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OPINION Pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock
Pietro Bertini and Fabio Guarracino

Purpose of review
We describe the pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock (CS), from the main pathways to the inflammatory
mechanisms and the proteomic features.
Recent findings
Although the classical pathophysiological pathways underlying CS, namely reduced organ perfusion due to
inadequate cardiac output and peripheral vasoconstriction, have been well-established for a long time, the
role of macro-and micro-hemodynamics in the magnitude of the disease and its prognosis has been
investigated extensively only over the last few years. Moreover, to complete the complex picture of CS
pathophysiology, the study of cytokine cascade, inflammation, and proteomic analysis has been addressed
Understanding the pathophysiology of CS is important to treat it optimally.
cardiogenic shock, coupling, elastance, heart failure, pathophysiology

INTRODUCTION also representing increased afterload. The situation

Cardiogenic shock (CS) is characterized by periph- is complicated by pathological vasodilation due to
eral vasoconstriction and critical end-organ damage systemic inflammation triggered by altered tissue
caused by inadequate cardiac output (CO) and oxy- perfusion and acute heart injury. Tachycardia is
gen delivery (DO2) [1]. In general, CS involves a frequently associated and is usually assumed to be
substantial reduction in myocardial contractility, an important compensatory mechanism for the fall
which can lead to a potentially harmful spiral of in SV.
decreased CO, low blood pressure (BP), and further
coronary ischemia, both of these can lead to further
contractility reductions and multiple organ failure.
This loop has the potential to end in death (Fig. 1). The classic pathogenic process is myocardial tissue
Identification of the underlying cause can damage following a significant acute myocardial
enable the initiation of specific pharmacological infarction (AMI) leading to extreme left ventricular
or mechanical therapies after hemodynamic resus- dysfunction [3]. Although etiologies vary, the
citation and stabilization. A current registry indi- pathophysiology of CS involves many distinct but
cated that up to 81% of patients with CS have an overlapping components: an initial cardiac insult
underlying acute coronary syndrome (ACS) [2]. that decreases CO, central hemodynamic alterations
Therefore, ACS should be the subject of initial diag- (including changes in the interaction between pres-
nostic testing for patients with risk factors for coro- sure and volume with elevated left ventricle (LV)
nary artery disease, and such testing should include
an ECG within 10 min of presentation. Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Department
It is now well known that CS can contribute to of Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliero Univer-
sitaria Pisana, Pisa, Italy
both acute and subacute derangements of the entire
Correspondence to Fabio Guarracino, MD, Department of Anesthesia
circulatory system along with the peripheral vascu-
and Critical Care Medicine, Cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia and
lature. Hypoperfusion of the extremities and vital intensive care, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, Via Paradisa 2,
organs is also common. If the inciting event is 56123 Pisa, Italy. Tel: +39 050995244;
ineffective stroke volume (SV), then peripheral vaso- e-mail: f.guarracino@ao-pisa.toscana.it
constriction can maintain tissue perfusion pressure Curr Opin Crit Care 2021, 27:409–415
to improve coronary and peripheral perfusion while DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000853

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. www.co-criticalcare.com

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cardiogenic shock

cause an acute deterioration of cardiac compensa-

KEY POINTS tion evolving to CS. Worse outcomes are described
 Cardiogenic shock is characterized by peripheral in patients with noncardiovascular precipitating
vasoconstriction and critical end-organ damage caused factors [9].
by inadequate stroke volume and oxygen delivery. As a consequence of an acute decrease of LV
contractility, CO is reduced leading to an acute
 A substantial reduction in myocardial contractility
reduction of BP and subsequent increase in LV
triggers the cardiogenic shock syndrome.
end-diastolic pressure [10]. Hypotension induces a
 Systemic inflammatory activation and reduced vascular compensatory vasoconstriction that functionally
tone can alter the classic hemodynamic features of low shifts blood volume into the circulating compart-
CO and peripheral vasoconstriction. ment contributing to elevations in cardiac filling
 Plumbing and understanding the pathophysiology on a pressures thus altering ventricular-arterial coupling
case-by-case basis is of paramount importance to (VAC) [10,11]. The systemic vasoconstriction ulti-
appropriately manage the syndrome. mately causes an increased afterload and reduced
myocardial performance. This results in a critical
reduction in DO2 to the peripheral tissues and
eventually the heart itself [1].
and right ventricle (RV) filling pressures), microcir- Alterations in tissue microcirculation have
culatory instability, a systemic inflammatory reac- also been linked to 30-day mortality and temporal
tion, and organ dysfunction [4 ]. These events can changes in sepsis-related organ failure assessment
be considered temporal CS stages, and each of these scores that can be improved with mechanical
stages can be delayed depending on the severity of circulatory support (MCS) [12]. A critical reduction
the initial cardiac insult and/or early implementa- in cardiac power output (CPO ¼ CO  BP) is a
tion of therapies [5]. Furthermore, in patients with marker of extreme LV dysfunction, and a fall in
chronic heart failure (CHF), precipitating factors [6– CPO below 0.53 W is a robust indicator of bad
8] like arrhythmias or respiratory infection may outcome [13].

Pathophysiology and progression of cardiogenic shock

Myocardial Dysfunction

Systolic Diastolic

↓ Cardiac Output
↓ Stroke Volume ↑ LVEDP
(compensatory tachycardia)

↓ Systemic Perfusion


↓ Coronary perfusion

Compensatory Ischemia
essiive Myocardial


FIGURE 1. Pathophysiology and progression of cardiogenic shock.

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Pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock Bertini and Guarracino

THE ROLE OF THE RIGHT VENTRICLE Since the microcirculatory network is flow-
The RV does not effectively tolerate acute increases dependent, the reduction in CO and elevated vas-
in afterload because it is a ‘volume pump’ rather cular tone is likely to decrease capillary responsive-
than a ‘pressure pump.’ RV dysfunction either due ness resulting in cellular hypoxia [18].
to primary contractile dysfunction or secondary Even in extreme hypoxia, however, mitochon-
preload/afterload imbalance may be primarily drial viability and function are maintained for many
responsible for CS (e.g., acute pulmonary embolism, hours, and animal models show that mitochondrial
isolated primary tricuspid regurgitation, and RV function is initially up-regulated to meet metabolic
cardiomyopathy). RV dysfunction may also lead demand [19]. Modifications in the erythrocyte nitric
to CS in combination with left-sided pathologies oxide (NO) biology of stored blood can lead to
(e.g., inferior wall myocardial infarction-related vasoconstriction, platelet accumulation, and inade-
RV infarction, extreme pulmonary hype). CS can quate oxygen supply; transfusions may also contrib-
manifest with or without pulmonary hypertension ute to inflammation [20,21].
during severe RV dysfunction [4 ].
By day 2 post-CS onset, clinically overt inflam-
RV failure results in effects primarily attributed mation is seen in 20–40% of CS patients, which may
to ‘venous congestion.’ Because of low venous resis- result in an initially low systemic vascular resistance
tance, the driving pressure for venous return to the (SVR) [22]. Immediately after the initiation of CS,
RV is low (around 5 mm Hg), but it must be main- elevated levels of cytokines (interleukin-1, 6, 7, 8
tained in RV congestion by a proportionate rise in and 10) are observed with levels correlating to early
venous pressure. To sustain venous return in CS, an mortality [22]. Local causes that promote vasodila-
abrupt increase in right atrial pressure to 15 mm Hg tion include NO-mediated pathological vasodila-
necessitates a tissue venous pressure close to 20 mm tion, dysglycemia, and an abrupt rise in advanced
Hg. By lowering the perfusion pressure gradient glycation end-products—both of these are related to
(systemic artery pressure – venous organ pressure), an elevated risk of death [3,23]. Unfortunately, anti-
this backpressure in organs significantly impairs cytokine or anti NO therapies have not proved
their perfusion [14]. Therefore, insufficient forward successful in CS.
blood flow accounts for end-organ perfusion deficits A sub-analysis of the CULPRIT-SHOCK study
in combination with elevated venous pressures in a highlighted an important and independent corre-
compromised RV. Eventually, the interventricular lation between the variables of microcirculatory
septum is displaced into the left ventricular perfusion and the combined clinical outcome of
space because RV failure results in RV dilatation 30-day all-cause death and renal replacement ther-
compromising LV filling and contributing to sub- apy especially in patients with a lack of hemody-
endocardial ischemia whose persistence can further namic coherence between macrocirculation and

exacerbate systemic hypoperfusion. The detection microcirculation [24 ]. Although it is tempting

of a pulsatility index of the pulmonary artery < 0.9 to approach the microcirculation in CS, its reaction
identifies a significant loss of RV function [15]. to therapeutic stimuli is often dissociated from
structural consequences; interventions aimed at
normalizing the microcirculation in CS have been
Microcirculatory dysfunction is present early in CS ACUTE EXACERBATION OF CHRONIC
patients [5]. It is associated with the development of HEART FAILURE
multiorgan failure and predicts worse outcomes in Between 5% and 12% of ACS cases are complicated
patients with CS complicating AMI [12]. Global by CS. Mechanical complications (including papil-
hypoperfusion induces systemic inflammation lead- lary muscle rupture, ventricular septal defect, or free
ing to a substantial NO-mediated vasodilation and a wall rupture) have traditionally been known to be
significant decrease in SVR [16,17]. Additional sys- late complications but are usually present within
temic inflammatory mediators that induce vasodi- 24 h of hospitalization [27,28]. For such diagnoses, a
lation include interleukins and tumor necrosis high index of suspicion and rapid echocardiography
factor-alpha [3]. Regardless of the mechanism, these is needed.
inflammatory mediators counteract certain aspects Chronic HF may be present in an acute decom-
of the neurohormones resulting in a reduction in pensated state and can account for up to 30% of
SVR and potential for venodilation, both of these cases of CS [29]. These patients have also experi-
can decrease BP and perpetuate the unfavorable enced a decrease in the stability of the condition or
downward spiral of CS. have weak adherence to guideline-based treatments

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Cardiogenic shock

Table 1. Conditions unrelated to myocardial ischemia that hibernation, stunning or insufficient cardioprotec-
can precipitate cardiogenic shock tion), systemic vasodilation, or any of these condi-
tions [48].
Severe valve disease
About 20–30% of CS cases are complicated by
Pericardial tamponade
infection [49].
Acute myocarditis
Multiorgan dysfunction in sepsis or septic shock
Left ventricle outflow tract obstruction is the result of both macro-hemodynamic altera-
Takotsubo syndrome tions and microcirculatory dysfunction and por-
Postpartum cardiomyopathy &&
tends a poor prognosis [4 ,50,51]. Myocardial
Arrhythmias depression is a well-recognized factor contributing
Postcardiotomy syndrome to the hemodynamic alteration in septic patients
Sepsis [52] and characterizes septic cardiomyopathy. Sev-
Tumors eral myocardial depressant factors have been iden-
tified including inflammation and pathogen-
associated factors. However, a key pathophysiologi-
that may cause their chronic disease to worsen cal element seems to be endothelial dysfunction
acutely. The hemodynamic status and neurohor- caused by increased endothelial permeability
monal sensibility are often strikingly different, related to inflammation and leading to cardiomyo-
and thus the care of patients with chronic HF pre- cyte edema and dysfunction [53 ]. Moreover, mech-
senting in CS will vary significantly from the treat- anisms related to altered NO metabolism, oxidative
ment of other forms of CS. Vasoconstrictor stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, autonomic dys-
substances such as angiotensin II, endothelin-1, regulation, and abnormal calcium trafficking have
and norepinephrine are frequently profoundly up- all been considered to play a role [52].
regulated in HF patients [30,31]. Microcirculatory injury in the intestinal barrier
contributes to increased bacterial translocation, and
the gut tends to be one of the first organs to be
OTHER FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO affected by shock [54,55]. Lipopolysaccharide
CARDIOGENIC SHOCK (endotoxins) produced by gram-negative bacteria
Other conditions can destabilize and exacerbate CS enter the bloodstream and lead to the development
(Table 1). Advanced valvular heart disease and pros- and inflammation of cytokines [50] thus precipitat-
thetic dysfunction can present as CS mainly if they ing hemodynamics until multiorgan failure [56].
were previously undetected or under-monitored Moreover, cardio-depressant sedatives (e.g., propo-
though this is becoming less likely as echocardio- fol), antiarrhythmics, beta-blockers, improper use of
graphic techniques and surveillance have improved diuretics, and excessive volume loading in RV shock
[32–34]. Paradoxically, in acute myocarditis, the are all iatrogenic causes that may lead to a cardio-
sickest patients on presentation have the best chan- vascular malfunction in CS [4 ,57].
ces of recovery particularly in younger groups [35].
Rapid identification of the clinical syndrome and
prompt activation of aggressive hemodynamic sup- THE CROSS-TALK BETWEEN THE HEART
port may be crucial for survival [36–38]. AND THE CIRCULATION
Stress-induced cardiomyopathy or Takotsubo Bedside pressure–volume (PV) measurement has
syndrome is increasingly known, and it has been increasingly been used in clinical practice to better
associated with CS and can involve MCS although it explain the pathophysiology of CS and customize its
sometimes presents with mild cardiovascular com- treatment [58].
promise. The LV dysfunction is usually transient in The PV loop is contained within the constraints of
this syndrome [39–41]. the end-systolic and end-diastolic pressure-volume
Circulatory collapse may also be caused by relationships (ESPVR and EDPVR) (Fig. 2A). The ESPVR
hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism [42,43]. Car- shifts downward and rightward when a rapid drop in
diac disorders associated with pregnancy including ventricular contractility occurs. BP (reduced height of
both peripartum cardiomyopathy and acute coro- the PV loop), SV (reduced width of the PV loop), and
nary dissection can present as CS. Numerous addi- CO are all automatically and greatly reduced as a result
tional causes of CS have been identified, but these of this decrease (Fig. 2B). Elevations of LV end-diastolic
usually occur only in < 1% of patients [44,45]. pressure and PCWP may also be seen.
Postcardiotomy shock affects 2–6% of patients The slope of the ESPVR is called LV elastance
who have undergone cardiac surgery [46,47]. This (Elv) and can be assimilated to LV contractility. The
may be due to poor CO (resulting in myocardial slope of the line connecting end-systolic volume/

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Pathophysiology of cardiogenic shock Bertini and Guarracino

FIGURE 2. Pressure/volume loop. A: Normal pressure-volume loop (EDPVR, end diastolic pressure-volume relationship; ESPVR,
end systolic pressure-volume relationship; SV, stroke volume). B: Pressure volume loop in Cardiogenic Shock.

pressure points in the PV plane and end-diastolic change in the venous pressure-volume curve, which
volume/zero pressure points is called the arterial functionally moves blood from an unstressed to a
elastance (Ea) and is correlated with afterload. The stressed compartment thus increasing functional
relationship between Ea and Elv is called VAC circulating blood volume and raising central and
(Fig. 3), and its value is near unity in physiologic
conditions. In acutely altered hemodynamic
states, however, reduction of contractility and/or
increase in afterload lead to VAC augmentation
and increased myocardial oxygen consumption
The utility of VAC assessment in the acute CS
state still needs to be explored. However, our expe-
rience on the bedside assessment of VAC in septic
shock patients [61] and in tracking and predicting
hemodynamic responses to treatment [62] suggests
that research on the bedside assessment of elastan-
ces and VAC in CS is advocated. Assessing the heart-
circulation interaction allows a deep understanding
of the pathophysiology behind the data obtained
from the hemodynamic monitoring and supports
management and reassessment.
Baroreceptors sense decreases in BP and cause
efferent autonomic nerve fibers to release epineph-
rine from the adrenal glands. These factors boost
heart rate (CO), increase cardiac contractility, and FIGURE 3. Ventriculo-arterial coupling. Ea, arterial
cause systemic vasoconstriction. elastance; Elv, ventricular elastance; ESP, end systolic
Venoconstriction is also a crucial component in pressure; SV, stroke volume; V0, volume at theoretical zero
the pathophysiology of CS. It induces a leftward pressure; VAC, ventriculo-arterial coupling.

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Cardiogenic shock

pulmonary venous pressures. Furthermore, these Conflicts of interest

effects result in further rightward movements of F.G. has received speaker fees and consultancy honoraria
the PV loop, elevated BP, and negligible effects on from Amomed, Baxter, Edwards, Masimo, Orion
the CO. CO at this point is more subject to increases Pharma, and Teleflex
driven by heart rate increment [10]. For the remaining author, none were declared.
Remodeling is driven by persistent neurohormonal
activation and elevated filling pressures and is charac-
terized by progressive increases in LV size and reduc- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
tions in function. In the PV plane, remodeling READING
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have
manifests as rightward shifts of both the ESPVR and been highlighted as:
the EDPVR and is expressed in CHF’s global changes in & of special interest
&& of outstanding interest
LV size, structure, and function (Fig. 3C) [63].
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