target, such as confidential cargo or
data, current mission, the identity of the pilot, and so on.
• Generic or public information about the target that can be pulled from an info
bank or records, such as the model number of a mech.
Any information gathered is only current at the time of the SCAN – if the target
later takes damage, for instance, you don’t receive an update.

Lock On
When you LOCK ON, you digitally mark a target, lighting them up for your teammates’
targeting systems and exposing weak points. To LOCK ON, choose a character within
SENSORS and line of sight. They gain the LOCK ON condition. Any character making an
attack against a character with LOCK ON may choose to gain +1ACC on that attack and
then clear the LOCK ON condition after that attack resolves. This is called
consuming LOCK ON.

When you INVADE, you mount a direct electronic attack against a target. To INVADE,
make a tech attack against a character within SENSORS and line of sight. On a
success, your target takes 2 HEAT and you choose one of the INVASION options
available to you. You can also INVADE willing allied characters to create certain
effects. If your target is willing and allied, you are automatically successful, it
doesn’t count as an attack, and your target doesn’t take any heat.

Invade Options:

FRAGMENT SIGNAL: You feed false information, obscene messages, or phantom signals
to your target’s computing core. They become IMPAIRED and SLOWED until the end of
their next turn.

PUPPET SYSTEM: Your target moves its maximum Speed in a direction of your choice.
They can be moved into hazardous areas and other obstacles, but are still affected
by difficult terrain, obstructions, and so on. This movement is involuntary, but
provokes reactions and Engagement as normal and doesn’t count as Knockback,
pushing, or pulling.

EJECT POWER CORES: Your target becomes Jammed until the end of their next turn as
you temporarily disrupt their systems, ejecting ammo magazines and cooling rods.
Characters adjacent to your target take 2 energy damage. This can only be used
1/scene on each character.

Extra Quick Techs:

CONSTRUCT OTHER: IDEAL IMAGE: You create a data construct in a free adjacent space
– a Size 2 object that can look like almost anything and that appears real to all
systems. The construct provides hard cover, blocks line of sight, and has Immunity
to all damage. Characters treat it as an obstruction and so cannot voluntarily move
into it; however, if a character attempts to stand on it or is involuntarily moved
into its area, it dissipates and is immediately destroyed. It lasts for the rest of
the scene, or until destroyed by an adjacent character with a successful Systems
skill check as a full action. If you create a second construct, the previous one


QUICK TECH: Choose a free space within Sensors and a target – either yourself or an
allied character within Sensors. You create a false idol – an illusory decoy of
your target – in the chosen space. Before attempting to take any hostile actions
against your target, characters with line of sight to the false idol must make a
Systems save. On a failure, they don’t lose the action, but cannot target the
original character and believe the false idol is real instead until the end of
their next turn.
The false idol is the same Size as your target, can benefit from cover, and has
Evasion 10, E-Defense 10, and 1 HP. It disappears if it takes heat or damage, or at
the end of the scene. If you create a second idol, the previous one disappears.

IMPRISON: Make a tech attack against a hostile character. On a success, the target
takes 4 heat and is Immobilized until the end of their next turn. Each target can
be affected 1/Scene

PERSECUTE: A hostile character in Sensors must pass a Systems save. On a failure,

attacks against them gain +1 accuracy and ignore all difficulty and Invisible. This
effect lasts until an attack misses them, or they pass a Systems save as a full
action. Otherwise, it lasts until they are destroyed, or the end of the scene. Each
target can be affected 1/Scene

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